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They will call it a 'love' story
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
They will call it a 'love' story X
They will call it a 'love' story Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He had already spoken to her father when he had heard of her. She was supposed to be one of a kind, a beautiful woman. She was young, seemingly even gifted in some arts and from a high standing. She was simply made for him if you asked him. She would fit the role perfectly. A jewel for his collection, something to show off to people. He once again got what he wanted. Once again proving that anything could be achieved for the right price. It had been a while since he last had a wife to call his own. For his last wife was more of a disappointment then anything else. The fact that she was gone, was a blessing. He had made that clear from day one. Things had been rough in the house, with his daughter and her. She did not like the one thing he cared so deeply about. And when she made that one crucial mistake of misplacing her footing, he decided that she had to be erased. So she did, just like he had wished. No-one ever questioned what had happened, no-one cared. Because, at the end of the day she was just a woman married into the winter family. She didn't hold anything of true power to herself.

So he had prepared the finest azaleas for her. He had a fine hand when it came to flowers. He had learned from her, his one true love, on what to pick out. He had chosen the dark pink variation. Indicating passion for her. They were stunning, bright and stood out. It wasn't roses as his servants had suggested... Because well, this wasn't love. Roses were reserved for only one person, his Cecilia. He would not give a rose to anyone else, how hard they begged. They were for her only. Every year he still gifted her one to let her know she was still her one true love. One day he would get her back, he was sure of that. But before that he had to... Bite the bullet, live through it all. Keep head high and show off. Show the world what he was made off, shake at its core... But also enjoy it to its fullest, just like he would enjoy her to the fullest.

He had requested her to meet him in one of his estates in the upper ring. Free of children here he was sure to spend some time with her to get to know her. He had made sure some of the finest food and wine were present. He would show her what awaited her; a life of luxury and pleasure. If she so wished for it. The only thing he wished for was he utmost loyalty and obedience. He knew that not all women were quick to act out in that way, but what was the fun in having one that was already set. With time even the most stubborn of women could become a wife to lust over. That was his desire. His goal. Look pretty, play the part. Its all she had to do.

He leaned back in his leather seat as he stared at the bouquet in front of him. Awaiting her arrival, meeting her. She couldn't disappoint. Because if she did, he would make sure that history didn't repeat itself.
Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:36 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Victoria Winter
Victoria Winter
They will call it a 'love' story Dto5VdLZ_o
They will call it a 'love' story Tumblr_og8aqlEpAm1s7r9p8o5_400

Character sheet
Age: 26 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Two-faced queenie

a saint with the lips of a sinner
an angel with a devilish kiss
Today would be the day she'd been dreading. Perhaps, one of the most important days within her life. Ever since coming of age she had known this day would come eventually. Born within a family of nobles, she would one day be destined to serve as a rich man's trophy. Forced to bear his children and to be chained to the duties of a house wife. As her twenties swiftly passed, she jad tried to enjoy every minute of her being her own person. Especially her nightly job had given her a sense of freedom she didn't dare to dream of before. The thrill of seducing the same type of men that she would one day belong to, leaving them wanting more and harvesting their money like corn within late summer. Perhaps, she had to leave it all behind soon.

Dressed within a gown of deep red and adorned with several mathcing pieces of jewelry, she was brought to the estate where the man she was promised to would be waiting for her. Matthew Winter, was his name. The usually fearless woman had been nailed to the ground for a few seconds after hearing the name of her fiance to-be. Her father's prestige had become higher when he started to invest a huge portion of his income into the church and its facilities, but for him to be able to unite his family and that of the aristocrats was something she did not expect. And now, she was standing in front of the estate gates, collecting her thoughts before making her way to the inside. The man she was promised to wasn't just any man, after all.

He was a Winter.

