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Water won't clean you
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IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Water won't clean you Unknown
Water won't clean you F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán was at her boiling point. But it showed in an icy rage. She had not spoken ever since she left that room with the princess and her witch cousin. No, she had just pulled Ve by his arm and dragged his pathetic body out of the room, through empty halls, the shortest way outside. She had not uttered a word, but her mind was racing. The only sound were her footsteps that echoed loudly though the halls as she walked just an inch in front of her brother. He should be thankful for saving him from the clutches of that witch, but she assumed he was all but thankful. Because that rage that radiated inside her was impossible to conceal.

And Ve should be scared, because everything started to slowly fall into place. Rán was furious at him. Not only because he let himself get caught, but also because he was so careless. She hoped he at least could lie well, making the princess doubt her crazy sister. Well, she assumed so, because he had been lying to her for weeks. The nerve on him. What else had he lied about. Rán bit the inside of her cheek and balled her fists so strongly, her knuckles turned white. She inhaled slowly through her nose. She had to stay composed, be patient, nobody could see or hear her implode. It was her biggest flaw, but also what made her feared and respected amongst her people. You did not want to be on Rán Trygg's bad side, because she would make your life miserable. And that was not a promise, it was a given.

As soon as they stepped out of the castle, she expected to be hit by a cold chill, but maybe it were her insides boiling or this stupid climate in the capital. Rán again grabbed her brother tightly by his skinny arm and dragged him outside sight of the front door, out of the watchtowers. She probably should haul him off in her carriage and wait to open her mouth in the privacy of their own home. But Rán could no longer wait. So she pulled the sad excuse for a man's body of her brother towards a small and dark pavilion in the royal gardens.

‘‘You could not remember, could you?’’ she hissed in a cold voice to her brother, impressively enough she was not yelling yet. Rán did not look at him, but she pushed him forward. She had put two and two together now. She was not completely stupid, but she hated herself for taking so much time to do it. How had she not noticed the signs earlier. She was getting sloppy, she was having a blind spot for her brother. Blaming everything on his stupidity. But now she looked up at him, in all his miserable squander. ‘‘Something-’’ she stepped forward, giving him a sarcastic shrug, looking around as she was foolish, before pinning her icy gaze at him again. ‘‘-big.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:07 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Water won't clean you Naamloos
Water won't clean you 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Haven't you taken enough frome me? ❞
Everything had felt like a dream. A very, very bad dream. As soon as they had entered the room he had felt his muscles tense up. As a prey looking at its predator, fearful for the next hours to come, as the hunt was yet to ensue. His mouth had felt dry and even though he had felt like he had smooth talked his way around the matter with the princess... It now all felt like it was falling apart. A chamber filled with enemies and he had no place to go, to run to, to hide. He had forced his hands behind his back, keeping his back straight as he clearly avoided his sisters gaze. He didn't need to look at her to know what she was thinking, to know what would happen now. He had heard it before, had seen it before. Had felt it before. He clenched his teeth as he awaited the others instructions, not moving an inch as he held his chin tilted up a few degrees. As long as he kept this posture, remained big in his own way, he surely would be able to keep his emotions in check. For inside of his head, a storm was brewing up. For all the hate he was feeling, all the injustice that had befallen upon him. For everything that everyone had done him wrong. He wanted to scream, wanted to cry, wanted to tear something apart. He averted his gaze to the window when that one intrusive thought snuck up on him, catching him a bit off guard. As a scream in the silence, it broke through everything else. Was it hot in here or was he... Getting sick again?

She had grabbed his arm before he could do anything and he almost fell to the ground when she pulled him with her. He hastily adjusted his pace as to keep up with his sister, keeping his head somewhat low, a posture that could be compared to a dog that was about to get a beating and knew it all too well. He didn't dare to lift his gaze, keeping his focus on the ground beneath them. It was mostly to keep his balance, to keep up with her and to be sure that he wouldn't make her temper even worse by being clumsy. But it was also to keep his attention from her, from everything around him. He kept his teeth shut as he slowly grinded them, the way that he was being dragged through the castle halls made him feel like a little kid again. She was just like father. He would grab his upper arm whenever he had done something wrong, closing his hand around his tiny, thin limbs. The pressure he had always put on them had made his body ache and his mind scream as it felt like the man could snap his bones in half with a mere movement of his fingers. It wasn't a pleasant memory to say the least, but in a sick and twisted way one could say that he was used to it. Compared to his father, Rán's way of holding her grip on him was gentle and even soft. But he wouldn't dare to challenge her strength, nor her anger. He knew all too well that she would be capable of the same things as he was. One could not judge a person for the size of their body. They could hold a lot or strength, deep down. He knew that all too well.

