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Fresh air
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Fresh air VJVDjoD
Fresh air 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

After two days of being cooped up in the basement, the man was ready to get out. His brother did so. Unchaining him and offering him some food first and foremost. Afterwards Charles took it upon himself to clean himself up with a warm bath. Truly enjoying it, it took the soreness in his body away for just a little while. Which was something he welcomed. A soft smile appeared on his lips after he got out. Changing into a simple button up after drying himself off and going downstairs. To play with his favorite niece for a bit. Before he’d go out to enjoy some fresh air he desperately needed.

Once outside he took in a deep breath of fresh air. Which felt great. It cleared his head instantly. A smile returned to his face. He still felt like he was sore. Which was something that would last for a few days, but nothing he couldn’t take. For the day he had decided to take a stroll to one of the parks in the city. Just be outdoors, enjoying nature. It was the little things today that made him extremely happy. At home it had been playing with his niece and talking to Clarence again, outside it was hearing the chirping of the birds, the sound the wind made. Those things. Shortly he pulled a hand through his hair. Eventually taking place on a bench near a pond. Quite a sight to behold actually. But, he still felt on edge. Don't be fooled.

That you wouldn't believe.
Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:24 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Fresh air Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Fresh air Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel had decided to walk back from her visit to the dressmaker. She had to wear something quite otherworldly for her father's wedding and she decided that it had to be brand-new. And it was quite a nice day out, so she declined the carriage and walked through the park. And it was the perfect place to see knew couples blossoming. It was that cliché courting activity to go on a nice nature walk. She knew, because she had been guilty of it. So to notice people she knew walking together always gave her a little serotonin peak. She always wanted to know the latest gossip, and it was even more fun to start it.

But she spotted Charles sitting on one of the benches near the pond. Maybel slowed her pace for a while when she approached him, wondering if she should talk to him. It was after all family of that horrible woman, but he was alright, she supposed. She should not judge a man by his aunt, after all. And he was cute, annoyingly so. He looked nothing like the scary looking woman who she had started to dislike more and more. So she walked over and gave him a small smile. ‘‘Good day, Charles,’’ she adressed him casually. ‘‘Don't you have to work today?’’ And with those words she took place on the bench next to him.
tag / notes

Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:11 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Fresh air VJVDjoD
Fresh air 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

While it was starting to get on the colder sight, it was still quite a nice temperature to enjoy nature. Though he was wearing a coat. But the man could enjoy moments like these. Those few moments where he didn’t have something on his mind, moments that he could spend in solitude enjoying the outdoors a bit more. Yes, he truly treasured those moments. To be fair, he enjoyed every day he could simply walk around and be with those he loved. But just sitting here, sometimes it did bring a few things in perspective.

The peace and quiet was disturbed though, not much later. When he heard a voice he recognized. Maybel. A soft smile curled around his lips as he looked up to her. Nodding politely. After all, she was a Winter and he was a man who had been brought up with manners and respect. Making a bit more room for her already in case she wanted to sit down. Which she did. Shortly he chuckled at her words. ’It’s one of those rare moments where I don’t have to work.’ He replied, looking back over the pond. ’What brought you to the park? Just enjoying nature today or?’ A genuine interest audible in his voice, head turning back to her.

That you wouldn't believe.
Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:52 pm
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