With a straight face and posture, the woman made her way through the estate. The sound of her heels clacking against the flooring announced her entrance where a nerve-racking silence had once ruled. While her walk through the hallway seemed to last for ages, the moment of truth finally arrived as she soon met the gaze of the man she was promised to. Sitting within a leather seat with a bouqet of flashy, pink azeleas in front of him. For her, she assumed. Too bad she was woman of roses. Both his hair and eyes were darker than that of the Duke and his daughter. Their gazes locked for a few seconds, before the raven haired woman politely bowed before him. "My lord," she spoke. Her voice clear and adorned with confidence. She despied this behaviour already, lapping at the mans heels like she owed him something. "It's an honor to be able to meet you here today," the woman continued. She had heard much about him already, mostly from her father. His age, however, he had never explicitly told her. While he had a charming appearance, the age gap between the two was clear as day. "May I take this seat?" She gestured at the empty seat across him. While being used to wearing heels, she would never get used to the uncomfortable feeling.  

@ Matthew Winter
Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:26 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
They will call it a 'love' story X
They will call it a 'love' story Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
It didn't take long for her to finally appear before him. Dressed in a purely crimson red dress, he could simply show her a smile as she walked in. The rumours had been right, she was quite the beauty to behold. Having something exotic about her, he felt himself get overjoyed by the choice he had made. Now, that was how far it came with looks. And for him, that is where it ended. She had made it through the first and only requirement of today; looking nice enough to pass for him. How she was, what she enjoyed, what she did, did not matter. Because in reality, she did not matter. Her body being the only thing he was after, perhaps. She had to act like a mother to his daughter and Luca, however. Those were the duties that were going to be required of her. Acting like a wife should. Perfection being the only thing he would tolerate. However, those were matters that a future her should worry about.

She bowed before him as he slowly observed her once more. From head to toe, as if she was some sort of product to be inspected. And in a way, that was exactly what she was to him. Just like his last wife had been to him, was she simply here to do something he was seeking after. There was no emotions attached to this, apart for lust maybe. And she delivered, oh how she delivered on the one part she had to play on. She did not disappoint, that much was for sure. She called him by his rightful title and he tilted his head. That cocky, arrogant smile on his face as he enjoyed how she was lower than him, beneath him. That feeling of pure power by just hearing that title from her lips. Like an addictive drugs it fuelled him, feeling somewhat high on her words. He always felt so wrongfully good whenever people addressed him like that, showing their obedience. It made them look puny and he thought that was just hilarious.

She went on, an honour... Indeed. His smile became more soft as he slowly rose from his seat. She asked him if she could take a seat, but he stepped forward. Looking at her once again, before bowing in his own turn, reaching out his hand to get a hold of her hand. As soon as he was able to, he kissed softly kissed the back of it, closing his eyes as he let the moment sink in for a moment. A silence falling over them he could feel the tension get a bit... Less heavy as he averted her gaze to her once more. "My lady," He started. "You look absolutely stunning in red," He smiled as he took a step back. "Please do take a seat, my dear," He nodded at the luxurious chair that had been prepared for her.

He smiled once more as he turned back around, walking past the table, before stopping. His hands going over the flowers as he glanced back over to the beautiful lady. "I have picked these out for you," He stepped back, taking a seat. "Pink azaleas from my own private garden. Freshly picked this morning by yours truly," He nodded as he leaned a bit back. "I wasn't sure what kind of flowers would be to your liking. But azaleas are known to bring a bright future," Abundance, lust, a great future. They meant so many things. "So in celebration of our arrangements, I thought they were the perfect gift for you," He nodded, his gaze going over to one of the butlers that approached them. He looked back over to her as he tilted his head slowly.

"My lady, I have made sure that we have prepared the finest wine for you. Do you have any preferences?"
Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:16 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Victoria Winter
Victoria Winter
They will call it a 'love' story Dto5VdLZ_o
They will call it a 'love' story Tumblr_og8aqlEpAm1s7r9p8o5_400

Character sheet
Age: 26 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Two-faced queenie

a saint with the lips of a sinner
an angel with a devilish kiss
As his voice broke the silence she felt a shiver going down her spine. Laced with pride and confidence, as to be expected. This man knew the power he held. The woman held a straight face as lusting eyes inspected her, holding her breath as he closed the distance between them. While his pressence was like fire, the kiss he planted on the back of her hand was gentle and slow. Those few seconds would be the first and last time she was able to have him be beneath her. For the rest of this marriage, she would have to be the one below.

