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Wasted times
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Arlyana took another deep breath as she was cleaning some cups with a piece of cloth, drying them off while keeping an eye on a few early customers. They were clearly already drunk, and the day had only just begun. Normally, there wouldn’t be any customers around at this time of day, which was probably the reason why she looked so slightly annoyed at them, because they had robbed her of a beautiful peaceful morning. Yet, when she heard some footsteps coming from upstairs, she looked away at the tavern owner, who seemed just as surprised as she was by the early visitors. He shortly motioned to her to get them out, and she quickly stuffed the piece of cloth in between her skirt and shirt.

”Alright now, you’ve all had enough, it’s time to go.” She said, turning her body around the bar and walking towards the drunken men. Her dress was certainly not as inviting as most of the dresses she wore at night, but it was still revealing some parts of her body just right. ”But we’re not done yet.” She heard one of the men say, turning to her and looking at her with a disguising smirk, one she recognized all too well. ”Yeah well, I think you are.” She said, taking a step closer and even grabbing the piece of cloth in a threatening way, prepared to hit them with it if she needed it. And they were fools if they thought she wasn’t going to use it. ”Go!” She eventually urged them, after which most of them walked towards the door willingly, except for that one. ”Why don’t you come with us?” He asked, stopping in the doorway and giving her another one of those smirks, to which she just sweetly smiled. ”I’m not going anywhere with you guys.” She responded, waving her hand towards the street, telling them to scurry off. However, he then decided to grab her wrist and pull her out onto the street with him. Her green eyes flared, now showing him a bit more temper. ”Now if you will just let me go.” She warned him, but he didn’t look like he was planning on it.

Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:02 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Accompanying squires on their rounds through the city. Something most wouldn’t really do. Caspian himself, he took pleasure in doing it. It gave him the time to assess the squire in question. See how he would react in certain situations. Ishgard was the capital, and while they were civilized, there were moments when things went wrong. Then the knights had to come between two parties and stabilize the situation. Sometimes the most boring rounds one could do, but once in every blue moon something did occur and then they had to be present. To show the people that their safety was being taken care of.

With a calm composure the two men patrolled the streets. It was morning. So he assumed it would be one of those calmed patrols. But that still remained to be seen. The squire next to him seemed a bit stressed about the matter. Caspian doing his best to calm the man down. Something that seemed to be working the longer he talked things through with him. Talking to him about how his studies were going, really showing an interest in the young lad's experience.

Calm. Nothing was more true. While they passed a tavern there was something happening. His hand landed on the heft of his blade instantly, ready to jump in. The squire doing the same. Taking the lead in this particular matter as they moved closer to the guy that was pulling someone with. ’Let her go!’ The squire his voice trembled. But while he jumped the lead, the others didn’t seem to be impressed by their sudden appearance. Another warning came from the young squire.

It must be made.
Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:17 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Arlyana understood why her boss didn't want these people to linger around any longer, even though they were officially already open. He didn’t want some drunkard people messing around with his other customers in the morning, since they could be quite annoying. Yet, she never wanted to make that decision herself, because it really wasn’t her place to throw people out, up until now it seemed. They did bring in at least some money, and it was still too early for any other customers to visit the tavern. She could have just as easily done something wrong by sending them away.

Now the only challenge was actually getting them out of the tavern without too much of a fuss. Which certainly failed when one of the men grabbed her wrist and pulled her out onto the streets. For a moment she looked at the man as if she was ready to stab him, though she wasn’t actually carrying a dagger at the moment, and well, she still didn’t want to make this any bigger than it had to be, honestly. Her eyes only moved away from the drunken men when someone with a trembling voice urged the man to let go of her. The group watched the young squire for a bit, unsure if they were willing to listen to him. Arlyana could see why, since it almost looked like the squire was shaking from fear. But her eyes quickly moved from the young boy to the other man, and the others seemed to notice him too. Suddenly they decided it wasn’t worth their time, and after letting go of Arlyana’s wrist, they ran. ”I could have just as easily dealt with that myself.” She said, giving both the men a stubborn look with a slightly playful smile. ”But thank you.” She continued, even if it didn’t actually sound like she was grateful for it.

Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:07 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Squires needed to understand that while they were mainly here to protect and serve in battle when the need arises, that it also fell upon their shoulders to help the citizens. It was one of the main things they did. Simply helping out where they were needed, not heading away from the task that was presented to them. They were the shield that protected the inhabitants of this kingdom, the sword that cleaved a way through obstacles, and the helping hand that reached out to those that needed it.

Today was like no other day. When they noted that a woman was being dragged out of a tavern they addressed those in question. Quite sure that things wouldn’t actually result into a fight, he let the squire handle this. Until something would happen off course, then he would step in. Since he was in fact the superior in this position. But this was a fine moment for the young man to show his worth. In a matter of moments the whole situation seemed to turn. The men heading off, the woman addressing them. Making the squire react to her. Caspian placing a hand on his shoulder, manning the boy to stay quiet. ’While we are sure that you could have. We are happy that we could help you miss.’ Briefly nodding at her. The boy following his example. ’Could we get something to drink perhaps? Or are you closed right now?’

It must be made.
Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:46 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Arlyana supposed the warnings of the squire hadn’t made such an impact on the men, even though he was certainly trying. They could all see that. The confident looking knight behind him looked far more intimidating, and maybe that was because he wasn’t doing anything. He was just watching, keeping an eye on the situation. Arlyana was looking at him as well, but maybe she had slightly different reasons to be looking at him. Beside that fact that he seemed rather intimidating, for those drunken bastards that was, he was rather good looking as well. She could certainly not deny it.

Soon enough the men holding her decided to make a run for it, which was probably the smartest option they had, if they didn’t want to get in trouble with the knight in shining armor behind the poor little squire. Arlyana wasn’t so eager to show her gratitude however, since she could have just as easily dealt with the situation herself. After all, she was able to defend herself, if need be. The squire wanted to react to her, but soon enough, the other came in between them, responding with a bit more decency. Arlyana softly tilted her head a little stubbornly, looking into his big dreamy brown eyes, before her eyes were drawn back to the squire.

Then the knight asked her if they were able to get themselves a drink, if they were open. Her eyes shortly moved to the tavern, where the tavern owner was now standing in the doorway, nodding to her, indirectly telling her to bring them inside. She smiled, trying to move past the awkwardness with the squire. Ofcourse, what can I get you two?” She asked, stepping back inside of the tavern and walking back to her spot behind the bar. Waiting for their answer.

Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:32 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

They ran off and he hummed. A good call. His companion was just a squire. But both of them were trained to be lethal. Which was a last resort in any situation. They weren’t judge nor executioner. But in some situations they weren’t granted a choice. Taking the life of a person. It was something every knight should think about. It could happen. But it wasn’t something easy. It could weigh someone down if it happened too much. Which was exactly why a good bond between the more elitist knights and the others was important.

Some gratitude was shared yet nothing big. Which was something the squire didn’t seem to approve of. But Caspian disarmed the building anger inside the boy with ease. Looking at the woman. A swift nod followed when they were invited inside. Caspian straightened his back as did the other while they walked inside. His eyes shooting through the owner of the tavern. Nodding softly.

’Some water or juice if you have that on hand?’ He politely stated while sitting down. The squire was just asking for water. They were on duty after all. So they couldn’t really order anything else. And it was still too early to actually be really drinking. ’Customers from the previous night?’

It must be made.
Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:55 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
If anything, she knew she probably should have offered these two knights a drink, to show them some gratitude for what they had done. But, stubbornly as she was, she had not been willing to give them too much gratitude for something she could have dealt with herself. She did not want to appear weak, like some kind of damsel in distress, because she was not. If that man wouldn’t have eventually let go of her, she would have kicked him in the balls so hard that he would have felt it till the next morning. And these two knights had now spared him those blue balls.

Gracefully she moved her body around the bar, so that she was standing behind it again. Her eyes only shortly moved the tavern owner, who had spotted the slight stubbornness in her body language, and he was now slowly narrowing his eyes at her. She only gave him a quick glance before she nodded at the knight asking for some water or juice. ”Do you want some breakfast as well? It’s on the house.” She asked him, politely, even though she was still faking it a little bit. But it was enough for the tavern owner to turn his back and resume his own business, believing she was able to handle these to customers herself.

