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Cassiopeia Winter
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The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter  WSN0ewN
Cassiopeia Winter  HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

Cassiopeia Winter
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
Gender Female
Age 47
Species Human
Magic None
Religion Faith of Renestrae
Occupation Duchess of Ashmoor
P.O.B Alderrath (upper ring)
Residence Alderrath (upper ring)
Height 1.79
Build slender
Hair color blond
Hair texture straight
Eye Color greyish blue
Skin Tone Fair


Cassiopeia Is a mature looking woman. Standing rather tall, thanks to her long legs. She possesses a very lean body. Her face generally has quite strong features. Such as her jawline and high cheekbones. Because of her light skin, many assume she hasn't worked a day in her life. However, this isn't true. Though she never had to break her back out in the fields. Under the scorching hot sun. She has indeed had certain jobs before, mostly indoor ones. Because of this, her hands are actually quite rough and callous. The rest of her skin is silky smooth, however. Cassiopeia has dirty blond hair. With no real curl or something alike of its own. It's completely straight.


Despite being a duchess. Cassiopeia Dresses more like a queen. Her fashion is therefore inspired by what the royals in Ravaryn wear. Though, she puts a clear Ashmoor spin on it. Cassiopeia Pays no espense when it comes to her dress. It's something that's extremely important to her. So she dresses very extravagant and only wears the most expensive materials. Her hair, as well as her make-up, are always done with extreme care and expertise.


Very cold, Cassiopeia Rarely smiles. She is very rigid and upright. She can often inspire fear in others with nothing but a look. If not respect. Something that her mere presence often respects. Cassiopeia Doesn't speak often, but she means every word. She is however very good at observing others. Because of this, she often fades in the background. Like a serpent. Saying nothing but watching all the same. It's because of this very hard to get a grip on what she is truly thinking. She hides her emotions as well as her true thoughts behind a emotionless face.

Constellation THE SERPENT
Alignment Neutral EVIL

Cassiopeia has quite the cold nature. Though she does appear to be capable of love and affection to some extent. She for example, cares deeply for her only child, and truly does want the best for her. She also is genuinely in love with her husband. And it's to him, she truly shows her most vulnerable side. She also isn't exactly cruel, even though she can come across as it. By making decisions that can negatively affect another. Though Cassiopeia would never do it out of malice, she doesn't gain pleasure from hurting others. She will however without a second thought make any sacrifice necessary if it's for the greater good. Or if it is to keep up appearances. Something that is extremely important to this woman. As well as perfection. She herself strives to achieve it and places that same expectation on those around her. Pushing them to their limits. This pursue of perfection is deeply rooted in her personality. She isn't however vain or self-centered. At least not more than you would expect someone of her rank to be. This is mostly because of her upbringing, it made her appreciate the little things in life. And keeps her from being arrogant. That doesn't mean she does not like to show off, but  it through actions rather than words. And never in an obvious manner. Cassiopeia Is furthermore a very polite individual, though won't let someone walk all over in. She knows how to stand up for herself. But when she does, though, it's usually in a calm manner. Cassiopeia Doesn't shout or scream, since she feels it is below her. Thanks to her quick wit and sharp tong words are often enough to put a person in their proper place. Cassiopeia has a deep love for the arts and literate. And studied it thoroughly. Because of this, she is extremely educated. She also has a deep interest in science. And sees it as Ashmoor's greatest quality and can often be seen promoting it because of this reason. Cassiopeia Can be very strong-willed when she wants to be. However, she also knows how to not only take advice from others but even how to take criticism, as long as it is productive. Because of this, she can be swayed on some of her stances. Though, it would require some very good arguments. Cassiopeia Tries to be as respectable as possible, and has little patience for foolery. While she generally has her emotions under control, when some decisions are just completely beyond reason she might actually snap.
Family Tree


father George Marlborough
mother Jane Seymour


Brother James Marlborough
Sister Sarah Marlborough


DaughterAllison Winter


Husband Edward Winter
Brother in lawReginald Winter
Brother in law Matthew Winter
Sister in law Elizabeth Winter
Sister in lawVictoria Hyon
sister in lawRina Baux †
Sister in law Cecilia Grimaldi †
Niece by marriage Charlotte Winter
nephew by marriage Luca Winter
Niece by marriage Maybel Winter


It's often said that the youngest child is usually considered the "favorite" of their parents. And thus are considerably more spoiled than their older siblings. True or not. It was definitely the case for Cassiopeia. She was cherished from the moment she was born. Especially by her father, who sensed a sort of greatness in her. Something he didn't see in his older children. Of which there were two, one brother and a sister. The senior sister. Sarah was always compared, negatively, to her younger sibling. Something that, even at a young age, caused resentment between the two girls. Because of this, the siblings were never close.

