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[FoF/M] Closer than this
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
Another long journey. This time even longer than when he went to Xaila. At first, he had been against it. Why did they travel all the way to Ravaryn? It was no use for him to go. And for Chaska, he had been against that even more. Why would they risk travelling with a pregnant woman? What if something happened to her? Or the child? But no, everybody seemed perfectly fine dragging her across the continent. Even if things between them were... better, in some kind of way. Being confined to a ship for a month with her seemed torture, especially what happened the last time they were on a ship together. So, in an impulse, he'd asked Rhysand to join. On a different boat, naturally. So he wouldn't be so alone in Ishgard, surrounded by family he didn't know nor wanted to get to know. Well, except his sister. But that was awkward too.

The journey was grim and cold, especially when they travelled more North and the sea had started to become rough. He had spent time below decks, just talking to Chaska most of the time. He was taking care of her and he had to promise her at least on ten different occasions that he would not leave her side during the festivities.

Once they had settled in the snowy city, they were more than happy to spend some time apart. Ezekiel told her that he would scout out the market so she could rest. He could never stop feeling guilty that he would always have a double agenda, but he couldn't help feeling a bit giddy as he strolled through the cobbled streets. It was grand but in a whole different way than Al-Qahil or even Moonbright. And the most nerve-wracking thing was that he saw bears everywhere. Carved in stone, carved in wood, as trinkets standing on windowsills. He'd almost forgotten that the bear was these people's patron, and it reminded him even more where part of his roots lay. By Lythrana, his heritage was so obvious. How had he been so blind to it all this time?

The summoner finally found the place where he was looking for as he entered a busy inn. It had been a month since he had seen his secret lover. But now that they were in Ishgard, they were more anonymous than ever. Dressed thickly against the cold weather and his hair freshly died black again to hide even the slightest root of silver, he could just be any commoner. He scanned the room while he leaned against the wall near the entrance, crossing his arms in front of his body while he did so. He didn't spot the one he was looking for. He was probably still holed up in his room, contemplating why he had let himself be convinced to take this journey. Ezekiel wasn't impatient, though. He had waited for a month. He could wait for a while longer.
Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:42 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
Though he did have his doubts, of course he couldn’t help but to agree to the summoner’s offer of joining him on his travels to Ravaryn. As long he’d lay low he would be able to enjoy the yearly celebrations. Besides, nobody would even expect him to reside within the northern kingdom, let alone actively seeking him out.

As soon as they had sailed within Ravaryn territory, however, the northern winds seemed to cut right through his several layers of clothing, frosty air stinging his face as he had been quick to disappear below deck, wondering how in Xeion’s name the locals thrived in such temperatures.

Luckily, his Lemurian lover had been kind enough to leave him with some pocket money before they parted ways at the harbor. Enough to provide both him and his beloved companion with some weather appropriate attire and warm inn room once they arrived. And by the gods, how he had missed sleeping in actual bed after such tiring and seemingly endless journey.

Perhaps that is why the two of them decided to sleep in the next day, to the point where even the rays of morning light peeking from behind the curtains did not wake him from his deep, dreamless sleep. No, the thing which eventually dragged him out of his slumber was the sound of his own snoring.

By the gods, even the walls of their little inn room couldn’t keep the cold from seeping into his bones as he opened his eyes. So after seeking out the warmth of the woman still sleeping beside him, he pressed trail of gentle kisses against her back and shoulders before quietly leaving the bed and slip into his newly purchased attire.

He could already distinguish the sound of chatter coming from the main entrance of the inn as he carefully closed the door behind him. When he finally merged himself with the crowd, he couldn’t help but feel relieved at the change in temperature within such crowded space. Or perhaps the warmth of his fur-adorned cloak did what it was supposed to do.

Would be a crime to warm himself up with the help of a drink at this time of day? He’d barely opened his eyes yet, but how else did the people of the northern kingdom manage to get through the day? He clearly wasn’t made for temperatures like this. ”Recommend me something,” he sighed as he leaned against the bar, dropping his coin on the counter. ”Preferably something strong.” Just a few sips of some strong liquor had to be enough to get him towards the markets. What he hadn't noticed, however, was that the one person who would be able to set his heart aflame stood right behind him.
the boyfie x ≪
Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
The outside weather had left a chilly layer over his cheeks and nose that now started to glow once he had entered the comfortable warmth of the inn. He hid his face deeper into the hem of the fur-lined cloak and kicked the snow off his boots. It was rather lively in the establishment. Probably loads of excited travellers to enjoy the festival. Would any of them be like him? Waiting for an old friend they only saw a couple of times every year? His two-toned eyes started to people-watch while he waited, making up stories with every stranger's face he met to kill time.

The summoner almost didn't spot the new figure in the room as he had been eavesdropping on a conversation next to him. It was about the market that was happening in the city centre and how the woman - apparently a vendor at one of the stalls - had been having very good business. But as he noticed the dark-headed man shifting through the crowd, he recognized him immediately. It was embarrassing how heavily his heart dropped at only the sight of him. Only now did he realise how terribly he had missed him. Not in the way before, where either the other was some person at the other end of the world or lost to the realm of the dead. No, this was the yearning from being so close, yet so far apart, yet knowing they would be together soon enough. And still, that wasn't enough feeling to pass. It finally led to some kind of happy reunion, not burdened with all those annoying emotions.

Ezekiel had not been noticed by him. Unable to suppress himself any longer he pushed himself from his perching place at the wall and started to move through the crowd. He just caught the last words Rhysand spoke to the innkeeper. A tiny smile adorned the summoner's lips. He was unbetterable.

‘‘Isn't it a bit early to drink?’’ His hand grazed past the necromancer's back as slotted in beside him, looking up at him sideways as he placed his forearms on the counter. ‘‘Even for you,’’ he added innocently as he raised an eyebrow, desperately trying to not let his face light up in glee. They had to collect themselves. Even if they were anonymous here, the Ravaryn people were even more prudent than the Lemurian. And that was telling something. Every fibre in his body had to contain itself from not shamelessly throwing himself against the necromancer.
Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:33 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
For the first time in his life it was almost as if had somewhat learned from his mistakes. At the very least, he’d tried to make his appearance as unrecognizable as possible. Without losing his charm, of course. His once long, wavy hair had been trimmed down just a little, worn into a messy ponytail, ready to be covered by the hood of his cloak as soon as he’d step outside.

That voice. He knew that voice all too well. Yet he couldn’t let it show how the sound of it made his heart skip a beat, his body burning up at the faint touch of the man’s fingers against the fabric of his cloak. Oh, how he had yearned for him in their moon spent apart. Wrenching his soul with the thought that they now gazed upon the same sea, instead of being divided by kingdoms. So close, yet still out of reach.

He couldn’t refrain his lips from curling into a smile as the summoner took place beside him, meeting his gaze from the corner of his eye as he was handed his drink. ”What can I say,” the necromancer sighed in sarcastic defeat, yet his big grin lingered. ”This weather is relentless, though I figured a few sips of this could help.” Taking hold of his drink, he began sipping at its unfamiliar contents, the strong liquid burning its way down his throat as he stealthily slid his free hand underneath the summoner’s cloak and rested it against the small of his back, hidden away for anyone to see.

”One more, please,” he instructed the bartender as he pulled the summoner in closer. ”For my friend.” Friend. Oh, the man was so much more than that. If only these people knew how hard he had to restrain himself from crashing his lips into that of his lover, showing him just how much he’d been yearning for this touch as he’d bend him right over the counter. ”It’s good to see you, my love.” He whispered in the brief moment the bartender had turned his back towards them, gently caressing the man’s back by brushing his thumb over de fabric of his clothing. ”Took you long enough.” His voice remained low as he teased him, though the grin on his lips lingered.

