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[FOF] Like fresh plates and clean slates, our future is white.
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
[FOF] Like fresh plates and clean slates, our future is white.  YgnN2uK
[FOF] Like fresh plates and clean slates, our future is white.  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences.

[FOF] Like fresh plates and clean slates, our future is white.  NKrz0Jp

Barely noticible they were, easily missed. Yet not to him, not to the man lucky enough to spend enough time beside her to notice them. As the captain laid his arm around her, the snowflakes that had gotten stuck in her long white hair moved just slightly enough for him to see them sparkle in the dim sunlight that failed to give them warmth within these cold Frosty days. It bothered her less than it did him, naturally so given her cold impressive moon magic. That stood in stark contrast with the way water boiled under the tension it took him to even move it around at his fingertips.

Rhydian smiled upon seeing them last- not even the tiniest of snowflakes would melt upon her pearl white skin. Not in the cold wind that greeted them along their way. They had arrived in Ishgard not long ago, eager to enjoy the festivities. Graced now with more freedom to show their affection to one and other out in public- blessed by a seal of approval in the form of the pearls around her neck. Freedom he gladly indulged them in by the wrap of his arm around her slender body. A fools attempt of keeping a lady warm that did not bow down to the stern cold of the north. He chuckled warmy, clouds formed within the air he huffed out "You are catching so many snowflakes" he refrained from adding sweet nicknames, knowing she probably wouldn't apreciate them out in public. And moved his lose hand throughout her hair to catch as many as his warm hand could. Messing it up most likely "A few more minutes out and you'll turn into a proper Snowwoman"
Sit with you in the trenches.

Much thank Nien x
Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:28 pm
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