They moved out of the castle, but the other didn't take the time to drag his ass home. No. She pulled him aside, away from the door and the watchtowers, in the privacy of a darker spot. He slowly looked up as his curiosity got the better of him, being somewhat surprised that she wouldn't wait until they got home. Then again, it was Rán. She wasn't really known to keep her emotions at bay. Once they hit a certain point, which wasn't very high when your name was Ve, even one misstep could trigger her. And for what he had done now meant way more then breaking a boat or running off to another city. There was way more on the line then money and goods. Relationships were at stake, he was all too aware of that. But something in the back of his mind whispered something to him. For if that really was the case, would she truly have dragged him away....? No... She was putting importance on something else... And he could already guess what that was. The corners of his mouth stabilized as soon as he realized. Damn bitch really believed her didn't she? He clenched his teeth, feeling a heat inside of him reawaken once more. How he wanted to absolutely tear that stupid bitch apart. He slowly looked up at the wall beside them when that thought crossed his mind. I'll fucking kill you Fauna.

She spoke. He blinked in surprise for a moment as he took a deep breath, feeling the heat settle down in his chest as soon as he did. His boyish demeanour returning as soon as he did. He had kept his emotions in check in the castle, but he knew that he couldn't let them loose here as well. As he looked at his sister for a moment, he slowly averted his gaze back to the ground. There she went again. Just like he had predicted. It was about that. Really... Fucking really? He took a deep breath, feeling a painful sensation in his chest. But she went on and stepped forward, something Ve instinctively responded to by taking a step back. He lowered his head, keeping his gaze on the ground as he turned his head away from her. He didn't want to hear it, really. After all the accusations and painful words he had to endure this too? Had he not told her the whole story? Had he not gave her everything already? He had given her a promise, something she could work with. It was all he could give her. Because at the end of the day was he worth nothing. Only his last name and blood would matter to her. It was the sole reason why he was still standing here today. He hated it. Why couldn't they just let him go. He didn't want this. He didn't want them.

He shook his head slowly, not looking up as he mumbled some words, but quickly shut his mouth. Stumbling over his own words, it was clear that he didn't know what to say. He had tried his best, what more could she expect of him? He had tried to die, but his uncle wouldn't let him. He had tried to leave, but she wouldn't let him. He had tried to make a deal, but it didn't work out in the way he had planned to. He gasped for air, shaking his head more heavily. Tears burning behind his eyes as emotions took a grip on his thoughts. Why wouldn't they just let him be? Why. Why? WHY! He clenched his jaw shut as he slowly lifted his hand, covering his eyes as in a last effort to shelter himself from everything that wanted to destroy him. From the world that only wanted to keep him here so that it could continue to toy with him. But he knew that this feeble effort wouldn't safe him. It wouldn't keep him safe, nor would it keep him from crying once he had gotten so far. He was on his own, and that was the scariest thing to realize. For he was just a scared animal, being hold hostage by every predator that had laid eyes on him. Trying to get an opportunity of him. It was all he was worth for for them. He knew that... He knew that all too well...

He slowly clenched his other hand into a fist, shaking his head once more. He didn't... He didn't want this. Not here. "Please," He whispered, surprisingly calm for how he felt. "Can we... Just... Go home," He wanted to go to bed, close his eyes one more time. Pray to every deity on the continent that this time he wouldn't wake up. That it would be all over. That all of this was just a bad dream, like how it had felt earlier today. He just wanted it to be over. He no longer wanted to fear for his life, for his well being, for what his words would do to his future. Every action carrying a consequence more horrible than the next. Please. No more.
Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:56 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Water won't clean you Unknown
Water won't clean you F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán was somehow exited to see how he would act. Would he act stupid? Or would he be smart and just confess? Either way, Ve was in deep shit. He somehow managed to ruin his place in the family even more. Rán was impressed, she could not think it was possible. She had had some hope of him marrying the Rizal girl, as he said he could. And if the Rizal girl was as he was told, she had been prepared to make the arrangements. Or was that another one of his lies? He looked at the punched dog at her, but then again at the ground. Aw, poot Ve, feeling all sorry for himself. As he hadn't brought this to himself? Being a sickly boy was just a bad hand being dealt, but he had played his hand terribly. And now he was truly cursed. Their father would turn around in his grave if he knew. But would he be surprised?  

Rán saw him writhe: struggling to find words, a proper answer to her accusations. He did not confirm or deny anything yet, and Rán was piercing her cold eyes at him. A sadistic smile tugged at her lips, but there was nothing funny about this. But somehow she wanted to laugh, manically as the control slipped further and further out of her fingers. How was she going to explain this? How could she make this problem go away? There was nothing left she could do for him. She could try to keep him off everybody's radar, hide him away in Norwyn, never show his face in public ever again. But he was a cursed animal now. He was no man no more. He was no longer her brother. She should make him go away, put him out of his misery. That was the best thing to do, the most humane thing to do. She did it before, she could do it again.