”Cheers,” the necromancer continued as the man’s drink was being served, no longer forced to keep his previous low volume as he raised his own glass in the air. ”To our reunion.” His dark eyes held the man’s odd colored gaze, finding himself staring at the summoner’s face and all of its pretty features in awe before being reminded of their vulnerable position.
the boyfie x ≪
Wed Jan 10, 2024 4:58 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
Even though he wanted nothing more than to openly touch him, something was exciting about the secrecy. How they couldn't do more than steal a glance, share a brush of contact, paranoid that somebody might see their companionship as more than friendship. Discovery would be catastrophic for him. Not that he minded that much. If he had learned something, you would only be banished and cut out of the family tree. He could live with that. But he would not only his own life but also that of his wife and unborn child.

Love made you do funny things, the way he was so carelessly risking it. He was playing with all their lives at stake. He just couldn't stay away from this man. One glance was enough to cement that. Ezekiel bit the inside of his lip as he kept staring at him from the side of his eyes.

Ezekiel was surprised to catch the necromancer already boldly moving his hand to his back. It was tough to keep a straight face as he turned to look at his lover, complaining about the weather and whatnot while he examined the contents of his drink that Ezekiel could smell was strong from where he was standing. ‘‘You are such a baby,’’ he commented dryly. But he supposed it happened when you took an Xailan out of the desert and placed them in the snow.

The summoner wasn't spared from the liquor as Rhysand ordered another. Ezekiel was probably buying himself a drink here, as the coin that was being spent here was given to the necromancer by him. He was yanked closer to him as their shoulders were now barely touching. Ezekiel was happy that the chill still lingered on his cheeks, so he could hide the flush beneath it.

He turned his head completely to Rhysand as he continued his gutsy behaviour. Whispering sweet nothings, riling him up with even the slightest touch. ‘‘Almost as long as for you to start drinking,’’ he whispered back. He wanted to tell him how much he had missed him but now was not the time nor place. Not that he thought he would ever voice those thoughts out loud. So for now he could only voice out loud that he wouldn't be wasting much time on this trip.

As the bartender returned with his drink, he avoided his gaze and thanked the man silently as he took hold of his glass. He smelled the content suspiciously, while Rhysand made a toast. Ezekiel gave a small chuckle as he clinged his own glass against his. ‘‘Let's make them more frequent,’’ he suggested as he brought the glass to his lips and took a sip of the burning liquor. It sure warmed the stomach. He pulled a face at the strange taste, while he caught the necromancer staring at him. His odd-coloured gaze went up his face and he tilted his chin up slightly.

‘‘I like the new hair,’’ he commented with a small smile. The bangs were new, as was the style to tie it back up. ‘‘It's cute,’’ he teased as he brought up his free hand to give a small tug at the ponytail. Yes, he could certainly get used to this. He gave the man a smug look as he returned to his glass, taking a large sip to quickly work his way through the nasty taste.  
Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:15 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
Previously, the two of them spent years without one another, each of them adhering to their familial duties and burying the memory of their clawing hands and clashing teeth somewhere deep within their minds. That’s what he had tried to do, at least.

And yet, those years of the summoner’s absence couldn’t be compared to how badly he had missed him during their journey towards Ravaryn. Now that the secrets within their hearts had been laid bare and vulnerable, he wanted nothing more than to keep him close. To prevent them from separated by duty and kingdom ever again.

His remarks were met with teasing replies, to which he could only chuckle and challengingly raise a brow. Only in a room full of witnesses would the summoner  dare to speak to him like that, or so he liked to believe. Instead of firing back some witty comments of his own, however, his gaze lingered on the man’s lips, wishing for nothing more than being able to shut him up with actions rather than words. ”Worry not, darling,” he whispered in return, lowering the hand hidden beneath the man’s cloak. ”Just wait and see how long it takes for me to get us out of sight.” Sliding his tongue across the gold pierced to his lip, he had been quick to wrap up that last sentence as the barkeeper returned to serve the summoner’s drink. Two could play this game.

Grinning at his reply, he followed the man’s example by chugging a fair amount of the served liquor after their glasses joyfully clinked against one another. By Xeion, this stuff was something else compared to the wine he was used to. The feeling of burning liquor going down his throat did serve its purpose, however. Once their glasses would be empty, no howling northern wind or icy temperatures could daunt him. ”Certainly,” he replied to the man’s voiced intent. ”Perhaps you’ll even grow tired of me once we’ve arrived back home.” The necromancer smiled at his own teasing words. Home? Lythrania didn’t quite feel like home yet. Perhaps soon enough, when he’d be able to peacefully settle in his little sanctuary underneath the sea, keeping both of his lovers close.

Of course, the new hairstyle hadn’t gone unnoticed. He had already been wondering when the man would be commenting on it. ”Do you–“ interrupted by a tug at the little ponytail, he hissed briefly before shooting the man a challenging glance. Oh, he would be suffering the consequences of this attitude, yet he couldn’t help but smirk at his bratty behavior before chugging the remaining contents of his drink. ”It’s meant to be convenient above all, but I suppose it being ‘cute’  is a nice touch.” Putting down his empty glass on the counter, he shamelessly let his hand underneath the man’s cloak explore the familiar curve of his behind, faintly squeezing it as he sought out his gaze once more. ”So, what exactly urged you to come here? Aren’t you supposed visit the market in Ishgard today?” His voice was laced with honey and his dark eyes narrowed in a teasing manner as he spoke, knowing exactly why the man had sought him out, yet knowing he couldn’t voice that reason out loud in a setting such as this.
the boyfie x ≪
Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:34 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
The world was a cruel place to allow them to be so close but not yet touch. Being in public would be their greatest enemy. Only in the shadows and dark rooms would they ever be able to speak and touch freely. The summoner would even worry that looking at this man for a second too long would not go unnoticed. The boundary between friendship and more was getting harder and harder to distinguish.

So he kept hiding the real meaning of his words into teasing words. Eavesdroppers would see it as friendly banter, but both of them knew better. Rhysand wasn't that subtle, whispering provocative words in return. He scoffed softly as he bit his lip and he turned his gaze away, concerning himself with his drink as the dear barkeeper returned too early for him to continue their little game. Yet, that time that Rhysand promised couldn't come too early for him. He had been craving him ever since they'd set sail.

The necromancer seemed a bit too happy with himself. Ezekiel rolled his eyes as he leaned on the bar, helping himself to the burning liquor. He would regret drinking this later. The summoner raised his eyebrows as the word "home" was dropped, turning his eyes back at him. Home? He didn't think the man would ever regard the underwater as his true home. But it was nice to hear that he was trying. Or maybe he was just happy to have a place to stay, someone to hold. ‘‘Do you really think so?’’ he replied with soft words, asking two questions in one. ‘‘You should put that to the test.’’ A meaningful glance went his way. They were just back together. He had not grown weary just yet.

Ezekiel chuckled as he interrupted his probably witty remark by tugging at his hair. It was hard to let it be just that, not to pull at much more of this man. Keeping his hands to himself was a challenge, so he kept his fingers busy with the glass in his hands. ‘‘It's okay to be adorable, my dear-’’ The summoner's teasing words were cut short by the way Rhysand's hand was getting more daring. He tilted his head slightly as he bit down on his jaw. It was getting harder and harder to keep this act together, as he wanted nothing more than to taste the liquor on his tongue.

This guy was being a prick. They both knew why he was here, why the necromancer crossed an ocean. Because they were too desperate to spend more than a few weeks apart. He shouldn't act so high and mighty as if he was not just as bad. Ezekiel finished the drink and inhaled through his teeth to keep a straight face as the liquor burned down. ‘‘Yes,’’ he replied simply. ‘‘But I never do what I'm supposed to do.’’ He raised a challenging look at his dear friend. ‘‘And don't you think it would be more fun together?’’ His eyes went to his lips and then back at his eyes. ‘‘I think we're wasting our time here.’’  
Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:36 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
He wasn’t sure if the strong liquor on his yet empty stomach was the only reason behind the faint, crimson colored stain on his cheeks. By the gods, both of them were shamelessly desperate, like a young set of teens experiencing their first crushes. Though a couple of young souls would merely be scolded for their foolish behavior. Two grown men of noble blood publicly engaging in such affairs, however, would be a whole other story, especially within the northern kingdom.