For a moment she turned her back to the two men, grabbing a jug with water and two cups. She placed the cups on the bar, filling one of them with water. Ofcourse, she made sure to pour it at the right height, right in front of her corset. After all, she wasn’t just working here to serve people drinks. ”Yes, apparently, they had stayed the entire night.” She told the man who asked the question, telling him she had not been serving them the entire time. No, Arlyana had taken over one of the other girls in the morning, so that she was able to get some sleep. Her eyes shortly met with his before she placed the cup with water in front of the squire. Then she turned around again to grab two oranges for the other man’s juice.

Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:23 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

He caught the squire looking at the young lady in question when they had walked in. Wanting to reprimand him. But he decided to do that on a later occasion. Not wanting to bring it up out in the open. But well, it was just inappropriate to stare at someone else like that. Caspian wasn’t going to deny that the woman wasn’t bad on the eyes. But he could contain himself. But that was simply the age difference between him and the other. Since the other was a ball of raging hormones he could leave it for now. As long as he behaved the remainder of their time here. Apparently that time would last a little longer as well. Breakfast on the house. He’d be a fool to deny that. ’If it isn’t too much effort?’ Caspian smiled warmly at her. The other eagerly nodded. Starving apparently.

While Caspian briefly glanced around, the other man was eying the woman. Until she replied which made him look up again. Caspian hummed shortly. ’Regulars or doesn’t that happen often?’ If it did happen regularly, then maybe they should patrol these streets a bit better. If anything, putting more patrols out, it might help with keeping the troublemakers out of establishments like this. But that wasn’t something he was allowed to decide on his own. But he could bring it forward if it did need to happen. Maybe he should talk to their commander. It seemed like a valid thing to do. But for now he couldn’t consider it as a problem just yet. ’You’re okay right? For real?’

It must be made.

Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:47 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
A smile showed when she caught the young squire looking down as she poured him a glass of water. Her eyes quickly moved to the other as well, noticing that he had seen it as well. But he stayed silent, and his eyes never dropped down to look, which certainly showed some strength. Her grin grew a bit before she asked them if they wanted to have some breakfast, it being on the house. ”No, not at all.” She told them with a slightly higher voice, still pretending a little bit so that the tavern owner would leave them be. But he was already leaving and Arlyana shortly eyed him when he did. ”We still have some leftover stew from last night.” She told him, knowing there was probably still a fire burning underneath the pot.

”Pretty much regulars, yes, but normally they behave a bit less .. like assholes.” She told him while she was making his juice, shortly waiting before she decided to give him that piece of mind. After all, there was no need to be dishonest, and he supposed he probably wouldn’t mind her choice of words, even if it was probably not such a good thing to say about regular customers. When she placed the cup with juice in front of the man on the bar she shortly locked eyes with him, showing a bit of surprise when he asked her if she was okay. ”Yes, I’m fine.” She said, but it was clear to see that she only said that because she didn’t want to talk about it. Then her attention was suddenly drawn back to the squire, who decided to ask her, very bluntly, if she was a whore. Not using those exact words, but it was clear where he wanted to go with that. ”Well, what do you think I am?” She then asked him, making it seem like it was a trick question. He didn’t know how to answer it and instead looked back at his companion. Arlyana did the same, curious about what he would say.

Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:34 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

The man nodded gratefully. He had skipped breakfast that morning, simply because the squire had been too late. Really, discipline wasn’t something that the kid had been taught just yet. If anything, that was one of the things he especially needed to learn if he wanted to succeed from the Elessar academy. But that was something he was going to help the other with. It kind of was his duty. As long as it didn’t interfere with his most important duties to the Crown Princess that was. Because if anything he had sworn an oath to her and her alone. Yet on days like these, the Princess had given her okay for him to keep busy with the squires. Though he wasn’t going to let it become something that would happen a lot. ’Some stew would be more than okay. But please, let us pay for it though.’ Caspian smiled shortly. He didn’t need any freebies. It was nice of her and the owner, but they could pay for what they consumed after all.