But that didn't matter, growing up, Cassiopeia had not only the love and devotion of her parents. But also plenty of friends. Girls as well as boys. Though they would be replaced the older she got. As was proper at the time. Especially for families as illustrious as hers. The Marlborough's were a prominent family. And because of this, upholding a clean reputation was of the utmost importance. The young girl quickly grew aware of of her families high standing and started to use it to manipulate others in getting what she wanted. Though since she still was a child, the things she yearned for were usually innocent things.

Teenage years

It was when she started to get older, and got a better sense of the world. That her wants and desires started to shift. Though she was already high on the social ladder. She wasn't quite at the top yet. And that was where she wanted to be. And to achieve that goal, she had to refine herself even more. So she studied like she had never done before. Formulated a strict beauty and health routine. And started socializing with her peers. Her mother, however, feared her daughter was becoming too arrogant. And being a firm believer in "humbling oneself" forced her daughter to help in varies charities. At first, Cassiopeia didn't mind too much, and did actually learn to curb her ego. And to not take things for granted. But she also had to actually get her hands dirty. Something she hated. In fact, that her mother was doing it already. Helping those in need was one thing- but her parent took it too far. And it could damage their reputation as a family. So Cassiopeia reported it to her father. Who promptly put a stop to the whole thing.

However, by telling on her mother like she had done, created a strained blond between the two. No longer was she her mother's favorite child. In fact, Jane, started to focus on Sarah. Though, Cassiopeia didn't think much of the team up at first. Since she had the love of her father. Who was the true matriarch of the family. He had a love for the sciences and art. And Often brought his daughter to exhibitions and plays. Though these trips became less frequent when her father started to fall ill. Cassiopeia was at his bed side constantly. Putting aside her ambition for the time being. Her mother started to take charge of the household as well as the decision-making. Thus, it was she who arranged to the engagement between Sarah and the heir of ashmoor. Edward winter. When Cassiopeia heard this, she was alarmed. Since if the marriage would indeed go ahead. Her sister, which her relationship, had become even worse overtime. Would, in effect; live her dream. 

Something that couldn't happen. Unable to put her a stop to the marriage herself, or make her father do it. She deiced to take a different approach. Something she had been training for. But that would also mean putting her sick father as a second priority.

As an Adult

She made her choice, and started to seduce the young heir. Her sister noticed this, and tried to fight back. Though, she was no real match.  Cassiopeia's mother, on the other hand, did make a great fuss of it. And even threatened to send her away to a convent if she continued her behavior. But she never did, only she was much more careful about it now. But luckily for her, George Marlborough started to improve again. And was in a much better position to support her. Not only that, but Edward made it clear that he wanted to marry her rather than her sister. And so when the time was right. The change was made. Jane as well as Sarah were in an uproar. They tried to protest. But Cassiopeia's father would hear none of it. 

The couple would go on to have a smooth courtship. In which  Cassiopeia's started to genuine fall in love with her intended, something she wasn't at all before. It wasn't long, then, that the two were married. And when her husband finally inherited the title of ashmoor. Her dream of reaching the top of the ladder was fulfilled. Cassiopeia supported her husband as best she could, and achieved him whenever he asked for hit. The two had a daughter. In who Cassiopeia takes a great Cassiopeia

-Loves dogs! Always has a few of her favorites with her at all times
-Irish wolfhounds (she even breeds them every now and then)
-Loves to eat sour things.
-Doesnt like magic, like at all. (but that isnt very surprising)
Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:38 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Cassiopeia Winter  XuTWurPc_o
Cassiopeia Winter  MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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