But who else had given him the ability to lust for another man’s touch so deeply if not for their deities. Even the sight of him merely sipping his drink and firing his witty remarks, was enough to set his heart ablaze. ”Oh, but I will,” he amusingly replied. ”We have a lot of catching up to do, haven’t we, my friend?” Physically, of course, but he even found himself curious about the man hidden behind the surface of his rebellious tendencies and recalcitrant attitude. Perhaps because, at times, it was almost as if he stared right into a mirror and was met with just another – yet smaller and delicate – version of himself.

The necromancer couldn’t help but wonder how long they’d be able to keep this act up. He didn’t see any other men being as touchy towards their friends or acquaintances. Just how long before their playful and teasing touches would be interpreted as something other than two old friends happily reuniting?

Yet it didn’t stop him from taking it a little step further, amusingly smiling at the way his gesture cut off the summoner’s sentence. ”Is it?” he playfully relied, refusing to remove his hand just yet. ”If you say so, pretty boy.” With a firm, final squeeze he finally removed his hand from the other, holding the man’s gaze with a mischievous spark in his dark eyes. They really had to get moving soon.

And apparently the summoner agreed, his words and challenging eyes making his heart race with anticipation. ”Definitely,” he agreed, giving the bartender a nod before straightening his back. ”And I think that’s a remarkable observation,” the necromancer continued to joke. Trading the bustling inn for some privacy seemed to be their best option. But where to? His room was occupied after all. And perhaps it was a little to soon to introduce the two of his lovers without a plan or preparation of some sort.

But as always, his brilliance struck at the right time, remembering the sight of an old shed behind the building, probably used for storage of some sort. ”Come,” the Xailan spoke, gesturing towards the door. A cunning smile played around his lips as he headed towards the exit. ”Before every stall has run out of valuable wares. We wouldn’t want to risk such tragedy, right?”

Even with the burning taste of liquor still lingering within his throat, the chilly northern wind didn’t fail at cutting right through his skin as they set foot outside the inn. Immediately, the necromancer hid his face underneath his hood, shielding his dark features from the unforgiving temperatures. Oh, how he fought the urge to take the man’s hand or waist and lead him directly into their little abode, but the risk remained too great. He had to be patient for a little while longer, only until those four walls would shield them from prying eyes. ”After you, darling,” he hummed after gesturing towards the old shed they were approaching. It wasn’t the Zinyra estate nor Vylasar castle, but enough to provide them with the privacy they so desperately sought.
the boyfie x ≪
Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:05 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
They sure had a lot of catching up to do. Ezekiel couldn't help but hum in agreement with the comment of the necromancer. They could talk after. For now, the only words he needed to hear were how much he had missed him, between heavy breaths and embarrassing moans. Especially when he was touching him so inappropriately in between all these people. One proper look and they would smell the desperation in the air.

Ezekiel held his gaze for a moment as he called him pretty boy. It was something new and he couldn't help but scoff at the pet name. He would pay the price of calling him that later, feeling him up in public like that. He was taking risks he should not, and yet he couldn't help the flush creeping up on his cheeks. He licked the last drops of liquor from his lips as he turned his eyes away.

If he could, he would have laughed about the blatant lies that were spoken out loud. It was a weak veil for the real meaning. He glanced back at his lover with a hunger in his eyes. He had no idea how he was able to hold up the casual act for so long, even if only a few minutes had passed.

‘‘Gods, no,’’ the summoner replied to his exaggerated comment about missing out on all the precious goods. He knew what the look in his eyes meant. He had an idea. Or rather: a place to go to get their animalistic needs satisfied. While he expected a cosy bed (where his money would have gone), the necromancer pointed towards the exit.

The wind whipped in his face as soon as they stepped outside the bustling inn. Ezekiel his his chin in the fur on his cloak, letting the cold air blow through his dark hair. He followed the necromancer diligently, not asking where they were going, blindly trusting his apparently poor judgement. He shot a judging glance as he pointed at a shed. It was that he was too heated up that he could really complain, so his hand pushed against the rickety door and he slipped inside the dusty place.

As soon as Rhysand followed him, the summoner turned around. As soon as the door was closed behind him, he pushed the taller man against the wood. He took the hem of his hood in his hands and crashed his lips against his with the force that only two lovers who had been separated could muster. He tasted of liquor and sin. ‘‘You've haunted my dreams,’’ he spoke against his lips as he came back for air for a second, pressing his body tightly against that of the Xailan.
Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:04 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
Though their words may have remained tame and casual, the look in their eyes did not fail to betray their sinful and animalistic urges. It was quite a scary thing, how someone was able to awake such urgency and desperation inside of him. Of course he’d always been a man who didn’t shy away from indulging himself in all worldly pleasures, but this was different. He wouldn’t be able to walk away from this man if his life depended on it, which in a way, it did.

Yet this strange connection seemed likely reciprocated, seeing how obediently the summoner followed him through the exit and towards the old storage shed. Though the icy temperatures seeped right into his bones, his body was burning up in anticipation underneath his thick layers of clothing. Even with his beautiful and caring companion by his side on the ship he hadn’t been satisfied. No, he needed both of them, even if meant never laying a hand upon another man or woman ever again.

His grin widened as Ezekiel slipped through the entrance, but before following him into the depths of their own little sinful sanctuary, he shot a final glance over his shoulders, making sure that they’d be to satisfy their deprivation of one another without any witnesses before closing the wooden door behind him.

As soon as that door had been shut, the necromancer wasn’t granted a second to take in their surroundings and the messy interior of the dark shed. Instead, he was being shoved against the door, the summoner’s lips urgently crashing into his as if they’d been separated for years. He could feel his heart racing as his body intuitively took control, forgetting about the dangers of following the summoner up north and drowning in the taste of liquor lingering on his tongue as his hands desperately pulled him in closer by the hips.

An amusing smile played around his lips as his lover quietly whispered against them. ”Did I?” the necromancer replied, briefly sinking his teeth into the man’s plump bottom lip and gently tugging at it before continuing in his low voice. “Then they must’ve been pleasant.” Using his weight to his advantage, he was swift to switch sides with his lover, forcing the man’s back against wood and stealing yet another urgent kiss from his lips. He had dreamed of him too. About the way the man’s lips felt against his own and how their bodies seemed to melt together like they had been divinely forged to do so. ”How naughty of you to dream of me in the presence of your wife.” he whispered in between kisses, slowly guiding his lips to the summoner’s neck to mark what was his. What would always remain to be his.

Sucking on the tender skin in between his teeth, he slowly let his ice-cold hands travel underneath the fabric of the man’s shirt, the bare skin of his torso feeling hot against his palms as he deliberately slid his hands down the curve of his waist. ”Gods, you’re hot,” he huskily grinned against the man’s ear after leaving him with a trail of pecks. ”Your body is burning up from just a few kisses.” As if he wasn’t just as desperate himself.
the boyfie x ≪
Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:02 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
His heart was racing in an instant. Every precaution they had taken didn't matter anymore. People may have heard the wood of the door creak when the necromancer's back slammed against the door. But as soon as they were alone between four walls and a roof, he didn't care. He was finally properly reunited and he wanted to spend every precious second together well.

