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[FoF/M] Closer than this - Page 2
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Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Of course he would’ve preferred the comfort of some fancy, Ravaryn-esque inn room over a shed like this. To witness his lover served to him on a bed draped in fur, his bare, pale skin a stark contrast against the dark rugs as those odd colored eyes would lure him in like they always had. Yet the urgency to devour one another in a desolate place like this had a charm of its own. It was rather exciting, seeing how many shameless noises he could force through his lover’s lips when they were meant to be quiet.

High on the adrenaline, the necromancer could barely feel the marks of fingers that had been dug into his skin. Perhaps because this newfound decoration inked across his lover’s skin managed to hold the entirety of his attention. Though the thought of something or someone ruining that perfect, pale skin of his might’ve sounded repellent to him at first, the moon phases depicted on his spine only added to his beauty. It suited him, and the necromancer couldn’t help but feel excited at the thought of getting to look down at them for many nights to come.

A cheeky smile played around his lips at the summoner’s remark. ”It doesn’t?” he replied in between the trail of kisses down his spine, his voice laced with sarcasm. ”Yet it remains to exist. Watching, waiting..” The necromancer continued after bending through his knees to press his lips against the lower part of the tattoo, regaining his posture right before the summoner turned to face him once more.

The urgency of his kisses didn’t fail to set his heart ablaze, the taste of their cheap, strong liquor still lingering on his tongue. His hands moved down his waist once more, pulling him in closer as one of his hands traveled down his arched back. Oh, how he wished to kiss this man until their lips would be swollen and bruised, but considering their tight schedule, that would have to wait until they’d be back at their little sanctuary underneath the sea.

So as he unwillingly broke their kiss to catch his breath, he didn’t hesitate to firmly take hold of his lover and turn him right back to his previous position. ”You wouldn’t know how I’ve yearned for this moment, my love.” The words were spoken hoarsely against the nape of his neck as he pressed his body against that of the summoner, forcing him closer against the wooden wall. His hands hungrily followed each curve of the man’s body, hips eagerly grinding into that of his lover as he sunk his teeth into the side of his neck once more, a faint growl escaping his throat. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Not after a whole moon at sea. Not after the summoner’s tremendous teasing. One his hands urgently steadied itself on the man’s behind, while the other traveled upwards gently covering his mouth. ”Quiet now,” he commanded him with his last bit of composure. ”We cannot risk getting caught.”
Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:41 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF/M] Closer than this  - Page 2 Image
[FoF/M] Closer than this  - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Rhysand Zinyra
The way the necromancer's lips travelled down his spine tickled even more. Yet, thrillingly sending waves of sparks up his back as he bit back hums of appreciation. It made him forget all about the passing people, leaving footprints in the snow that would soon be covered up again. Maybe they should bless the snows of Ravaryn to be such a loud indicator of incoming danger.

And even if they'd get caught? What would happen, truly? They were nobles, yes, but from whole different parts of Odiria. What common guy would recognize them? By the deities, they were sorcerers still, not some hopeless lovebirds. Even stripped down to bare skin, he could protect himself. Of course, he didn't want that to happen. Maybe that one drink made him a bit too overzealous, high on the drug that was Rhysand, drinking in every one of his needy touches.

There was still one person in the room who was more delusional about his own demise. Ezekiel scoffed at his neverending confidence. It was a miracle that giant ego of his still fit in his head. He didn't really mind, though. ‘‘Lucky for you,’’ he huffed in reply. The summoner liked the way he acted, though he would never say it out loud. The way the necromancer was, was what led him back to him. Without that stubbornness to refuse to die, he would have been a memory buried in the past years.

When he interrupted further explanation of the way the necromancer might be the centre of the universe, he couldn't help but weave his fingers through his hair, sucking in his pierced lip in the process, going right back to where they started this venture in the shed, him slightly raised on his toes as he was pulled in even closer.