And Ve was cornered. Huddled together, trying to hide from her, from the confrontation. She scoffed at him. So predictable, her weak little brother. Always the disappointment. She only know understood how her father must have felt; the shame of fathering such a.. a little monster. Ve chose the last option on the list of unwise decisions: pleading. He should have begged on his knees. Rán scrunched up her face as an angry growl came out of her. Her lips trembled for a moment and she stepped forward again, this time not giving him the space to flee from him.

‘‘Home?’’ she barked as softly as she could possibly manage. ‘‘Do you think you still have a home after this?’’ Rán grabbed his wrist and pulled the hand from his eyes that he tried to hide behind. She meant it. How could she possibly harbor him any longer? He had forced her hand. He had given her no choice. There was an end to her families kindness, to shelter a sickly boy that was just alive because he carried a noble name. She no longer cared if she would have another dead relative to explain. It was easier than the truth. Sadly, the truth was no also a rumor in the fucking palace. It had already reached the ears of the princess. She knew the princess was only letting him go because she would risk war between their houses. As if Ve was worth fighting a war over. But he single-handedly ruined her family's reputation, after all the secrets they did managed to keep. So all the anger and helplessness acted out, as she slapped her brother straight in the face. ‘‘Stop lying to me!’’ Rán breathed heavily as she turned her chin upwards and pushed him back again. ‘‘That Rizal witch can see the fucking future, Ve. Why don't you ever-’’ Rán had her hands in her hair at this point. ‘‘-why do you always ruin everything.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:16 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Water won't clean you Naamloos
Water won't clean you 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Haven't you taken enough from me? ❞
This could not be happening. Not so soon. He hadn't planned for it to happen so soon. He always knew that Rán's wrath was always nearby, a ticking time bomb with an endless amount of fuses. He always took her rage into account when doing things. But this... Thing... His imprisonment. That wasn't something he could have foreseen. None of them could have. And it frustrated him, for everything else had perfectly fallen into place. Yet, he knew that he could still weasel his way out of this situation... Right? Just get home and do as if nothing happened, it was how he resolved most mistakes. It was how he had always lived his life. Every time when he messed up, he would curl up into a little ball and hide under the covers of his bed. Cowardly, yes, but he wasn't strong enough to deal with it any other way. But now, now life had given him an opportunity. And what an opportunity it was. He had carefully thought about it, over and over, tried to push it to the back of his mind in the hope that his intrusive thoughts wouldn't get a hold of it. He could have made something magnificent, something grand. But thanks to that idiotic bitch that wasn't going to happen. Weaponize it is.

His heart started racing, actual fear for the person that was with him. As she closed the distance between them, he could feel his muscles tense up. Anger and fear both surging up in his head as he could feel the heat of her breath against the back of his hand. For a moment it crossed his mind to grab her hair now and pull her to the ground. Then kick her face as hard as possi- He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to remain calm and collected. He was caught off guard by those violent thoughts, but this wasn't a first. It had been apparent all day, but now they were clearly getting worse. As he had played entire scenario's about how he would end the life of that disgusting little girl, it now became more visual in his brain. A shout in the dark, echoing stronger than it had come in. It really was getting hot here. He once again took a deep breath, not feeling the pain he had felt before. He averted his eyes to the ground as he tried to remain grounded. Clenching his jaw as to keep himself from doing anything he would regret. He had to remain calm and collected, like he always was in situation like this. She was the hurricane and he just had to stand his ground. But he could already start to feel it; he was losing his temper quicker than he expected.

She spoke. Words that cut deep. As he could feel the muscles tense up in his throat and arms, making his hand softly tremble. It was one of the things he feared the most; to not even have a home to return to... But as the realization slowly seeped in, it became apparent. He wasn't even all that shaken by those words. Because... Was their home even a shelter for him anymore? Had it ever been a safe haven? His eyes widened when he realized that he had never been safe with them. Nerys had tried to kill him, his father had pushed him to his limits multiple times and it was the place of where all his issues has started. He was born in the city up north, cursed by illness and ill fortune. Nothing good had ever come from that place. It was just as cold as the people who lived in it, just as harsh as the place where it was built. For a moment his mind halted, realizing that there was only one place he could call home. A feeling of security, of love, of happiness. A small, genuine smile swiftly crept over his lips as he felt tears burn behind his eyes. Alyssia. It had only been a moment. But that one moment had brought him more joy than an eternity without her. She... She was his home.