His mind went hazy in a flash, drunken on the taste of his lips. The sorcerer hissed as teeth found his lip and he opened his eyes slightly as he spoke in a dangerous tone. ‘‘They were,’’ he agreed airily. Before he knew it, his body was handled against the door. He didn't mind as his hands let go of the fabric of his hood, slipping passed his cheeks as he took hold of his neck, keeping him close as impatient kisses followed. But as the necromancer continued with cheeky remarks, he scoffed briskly. ‘‘Shut up,’’ he managed to grumble as he boldly placed his lips against his neck, knowing that he would have to dress prudently for the coming days.

Ezekiel's muscles tensed up as soon as his cold hands found his skin, inhaling sharply as his touch sent shivers up his spine. The summoner's hands snapped to the wrists of his lovers as he tried to get his cold claws off him. He chuckled softly as the necromancer's voice was hot in his ear, his own breath leaving clouds of condensation in the freezing air. ‘‘No, you are just cold,’’ he complained as he wriggled away from his touch, holding Rhysand's wrists tight as he manoeuvred their hands together, his smaller hands significantly warmer than his.

‘‘You are so needy,’’ he spoke teasingly in his ear as he made sure their fingers were interlocked together, not letting them underneath his clothes again, yet. ‘‘You were the one who couldn't even keep his hands to themselves in public.’’ The summoner pressed his body forward, placing his lips underneath the other's ear, brushing them over his soft skin. ‘‘So who's the naughty one?’’

It was very hard to let go of the other, to not plant a thousand kisses on every inch of his skin at this moment. But he moved away as he let go of his hands. ‘‘Let me lock the door properly,’’ he whispered matter-a-factly, as reason for a moment came back to him. He slipped away from his position against the door and took hold of a piece of rolled-up rope that had been collecting dust on the workbenches. He wrapped it around the door handle and then wrapped it around one of the poles keeping the shed upright, making sure nobody could just push the door open as easily as they had done. From the corner of his eye, he could sense Rhysand glowering behind him, and in an impulsive decision he took hold of his wrist and wrapped the long end of the rope around it. His eyes sought his as his lips formed a cheeky grin. He didn't say anything as he caught his other arm, backing the necromancer against the pole, placing his lips against his to distract him and refrain him from asking questions. The summoner couldn't help letting a few giddy giggles escape his lips as he wove the rope around his other wrist, pulling it to let Rhysand's hand join back together behind his back.
Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:40 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
It all came circling back to teasingly bickering and urgent touches once again. None of them could ever keep their mouth from running, reveling in their power-high of disobeying all that was holy. Though he longed remain at the summoner’s side for eternity, there was something intoxicatingly sweet about their fiery reunions.

The necromancer grinned at how the sensation of his cold hands against his lover’s torso made his body tense up. Ok, perhaps it was a little mean, but he couldn’t help wanting to warm his hands against the pale skin he’d yearned for on that ship. A low chuckle left his throat as the summoner mustered a reply, tightly holding his wrists in place in order to keep those cold hands away from his skin. ”Perhaps,” he whispered in return, knowing they wouldn’t be leaving this shed after merely sharing kisses. ”But not for long.” He’d be warmed up soon enough.

His hands felt warm against his own as their fingers interlocked, yet he would rather have them freed and following every curve his lover’s naked body instead. Patience was one of the several skills he certainly lacked. ”Can you blame me?” the necromancer answered underneath his breath. It was almost as if his skin underneath the summoner’s lips was set on fire. ”You’re hard to resist.” It was true. He simply couldn’t keep his hands off of him, which was why he impatiently tried to wriggle his way of his grip, allowing him access to what he’d been denied for so long.

But Ezekiel had other plans. Capable of making wiser decisions than he could, he briefly stepped away to lock the door. In all honesty, the consequences of someone barging in while they’d be going at it hadn’t even crossed his mind. As soon as he’d set sight on his long lost lover, his capability of taking rational decisions had been thrown out of the window.

Luckily, the touch of the man wouldn’t remain absent for too long, though the necromancer was quite surprise by the sudden twist of events. Instead of throwing himself at him and clinging onto his neck like the necromancer had assumed he would, he was met with a cheeky grin as the rope used to lock them in was swiftly wrapped around his wrist. ”What’s this supposed to be?” he spoke against the man’s lips as he was backed against one of the wooden poles. ”Some strange, northern custom I’m not aware of?” Caught up in the taste of the summoner’s lips, he didn’t notice how his wrists were being tied together before it had been to late. The strange mannerism caused a low chuckle to roll over his lips. ”How exciting,” he continued, tugging at his bound wrists before his hungry eyes found their way back to those of his lover.

”Come here,” he simply commanded, lifting his chin as he spoke, not being able to bridge that distance between them by himself now. He needed more of that taste of liquor on his tongue. ”I’m not done with you yet.” The summoner sure went out of his way to keep his cold hands from his skin, but if he truly needed to, he would take down the entire structure keeping this shed together if it meant being able to get his hands on the Vylasar. His Vylasar
the boyfie x ≪
Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:19 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
Everything the necromancer did and said only promised the way he intended to make love sooner than later. His hands clashing down at him with force, grabbing at him with much intention, only laughing his complaints about his icy touch away. No, he only whispered words he wanted to hear. Rhysand could somehow make desperation sound exhilarating.

It would be the easy thing to lean into his touches, warm the other's hands between his own, place kisses on every single fingertip before he would allow them to wander further. It would be the obvious thing to do as Rhysand his fingers tried to force it's way out of his grip, making him think quick as he wanted their lovely stay in this shed to be uninterrupted.

The summoner not only surprised the necromancer, but himself as he pulled the rope tighter around the Xailans wrist. Maybe his liquid breakfast had given him the nerves to confine his lover like that. A smug expression adorned his face as he played with his Xailan lover, kinda literally taking over the reins. “It could be,” he chuckled in the nape of his neck as his odd-colored gaze was fixed on the way he tightened his hands together. Once finished he looked back at his lover, feeling rather pleased with himself as he stepped back. No way he just did that.

It was exciting. Especially when Rhysand ordered in that way of his to come closer. The Xailan should know better now. He rarely ever listened. It was a little game he liked to play. “No,” he simply replied as he let his eyes wander over his lover. An innocent grin followed while he licked his lips. “What are you going to do about it?” he continued. Ezekiel took his time to take his cloak off and straighten his clothes underneath, before he finally moved back to his restrained friend. Well, try as the summoner might, he could also not keep his hands off him either.

Something had changed in the summoner's gaze as he met the others again. His eyes slightly narrowed, almost lazy as he stepped closer, the tips of his fingers landing just above the necromancer's waist. “Tell me this instead,” he started, his fingers testing the thickness of his new clothes. “Have you missed me?” he asked with a tiny grin, grazing his body against him while his hands wandered south, exploring the space underneath his belt. But just before things could become interesting, he stopped in his tracks and looked up at the man, nothing to connect their lips but the clouds of their breath in the chilly air.
Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:49 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
This was not exactly how he’d planned to spend their brief reunion within the old, ramshackle shed; rendered useless with his hands tied between his back and being left at his lover’s mercy. The expression on the summoner’s face seemed a little too amused with the situation if you’d ask him. Perhaps he shouldn’t have granted him a taste of dominance over him during their previous rendezvous.

The necromancer held his gaze as the man stepped back, raising his chin slightly as to not act too impressed by this sudden twist of events. The feeling of his lover’s breath lingered against his skin, leaving him with nothing but the desire to devour him whole. He could have his fun for a bit, but once he’d be freed from these ropes he would make the man regret it in the most pleasurable way.

Raising a brow at his words, he could barely believe de audaaaacity the newfound intrepidity of this man standing before him as he took his time ridding himself of his cloak, gleefully disobeying his demands. ”Oh, you’ll see, once you’ve finished playing out this little fantasy of yours,” he replied as calm as his raging desire let him, leaning back into the pole as his lover decided to approach him once more. Once he’d be done with him, the summoner could forget about walking all the way towards the market. Perhaps, if he’d be willing to ask nicely, he’d would be as selfless as to carry him instead.