After his approval she could finally take her seat, resting her feet. "Thank you kindly, my lord," she responded to his complement, a flattered smile forced upon her lips. Red was the color of love and passion, even though this whole marriage wouldn't have anything to do with love. Still, it was a suiting color. Representing the hellfire in which sinners like her and those fueled by greed like him would meet once again.

She once again glanced upon the flowers he proudly presented her. Apparantly they came from his own, private garden. That sounded quite nice, actually. Perhaps said garden could be her retreat. She could offer him to take care of the flowers, in exchange for some peace of mind. "I didn't dare to imagine you to be so thoughtful." Part of that was true. However, she was smart enough to know there was a fair chance for this behaviour to only last until shortly after the marriage. She had heard the stories of housewives plenty of times. "They are beautiful." Once again she looked him in the eyes. It wasn't like her to feel nervous or anxious around men. Still, she needed this marriage to succeed. Not many ordinary nobles had the chance to marry themselves within the ruling family of Ashmoor.

In response to his next question the woman in red gently shook her head. "Not at all," she responded. A glass of wine would ease the nerves, perhaps. After all this was their opportunity to get to know eachother before their marriage. She didn't want the occasional silence to make things uncomfortable. "You have quite the beautiful estate here, my lord." It was an attempt to break the silence, perhaps to get to know more about his business. Maybe just until the wine would move them to more.. interesting topics.

@ Matthew Winter
Thu Oct 13, 2022 6:02 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
They will call it a 'love' story X
They will call it a 'love' story Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
If it was up to him, she would wear red for the entirety of their marriage and time together. Red was his favorite color and to see on a lady like her, really pleased him. To finally be back at a point in time where he had this kind of control over someone was exciting to him, thrilling even. He already lusted for that one night. He would make it magical for her, for them. And the time after, on their honeymoon, he would make sure to please her in more than one way. He smiled at that thought, observing her as she took a seat. Pleased with the choice that he had made for himself. Although, it was still questionable if this exotic flower had some fire in her. He mulled it over and over again in his head, silently affirming himself that, if that were the case, he would get to it quicker then with the last one. No more mistake this time, no more patience. There was no time for that kind of nonsense.

She spoke to him in ways that made him chuckle a bit, tilting his head. She noted that he was thoughtful and that the flowers were beautiful. "Of course, my dear," He said with a nod, letting his gaze go over the collection of fiery colored plants. "It was the least I could do," And he was right. He could have done so much more for their first meeting, especially with his money and power. He could have hired an entire orchestra for her or even bought her her own house as a retreat. But the fact that he only showed with mere flowers was both an offering and a message. He was not going to spend anything more on her then what was needed. She would play the role that was laid out for her and that was it. She would be his perfect wife and nothing more.

Victoria noted that she had no preference, so Matthew hummed almost silently after that. "I see," He said with a charming smile. His gaze going to a butler that was standing near the door he nodded. "Two glasses of my favorite," He said, his voice somewhat changing in tone as it became sterner, more demanding. The man bowed his head before he swiftly left the room, leaving the two of them alone. As his hazel eyes went back to her she noted that the estate was beautiful as well. He smiled at her when he heard this. "It's one of many," He said. "But thank you," He nodded slowly. "I'm sure that you would have loved the castle as well but... I thought some privacy..." He paused for a moment, leaning a bit forward as he did. "Might do us well," No children around or pesky in laws that could disturb them. It was just the two of them and some maids and butlers here.

It didn't take long for the butler to return with the drinks. Two glasses of red wine, perfect. As the man stepped forward and handed the glass over, Matthew gently moved the item around. He stopped as he brought his face closer, taking a deep breath as he did. Perfect. His smile widened, raising his glass towards his fiancé. "To us," He said softly.
Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:05 pm
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