Before he could do anything, say anything, Rán had already grabbed his hand. Big round eyes looked up in confusion as tears rolled down his cheeks. For a moment he didn't know if they were happy or sad tears, as the one thing that brought him joy was on his mind. His sister, however, made quick work of that doubt. As swift as she had grabbed his hand, forcing him to look at her, had she brought the other down on his face. The burning sensation stung on his cheek, a familiar pain that he had felt before. As his head had moved with the force of the impact, it had forced him to look back at the ground, almost losing his balance in the process. His breathing slowed down for a moment, before it started to speed up. Deep breaths that were clearly getting more louder. I wish you weren't my son. It spooked through his mind as he clearly saw the face of his father before him. Every insult the man had thrown his way whenever he had brought down his hand on his face. To teach him a lesson, to teach him to be strong. He had to be strong. He was nothing if he wasn't strong. All he did didn't matter if he wasn't strong. Everything laid in ruins, every attempt, every plea, every hand that he had reached out to them. Broken and twisted, mended to a point that it was no longer recognisable. He wasn't strong enough. He wasn't the son he wanted to be, he wasn't the brother she wanted him to be. He was no Trygg. He was a weak, good for nothing, monster, ugly, dumb, idiot, dog, scrawny, disgusting, twisted, ruined, ....

His body had started to tremble as he could hear every insult play over in his head, every time his father had belittled him, every time his sisters had called him names. Every time when the people of Norwyn had casted him away. Every time when he had disappointed once again. He was a tool, and not even a good one at that. They couldn't use him, he was broken, he was bad, he was made to destroy. He was... He was made to... To- To.... put things... To ruin. The words of his sister reached his ears. They sunk into his brain, slowly, but steadily. As her spoken words complied with his thought, it became oh so clear to him. It all made sense now. It all aligned. He couldn't help anyone, not even himself. He couldn't build anything up, when all he did was break things down. A silence settled in his brain, realization a weapon he had now armed himself with. There were a million ways he could destroy her. A million ways he could tear her apart. There were so many ways he could tear the Tryggs apart. It was the least they deserved.

He looked at her, an angry expression on his face as he straightened his back, his breathing hadn't stabilized yet and was clearly all over the place. Something that would usually cause him to start coughing, but not now. As he came to his full height and looked down at her, forcing his weak body to look intimidating, even though he knew it wasn't. He was only a couple of centimetres taller than her, but it was the one thing he had that she didn't. Not that that crossed his mind. No... It was almost as if something had snapped in his brain. And it did. As he could feel a red veil fall over that blissful silence. Thoughts started to surge in his brain, things that were gruesome in so many ways. He looked over her face, somewhat bewildered as he wondered for a moment if he really shouldn't grab her hair and start beating the ever living shit out of her. Before he knew it, he had shoved her, stepping forward as he did. "Shut the fuck up!" He said with clear anger in his voice. "You're one to talk!" He almost shouted at this point, clearly losing his temper. "I'm not the one who killed our fucking father and hid it from everyone, even your own fucking family!" he angerly pointed at her chest, shoving her in the process as he kept closing the distance. "You are a fucking liar! All of you are! All of you fucking Tryggs are! You are all fucked up little shits! Acting all holy as if you're the noblest piece of garbage this side of the country has ever seen!" He took a deep breath, before going on. "I worked my ass off! Through all the pain and all your fucking bullshit! Over and OVER AND OVER AGAIN!" he shook his head as he clenched his jaw for a moment, the tension hurting his mouth in the process. "And it is NEVER good ENOUGH for any of YOU," he screamed at the top of his lungs.

He hands were shaking as he felt the world spin around him, a ringing sensation in his ears. Tunnel vision on his sister. He had reached a breaking point and now, now it was all coming down. He couldn't take it anymore. Enough was enough. "But HEY it's easy to play all high and mighty when you're daddies favourite isn't it miss perfect," he scoffed at her, trying to shove her again. "Was it worth it, huh? To kill him? Was it worth taking his place?" He tilted his head somewhat as he slowly narrowed his eyes. "You're living the dream now? Is THIS what you WANTED?" His voice was clearly unstable as he spoke, his throat being painful with every word he spoke. He wasn't used to raising his voice, let alone shout like this. "I gave all of you everything I had," he hissed between his lips. "I gave you my loyalty, I gave you my honesty, I gave you my life, but it is NEVER good enough," His voice trembled as he tried to keep his tone up. "All I wanted was a god damn fucking compliment! Is that too much to ask? Is it too much to ask to be treated like a normal human being for ONCE in my god damn LIFE?" He looked up at the sky, at the wall behind him. "Why did I even try to help ANY of you. You are all fucking monsters living in your own fucked up little fantasy," And with that he started to laugh, placing a hand against his forehead. Had he completely lost it? Or was it the fact that he was literally burning up. Sweat pearling on his face as he couldn't control his breathing. Oh this was funny. Hilarious even. What a beautiful, messed up world this was.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:24 am
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Water won't clean you Unknown
Water won't clean you F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán was so used to having to lecture Ve, that she was not shocked anymore by how he pathetically dropped his shoulder, that he did not dare to look at her, to see him cringe into something smaller and smaller, how more she lashed out at him. It was why she was not surprised to see the tears rolling down his face. She just sighed; disappointing. He just never seemed to fucking learn. Nothing what she did or said seemed to make a way through his thick skull. And no he also decided to lie, which was a big mistake. She had asked him directly what had hurt him, but she had been too mad, too haunted by grieve, to really care for what he answered. And she never stopped to add the missing pieces together. No, fuck it, now she thought about it, Nerys had. She must have. Her younger sister was a wicked little monster, but she at least had a proper head on her shoulders.