Their gazes remained locked as the summoner approached him, the grin on his lips widening at the faint touch of his fingers against the fabric of his attire. He couldn’t stay away for long. None of them could. Some otherworldly pull forcing them back together time and time again, unable to spend but a minute apart. His gaze briefly slid towards the man’s fingers before averting right back to his odd colored eyes.

He’d barely parted his lips to answer the obvious, but all that rolled over his lips was a quiet groan as the summoner’s fingers trailed across the tightened fabric of his trousers. ”Not at all,” he sarcastically breathed against the man’s lips, which barely remained out of reach. In an attempt to bridge that little distance left between them, the necromancer forcefully tugged at his tied wrists once more, the adrenaline preventing the pain of the ropes digging into his skin and the flagrant force straining his joints. Yet he succeeded in stealing a brief taste of his lips, leaving a satisfied smirk smeared across his face. ”Continue,” he breathed demandingly, referring to the deliberate touches below his belt, his command cloaked in desperation. He narrowed his eyes, chest heaving in anticipation. ”I dare you.”
the boyfie x ≪
Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:18 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
It was impressive that the necromancer somehow seemed to think that he was still in control, talking back from his precarious position. Ezekiel would be lying that he wasn't severely enjoying himself, seeing that pent-up tension only rise. He could feel it mirrored in his own stomach. The summoner looked at him with an amused look in his eyes. ‘‘That's right, once I'm done.’’

Every little touch became very deliberate from that point. He had just enough strong liquor that he had the confidence to do so, but to stay with his head in the game. The only thing that could make him slip was his own desire. He had found this man, carved by the sun deity himself, and took him to the other side of the continent, only to tie him up in some rickety shed that could barely hold the wind out. If the gods were against them, they surely let them use their playground freely. Nothing seemed impossible at this point.

Who was getting hot from a few touches now, hmm? Ezekiel didn't say it out loud as his eyes were glued on the necromancer's face as his hand moved indecently downward. But when the necromancer answered, he tilted his head to the side. ‘‘Stop playing tough,’’ he answered dissatisfied. He was in no position to run his mouth. ‘‘I missed you,’’ he whispered, his lips leaving a ghost of touch over the necromancer's bottom lip. But before he could continue his trail of almost-touches, Rhysand helped himself to the taste of his lips. Ezekiel backed away slightly, meeting his smug face.

He tipped up his chin, his fingers leaving the fabric of the pants. ‘‘I don't want to,’’ he replied simply to the other's dare. He would not be swayed by his challenging tone. Instead, he kept his eyes locked on his lover, seeing how his body had responded. He let out a huff of a chuckle and clawed his hands under the layers of clothing, exploring the curves of his abs. ‘‘I like seeing you like this,’’ he continued teasing. Desperate for his touch, to relieve him from his sinful needs.

The summoner's lips finally found skin again as he worked his way up his neck, trying to find his heartbeat. ‘‘I have a deal for you,’’ he spoke in a husky voice as he experienced trouble holding back much longer. ‘‘Say it again,’’ he started, moving his lips towards his jaw. ‘‘What you said on the beach.’’ Ezekiel his own heartbeat started drumming against his chest now. ‘‘To my face.’’ He moved his head away to be able to look at him straight in the eyes once again. His hands found the waistband of his trousers. ‘‘And I'll be nice.’’
Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:25 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
Within his twenty-six years around the sun he’d laid with many lovers, though ‘lovers’ being an overstatement. Brief moments shared between two bodies – though sometimes more –  simply taking care of their needs. He’d always enjoyed the feeling of nails clawing into his skin and hot breath against his neck, seeking solace in such simple pleasures while the world around him remained a mystery he didn’t bother to uncover.

But this, whatever it was what they shared, was something entirely different. Ever since they first shared the sheets back in his Xailan bedroom he had seemed to have fallen victim to some intoxicating, dark spell, not quite sure whether he were to call it a curse or a blessing. Ever since then he’d been seeking pleasure similar to whatever it was they’d shared in those days, yet never succeeded. He was left no other choice but to seek him out, as if their deities willingly nudged him into the right direction. Perhaps some things simply couldn’t be explained.

And look where it got him, tied down as his long lost lover gleefully took the reins. To his surprise, he found his little play to be quite enticing, as long as this newfound, ‘dominant’ little persona wouldn’t get to his head. However, that cheeky glare and his calculated movements didn’t fail to turn him on to some extent, especially when his fingers teasingly grazed the fabric below the waistband of his trousers. The summoner  knew exactly what he was doing.

The dissatisfaction lingering in his tone of voice didn’t fail to force a low chuckle out of his throat. ”I’ve followed you to the other side of the continent,” he whispered against the brief touch of their lips, the corners of his mouth tugged into a faint grin. ”Of course I have.” He’d missed him tremendously, even in the arms of the woman who’d managed to claim the other half of the heart he had once assumed to be incapable of feeling such things.

Gods, he loved this man, but when his bratty attitude resurfaced, the necromancer wished he could’ve just fucked some sense into him there and then. ”I can tell,” he breathed in reply, shifting his hips impatiently against that of his lover at the touch of his cold hands against the bare skin of his torso, followed by a sharp inhale. ”To be fair, I didn’t quite expect you to be into this,” he continued teasingly, his breath fogging before his eyes as they were surrounded by the kingdom’s unforgiving cold. ”Enjoy it while it lasts, my love.” Despite their icy temperature, the touch of his fingertips left a trail of fire in their wake, leaving his voice with a slight tremble he would’ve rather liked to hide.

Leaning back into the pole, he willingly granted the man access to his exposed neck, his breathing heavier as the fabric of his trousers only tightened around his body as the summoner proposed him a ‘deal’. Hiding his desperation behind a faint chuckle, he straightened his back, looking down upon the smaller man before him. ”A deal?” he repeated, raising his chin as to act unfazed with his proposal. ”You can drop the act, darling.” The necromancer leaned in closer for as far as his restriction allowed him to, the creaking sound of the wood breaking the silence within the room as the rope dug deep into his skin once more. ”If you’re so desperate for another confession, all you have to do is ask nicely.”

Back at the beach he’d been so taken aback by his own words, voicing the feelings he’d tried to deny ever this their first reunion at the Xailan festival. But something had changed during their last night spent together. They had still devoured one another like beasts, aware of the fact that each minute spent together was cloaked in danger and uncertainty, but despite the clashing teeth and heaving chests, there had been a craving of intimacy. During their journey towards the northern kingdom, he’d often reminisced about that peaceful feeling of the summoner cuddling up against his chest, their naked bodies entangled in something other than lust. Something he could only imagine to be what people called ‘love’.

”I love you, Ezekiel.” The words rolled over his lips almost effortlessly, laced with a confidence he’d certainly lacked back at the beach. A satisfied grin played around his lips, an invisible weight lifted off his shoulders as he finally dared to face this prominent feeling. He found the summoner’s gaze again, holding his gaze as he leaned back into the pole, relieving his wrists from the weight. ”Now, be a good, obedient boy for once and show me that you love me too.”
the boyfie x ≪
Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:19 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
Growing attached to something would only hurt in the long run. Ezekiel had experienced it countless times and eventually, he would have to feel disappointment again. He wouldn't go as far as to call it heartbreak. He had never known love like that, allowed it to crawl into his heart like that. Once he had known nothing but love. The life of a child was so simple, the world was so small. The mansion he had lived in before it was traded in for a castle his paradise. Before a child learned the cruel real world, it was easy to love everyone and everything.