’Probably had too much to drink yesterday.’ The man stated the obvious. Looking up at her and rubbing his neck for a moment. ’If they happen to return, let us know okay? I’m sure you can handle yourself but I’d rather keep tabs on them.’ In case it did ever happen again and she’d be out manned. Or one of her other colleagues for that matter. If anything they shouldn’t be hassled while they were doing their job after all. As the glass was placed in front of him he nodded gratefully. Their eyes had locked and the man shortly tilted his head. She seemed taken back due to his ask. How weird. But the moment the squire opened his mouth again his jaw tensed up. Narrowing his eyes at the kid. What an idiot! Caspian took a deep breath, letting go of the annoyance that was clearly visible on his face. ’First of all, apologize to her for being so shortsighted.’ His voice kept a calm tone, yet for the squire it didn’t bode well. ’Second of all, whatever she does with her life isn’t any concern to us. Right now she simply is someone who is offering us some breakfast. You better be grateful for that.’ Eyes moving back to the woman in question. Frankly it didn’t matter if she was or not. It was her business and his squire should be more careful with his words in the future.

It must be made.
Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:23 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Arlyana never knew a man to say ‘no’ to a free meal, because from her experience, they were always hungry. Though, not always for food. It was clear to see that the squire now had other things on his mind as well, as he had watched her pour his drink. Her observing nature always found ways to gather those little hints, but I mean, she was also asking for it. After all, it was her way of earning a bit more extra on the side. ”No, I mean, it’s only fair. You helped us, so now let us help you with some breakfast.” Or well, that was at least the policy of the tavern owner, and she just had to make sure she was doing everything according to his rules. The stubborn look she gave him already warned him not to fight her on this one, because he wasn’t going to win.

As she walked to the back to get them both a bowl of stew, he began to speak again about the customers. Her eyes kept focussing on what she was doing even though she had heard him. ”It’s alright..” She said, turning back to him when she had filled two bowls, placing them on the bar in front of them. ”We can handle them.” She said, trying to make it seem like she was sure of it. Arlyana didn’t like accepting help, or even accepting things she couldn’t handle, surely when it was about men.

Then his sudden ask had caught her off-guard, and it showed. They locked eyes with each other and she could feel her breath quicken for a short moment. It wasn’t often that someone showed some genuine interest in her well-being, and maybe she wasn’t quite used to that. But then they got interrupted by the squire again, and Arlyana quickly redirected her eyes to rid herself of the feeling she had gotten. No, it never ended right if she allowed herself to feel something for someone. The knight then got angry at his squire for assuming she was a tavern wench, or better yet, a whore, telling him to apologize to her. She kept quiet, simply looking at the interaction between the two of them until nothing happened anymore. ”Well, there’s no need. He’s right.” She told them with a little smile, because she surely wasn’t going to hide what she was.

Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:03 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Caspian hummed softly. Nodding as a thank you. Taking another sip from his drink. Leaning back just a little bit, looking around again. The place was quite calm now. But that was normal since it was morning and well, places like this usually started fling up at night. Maybe right around dinner time. When people their work was over. So for now, they were lucky to be one of the lucky few here. But well, he had caught the squire acting the way he did and it annoyed him to the next level. It wasn’t even funny anymore, because the other knew he shouldn’t act like this. If anything it would get him into some trouble when they returned to their station. Caspian was personally going to make that happen.

.She reassured them that they could handle them. But he didn’t believe it, not entirely at least. Yet he did smile, thanking her for the food she put in front of them. Briefly glancing at the boy next to him. Taking a deep breath when he caught his gaze going over the woman again. He was about ready to slam his head against the bar. But he kept himself collected and slowly but surely started eating. His gaze drifted back to her. Asking her how she was doing. Getting more sense of the community here was needed. It would make it easier for him to form an opinion when something bad did happen in these parts of town.

Yet before she could reply, the squire had been at it again. As the woman did speak he looked at her, humming ever so softly. Yet still shaking his head. ’There is a need. No matter if he is right or not, he should know his place and hold his tongue. We are supposed to treat anyone with respect. And he is failing to do that.’ Side-eying the other man. Whose cheeks had turned read instantaneously. For sure knowing what would follow once they would get out of her. Caspian didn’t expect anyone to get that if they weren’t trying to become a knight. But they had a code of conduct, and this kid here wasn’t following it.