So she'd hit him. Stop those damn tears. Just, man up already. But what else could she expect from a cursed monster. She wished she had a weapon on her, but she had been on a diplomatic mission here. They would not have allowed her to have a weapon on her. She flexed her fingers and scrunched her nose up again. Her bare hands would do. She could put the dog out of his misery, whenever she liked. She could make a scene, make it look like an accident. And who would care anyway? Ve had always been sickly. Nobody would bat an eye for an untimely death. Or she could do it like she did her father: swiftly, quickly, painlessly, and freeze that pathetic expression into eternity.

And then suddenly she noticed a shift in Ve. Rán turned her eyes upwards, giving him a small, wicked grin. Did she notice a fight in his eyes? Was he finally starting to push back? Oh, dear, little Ve, it was way too late for that. If he ever in his life had thought to bring something to the table, to start to earn his keep. He should have done it before he let himself be bitten. They all knew about the monster half-men roaming the earth. And how they all should be exterminated. Her eyes followed the ugly scar on his face, and she understood so very clearly now. Fauna of course had not lied, because Rizal's were never wrong. Was that not their words, or something? Evil witchcraft, if you would ask her, but not as evil as her brother had become. Sadly for the one preying on him, he should have picked his prey better. Someone like Ve was easily killed.

Rán did not even shock herself with those dark thoughts. Nobody should be thinking about ending your kin so easily. But what was she supposed to do? She was a practical woman. If she could end someones misery who she had loved so dearly, it would be easy to kill someone she hated. Someone who had been a parasite all his life. Who was like a flea on her back. And she could finally, finally crush him. She would have no excuse left not to. It was freeing. She could laugh, she could cheer. She would dance on his grave.

Ve opened his mouth and she immediately sprung in action. Some mouth on the boy, as she snorted angrily at him. She raised her hand again, ready to strike again. And again and again and again, if she had to. She would love to. ‘‘How dare y-’’ But he kept talking, finding rage that was alien to her. Her little brother wanted to stand up for himself. But he had no excuse. He should, cry, he should beg, he should..

But he screamed her best hidden secret of her life. It was like she was plunged into an ice-bath. Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly in utter shock. She felt his finger prick at her chest, being shoved backwards. It was because she was so.. perplexed. Rán looked at him, her brows furrowed slightly, a crack in her angry whirlwind. He had found the eye of the storm, and she needed to shove him back, before he would become to comfortable. But the flashbacks were racing back in her mind. Her laying over the frozen body of her father, the life had drained out of  him because of her. The dark nights locked in her room, screaming and crying in her furs, the dark magic poisoning her mind. How she could not eat for days, how breathing had hurt. And then the realization.. How did Ve know? He hadn't been there. He was too busy being bitten. How on god's green earth did he know?

It was as a high-pitched noise in her ears started to clear, as the world refocused around her, and she saw her brother screaming before her again. She blinked slowly and she pressed her jaws shut together as she heard the excuses. But she could only think about what he said earlier. She still felt numb. He was not supposed to know. How- She brought her hands to her ears as he screamed again and again, a never ending rant about how shitty his life had been. And when he tried to shove her again, she was quick to react, dancing out of the way, and especially when he repeated that secret again, the rage was returning. She suddenly remembered they were in fucking public. She wanted to rip his tongue out, so that he could never speak again. All the fucked up assumptions he made, like if she was happy. But no, poor little Ve could only think about himself. And he still failed to mention one thing: he was the one getting bit.