When the world had opened up and reality was a hard lesson learned, he had turned sour just as the bad apples around him. It was hypocritical for a noble kid to do so. He had everything he could have needed, except for what he truly wanted. So when he met Rhysand he was shown that happiness was right for the taking if you just pushed outside the boundaries of being a proper nobleman. Rhysand and he had both felt the consequences of stepping outside the line. The only difference between them is that Rhysand had the nerve to leave it all behind. He was a few years older than him. Maybe Ezekiel would eventually have followed him to that path when he grew older. But his family hadn't spared time finding him a wife, and he so foolishly hit the final nail in his coffin when he made her pregnant.

So he clung to every morsel of that happiness that he could get his hands on. Going so far as to drag him across the continent, inviting him into his city, harbour a wanted criminal under his wing because he could not let go yet. It would happen eventually, so he needed him to be in the present as much as possible. The necromancer was his way to escape from reality, wrapped in a pretty package with a filthy mouth.

The summoner had tied him up and made him say all the words he wanted to hear. Perhaps there was truth in Rhysand's words and this was a little fantasy. There seemed little romance happening, and yet his heart fluttered when he told him he missed him.

A soft chuckle left his lips when Rhysand spoke of this new side of him. Ezekiel held onto the necromancer's waist tighter as he could feel him shifting. ‘‘I am enjoying myself,’’ he noted quite chuffed with himself. He enjoyed every little movement and sound his lover made while his lust only grew. ‘‘Don't tell me you aren't.’’

Ezekiel didn't exactly know why he wanted to hear it. He just wanted to know the lengths this man would go for him. He didn't care that he was acting aloof, keeping his chest puffed up. They were just playing. The summoner bends his spine backwards to avoid his incoming face, not granting him another kiss. ‘‘That's an easy bargain then,’’ he shot back at him. He still would not release the necromancer. He would have to want it so badly even he would have to drop his tough act.

When the necromancer finally voiced the words he wanted to hear, the summoner could not suppress the innocent sparkle in his eyes. Ever since the Luna Moth festival things had changed, but he did not voice those aloud. But he could feel it, the way they treated each other. There was still that raw sexual tension, but there shimmered something else underneath the surface. It was something reminiscent in a way, of those first days in Xaila together getting to know each other. So Ezekiel kissed him once again, deeply, with purpose.

An airy sigh left his lips as he heard the last words of the necromancer. Ezekiel's defiant glare returned as he licked his lips and roughly yanked the Xailan closer by his waistband. ‘‘Way to ruin a nice moment,’’ he said with a rasp in his voice. His eyes went down as his impatient fingers started to undo the restraints of the other's trousers. As one of the summoner's hands disappeared underneath the fabric he looked back up to his lover, knowing he had been holding off this moment for way too long for him already. ‘‘You are in no position to make demands, remember?’’ And with those words his hand mercilessly moved back up. He drew a circle on his stomach as he pondered over his words. ‘‘You are so lucky I like you.’’

The summoner moved his other hand to the curve of the Xailan's behind as he went on his haunches, using the other's thigh to steady himself and placed his lips on a sliver of exposed skin on the necromancer's lower abdomen, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses as he moved his way south, taking his sweet time before making a move for the centre of his pleasure. He wanted to hear him struggle.
Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:03 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this holy ground
burns my feet
He could feel the remains of the cold, howling winds on his skin, the wood of the old shed too worn down to keep it from cutting through its many cracks, and yet his body was on fire. Each little touch or stroke drove him wild after craving the man’s hands on him for the entirety of his journey. But alas, his lover seemed to be enjoying himself just fine like this, amusingly taking in the sight of the big, bad Zinyra desperate for his touch.

The necromancer rarely asked his patron for anything, whether It’d be guidance or coin, yet caught himself shooting the deity a silent prayer for his lover to make haste in finishing up his little roleplaying fantasy and untie him already. ”I’m still deciding,” he answered teasingly, his signature grin tugging at his lips.

The feeling of his strained wrists did not faze him as the summoner answered his confession with a taste of his lips. He answered by leaning into him, the rope tying his wrists together digging into his skin in a restless attempt to free them, wishing for nothing more than to pull his lover in closer and running his hands along each curve of his body.

Yet his desires were voiced in some cheeky demand as he caught his breath, visibly fueling the man’s newfound courage even further. He simply scoffed at his remark, amused by the assumption that he would get his way regardless, seeing how impatiently he was pulled in closer and one of his lover’s hands deliberately rid him of his trousers.

Sinking his teeth within his lower lip, the necromancer refrained himself from making noise at such a faint, short-lived touch. He’d never needed someone this desperately before, and he couldn’t help but to kind of embarrassed about how easily he’d bend over backwards for this man, going as far as to play along with his little power driven fantasies. ”How could I forget,” he answered sarcastically, his voice sounding hoarse from the heavy breaths caused by his teasing touches, and perhaps from is rising frustration. Gods, once his lover would finally untie him, mercy was off the table.

When his lover finally lowered himself a feeling of short-lived relief washed over him, right until the teasing started anew, though this time lingering in even more dangerous territory. The air felt cold against his exposed skin, though the feeling of his lover’s lips and breath against him were soon to make up for it.

His chest heaved in anticipation, the rope against his wrist tightening as he wriggled them in another failed attempt to free himself, cursing from under his breath as his lover neared the area in desperate need of salvation. All of it was too much, desiring nothing more than to run his hands through his lover’s darkened locks and direct him exactly where he needed him to be. ”Fuck,” he breathed as the summoner neared the center of his pleasure, torturing him in a way even the Xailan royals couldn’t match if they ever got their hands on him. “Please, Ez, just–“ By Xeion, he was not going to grant his lover the pleads he so wholeheartedly craved. So he bit down on his bottom lip again until he was left with the taste of iron. Gods, have mercy.
the boyfie x ≪
Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:18 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
What should have been a quick release of their bodies being apart from each other for over a month, had ended up in a game of raising the tensions even higher than he could have ever imagined. Ezekiel knew the moment he would give in, there would be no way he could step on the break. So he dragged it out as long as he still could, taking time to get reacquainted with the necromancer's body, admiring every curve and edge.

Rhysand was certainly stepping outside of his comfort zone. The summoner knew that in his head this would have played out very differently. Preferably with him clawing away at his skin while the Xailan had his way with him. There was still time for that. For now, he would drive him further into insanity. The summoner could only expect that he would be rewarded accordingly.

Ezekiel chuckled softly as he kept his eyes on him, seeing how he was only getting more annoyed. The summoner raised an eyebrow quickly before he let his fingers wander, doing everything to provoke a reaction without giving in too much.

Even the air seemed to have warmed up around them, or their breaths had just fogged up the ramshackle shack so much that their next breaths taken didn't change the air much anymore. Or perhaps his gaze had gone cloudy as he ran his lips down the man's body. He could hear the frustration of the man victim of his touches coming from above him. Unintelligible curses and heavy pants only encouraged him onwards, finally sinking down on one knee.

The writhing against the ropes seemed to be the final straw before his lover finally gave in, knowing he really had no way to go. His plead was some kind of power rush he'd never experienced before. It sent tingles up his spine and yes, never knew he was really into that. Or maybe it was just Rhysand that made him act up this way. The summoner looked up for a second, taking pride in the way Rhysand's face had become. It was almost cruel to keep him waiting. ‘‘All you had to do was ask nicely,’’ he echoed Rhysand's earlier words innocently. And at last, he relieved the necromancer of his endless teasing, his lips reaching their final destination.

As predicted, as soon as he started he wanted more. He wanted him whole, his hunger would never be satisfied like this. And even though he enjoyed giving Rhysand the pleasure he was waiting for, it wasn't enough to fulfil all his sinful desires. And he doubted the necromancer would be wholly satisfied either. His greedy hands went back up his lover's thighs as he rose from his knees, not speaking as his heavy breaths matched that of the other. His eyes met his for a moment as his fingers crept around his waist, grinding his body against his once again. The summoner found the other's wrists and the rope keeping them together. He knew as soon as he would release him, the necromancer would come charging at him like a bull. A challenging look went up his way. He could handle it. He didn't break eye contact as he undid the knot, letting the rope slip loose between his fingers.
Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:37 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
While the cold had been relentlessly crawling under every layer of clothing before, nothing seemed more natural than to be ridden of all of them. To be pressed up against the summoners skin as their bodies once again joined as one, satisfying their animalistic need for the other’s touch before having to continue playing the part of long lost friends.

