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Home is where the beer is
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Ravaryn Citizen
Brann Skygge
Brann Skygge
Home is where the beer is Image
Home is where the beer is 33635ec2216881af5901268cb9d90605770ec4d8

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Druid
Occupation: Rán's right hand man, handhaver

Brann wasn't much of traveller anymore. The open road did not intrigue him enough to leave the comforts of the well-known, change ought to scare a big man whose trust and clamth rests in the nature around him after all. It was only the company of a best friend that got him to leave his home and ride up to Ishgard. The urge to stick around her whenever possible despite the way she'd be able to rile him up from time to time. Truth be told, he had started to like the way she could make him feel, whether it was annoyance or happiness, Ran had found a way to silence the urge to snap her neck within him whenever she'd get on his nerves. And the time where'd been because of the bed she'd provided him with had long passed, though the big man would argue he had just gotten crazy enough to forget how it felt to be without his best friend. Either way, it wasn't with any hesitation he walked after her now, a hint of a  smile on his otherwise straight face.  The governess had taken to the busy streets of Ishgard and Brann had insisted on coming along. Not because she was in need of a bodyguard or anything, anyone dumb enough to cross the stern woman she could handle surely. No, roaming the streets with her felt natural, as a throwback to the streets of Norwyn he'd already started to miss. Besides, there were plenty of places to get a drink around here that didn't come from stupid Grapes. "I miss Norwyn" the tall man hummed as he caught up to her, looking around the many building around them, blanketed in the orange glow of a cold sunset. "Less people walking in your damn way" He continued bitterly as he roughly  shoved a poor unfortunate soul aside who had gotten in his way.


girlwhowaited @ (cttw)(​shine)(​tcb)
Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:02 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Home is where the beer is Unknown
Home is where the beer is F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Brann was like her big dog right now, always on her heels, following her wherever she went. And she didn't complain. It was nice to have some company that wasn't her dumb brother, her big-mouthed sister or her wise uncle that somehow annoyed her with his rational and patient nature. Brann was the perfect mix of down to earth comments and heartfelt banter. So when he offered to come with she had gratefully said yes. Because the streets here were weird. She was unknown and known at the same time. People didn't recognize her face, and her even most royal dresses could be plain in comparison to what the rich folk wore here. But as soon as she told them her name, the respect returned. She liked the anonymity, but she missed her absolute authority.

And she missed the snow. The world here was warmer, even when the sun went down, it would not freeze over. Brann echoed her thought out loud and she smiled back at the tall man. He just shoved a man out of his way, and she chuckled softly. ‘‘Oh, my dear Brann, we shall go home soon enough,’’ she told him when she hooked her arm around his. She leaned in a big closer. ‘‘But in the meantime, you could change in a bear and I'll bet people make space easily enough,’’ she joked happily, but her voice was soft. She put on her mean face again when she looked at the people around the streets. It was nothing like Norwyn, she didn't even know so many people would like to live close together. It reminded her a bit of the port in Norwyn, but the people only did business there and then left. But anyway, there were shops here too and Rán liked to spend money.
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:09 am
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