So when he started to laugh, she was done with his rant. She balled her hand in a fist and aimed straight for his mouth. She would punch all his fucking teeth out of his mouth if she could. ‘‘Shut up!’’ she yelled. And she swung her first again, because that was the only way she knew how to make this all stop: with violence. She wanted to get him on the ground and kick him while he was down. Because he had no fucking idea what he was talking about. She kicked out to his knees, wanting to get him on them. ‘‘You don't know what you are talking about,’’ she growled at him. ‘‘You have giving me nothing but empty promises-’’ she continued, lashing out again with a fist. She did not care where she would strike, if only she could hit him again and again. She wished she had her spellbook with her now. She would use the little life left in him and make sure he had the most painful death she could imagine. How dare he talk of her father like that? He had to be erased. Not even a memory left of him. Wiped out of the family tree. ‘‘You have been nothing but a liability. But no, little Ve is sad because daddy didn't love him,’’ she pouted at him, kicking again. ‘‘Obviously you didn't try hard enough, and look where that brought you!’’ she snarled. ‘‘You left me no choice,’’ she told him. She shook her head, no pity to be noticed. No, she was mad. Mad with rage and grieve, because after all, he had dug up all those sore memories about her father. And Rán responded is the only way she knew, that would protect her. ‘‘I could have taken care of you, protected you against the wicked world, if you had been only half of the man my father was,’’ she told him darkly, her voice low. My father, not his. He was no longer a brother of her. She brought her face closer to his. ‘‘You disgust me.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:00 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Water won't clean you Naamloos
Water won't clean you 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Haven't you taken enough from me? ❞
The madness had unleashed himself within himself. He felt it burning in his mind, in his chest, in his arms. As if an otherworldly force was pushing him to keep on moving, keep on talking. The pain in the back of his throat ignoring as he kept going. He was used to it, a constant in his life that had always remained. Never had he been lonely, as pain had kept him company. Through the tears and every painful day with this fucked up family. He was more then determined now that he never wanted to return to Norwyn. Leave Ravaryn and this fucked up history behind. To start somewhere new, where no-one knew who he was. Where no-one had even heard of the Trygg name. And he hoped that with that decision, the families name was one step closer to being eradicated from the realm. Cause that was what it was all about, in the end. And that was the reason why his father had always been so upset with him. He was one of the few that could actually carry on the name, together with his brother off course. But even Ivar had turned his back on this family. A smart move if he said so himself, he should have joined him sooner on that decision.

The fact that she remained so silent, her expression being something he had most likely never seen before, went completely over his head. Blinded by a red veil as more and more messed up thoughts crept into his mind. If he had been more himself, he would have surely stopped, he would have apologized for the foul mouth he had put up. He would have lowered his head, showed his obedience to her by almost bowing down. But he didn't. He didn't change at all. His anger only finding new heights with every new word he spat out. It was nothing like him, as he was usually a very calm person. He had never yelled like this before, he had never screamed like this before. He had never spoken words like this, rarely even spoke back. Little Ve Trygg, the boy with no spine, or so they would say. But here he stood, yelling things that she didn't even know he knew about. And he should feel triumph for that fact, a victory for the one thing he had. But there was no trace of that to be seen. He didn't feel anything, it didn't even feel good to scream like this. He just felt anger. He just felt like everything was too small, suffocating him. Everything was too much. Everything was too little. His entire body shaking with adrenaline as he kept on going. There was no sign of him actually quitting this estranged act. This wasn't Ve at all. This was someone who had given up a long time ago. Hidden beneath layers of discipline and a dream. But now that all of that came crashing down, meant that he was free. Free to speak his mind, free to destroy everything he ever wanted.

But even anger didn't make him a match for her. When her fist hit his face, he almost fell to the ground. A second fist hitting the other side of his head as he stumbled backwards, feeling the world spin around him as he desperately tried to find the wall next to them to find some stability, keep his weak body up. He gasped for air, feeling pulsating sensation going through his head as he lowered his head, placing his hand against his mouth as he could taste iron. Damn bitch. He turned his head back at her, ready to lash out, but she was quicker. As she went for his knees, he collapsed to the floor, groaning painfully as his lungs cried out in a painfilled sensation. He gasped for air once again, placing his hand on his chest as his entire body seemed to tense up, as if he was being constricted. A painfilled sound left his mouth as he tried to gasp for air, something that clearly didn't go as smoothly as it should go. It hurt. It hurt so damn much. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down so that he would be able to breath again. But he wasn't able to. His emotions forcing him to look back up as a hissing sound could be heard with every breath he took, burning his insides more and more as he pushed himself to keep on going. Heavy, in and out. There was fire in his eyes, fuelled by anger, pain and all the injustice that people had called down on him over the years.

And now it was her turn to speak back. And he looked up at her. On his knees, on the ground, where he had been plenty of times before. He looked up at her, as if she was some god damn deity worth being on his knees for. He clenched his teeth, his jaw tensing up to the point of where his muscles started to ache, to the point where he swore his teeth would break from the power he had put behind it. She spoke that he had given her nothing but empty promises and he groaned out in pain, trying to speak, but he started coughing. His body feeling heavy with every painful breath he took. Every fibber of his very being screamed out in agony. Another fist found his way to his face and he fell to the ground once more. When his head hit the stone beneath them, he could hear an deafening ringing in his ears, tuning out almost everything around them. He gasped for air, his breathing speeding up as he desperately tried to just keep on living, the struggle of someone who barely was able to live as is. The shock taking a grip on him as he started to tremble. He slowly placed his hands beside him and tried to sit upright, making his thin body shake once more. He tried to breath, tried to get stability, but she wouldn't allow it.