As if the summoner could read his mind, he was rid of his trousers, the fabric dropping to his knees as his lover teasingly had his way with him as he gleefully avoided making work of the one thing driving the necromancer wild. Trails of kisses towards and around, never ridding him of that raging feeling of lust and only adding fuel to the fire. Even those like him had their limits, eventually abandoning their inflated ego’s and pleading for some sort of release.

So when his last resort rolled over his lips before he had a chance to swallow the words, the summoner finally seemed to give in. Not before giving him a final taste of his own medicine, however, to which the necromancer wisely refrained from replying. Their eyes locked for a brief moment, staining his cheeks a crimson color before he averted his gaze to the wall. Ugh, how embarrassing. All of it.

Yet his feelings of embarrassment were quickly tossed to the side when his lover finally gave in, leaving him with trembling legs as a wave of pleasure washed over him. Fogged breaths filled the cramped interior of the shed as he tried to keep his voice down. Every bone in his body begged him to free himself by force,anything to get his hands on the summoner. But as he frustratingly tugged at the ropes once more, his final ounce of sanity refrained him from dislocating his joints over a situation as this. Even when his body was fully prepared to do so.

His eyes fluttered open as the summoner’s hands trailed back up along his thighs before the man rose to his feet. They didn’t need words to figure out their next move, though a grunt escaped his lips as his lover began grinding his body against him, hands moving from his waist back to his restrained wrists. It became clear that he was ready to be the culprit of his building tension, and judging from his expression, he even looked forward to it. Contrary to the man’s challenging gaze, however, his dark eyes were filled with nothing but a beastly hunger for the other. Though, somewhere beneath his animalistic tendencies, his rough but considerably calculated touches betrayed his true, genuine care for the man.

His chest heaved as he could feel the pressure sliding from his strained wrists, not granting himself a second to inspect the marks left by the rope before crashing his lips right back into that of his lover and forcibly maneuvered his freed hands underneath the man’s clothing. He only briefly broke the kiss to pull the fabric over his head, carelessly tossing it to the side before forcing him against the nearest wall. His mind was blank, blinded by a selfish desire to rid himself of the intensified and built up feelings of lust as his kisses traveled downwards, before he deliberately sank his teeth within the summoner’s neck. One of his calloused hands was already making work of the remaining piece of fabric while the other gently rested against his throat. ”We won’t be leaving this shed for a while, my love.” the necromancer breathed against his skin, his voice hoarse from ragged breaths as his hand slid underneath the waistband of his trousers. Unlike the summoner, he didn’t have time to waste.
Fri Jan 19, 2024 1:27 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Rhysand Zinyra
Making the necromancer succumb to his touch gave him this power rush like an aphrodisiac to the summoner. If he allowed the Xailan to crawl back into his life, shake it up and possibly ruin it for the near future, at least Ezekiel still had the reins in his own hands while he did so. If they were fated to doom, he would still have this.

Ezekiel would go as far as to say he felt pride in his latest accomplishment. His lover never looked more alluring than now, with his cheeks flushed and mind scrambled up. The summoner needed him badly. Now that he had given in to please the other's needs, he wanted nothing but to go all the way. To have these searing touches shared. To be reminded why he was so eager to risk everything that he had for just this one man.

The sounds produced by the other only encouraged the summoner to release the other. They hadn't shared words for a moment, but enough was said by the tangible tension in the air, between their bodies, the way his breath was already ragged. He scanned Rhysand's face, not needing to ask if it had been good for him. A tiny smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he could not look away from the necromancer's gaze. It was like the other was already undressing him in his mind, but there was something indescribable in his dark eyes.

When he released the animal, he could barely brace for impact when he came crashing down on him. He eagerly returned the kiss as his arms wrapped around his neck. He didn't mind his cold hands now as they burned on his skin as he explored underneath his clothes. He quickly had to remove them as Rhysand pulled his clothes over his head. The cool air felt almost a relief as it breezed over his pale skin. No time was spared between that moment and him colliding against the wall, a gasp leaving his lips.

The summoner grunted as teeth met his skin. One hand had found the hair of his lover while the other rested on the arm connected to his throat. His whole body squirmed against his unforgiving touches. He might have been embarrassed over the effect the necromancer had on his whole being, but he had grown past that now. He huffed out an airy chuckle when he promised this day was long but over. ‘‘I have all day.’’ A blatant lie, but in his mind he wouldn't have enough. He inhaled sharply through his teeth as the necromancer, in contrast with his earlier words, didn't squander any time.  

His head rested back against the wall as he closed his eyes, hoping to collect his thoughts, but that was no use. His mind had become completely numb as he caved for Rhysand's touch. Only when he looked through his lashes at the man one more time, he knew there was one thing left to do. His hands forcefully grabbed the fabric of his cloak. He cursed through his teeth when the clasp didn't want to work with him in one try. But when it gave way, he started to pull at the other's clothes from his restricted position, wanting nothing more than their bodies to melt together without any restrictions.  
Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:54 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Contrast seemed to find them in every aspect of their sinful, destined life together. His dark features against the light complexion of his lover, their neighboring kingdoms, the sun and the moon. Even now when their cold hands clawed at one another’s heated body, finally being able to lay his hands on the man he’d desired the most now that he’d been freed from his vulnerable position.

Every sound rolling over his lover’s plump lips only added fuel to the fire, his touches more needy and desperate with each second passing. Nothing about his usually calculated touch remained, his mind clouded by this primal need to have his way with this man.

He didn’t hold back as he shamelessly sunk his teeth into his skin. Perhaps it would make him think twice about undressing in front of anyone else. Besides, the contrast of his love marks on the summoner’s skin couldn’t help but rile him up even further. There was something so alluring about being able to mark the one he was supposed to love and worship in secrecy. ”As I assumed,” he purred in amusement as his hand shamelessly explored the area hidden underneath the fabric of his trousers, refraining from teasing him in a similar manner to when the roles were reversed.

Only when the summoner began tugging at his cloak had he realized that part of him was still dressed up. He couldn’t help but grin at the way the seemed to struggle, especially when the clasp came undone and he was tugging at the remaining fabric like his life depended on it. Being the gentleman he was, the necromancer didn’t hesitate to help him out, letting go of his lover to pull the remaining attire over his head and drop it right next to his cloak on the floor.

The touch of his lovers bare skin against that of his own filled him with an amount of euphoria no drink or substance had ever achieved as he found himself pressed up against his lover once more. His hands shamelessly continued their previous exploration, one of them sliding across the summoner’s waist before roughly tugging at his trousers, while the other continued returning the favor. He wanted to see every inch of him that hè’d been forced to leave behind for all those weeks.

Even while caught up within the act of pleasing his lover, the faint sound of footsteps right outside the shed hadn’t gone unnoticed. Perhaps his senses had been unconsciously heightened ever since his escape. ”Keep it down,” he whispered as he cunningly picked up the pace of his movement, pressing a gentle kiss right below the summoner’s ear. Though his voice remained teasing and playful to some extent, a sense of urgency hid beneath the surface. ”Can you do that for me, darling? he continued, his breath hot against the summoner’s skin. Judging from the faint sound, it was merely someone passing by. Still, they had to remain cautious. One tug at the locked door and they’d be barging in like barbarians.
Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:32 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Rhysand Zinyra
All the guilt disappeared from his mind as soon as the summoner had felt his lover's lips against his. He forgot about everything that was forbidden by his deity, or how he would break Chaska's heart even further if she knew. But his wife wasn't here, and neither was his patron. These skies were guarded by something different. Although the bear patron might run in his veins, he didn't attend to the Northern deity. What they didn't know, wouldn't hurt them.

