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Teenage dream
Time will tell
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The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Teenage dream  CWnwfQN
Teenage dream  1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
It was truly pathetic how some people thought to be of the social standing as her. As if they could just approach her and strike up a conversation. She was a Winter for Renestrae's sake, not some middle class social climber. She was, in fact, already at the top of the ladder. It was utterly peculiar how some people seemed to forget that. The poor servant girl who had made the mistake of addressing her in the wrong manner had, of course, been reprimanded for her mistakes. She would now work in the kitchens, Lottie was told.

After this whole debocle, Charlotte truly needed some time off. Worrying wasn't great for one's skin, her mother always said so. Thankfully there was always one person who could cheer her up. So there she went, making her way to her cousin's chambers. "Alison?" She called out, announcing her presence at the door. She better be home.


& Alison
Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:32 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Teenage dream  JS82q3hE_o
Teenage dream  3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Perfection is the enemy of good. Very wise words by a very wise man that Alison actively chose not to live by. The thing was, if the choice was between perfect and good then it wasn't all that hard to pick, was it? Perfection it was, then. Her art was only a hobby of course, but her dearest father didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, so that gave her plenty of time to become the best painter in all of Ashmoor. It was also a good way for her to get her mind off of things and have some time for herself. She loved her hectic life and chaotic family, of course, but practicing a hobby inside her own room meant that she finally had some true alone time. No guards, no no one.

Of course this could never last long. She could recognise her steps before she heard the familiar voice call her name and had therefore already started unbuttoning her apron, hanging it over a chair as she made her way to the door. "Lottie!" she said as she opened it, a bright smile on her face. Her expression however faltered as she saw her favourite cousin's face. "What's wrong?"
Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:57 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Teenage dream  CWnwfQN
Teenage dream  1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
Why was it so hard to do as was expected of one? Why did servants always feel the need to cozy up to her? Couldn't they just.. not? Charlotte always tried to be polite and respectful towards her servants, the way her parents had taught her. However, when the servants seemed to think of her as their friend rather than their employer they were simply in the wrong. Thankfully the servant girl hadn't been one of her personal handmaidens. So it truly didn't matter that she had condemnded her to life in the kitchens.That was just the way the world worked.

To say that the whole ordeal of having to demolishing a servant had upset her was an understatement. It was just so tiring, as if she didn't have better things to do. Thankfully, she knew that her cousin could always cheer her up, so that was where she went. As the blonde opened the door she seemed to immediately notice Lottie's distress. Alison was a true darling of the highest tier. "Oh I'm just so upset Ali." She said with a pout on her pretty face. "One of the servant girls called me 'Charlotte'. No title or anything but like we were friends. Of all things she could say to me, this was just crossing the line." She stated as she crossed her arms. It was truly a bleak day.

Thu Nov 24, 2022 11:43 pm
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