The words Rán spoke cut deep and he clenched his jaw, feeling anger surge once more. "Fuck hi-" He tried to shout out, but his words were cut short as a kick found his way to his chest. He gasped for air as the impact forced most of the oxygen to leave his body. The short lived stability he had found collapsed, and once again was his head on the cold stones beneath them. With every new gasp he tried to pray to every deity that it would soon be over. The pulsating, burning sensation in his lungs forcing him to remain silent. His sister went on to say he hadn't tried hard enough and he slowly looked at her from the corner of his eye. He? He hadn't tried? Hard enough? He groaned out angerly when she spoke those words, pushing himself to his knees once more. With trembling movements and a pace that matched his beaten up, weak body. He shook his head, tried to focus on the blood he tasted on his tongue. It was something that he could keep his mind on while he tried to fight all the pain. He slowly pushed himself to the wall next to them as he was able to stand at least on one of his legs. His bad leg had already given in thanks to the fall and he knew that he would be limping if he tried to run now. But he didn't want to run. Not anymore. He had enough of it, of all of this. This abuse, this pain, this damn bitch's attitude.

And then she had the damn balls to speak about protecting him. His anger filled face shifted to something twisted as he immediately started to laugh. As some sort of maniac that had just heard the best joke one could ever tell. She thought she could? That was really what she thought. Was that really it? Really? She wanted to protect? She? The woman who destroyed it all when there was no other way out? The bitch that would tear down cities to get her point across? She did not protect, she was the one who broke things down. She could never protect anything, let alone protect him. Fucking liar. Fucking stupid ass bitch thought she was so heavenly, so holy, so noble. Oh what a great thing to do, to protect your little, sick brother. But he knew that would have never been the case. If it was legal, she would have ripped him apart a long time ago, if her father hadn't got his hands on him first. And when she brought her face closer to his, his laughter started to die down, but a smile remained on his lips. A bewildered look in his eyes as he stared at her. And as she finished up with her rant, he...

He lunged forward, smashing his head against hers with as much power as he could put behind it. Trying to smash his forehead against her nose in an attempt to break it. He wanted to hurt her, wanted to make her feel every inch of pain he had felt for his entire life. He groaned out as the action made him tremble on his feet, it was clear that the beating had already taken a toll on his body. He was just a weak boy after all. "You can't protect shit!" He shouted at her, before gasping for air. "The only thing you ever wanted from me was to fucking die!" a laugh left his mouth as he spoke, as if it was funny to speak about his mortality like that. But they all knew that the entire household had always awaited for the day he wouldn't wake up. The healers had told them over and over that he wouldn't make it. And yet, here he still was, breathing and standing. "What choices do you even have? Stop pretending to be all caring because we BOTH know you don't," He kept on laughing as he shouted, gasping for air for every opportunity he got. "You're just like HIM. You ARE JUST LIKE HIM!" He screamed out as his laugh faded away. He stared at her, remaining silent, his shaking body almost falling down once more.

And for a moment the anger seemed to fade, only to return even more powerful than before. He screamed out, an ear-piercing scream that hurt his throat and lungs as he lunged forward. He tried to grab her hair and pull at it while he lost his own stability. Using his own weight to try and pull her to the ground with him, kicking her in the process. He groaned, feeling the pain in his back and chest as he tried to keep himself from crying out. "You call me disgusting- ...but you're the murderer here. Who's the monster now?" He snarled at her. "You don't protect shit, all you do is break things! That's all you are ever good for!" He screamed while trying to keep on kicking her, using his hands almost as claws as he tried to get a grip on her, hurt her. "That's why he loved you so goddamn much!" He screamed out. "Heartless! Both of you!" He hissed out. They were both the same. The apple had dropped straight down when it came to Rán and perhaps, in any other scenario, that would have been a compliment. But Ve didn't have any fond memories of the man in question. None even. All he had ever done was beat him up, let it be physically or verbally. But he had enough of it all, of all the abuse, of all the pain. He was fighting back, he would no longer back down. Enough was enough.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:29 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Water won't clean you Unknown
Water won't clean you F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Ve and his little mind had no idea how the world worked. How greatful he should have been that all this time, they had taken care for him, protected him, given him every single chance he ever could have wanted. But he had proven himself useless, and then of course after time, the chances started to run out. Because every time he just did not listen. But everything made sense now, the last few weeks. Why he ran away from home, why he had been so useless, why Nerys had hunted him down like the dog he was. If only Nerys had talked to her, instead of acting. Oh, her little sister looked so much like her. They did not need anybody else. Just the two of them could rule this family and carry on the name. They did not need pathetic little monsters like Ve.

