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But it feels like home
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Aurora Laérys
Aurora Laérys
But it feels like home 53zL75vk_o
But it feels like home TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Healer

It was a day before her journey to Norwyn would go through. One of the fishermen, who happened to be an old friend of her father, reached out to them after he was struck down with a bad case of frostbite. The letter was a short one, but the urgency was still shining through. Aurora thought that her father wanted to go himself, but he surprised her by sending her on her way. He had explained to her which plant she needed to look for and what spell she needed to mutter to extract the right fluids from the plant to brew the potion. It was her first big task outside of Ishgard and while she felt nervous, she knew she could do it. She had specialized herself in brewing potions and she still found it better to apply than the plain healing methods her master was learning her, although she didn’t mind to learn that either. There weren’t always plant around in his environment and especially in this cold weather she needed to know at least some plain healing methods to take care of the wounds of those around her.

To take her mind off the task ahead, Aurora decided to venture into the city. The market always soothed her thoughts and she hoped she could find a lovely souvenir to bring along with her on her journey. She earned her fair share of money with the occupation she had, so she could surely afford herself a nice little necklace or maybe a bracelet. As she was walking down the street, minding her own business, she heard some whistling coming from a street nearby. Aurora knew better than to pay attention to that, so she turned her head and pretended like she hadn’t notice the three drunk men standing a bit further down the street. The smell of alcohol already came drifting down her way and she suppressed a sigh.

Being drunk, in the middle of the day? Really? Well, she hoped they would at least have the common sense to acknowledge that she didn’t want to deal with them. She dared to call herself fairly attractive, but that wasn’t a reason for drunk old men to hit on her. Not at all.

@Zain Altahar
Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:03 pm
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