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Zoey Winter
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The Winter Family
Zoey Winter
Zoey Winter
Zoey Winter UAZ74eW
Zoey Winter Tumblr_oswxwbPOhk1u0xntco3_r1_250

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Horse trainer

Zoey Eckhart - Winter
“Most horses don't walk backward voluntarily, because what they can't see doesn't exist.”
Gender Female
Age 25 YEARS
Species Human
Magic None
Religion The Faith of Renestrae
Occupation Horse trainer
P.O.B Glimmerhollow
Residence Alderrath, upper ring
Faceclaim Emma Watson
Build Slim
Height 165 CM
Skin tone Pale
Hair color Light brown
Hair Texture Slightly wavy
Eye Color Light brown


Doe like eyes, pale skin, brown locks. Zoey Eckhart truly is a sight for sore eyes. What she lacks in height, she makes up for with her radiating looks. The young woman truly is a gem, though she doesn’t truly notice that about herself. Often wears her hair up, since the horses are cheeky bastards and often try to get a nibble. While the woman has a petite frame and a splendid build, she is rather athletic and maintains her physique quite well.


Often wears more practical clothing due to the work she does. Yet when on official duty, as in going to parties or family gatherings, she cleans up pretty nicely. Wearing all kinds of colors, but she loves keeping it simple and sticking to earthly tones.

ConstellationThe Black Widow
Alignment ??
TraitsCaring, Charming, Funny, Intelligent
TraitsDoubtful, emotional, restless, stubborn,

Zoey always had a big heart and a kind spirit. Helping out whoever she could or trying to get some help to them if she couldn’t do anything. But she helped either way. If you’d see someone sitting with an elderly person, just chatting to them, that would be Zoey. She simply loves taking care of other people and animals. Having a very nurturing soul, it comes to no exception that the woman has the wish to raise a child of her own one day. Yet right now, she just keeps busy with caring for the horses that are under her care. Zoey is brought up in the best ways possible, she has been taught everything a woman her age should know. And will never be found disrespectful towards anyone.

Another thing about her is that she is gifted with a more humorous side as well. Something she often uses to lighten the mood. One of her talents is singing, something she showcased more often when she was younger. But even in more recent times, she can often be found humming a little tune or singing a song. Though actually making an appearance to showcase her voice, she simply doesn’t do it anymore. Which is mainly because of her father who always made her doubt her capabilities.

She has always been quite a restless person, always wanting to do something, always wanting to better herself. Zoey doesn’t trust other people very easily, she doesn’t know why but she is always cautious when she meets someone new. Another thing about her is that she can become very stubborn at times, mainly about stuff she really cares for. One of the things that might possibly stem from her youth, is that at times the woman can become overly emotional. Both in the good sense and the bad sense of the word.

To keep her mind from becoming too restless, she can often be found working out.

SkillsDiplomacy, medicine, fencing, painting, horseback riding
Unskilled atKnitting, meer slechte dingen
Hobbies Singing, dancing, painting

Family Tree


father Frederick Cornelius Eckhart II
mother Anne Philipa Eckhart - Carlyle


Brother Frederick Cornelius Eckhart III
Sister -


Aunts & Uncles TBA
Husband Louis Winter

The bond she shares with her family is one of love. She loves every single one of them and misses them dearly. Which is why she tries to travel home as often as she is able to do so. To spend time with her brother and her father.

The connection with her husband is simply one of duty. She was picked by him, he asked her parents and they were overjoyed to join the two families together. While there might not be a true established connection just yet, over time Zoey had grown to love her husband dearly. Yet, it’s never easy when the other part acts distant. Which saddens her deeply. But she’d do anything for the man to make his life a little better.

Type Horse trainer

Zoey always had an affinity with horses. An affinity that grew out into her taking care of horses, trying to heal them after they got hurt, giving them a safe place to recover. Right outside the city, she owns a little ranch adjourned by a big green field. This is where she and a few other people take care of the horses. Over the years the young woman has gotten a lot of knowledge about the animals, being able to cure some of their ailments. Though she is mainly focused on the horses that get wounded. They also have a farrier on the grounds for when the horse needs new shoes.


10th of the Snow Moon

A life for a life. That was how Zoey Eckhart was welcomed to the world on that cold day. Her mother had died and she was left in the caring arms of her father and the midwives. While she could say that growing up without a mother figure present had a toll on her, she simply didn’t. Little Zoey didn’t know what it was to have a mother to begin with. The only thing she saw was the aftermath when she got older. It goes without saying that the little girl had everything she desired and more. She was raised with care and love and sometimes a stern hand. Care and love she received from her older brother, while the sternness mostly came from her father.

While the first years of her life were spent doing the things any young child did, running around, playing around with friends and family, as soon as she was able to understand certain things about life she was enrolled in classes about everything and nothing at the same time. She did develop a love for the arts at a fairly young age, drawing anything she could, presenting those little drawings to her brother and father, but also singing and dancing were one of those things she loved to do. So those classes were added to her itinerary as well. Which was probably thanks to her big brother, since her father would always push for the importance of knowledge. As the young girl she was, she did try to keep him pleased, mainly because she knew what lay ahead.

