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There's a Starman waiting in the sky
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
There's a Starman waiting in the sky SRiYB3K
There's a Starman waiting in the sky 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way

There's a Starman waiting in the sky OsxLAxT

The woman was out again, this time she had relocated to a park. One that her mother owned, actually. It was technically private property. But she had opened it to the public. Fauna used to come here a lot, to daydream. Mostly about the fantasy world she had thought of all those years ago. And about her heroine. The woman she wished she could be. And her story, about how she, the chosen one. Would travel all around the world, honing her skills. Meeting new friends. All to defeat some great evil in the end. Perhaps a little cliché. But it brought Fauna comfort. Infact she remembered that she used to imagine all kinds of situations her leading lady would get into her. Especially to music. Fauna had all kinds of bards playing music. That, she felt, would pair well together with her story. The noblewoman had recently started to put her imaginations to paper. But her book was far from being finished. And one wasn't enough to tell everything anyway. Four or five books would be necessary at least.

The silver haired woman. Was not here to daydream, however. She had a picknick set up with her friends, well they said they were her friends anyway. The woman had brought Faust too. The reptilian had wrapped herself all around her neck and shoulders. The noble woman fed her a little snack every now and then. While the other ladies were talking. Though, Fauna wasn't really interested in the subject. It was about some local lord, who was apparently very handsome. Just then she felt Faust slither moving, slithering away from her. The silver haired woman quickly apologized to her party when she stood up from her spot. Having the snake roam around in the palace was one thing. But they were out in public now. 

But the small creature was so fast, Fauna soon lost sight of it. Which made her panic just a little. "Faust!" She yelled. While walking along a dirt path. There were many trees and flowers here. Wait, how deep into the park was she? The woman turned around, to where she had come from. Expecting to see her friends in the distance. But she didn't see anything. "Faust?" She said again, quieter this time. "Where are you girl."
Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:52 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
There's a Starman waiting in the sky Le8Mpd3
There's a Starman waiting in the sky PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
He was warned, numerous times, by his mentor to not practice in public. His magic was a secret and others should not see it, or he might get banished or executed. Yet, Sigma had found a quiet place in the park and looked around for a good half hour. Nobody seemed to come here, so he deemed it safe and placed his spellbook on the ground in front of him. Quietly he started to recede the spell and his normally brown eyes started glazing over with black. He felt the power coursing through him and a smile formed on his face. He could fell the lifeforce of everything around him and placed his hand on the ground. The grass withered under his hand and he felt how it forced the pain out of his hand. Sigma breathed in deeply and blew the air out, only to open his eyes and feel a bit nauseous. It was one of the side effects when he wasn't fully concentrated. It was a sign that he wasn't comfortable with doing this in public. He quickly closed his spellbook and wrapped his arm in bandages, before getting up. He heard a voice in the distance and immediately tensed up. Did someone see him? He pricked his ears, but it sounded like someone was calling a name? He hadn't seen anyone in the hour that he was in the park, so he wondered how you could lose someone here. Sigma wanted to walk away, maybe see if he could help the person looking for whoever or whatever they lost, when he heard a dangerous hissing sound behind him. Growing up in the dessert had taught him about different kind of snakes and what to do when you found any. So, he stood still and looked over his shoulder, so find an albino snake hissing at him. Ofcourse, his luck.
Tags: Fauna Rizal
Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:07 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
There's a Starman waiting in the sky SRiYB3K
There's a Starman waiting in the sky 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way

There's a Starman waiting in the sky OsxLAxT

A soft hissing sound could be heard, and immediately Fauna knew that it was Faust. So she followed the noise, treading ever deeper into the forestry area. It didn't take long for her to spot the snake. Her blue colors stood out against the muted tones of the undergrowth. But there was someone else here too. A man, a very flamboyantly dressed man. Normally Fauna would appreciate such a style, but now- considering the circumstance. She was somewhat put off by it. He looked like a gangster, and Fauna felt that she had just stumbled unto something illegal. Since, she found it very hard to believe that this man was here, so deep into the park. Just for something innocent. Especially since Faust was didn't look too happy, it was a gentle creature normally. But the way she was hissing at the man. That just arose Fauna's suspicions even more. "Don't worry, she really isn't dangerous." Fauna said while she gestured at the snake to come to her. Something that Faust seemed to do rather reluctantly. Slithering slowly over to her. When she had the reptilian safe in her arms again. The noblewoman felt a little safer. But not entirely. "Sorry about that. She has this habit of escaping me sometimes." Fauna stepped back a little. Creating an even bigger distance between her and the stranger. "I do hope, I wasn't interrupting anything." The woman narrowed her eyes a little, but her voice was still rather neutral.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:43 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
There's a Starman waiting in the sky Le8Mpd3
There's a Starman waiting in the sky PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
The snake was hissing at him. He swallowed and placed his hands where the animal could see them. Yes, he was doing something against the rules, but there was no way that this creature would understand that right? Although, this didn’t seem like an ordinary snake, with its blue colors. He remembered a long time ago reading about certain animals that reacted to magic, so they were great companions for mages and sorcerers. Could this be one of those animals? If so, he was screwed. Maybe, if he would just be cool and collected, nothing bad would happen and he could just speak with its owner and get away scot free.
The moment the woman came into view, Sigma’s plan was out of the window. His pale blue eyes stuck to her and he completely forgot about the snake that was still hissing in front of him. It was only when she spoke, that he was snapped back into reality. She had called back the snake and told him not to worry. ”.. Oh, eh, ok.” He stammered, trying to find anything else to focus his gaze on. She apologized by telling that the snake has the habit of escaping her. Sigma slowly shook his head, without words telling her to not worry about it. Or atleast, he hoped she got that, as the ability to speak has failed him at the moment. He took a deep breath. ”No, not really.” He spoke softly. ”I was just drawing.” His standard excuse when he was practicing magic in public. This was also the reason why he had a notebook with him. Not that his drawings were any good, but practice made perfect, or so people kept telling him. He tried to look at the woman, but quickly looked away again. Oh dear.
Tags: Fauna Rizal
Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:10 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
There's a Starman waiting in the sky SRiYB3K
There's a Starman waiting in the sky 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
Fauna tilted her head when he told her here had merely been drawing. "Really?" She mused. She didn't really believe he was being truthful with her. Faust wouldn't react so out of character to such a mundane action. And he wouldn't have stuttered like a child. A child that was caught doing something they shouldn't and was trying to play it off like nothing had happened. Fauna moved forwards to the man. "Can you show me some of your work?" She was unable to hide her curiosity. Because she did wonder at what he would show her. If it was an excuse he often used, surely he must have developed some skill, no? Though, she did half expected him to show her some childish doodles. "If they are, appropriate." Fauna really didn't want to see some scandalous artwork, be they scribbles or not. Especially not from some stranger.
Tue Dec 13, 2022 6:59 pm
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