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Waiting for the Night
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Waiting for the Night JimtOMm
Waiting for the Night F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

It had been a long time since he had visited his family's estate. It had been, what, months? Maybe a bit less, but since his newfound position of High Priest he had spent most of his time at the Church. There was nothing for him here except awkward conversations and stares at people he regarded as family. But still, it was his duty as the eldest of the family. While both his parents were still alive, they were definitely in not that great kind of health anymore. Which meant that sooner than later, he needed to take care of more than just the sheeple of Ashmoor.

With a heavy thud the door behind him fell shut. He stared into the grand hallway of the estate, with two stairs on either side of the hall curling high to the first floor. The servants bowed, taking his coat. He waited for them to move along, for no particular reason at all. Soon, the people still present at this estate would know he would have arrived. He reminded himself it was just a simple dinner. Then he would take his leave back to Renestrae's arms again. He simply waited until one of them would arrive. Somewhere deep down, he liked dramatic entrances.
Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:08 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
Waiting for the Night E8q58DG
Waiting for the Night 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
The Aphelion estate had slowly become her home. It was nothing like the Howard estate, except for the gloomy feeling she had when she entered. The Howard estate had been filled with elegant and neutral colours, beautifully crafted furniture and well-looked-after plants. It seemed almost like a dream compared to the Aphelion mansion. The hallways in her current home were dark and displayed an almost  precarious grace. It was no wonder Vivienne had grown so accustomed to it.

Tonight it wouldn't just be her and her adoptive parents at the dinner table. Most of the time even they didn't eat together, to be truthful. On this day she would be joined by not just her brother Ketiga, but Alpha was expected to join too. It had been ages since the three siblings had been together in one room. Alpha spent most of his days in the church and Ketiga... well Ketiga had other 'projects' he was working on.

A knock resounded on her door. Speak of the- "My lady? There is a guest downstairs." A sigh rolled off her perfect lips before she stood up and straightened her black gown. As she appeared at the top of the grand stairs her pale eyes spotted the tall figure. Of course he was waiting here. "Alpha." She greeted him, briefly raising a brow at him. Had he expected an welcoming committee?

Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:41 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
Waiting for the Night PM7s1T0
Waiting for the Night D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

He had been inside the house as well. The apothecary had been closed for the day given the dinner with the family. But that didn’t mean that the man wasn’t busy. Maui and Naga were resting both on a different set of chairs while he was busy concocting a brew that had been ordered by someone he wouldn’t name. Writing up what he was doing. Earlier that day he had extracted some venom from Maui, which now needed to be carefully distributed in that said vial. His focus was solely with his creation and he had demanded to not be disturbed.

After finishing the see through brew, he let it rest in a little closet in the corner of his study. Locked away safely for anyone that could come looking for it. His eyes briefly scanned over the two reptiles in the room who were still resting. No need to disturb them. Moving from his study to his bedroom, where he got ready for the evening. Alpha would come. His older brother hadn’t been around the estate much, but in the end they all knew he was busy with the things he did. As they all were.

When a knock sounded on his door, which announced the arrival of his brother he hummed. Finishing up his black attire and walking out of the room. His room was one of the few that was located on the ground level. Ketiga liked it better that way. So when he walked out on the hallway he could spot his brother instantly. Joining him at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at Vivienne. ’Brother, sister.’ A nod briefly followed.

’Let’s move to the dining hall, shall we?’

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.
Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:49 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Waiting for the Night JimtOMm
Waiting for the Night F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

Of course his expectations were never met, not even in this small instance. But what had he expected of his family? They only wanted the best and in return, they gave nothing. It was typical. He wasn't sure why he had hoped for something else. Perhaps he had been too stuck in his role as High Priest he had forgotten who he truly was.

The first to appear was Vivienne. Soft, dark Vivienne. Alpha simply nodded at her greeting. "Vivienne," he responded in the same manner as she had done. "Glad to see you are well," he continued before his eyes drifted to his brother. Nothing in his expression changed, but still he was somewhat... happy, the feeling was strange he had to admit. "Ketiga." He didn't like how the other immediately proposed to go to the dining room. Hm, apparently his brother had forgotten what place he had in this family. Still, Alpha made no comment on it and nodded. He started moving through the hall, further into the house. The dining room was in the back, gloomy just like every room in this house, lit by candles though the light had to battle against all the dark wood. As they moved towards the room, Alpha removed his mask. There was no need for him to wear it here. And his parents probably would be delighted to see his actual face for once.
Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:50 pm
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