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Letha Trygg
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Ravaryn Citizen
Letha Trygg
Letha Trygg
Letha Trygg Pexels-photo-1438761.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=pexels-ruvim-miksanskiy-1438761
Letha Trygg 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f577675435832635752396f364c413d3d2d3731373930353332302e313539343337366336373966356136303236393430333439333537342e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Mage
Occupation: herbalist

Letha Trygg
"The boat is safer anchored at the port, but that is not the aim of boats."
Gender female
Age 24
Species Mage
Magic Dark magic
Religion the Odirian deities
Occupation herbalist
P.O.B Norwyn, Ravaryn
Residence Sleetspire,Ravaryn
Height 1,77
Build slender
Hair color drown
Hair texture wavy
Eye Color hazel
Skin Tone tanned


Her hair is almost never braided. She dislikes most of the hairstyles. Prefers, feeling the wind in her locks so most of the time her hair is just let free, but when working, reading or cooking she braids only the locks that get in her face from right and left.

Prefers a pair of pants and loose shirts but since, it's not ladylike and she tries her best to be a proper lady, most of the time is with a dress. Like cold colors. Her favorite is blue. Most of the time looks calm and collected. Not to smile and happy, nor grumpy and cold. Purfect balance.

Has a scar which starts around her wrist and slither down to her palm and upper palm like a snake. She got it when she was younger, trying to help in her father's ship from a rope Letha wrapped around her hand.
Constellation the Empress
Alignment Lawful Neutral

brave, loyal, honest, stubborn, calm, proud, loves nature, loves the sea, adventurist

First, she is loyal to those important to her. She loves her family and deeply value blood relations as well, as those who proved to be friends to her. So she will do anything to save or help them.

On the other hand, she strongly believes in honor and honesty. She has her own meaning for justice and tries to follow it. Always trying to be authentic to herself and others. Truth is better then anything. Time spend being someone you are not is a lost time. Yet, if this is the only way she could help family or friend would do it.

Highly values nature. Especially the sea! Very adventuristic.
Family Tree


father Duncan Bleyth
mother Santiria Bleyth


Brother  Ash Bleyth (older, deceased)
Sister Amery Bleyth (younger)


Aunts & Uncles -
Cousins -
Magic type Dark magic
Expertise Healing/Medicine

Letha discovers the world of magic from Erek. She is amazed by the dark magic and as a curious person wants to learn more and more. For now, she only practices healing through it, however it's been just few years and could heal just little small things like a bruise, cuts, maybe some mild illnesses like a cold. But she do like practicing and as a stubborn person spend every free second when it's save. Finds it also as a great way learning more about the herbs and really helps her lighting different dry plants depending what she want to heal. Most of the time, it's easier for her to heal through some kind of liquid. For example a tea, some kind of potion that's enchanted or gel. This also helps her cover the magic part.

Letha Bleyth is born in a family living just outside the city. For her father, being just on the edge of things was a real power. Listening to people's thoughts, observing their moves. Information is the most valuable assets he said to her and her siblings not once.  Especially for a criminal. Duncan Bleyth was a sailor by heart and a greedy person. Best combination when it comes to robing people. Since Letha remembered herself, her father always had something to hide. Something to keep from the world of justice. Most people were like this, right? Besides, her father always told her life is not fair , why should they be. One of the best fishermen around. And twice as good pirate. But his crimes were mainly towards other small sailors and he never did it personally. No, he had people for this.

Letha saw her father as a role model and from a young age tried to copy him in everything! From his language, clothes and way he handle things. She even found herself learning to sail his little ship. Yet, her father saw things differently. His focus was on his first born son. Ash was trained from a little boy to sail side by side with his father. Think like him. Walk and talk like him. There was no room for a girl in the cold sea.
Yet, this never made Letha give up on trying proving to him.

Years passed by, and her father's dirty business wasn't safe anymore. So the family made a great decision to escape future problems. They moved to Sleetspire. New life! But with the new location came trouble. How to be a fisherman, or a pirate without water? Ash became a soldier under Erek Trygg command as a way to earn some money for the family. But just one year after this new position, her brother found his death. Duncan, furious started blaming Erek. One night, after few drinks he and his wife came up with a plan. Plant a little mole for themselves so that one day, they could revenger for their son!

Erek Trygg met Letha in a very well orchestrated robbery. 15 y.o. Letha little bit beaten up, her clothes all dirty. This, plus the story she told - her family died from unknown illness an year ago, the young girl tried her best to survive in this cold world without money, food or roof over her head. Easy target for anyone on the street. Trygg took her under his wing and from this day onwards she kept playing her role waiting for her father's orders. But time changed a lot in life and Letha started seeing her new father as a true parent making her mission harder and harder with every day.
- loves sailing! loves swimming!
Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:25 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Letha Trygg XuTWurPc_o
Letha Trygg MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Let faith decide
Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:01 pm
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