The necromancer's touch was bruising, yet he didn't care. He dug his fingers in his flesh as much as he did to him as if he was afraid that he would turn into dust between his fingers if he didn't hold on tight enough. He didn't have this in a long time. He wanted him now and he didn't care in which way.

Rhysand was being absolutely shameless. It was of the summoner's own doing, riling him up like a caged animal. His breathing had already shifted up his chest and the necromancer was working his way down the centre of his pleasure. It was getting harder to keep his gaze straight, getting rid of the necromancer's clothes was the only mission to distract him. If only for a short moment, as the clothes of the other joined his on the floor.

Their bare skins against each other were enough to keep them warm in the wind-swept shed. Ezekiel's hands quickly found their way around the other's torso, joining together in the dip of his back. With some force, the last of his clothes joined the others on the floor. His breath was hot against the other's collarbone as his forehead rested against his shoulder, shielding his face from being noticed as a soft groan followed.

The words spoken by the necromancer made him lean his head back again, preparing a snide remark to throw back at his continuous preposterous demands. But when his ears picked up the sound of footsteps, his eyes grew slightly wider. His nostrils flared slightly as he made it harder to head to his request. ‘‘You're a dick,’’ he hissed back at him as he turned his head away as he bit his lip and inhaled through his nose. At least he asked nicely the second time.

The sound seemed to pass by as Ezekiel buried his face in the necromancer's neck. He made sure that every muffled sound that he did produce, was carefully placed right next to his ear. But he was playing at least a bit nice, he was not about to get caught. It somehow made it more exciting, the risk of that person somehow stumbling upon them, and yet they continued because they could not help it.

When his touch was at the point of becoming overwhelming, another pair of footsteps joined the first and he was forced to bite his lip once again. When muted voices started a conversation outside their humble abode, he took matters into his own hands and took hold of Rhysand's wrist before he would expose them. Even his heated breaths sounded loud at this moment as he shared an urgent look with his lover, placing a finger against his lips to shush him before he could even think about saying something. He continued to turn around in his tight position between the wall and the Xailan, peering between a crack between the shabby put together planks. He could see two figures speaking together, not understanding what they were saying. But as the one clapped the other on the back, they finally started moving. ‘‘They're leaving,’’ he whispered. A deep breath followed, not sure what the main reason was why his heart was beating so fast.
Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:20 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Spending all that time yearning for his lover’s touch while the Sanguine Sea would rock him and his companion to sleep in their shabby beds below deck, he’d often wondered how long it would take before the effects of this wicked love spell would vanish. Never before had his interest in another lingered like this. It was such a strange feeling, one that only Ezekiel and Sarya had ever been able to unleash. And yet his feelings for the both of them couldn’t even be compared. Perhaps it was his deity’s way of paying him back, by finally giving him a sense of vulnerability in the shape of two people intertwined into his heart.

By all that was forbidden, the sins shared between them were but a blessing in disguise. Every time their bodies would melt into one another it was as if it was always meant to be this way. Maybe they were nothing more than a flaw of their creators, or perhaps they were destined for something greater.

Yes, they simply had to be. What other meaning could his fastened heartbeat at each muffled groan slipping from the summoner’s lips hold? Even when an unexpected interruption forced them to keep it down, he couldn’t refrain himself from shamelessly continuing to touch his lover. Because as much as he tried to act like they did, the pair certainly didn’t have all the time in the world.

Blissfully grinning at the well deserved remark, he could feel how the summoner buried his face his neck, obediently following his orders apart from the occasional muffled – yet suspiciously calculated sounds escaping his lips. By the gods, this man knew exactly which buttons to push, and he wasn’t quite sure yet whether that fact annoyed or excited him.

Even during his foremost task of teasing the man trapped within his arms, his senses remained heightened. The necromancer wondered if his lover had noticed the second pair of footsteps joining their unexpected guest, but seeing how his touches were brought to an end as he was being shushed, that question didn’t remain unanswered for long. His chest heaved as the summoner turned around, the sound of heavy breathing almost enough to give their presence away. Yet he didn’t hesitate to let his hands slide down across the man’s waist, down to his hips where they lingered.

The faint light shining through the tiny, fogged up windows and several cracks in the wood was enough for him to notice an unexpected change in the summoner’s appearance. As he deliberately took in the familiar sight of his toned back, the fresh tattoo’s decorating the man’s pale body were unmissable. Ezekiel’s announcement barely reached him as he took in the sight. ”What a pleasant surprise,” the necromancer purred in amusement, his voice remaining low even though the immediate danger had passed. One of his hands left his lover’s hips for his fingers to gently trace one of the moon’s depicted on the other’s spine. ”Tell me, darling, is this your attempt to remain at Lythrana’s mercy, or something for me to enjoy while I have my way with you?” His hand traveled back towards the man’s hip, teasingly shifting his body against him while pressing his lips against the nape of his neck, right at the center of the crescent moon. Now that their possible witnesses were out of sight, no further delay of what they came here for was needed.
Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:44 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Rhysand Zinyra
Time seemed to be nonexistent between these four walls and a roof. It would not surprise the summoner if the grey snow clouds were replaced by a darkened sky, the stars and moon hidden underneath yet another sheet of dark clouds once they finally left their little hiding place. Sadly, they could not stay forever. Because with every passing minute, the risk of getting caught increased.

Ezekiel had to bite his lip and frown slightly when he was forced to remain as silent and still as possible. Yet he could not help to risk a muffled groan for the sake of it, just to keep the necromancer on edge. He knew if they would have the privacy of a forlorn inn room, he would not have thought twice to have his way. And while that was a welcome thought: a soft mattress and warm sheets, the desperation of their situation was exciting, as he soundlessly let his hands feel the curves and edges of Rhysand's body, digging his fingers in his flesh as the feeling of his merciless teasing was undefiable.

The interruption gave him a chance to catch his breath, even if it was only for a moment. He tried to breathe as soundlessly as possible, which was already a challenge as the heaving of his chest matched that of his lover's. Yet they had to pause, or he wouldn't think he could bear it much longer.

Ezekiel had almost forgotten the ink carved into his back, still a newity for his lover. He had suffered immensely for the five phases of the moon on his spine. He wouldn't even look at it much, not worth twisting his body to watch them. He had gotten them not long after the Lunar Moth Festival, while he had still been in Moonbright. It had been an impulse. A way to in a way pledge his faith to the moon goddess, and yet in the same way go against her wishes. If Lythrana was allowed to change her form every night and move the oceans in her will, why shouldn't he? She wasn't there to bless his wedding, so he wouldn't abide by her will every day. He could change if he wanted. And so could his fate.

The way Rhysand's fingers traced the shapes tickled. He chuckled softly at his first remark, but it changed in a scoff at his later remark. He had almost wanted to ask his opinion if he liked it. But his smug words changed the summoner's mind. ‘‘Stop thinking the world surrounds around you,’’ he huffed in a low tone, tilting his head upwards as his lips found a way on his back, their bodies so dangerously close together. ‘‘Not even the sun shines all day,’’ he breathed. He didn't want to bore him with the story about the moons yet. He wanted to spend their precious time together differently.

Ezekiel twisted in the other's grip again, getting back to the position where they were rudely interrupted, yet now their bodies pressed even closer together, his spine arching back slightly. The summoner took his lover's face in his hands, pulling him into another demanding kiss before he could protest any longer. He did not want to hear his sweet nothings. He wanted to explore every other sense: taste him, feel him. He could use that mouth for better things.
Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:50 pm
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