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Wasted breaths
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted breaths NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted breaths GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
Love me like a desert rose
Hold me like you can't let go
Her annoyance began to grow when the shop owner returned for the third time with the wrong potion. This potion helps with hair growth,” She began to read the description, before looking back at the man, hopefully making him realize that this wasn’t what she asked for. ”Yes, that is what you wanted, right?” He asked, and Arlyana let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t really like her hair looked like it needed a hair growth potion, but maybe the shop owner was as blind as he was deaf. There was probably no point in trying to argue with him. And yet, she was still willing to give it one last try. ”No, I’m looking for a potion to-” She started again, until suddenly another customer came walking into the shop.

Arlyana turned her head, stopping mid sentence to look at the woman with a skin tone more similar to hers. Her eyes shortly looked her over, before taking a step back from the counter as her interest to keep asking for the potion all over again began to fade away. ”I wouldn’t waste your breath if I were you. I don’t think he understands any of the words you might say to him.” She told the woman, glancing back at the man. The fact still remained that she needed that potion, but then she might have to find it elsewhere. Funny enough the man didn’t even seem to catch her meaning, asking her if he was able to help her again. ”Maybe another day.” She spoke, already pulling her cloak further against her skin before she made way towards the door. The dress she wore beneath was a little too cold for this climate, and it showed. But then, it did earn her more money to be walking around showing a bit more skin. Her green eyes shortly met with the deep brown eyes of the other, deciding to actually wait for the woman, to see what she would do.
Keep me safe when I come home
Love me like a desert rose

Wed Mar 01, 2023 3:51 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Nephthys Daetrys
Nephthys Daetrys
Wasted breaths 385cyPI
Wasted breaths En0ePpm

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess
She was trouble,
chaos, but her smile dared me to fall in love with her
Somehow the Xailan princess had stuck around in Ravaryn a little while longer. She was supposed to head home with the rest of her countrymen after the festival of Frostcrown, but alas, she was still here. Today however, her luck of finding fascinating things seemed to have finally run out. She was walking through the capital once again, past streets and shops she had already seen multiple times. Even the castle —where she had been staying, courtesy of the Ylindars— didn't seem quite as appealing anymore. The sun elf wrapped her warm cloak further around her. Underneath she wore a stunning and well-made dress that wasn't suitable for the temperatures, but she had decided to rely on her cloak for warmth. Her head donned a gold elven tiara, one that only royal fortunes could pay for.

Perhaps it was finally time to  head home... Or perhaps not. Because when the princess had entered a random shop she was met with a rather appealing figure. Her dark eyes instantly glossed over the smaller woman who was clad in a cloak, yet had chosen to wear a dress that wasn't quite suitable for this climate. Now why had she done that? She didn't pay any attention to the confused shopkeep as she stepped closer to the woman. "I don't ever waste my breath on someone not worth my time." She said. "Tell me, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" She inquired in a blunt manner as she showed the stranger an enticing smile. All because the woman didn't look like she was from here, it looked like she was from more southern places.

Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:32 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Wasted breaths NBgpUR6N_o
Wasted breaths GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
Love me like a desert rose
Hold me like you can't let go
Just one look at her had been able to tell her enough. It told her this woman was either highly noble, or possibly even royalty - given the crown she was wearing on the top of her head. Her skin tone was quite warm, probably kissed by the sun more than a couple of hundred times. And while her own skin used to resemble something similar - even though she was still much paler in comparison, she had been living in the colder climate of Ravaryn for a long enough time to lose some of that warmth in her own skin tone. But it was not entirely gone, not yet. Her skin was still not pale enough for someone who would have been born and raised here..

Arlyana rarely missed it when someone looked her over, but when she noticed this woman doing it too, it was not in the same way most women glanced at the clothes she was wearing. It was not with the same distrust on her face, or with that judgment, telling her that the lack of fabric on her clothes would be considered too ’improper’. Instead, she actually stepped closer, not paying the shopkeeper any attention while her words implied that she was more worthy of her time. Because she never wasted her breath, and yet, she was still talking to her. Asking her what she was doing in a place like this.

Her green eyes shortly looked around the shop, before landing them back on the darker eyes of the other woman. ”Well, doing business, obviously.” She joked, letting one corner of her mouth curl up into a grin, not in any way that could be considered unpleasant, or unkind. Ofcourse she knew this woman meant something else with her question, but either way, Arlyana did not really like to talk about anything regarding her past. ”Or well, an attempt at business in this case.” She continued, smiling a bit wider before she looked back at the shopkeeper for only a couple of seconds. Returning her gaze and showing a slight bit of curiosity, possibly even a hint of temptation as well. ”A better question might be what you are doing here?”
Keep me safe when I come home
Love me like a desert rose

Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:31 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Nephthys Daetrys
Nephthys Daetrys
Wasted breaths 385cyPI
Wasted breaths En0ePpm

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess
She was trouble,
chaos, but her smile dared me to fall in love with her
Just when the princess had been ready to give up and return home, Raanan granted her a gift to keep her around longer. In front of her stood a woman unlike any other she had seen here. The lady seemed about the same age as Nephthys, but that wasn't wat the sun elf noticed. Because while she might not look it to most, the stranger looked unmistakably Xailan. She was not as tan as the taller woman, but her skintone still had that undeniable southern influence. It was a shame such a beauty was hiding in a place where the sun did not shine as bright as down south, for she would not be truly appreciated the way she should be.

When the lady started to speak a grin crept onto to the sun elf's face, one that was mimicked by the other. "She jokes," she said in a satisfied tone. While the brunette looked briefly to the —still rather confused— shopkeep, Nephthys kept her gaze on her. If anything, she was rather struck by this sudden beauty, yet her confidence overshadowed the other emotions she felt. "Oh little old me?" She questioned as she briefly bat her eyes. "I'm just a girl from a faraway country, looking for a good time." She spoke, making sure to leave out just about all information about herself. "Would you happen to know where to find one?" She tried as she showed the lady a dashing smile. If she did not know, perhaps they could find one together.

Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:24 pm
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