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Nerys Trygg
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Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg Naamlo10
Nerys Trygg 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

Nerys Trygg
how can emptyness be this heavy?
Gender female
Age 19
Species sorcerer
Magic divination
Religion the odirian deities
Occupation being a bad bitch
P.O.B Norwyn
Residence Norwyn
Height 156cm
Build slender but muscular
Hair color blonde
Hair texture straight
Eye Colorpale blue
Skin Tone pale


One of the first things you might notice about Nerys is her hair. It's a pale blonde, almost platinum color if the sunlight hits her hair just right. This, together with her eyes as pale as the cracks in a frozen lake and a skin to match the color of the snow she looks almost unhealthy pale. If she would live in Xaila she would stand out, burn alive probably, but because everyone in Ravaryn is a bit paler makes it less unhealthy looking. Her cheeks and nose are a bit red from the cold which will give her some color on her face.

Nerys has thin, pale scars all over her fingers and most of her arms from her birds of prey. You can only see when you're really paying attention and even then you wouldn't see most of them because she is very pale and her skin is almost as pale as her scars.

Constellation the vulture
Alignment chaotic neutral

stubborn, cunning, proud, smart, loyal, determined, arrogant

If you came across Nerys in the streets you would think she was spoiled. She holds her head high, her clothes are nice and there's this look in her eyes that tell you to be careful and watch your words. Her sister is the governess of Norwyn and that is something she is not afraid of using against you. If you look through that mask though, you will see that she is just a young girl that's insecure of who she is and what she's meant to do. Most of her free time is either spend with her birds or her pet fox, Calix, but other than that there's not much for her to do.

She was walks exploring the forest, bloody knuckles, broken noses, fortune cookies, snowstorms, built up anger, wild seas, falling stars, new moons, spicy food, broken mirrors and shards of glass, she was frostbite, hypothermia and flying.

Family Tree


father Mortem Rizal
mother Lagertha Trygg


Half Brother Ve Trygg
Half Sister Rán Trygg


Aunts & Uncles Ether Rizal
Magic type sorcery
Expertise divination

Nerys can see small, short glimpses of the future in bones. Her magic is still unpredictable and uncontrollable, but she can trigger her magic. One of the reasons why Nerys has birds of prey is to hunt with. When Nerys has fresh animal (or human) bones and she rolls them in her hands, the sounds the bones make can trigger the visions. The bigger and fresher the animal, the better the vision.

She does not master this yet which leads to frustration and sometimes a blockage, making her unable to see the future or to see anything at all for a few minutes.  

Nerys was an accident. Her father had an one night stand with her mother, Lagertha Trygg, after her husband had passed away. ‘Passed away’ looking @ you Rán. Because it was an one night stand her father didn’t know that he had a daughter. He still doesn’t. Her mother has been trying to steer her away from coming in contact with the Rizal’s since the day she was born.

Around the age of seven she had her first ‘daydream’ as she calls them. Short moments where she sees things that might happen in the future. A snowstorm, the way dust dances in the sunlight through the window. Simple things she would see again a day or a week later. Those moments usually happened when they had meat on the bone for dinner and the bones fell on the plates, clean of meat. Those sounds triggered something in the back of her brain and showed her her 'daydreams'.

At ten she got her first bird, a pygmy falcon. He died after only a few days because the winds in Norwyn were too cold for the animal. Nerys took this as an oppertunity to skin the animal and use it's bones to test a theory that had been brewing in the back of her mind. Using it's bones in an attemt to trigger her 'daydreams', but it was no succes. The bones were too small and she couldn't see a thing. It was the first time her magic had backlashed, not wanting to be forced without the proper education. Nerys went blind for a few minutes because of this.

When she was about fifteen years old she found an injured fox pup and took it home to nurse it back to health. It gave her something to do after all. Slowly but surely the fox became better, but instead of returning back to the wild the animal stayed with Nerys and she named him Calix. Ever since then she takes him hunting with her birds and he retrieves the prey for her like a dog would do. Sometimes she carries him around her shoulders as a scarf to keep herself warm.

Now she's nineteen years old and not much has changed.

>Nerys owns serveral birds of prey
>she carries small bones in her pocket at all times
>she does not know who her father is
>she hates lycanthropes and wants to turn them into rugs : ) (maybe owns a couple already, who knows?) (and maybe her halfbrother too?)
>prefers reindeer to ride instead of (most)horses
>has a fox named Calix that she brings with her when she goes hunting
>loyal to her sister even though they don't have the best relationship
Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:09 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Nerys Trygg XuTWurPc_o
Nerys Trygg MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Jul 14, 2022 4:23 pm
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