The necromancer grew impatient. He couldn't blame him, he was surprised he made it this far already. With palms against the shabby wall, he took a sharp breath as he was forced into an even tighter spot by the other's body. Every touch was searing, as he grew more impatient now too. His words riled him up, even more as he sucked in a gasp through his teeth as Rhysand bit him once again, making an animalistic sound that made the summoner weak in the knees.

At first, Ezekiel chuckled when the necromancer covered his mouth like he could muzzle him like some dog. He didn't hesitate to lick his hand immediately, followed by him baring his teeth and taking hold of a bit of flesh, paying him back for the times he attacked his neck. As if he was the only one guilty of raising the decibels in this quite steamy shed. However, as Rhysand continued his ventures, Ezekiel could not control how his lips parted in response, followed by a muffled groan against the palm of the other's hand.

- het is weer zover, sorry -

The summoner ended up clinging with one hand on the arm of his lover and the other steadying himself against the wall. His hair stuck to his forehead, sweat stinging in his eyes and dropping down his back as his chest heaved. That had been something else. He blamed the Racaryn air, them being apart for so long, or the way he had tied him up before. Either way, it had left him trembling on his feet. He finally pried the other's hand away from his face. The summoner slowly turned around, only for him to hide his mouth again with the back of his hand as he let out a chuckle as the adrenaline came dropping down.  
Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:52 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FoF/M] Closer than this  - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[FoF/M] Closer than this  - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Within his turbulent and unforeseeable life, one thing was certain; He would never grow tired of tasting the summoner’s lips. If drowning in their kisses was his only certainty left in this lifetime, he would die a content man, even if they had to continue to sneak around and commit to their sinful desires in the most peculiar places.

If anyone would find them like this, they would be taken for mere beasts; Acting upon their lustful tendencies without an ounce of respect for either themselves or their cultures. Yet he wondered if such stranger could see beyond their animalistic behavior, if they’d be able to see how much he loved and cared for this man eagerly sucking on his pierced lip.

Yet the line between love and lust became blurred with each tug at his hair and touch on his skin. And when he finally had his lover pushed face-first against the wall and gazed down upon the ink across his spine, there was only one thing on his mind.

Of course the summoner didn’t blindly accept the hand pressed firmly against his lips, teasingly licking and gnawing at it in the process. A low chuckle of amusement rolled over the necromancer’s lips. This feisty behavior was exactly what kept him intrigued — Dare he even say obsessed with his lover. The muffled groan that followed, however, only managed to prove his precautions well calculated. ”See?” he teasingly continued as he ventured further into dangerous territory. ”That’s exactly what I mean.” In reply to the man’s silent sounds of pleasure, he didn’t hesitate to take his safety measures one step further, attempting to shove two of his fingers down his lover’s throat, thus giving him something to focus on whilst he indulged in the one thing that kept being taken away from him.

—— verder zijn we normaal ——

Where the room was filled with deafened cries of pleasure before, only the sound of heavy breaths remained. Even the kingdom’s unforgiving temperatures couldn’t catch up to his heated body now, though the sweat dripping down his back began to feel chilly against his once sun-kissed skin. The hunger in his eyes had vanished as faced his lover, which, seemingly, had been just as tired out of their intense and passionate reunion.

The chuckle rolling over his lips turned that of his own into a soft smile. Bridging that little distance between them, he didn’t hesitate to pull the man into a tight embrace, pressing a tender kiss against the darkened locks sticking against his forehead. ”Are you alright, my dearest?” he asked as he held his trembling lover close, making sure he didn’t let himself go to the point of causing harm upon the other. He would never want to hurt him like that.

Now that the adrenaline peak was behind them, the cold slowly but surely continued its way underneath his skin, seeping into his bones as the sweat against his skin rapidly cooled down. ”Let us get dressed, or these temperatures will take me down before Radhja does,” he then offered, his voice remaining soft, somewhat vulnerable even. Though he’d love for each moment where their bare skins were pressed against one another could last forever, he preferred both of them to finish their time in Ravaryn without falling ill.
Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:31 am
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