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A new dream
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Oscar Trygg
Oscar Trygg
A new dream 53zL75vk_o
A new dream TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Mage
Goodness. Travelling all the way back to Ishgard. Of course, the journey was much shorter then going back to his home, but still. Yet he was so proud of himself, for he did not shed one tear while travelling. His father, Erek, seemed to be pleased as well. It helped that it wasn't just him and his dad now. Oscar had to keep a stronger posture, since he didn’t want to show the weakling hiding inside of him.
Everything that went on in the family was a bit much for the boy. So, he did his best to make the most of it. Like, practicing his dark magic in secret, practicing his poor martial arts skills, practicing combat with his sword, learning about history, learning about anything he could learn. He was somewhat of a book nerd for that matter, but that wasn’t something to be proud of. Knowledge was a good thing to have, but it never really impressed anyone, unless you where also strong and, well, handsome?
Oh and then there was the part in which he had to behave like the son of the Governor of Sleetsphire that he was. Biological or not, Oscar carried the name Trygg and hadn’t known anything else then being a Trygg. Though, sometimes he still wondered what that meant. He knew that he had to learn about politics, positions, everything that mattered since he was Erek’s son. He had to find a suitable occupation at some point, because Oscar needed to be of use at some point. But what? What was he supposed to do with his life and brain and everything? Mumbling under his breath, frustrated with his train of thoughts, he wandered the hallways until he stumbled into a figure also known as Vé. “Apologies…. Er… sir?” Damn. That’s now how you were supposed to talk to family. Awkward, yet again.

@Vé Trygg
Tue Aug 30, 2022 9:23 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
A new dream Naamloos
A new dream 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
He was really thinking about going back there. Because, well, if he was in Norwyn and they would be here, then he would have some alone time. He mulled over the idea, but quickly rejected it in his mind. No, that would only make Rán angrier. She was already in some kind of state of just constantly being pissed off at him. It frustrated him greatly as there was little to be done about it. he didn't know what his calling was, what he was supposed to do or even what people expected of him. He knew that if something happened to Rán, he would be the one responsible for Norwyn. But did he really want that? Besides, he wasn't suited for a governor position like his sister or uncle. He had little interest in the welfare of the people. Yes, he did feel bad when he saw a poor man on the street, but then he also thought to himself that the man could be working to get some gold. It was somewhat of a duality in his mind. Yea, he wasn't suited to lead, at all.

Moving to Sleetspire to ask his uncle about his days in the army were something he could do. He could potentially work himself up in the ranks, even though he wasn't physically well enough for... Well any test that required him to do anything with his body. The man sighed as he leaned back. No army was out as well. He shook his head a little as he slowly started to walk again. He had been staring off into the distance, thinking about his future once again. Maybe he could travel to Xaila and set up some trading routes... Although Lemuria were better at the whole trading thing. But with boats the travel from Xaila to Norwyn could be a swift one. An idea arose in his mind as he moved his hand towards his pocket.

The hand never reached its destination as he quickly ran into someone. His eyes met the gaze of the younger boy as he quickly observed him. He wasn't much taller then him, but was clearly younger. If he remembered correctly then this was one of the adopted nephews he had. The young man started to mumble some things. Ve frowned a bit his expression stern as he observed the other, before getting a more open and soft smile on his face. "Oscar right?" He said in his soft, deep voice. "You can just call me Ve," He nodded as his face went back to a more neutral expression, but a smile remained. "What brings you to Ishgard? Are you with your father?" He had met Uncle Erek earlier this week, so it wasn't a surprise that his youngest son was with him.
Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:04 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Oscar Trygg
Oscar Trygg
A new dream 53zL75vk_o
A new dream TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Mage
Yes. Awkward indeed. Especially since Oscar knew that there was drama going on with the man standing right in front of him. The details were a bit vague, but he knew enough to know that there was drama. Ve greeted him by his name. Oscar fumbled his fingers, giving his nephew a crooked smile. “Yep, that’s me,” he replied. “Yeah, you’re family, so calling you sir is a bit strange, I guess?” Was his weird reaction to Ve telling him that he could call him Ve. Alright, going strong with making impressions here. And there was the following question. “Yes, I’m here with my father to… learn, I suppose?” He frowned and then sighed. Ok, time to learn. Ve was family, older, he probably made something out of his life, right? “I mean. I’m an adult now, so I suppose that I should start doing something… an occupation? I don’t know. Be someone and travelling with family, getting to know other family is the way I suppose? So… Any words of advice, Ve?”[/b] Ah, there he goes, trying to make something of his life.
I mean, how could he life up to his father? Governor. Previous general of the Ishgardian army. Those weren’t any possible positions for a young man like Oscar. Most people didn’t even see a man, but just a boy. A boy with a brain. A boy good with books. He could see if there were suitable occupations when it came to having a brain. He was good with dark magic, but that was forbidden. To be fair, he wanted to feel useful and be someone and maybe even attract females at some point because he was someone, not a boy, but a man.
Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:33 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
A new dream Naamloos
A new dream 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
The boy in front of him seemed very nervous. Why exactly, he couldn't tell right away. It's not like he, Ve Trygg, was anything grand or imposing. He was simply brother to Rán, governess of Norwyn. The only son to his fathers legacy. He almost sighed at the thought alone. But besides family and connections Ve was simply just an ill man. Nothing more. He had no talents, nothing he was good at. He had achieved nothing in his life as of yet. Leaving Norwyn was perhaps the height of his life so far... So he didn't even have good stories te tell. OScar confirmed that he was indeed... Well, himself... And Ve nodded as he kept on looking at the other. He kept on talking, speaking of the fact that they were family and that callinh him sir was a bit strange. He simply shrugged for a moment. He didn't mind, but the boy also didn't need to put in the effort to reffer to him as sir. Lord, sir, mister. All those kind of titles made him feel weird anyway. Again something that he got from birth right alone. He didn't deserve them when it came down to who he really was.

He asked Oscar if he was here with his father, lord Erek Trygg, and he confirmed that matter. He was here with Erek to learn. He frowned as he questioned himself once more. He doubted himself quite a bit, didn't he? Ve could relate to him for that, but compared to his adopted nephew he wasn't the kind to affirm that verbally. And... The boy went on. Rambling about how he was an adult and he had to start doing something. More questions. More... And he asked him something. Advice? From... Him? His eyebrows rose a bit as he blinked rapidly. Why exactly...? He asked what he had to do with his life, sort of seeking the purpose of his existance. Ve sighed soflty. Not even he knew the answer to that. But... Here he was. It was a first that someone asked him for advice. People rarely seeked out his knowledge. Because well, simply put, there were just better people out there then himself for any matter.

"Well," he started with a sigh. "You're a Trygg and I'm going to be blunt with you; you aren't the eldest of the family," He had an older adoptive brother. He didn't know what his uncle had plannen in regards of heir... If anything he should stay loyal to blood ties, but he could understand that he thought of both Benji en Oscar as his kids. In both flesh and spirit. Oh well. "Your older brother will most likely take over Sleetspire when... That time comes. So you don't have to worry about all that, for now," If Benji laid down his duties it would be up to Oscar to take all that on. But those were matters for a far away future, he hoped. "So why not do something you enjoy? Have any hobbies? Things you like to do?" He was sure the boy had something. "Money ain't a problem, so why not do what you enjoy?" Erek wasn't that strict, right?
Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:53 am
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