One particular factor about little Zoey, was that she loved to spend her time in the stables of the household. Developing a connection so rare to others with the particular animals that certain whispers about her having some kind of gift were born. Though Zoey, she didn’t even notice. She just followed the path that had chosen her. For the girl, everything seemed just fine as she went on with her life.

Teenage years

The day he left was the day her life seemed to turn around. While her brother had always been a safety she knew she had, he had gone. Left her behind with their father. Something that would eventually shape her into what she became today. It was on his birthday, she had gotten him a few gifts, had pleaded to him to take her with, and did everything in her power but to no advantage. Her brother still went away. Which was the moment that she started to focus more on her skills and lessons. Her favorite subjects being history and art, while her favorite pastimes were to sing and dance. Anything to get out from under the wits of her father.

But with Frederick gone and important events still happening, it fell onto her shoulders to either stand next to her father or to be chaperoned to those events being the Eckhart presence. Something she literally despised, since it left less room for doing what she loved. But those were the sacrifices one had to make weren’t they? It would get better when her brother would return.

For five years it went on like that. Five years, she also had to develop more herself, grow up into a fine young woman. Someone who drew the attention of many. Something she wasn’t truly fond of, but with the appearances she had to make in Alderrath or wherever her father sent her, she didn’t go by unnoticed. With juggling those appearances and making room for friends, Zoey still found a way to do what she loved. Being with the horses, often mending their wounds if they had gotten hurt in battle. But most of all, just giving them a safe haven, which led to an idea being born. Something she’d work on whenever she was alone in her room. Away from everyone, keeping this her secret until she had finished it entirely.

In the month where he should’ve come home, he didn’t. When the news was brought to her father that her brother wouldn’t return to the city ever again, he was angry. Anger he transferred on her, which left her in an even more confused state of mind. Why would her brother leave her alone with him? She simply didn’t understand, which involuntarily caused a small rift between the two siblings. More pressure landed on her shoulders, with each woman her brother refused a new suitor popped up for her. It would only be a matter of time. Frederick did stay in contact with her, she’d always try to reply immediately. But with the busy schedule and her venturing into town to keep the relation between the Eckharts and the inhabitants of Glimmerhollow as best as she could, she forgot a few times only replying days later. But she didn’t have it that bad, if anything, she had learned to adapt herself to the environment she was in quite well. Taking on roles whenever she was sent out to do her father’s bidding. Always graceful, never trying to stain their name.

When she came of age, proposals came in. But her father seemed somewhat reluctant in giving her hand away. Which she was grateful for. It granted her more time to work on her own plans. If ever the day came that she’d be shipped away, then she would have something on her hands for sure. And hopefully it was the dream she created for herself.


Zoey had worked her way up over the years, in the stable that was. Not being seen as an official stablehand but she basically was. With the passing of their old stable master, it was Zoey who had stepped up to the plate. And for once in his life, her father allowed her to actually do something. The beginning of his demise perhaps? At the age of 22, she found out her brother was disinherited. Which meant a huge change for her. Seeing the plans she had made for herself, burn up in front of her. Was she to be the next baroness of Glimmerhollow? Obviously it wasn’t something she wanted to do, so each day she tried to talk some sense into her father. At first, he didn’t listen. Naturally, but in time he would.

Louis Winter arrived in town. Someone she knew from the numerous appearances she had made in Alderrath and the parties that happened after those. Though never a man she had actually exchanged a word with. Mainly because at those parties, Zoey was simply having the time of her life. Singing and dancing with her friends until the early hours, while the other wasn’t quite a dancer or anything really. When he made his intentions clear, her father was overly excited. A Winter had asked for the hand of his daughter. The setup for a lifetime. So, he accepted.

Somewhere right after her twenty-third birthday the wedding took place in Alderrath. It had everything a little girl could wish for. But the time after, was everything she hoped a marriage wouldn’t be. Her husband was distant, there was no sign of love in his eyes, no affection shared between them. Which soon enough made her quite miserable. But she told herself that in time things would get better, these were just the early days after all. So Zoey tried everything she could, to get to know the other better, to grow closer to him. Which did end up with her falling in love with her husband. A love that remained unanswered to this very day.

What she had established with her wedding, was gaining access to a small ranch just outside of the city. She completely remodeled it with some help, turning it into a sanctuary for horses or a place where she could take the time to let the animals heal. Often she went to Glimmerhollow to spend time with her father and those around him. After he had gotten sick from a mysterious ailment, she spoke more to his advisors about going to her brother again. Which eventually happened.


> Works out frequently in any way she can, loves to sport, calms her mind.
> Is quite a pristine dancer, loves doing it as well.
> Loves to read and write.
> Owns an Irish Wolfhound together with her husband.
> Favorite subjects in school were arts & history. Often showcased her pristine singing voice when she was younger
> Is a very affectionate person.
> Wants to become a mother one day
Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:58 am
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Zoey Winter XuTWurPc_o
Zoey Winter MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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