It must be made.
Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:58 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
During all her movements she kept looking at the older handsome stranger in his knight armor, who was clearly trying to teach his squire some manners. Her interest laid more in him, even if his squire surely was more interested in her then he was. But the thing was, Arlyana never liked the simplest of men, the ones who were very often clear with what they wanted. She knew too many of those men, because in places like this, they weren’t exactly rare at all. Most men knew well how to get whatever they wanted, and where to find it. But Arlyana knew that too. Or at least, that was what she liked to believe.

When he asked her if she was doing alright, she lied, as she almost always did. Not that she was really hurt or anything, and I mean, surely she was going to get over this. But deep down, she never liked to be treated like garbage. Somewhere she believed she deserved better than that, but working as a tavern wench, it was what she could have expected. And she just needed to accept that reality. There was no need for hiding it either, since the squire had already been able to see right through her. It was pretty clear what she was.

Her eyes moved back to the man when he began to explain, saying that it didn’t matter if he had been right or not, but that he should have treated her with respect. ”I don’t see any disrespect, for I do know my place as well.” She told him, though, she understood that he probably shouldn’t have asked that to any other woman. Her eyes shortly moved back down to a cup she started cleaning from last night. No matter how confident she tried to look while saying it, something showed that she didn’t want to be there. ”How is the stew?” She then asked, to direct her attention to something else.

Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:06 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

If anything, trying to teach the other some manners was part of his duty towards the future knight. But in this case, he wasn’t quite sure if he would deem this man fit to join their ranks if he kept this up. While he understood that he had certain desires and that the woman in front of him wasn’t quite bad on the eye, it simply couldn’t happen that he called her out like this for everyone to hear. Even if it was her occupation. Most of the people who had rolled into this kind of work hadn’t done so because they wanted to become it. So it was in a way even worse if she was called out for it. Because if she hadn’t chosen this, she’d have all those forgotten dreams and desires of her own. A sigh rolled over his lips as he shook his head at the youngster.

There came no clear answer on how she was doing, which was in a way something that bothered him. Though if she didn’t want to share, it wasn’t his place to actually pry further. Maybe a part of him wanted to find out what got her into this place, but that was his curious nature. Something he tried to repress, it wouldn’t be the right thing to actually go pry even further. ’Again, you don’t need to stand up for him. While you, as you put it might know your place, it isn’t up to him to judge you. He should show respect either way.’ The youngster rolled his eyes, and for a second there Caspian threw him an angry glare. Which instantly made the youngster swallow.

’It’s delicious miss.. Sorry for calling you out. Please accept my apology.’ The squire answered before Caspian could. Shortly smiling. ’It’s very tasty yes, thank you.’ Nodding at her, dark eyes moving to her. He actually meant it. In any case, she could’ve served them whatever she wanted.

It must be made.
Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:40 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
The older gentleman was clearly frustrated by the behavior of his younger student, and Arlyana was almost certain there was going to be an aftermath to this. He seemed quite set on making an example out of this, even if Arlyana tried her best to defend the squire. Her eyes quickly glanced at him, giving him a ‘well, I tried’ look. But he already seemed to be very well aware of the trouble he was in. ”That is very noble of you, but I don’t think many people believe tavern wenches are even worth the tiniest bit of respect.” She responded to the knight, turning herself away to place a few of the cleaned cups back into the cupboard. Showing them her back with the long dark hair falling over it.

When she turned back to them, she asked them about the stew, to change the subject. Truth be told, while Arlyana had accepted that this was her current profession, she never actually wanted to be in this position. For her, this life had only been a means to survive and feed herself, having not been particularly good at anything else. They both responded, saying it was delicious, and the squire even offered her his apologies. ”Apology accepted.” She said, giving him a soft and gentle smile, before taking up another cup to clean.

Yet, then, the sounds from the street began to rise again, almost making it seem like there was another riot about to happen. But, before she was even able to look at the window, a stone was being thrown right through it. Shattering the glass with a whole lot of noise while she could feel something hitting against her head. It had probably been the stone, and quickly she moved her hand to the place where it hurted, even if she was too distracted to even notice her doing that. Her eyes were pointed at the men she met earlier, who refused to leave the tavern and wanted to bring her with them. Holding her breath for a moment, because she had never seen this coming. Looking down at her hand when she moved it down from her forehead, seeing the color of blood on her fingers.

Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:17 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

’Then they are wrong.’ Caspian simply stated. One could think about people in this profession what they wanted, but most of them didn’t choose this life. And it was probably hard enough on her and her colleagues as it was. There was no need to put more disrespect into that. Something his squire better remember later on as well. His continued eating the stew, truly enjoying it. Stew never had been his favourite, never would be. But in the end, it was rather tasty if he said so himself. The ultimate surprise came when his squire actually apologized to the woman in question. Making the corners of his mouth briefly curl up in reaction. Good thinking lad.

Though, the peace and quiet of the morning seemed to be disturbed again soon enough. Making him softly sigh. Something was thrown in and in a matter of seconds chaos prevailed. She was hit with it against the head and he swallowed, jumping on his feet, squire following as well. Pulling out his blade. Eyes briefly shooting to the squire. ’Help her. Make sure she’s okay.’ He gave an order and the younger man instantly nodded following it and moving toward her. Guiding her out of the line of sight from the window. Caspian had by then already made his way outside, sword drawn and a displeased look on his face. ’I suggest, you guys better get back to where you came from. Or there will be hell to pay.’ A simple warning, as a shimmer of darkness appeared in his eyes. He was outnumbered to say the least, but he had already spotted some other citizens running of to warn the other guards.

It must be made.
Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:54 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted times NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted times GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
It quickly became obvious to her that this man was not like most men, since he was actually rather quick to defend women in her profession. Something she had not expected to find, but nevertheless, it was still a pleasant surprise. Most of them simply saw them as pretty things they could own for one night, possibly more if that person decided to come back and become a regular. But he called it wrong to disrespect them.. And if only more thought like him, then maybe, she wouldn’t have even minded the place she ended up in.

There was no way any of them could have predicted what happened next, as a stone was being thrown, shattering the glass in the window she had been standing close to. Feeling something hit her head, before she moved her hand to the place where she felt it. The knight and the squire quickly rose to their feet, all while the knight ordered the squire to help her, and make sure she was okay. The boy quickly turned to her, grabbing her by the arm as he wanted to take her away from the shattered window. The sound of heels clearly audible on the wooden floor as she followed him willingly. ”No, I’m fine.” She told him when he eventually wanted to take a look at the cut on her forehead as well. Mainly because she did not want to keep her eyes from what was happening, and her attention was more focused on the other knight.

His words didn’t do much to the angry group of drunken men, who were clearly willing to pick a fight with him over such a stupid argument. Probably because they were still drunk, and not thinking straight. People on the streets seemed to be running in all kinds of directions now, trying to get away from the fight or call more guards. Arlyana took a few steps forward again, till she was almost standing next to the knight, but still behind him. ”These people are drunk.” She told him, trying to be the sound of reason, in an effort to calm him down. Having seen the anger in his eyes. But before she was even able to wait for a response from him, the group had already decided to enter the tavern with their gathered weapons.

Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:00 pm
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Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Wasted times IzBexY8
Wasted times Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

’Just let me clean it out.’ The squire spoke, not wanting her to actually talk back. Though he knew that he’d be better of helping out Caspian. But the order remained clear. Help the woman first. Caspian his sole focus laid on what was about to unfold here. He truly wasn’t feeling up for a fight with a bunch of drunks. But it didn’t mean that that he would back out of it. Anything but really. As the woman had moved the squire did so as well. Sticking by her side. Acting as a shield if the drunks decided to come at her.

The dark haired man didn’t lose his focus. Only motioning with his hand for the other two to move back again. ’Drunk or not, they pose a threat. So it would be best for you to move behind the counter as well.’ His voice was calm, too calm. Grip strengthening around the hilt of his sword. Taking on his fighting stance. Eyes narrowed as the drunks had poured in. A group of five. He was outnumbered, even if his squire would help out. But it was a fight he wouldn’t let go off.

’This is the final warning, if you don’t back off. You’ll end up in a cell within an hour.’ A voice sounding as cold as ice.

It must be made.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:50 am
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