How he disgusted their father. His laughter went through skin and bone while she looked at him wriggle at the floor. Her father was everything to her and to see him speak, even think evil of him, she wanted to make him stop. Stop laughing, stop moving, stop thinking. One good kick to the head, and she could end it all. She knew she could. She balled her fists again and the rage just kept returning in waves. But that nagging little voice in the back of her head. Yes, she had killed father, but not like he thought she did. She had put him out of his misery. He was a dying man, it would have happened sooner than later. She did what he had asked of her, like it was some final assessment she needed to pass before she could be the one to fill in his footsteps. She could not wrap her head around it. How did he know? He had not been there. There was only one explanation, he was spitballing just to get a reaction out of her.

And reaction she was getting. Because when she had been standing above him, belittling him, cursing him out, getting lost in thought, he brought his thick head against hers. Rán grunted as she pressed her hands to her nose, which started bleeding almost immediately. They both drew back a bit because well, Ve could not handle a hit and well she touched the sides of her nose to examine the damage. But the real damage was on her ears, because Ve started to scream again. She let out a chuckle, because it was really funny what he said. He really did not understand how this little shitshow that was called family worked. But he had one thing right, she would want nothing more than to erase him out of human kinds memory right about now. And screaming that she was just like her father, maybe for him that would be the worst thing to be compared to, but for her it was a damn compliment. ‘‘Well, maybe you should be more like him,’’ she spit back at him. ‘‘Because you don't know shit, little brother.’’ She sniffed blood out of her nose, wiping her upper lip following that, and than looked back at him, pointing a bloody finger at him. ‘‘You know nothing of family, or duty, or legacy! You-’’

And than her ears really hurt, because he lunged at her. She had never expected it, that he still harbored some willpower in that scrawny body of his. He grabbed her braided hair and she hissed as her head was pulled back. In a reflex she slammed her elbow up, aiming for his chin. But before she could do anymore damage, he was already back on the ground again, her following suit as she grappled with his hand to release him. They struggled for a short moment, him kicking up in rage, as she grabbed his wrists and pinned his hands above his head, while she had a knee on his sternum as she towered her head above his. And then he called her murderer again, and she scrunched up her face. ‘‘Shut up,’’ she told him again, as she pressed her knee stronger in his stomach. Blood dripped out of her nose and she could not stop it. He accused her of breaking everything and she scoffed at him again. ‘‘I'll break your face if you don't shut up,’’ she warned him a final time, suddenly finding some subzero cool in her rage. But calling her heartless? Well, she wanted to be, because then she would not feel the grieve so damn much. She started laughing again, shaking her head. ‘‘I could put you out of your misery, Ve? Is that not what you want?’’ The same as father. She should do it, it would give him some peace at last. ‘‘That's what you do with rabid dogs, isn't it? And you really put the last nail in your coffin with that little fuck up.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:08 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Water won't clean you Naamloos
Water won't clean you 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Haven't you taken enough from me? ❞
When his headbutt hit her, a sudden rush of adrenaline hit his brain. His lips curled up in a twisted smile of satisfaction as the world spun around him. He desperately tried to remain on his feet, but the sight of his sister actually getting some damage from what he was doing. It was the best feeling in the world right about now. And as the hot tension in his head only rose, he couldn't help but chuckle weakly at that sight. Even if it was just a scratch, even if it was just a drop of blood. Anything to see that perfect, strong image she had built up for herself crumble. He wanted to see it in pieces, scattered all over for everyone to see. To see that she was a brute, a savage. Every Trygg was, even him. From all the things he had done all to everything he had tried to. Deep down, they weren't that different. And perhaps that was the issue. Both so headstrong and stubborn, one being blessed while the other was dealt with misfortunate. How easily could this untamed rage from civil to feral, fuelled either by a sense of justice or pure emotions. Ve usually kept his cool, never getting his hands bloody. He wasn't the violent type, never had been. So for him to act like this, it was a bit odd. Him actually enjoying it, was on a whole other level. But as his world was spinning he couldn't determine what was right and wrong anymore. It was all being blurred together, the common sense falling victim to his rage and confusion.

His outburst seemed to have no end as he acted out. And his icy blue eye remained focused on her while he did it. Her face decorated in red thanks to the damage he had caused. She started to speak, but it felt so far away. As if there was a wall in between them. Because she was stating that he should be more like him, something that clearly displeased him. But on a face that was already littered with so many mixed emotions, it was difficult to even notice. Only really clenching his jaw strongly, the tension making his hand shudder softly. Even when she called him little brother. It felt so degrading when she spoke of him like that. But he would have been used by that by now, right? These were the kind of things that he should anticipate when conversing with her, because it was all she spoke of when speaking with him. All the ways she treated him, she spoke to him. She hated him. She hated him so much. And she had every right to hate him, because he hated her too. But he had tried his damn best to try and cover it up, keep trying his best to at least give her something. He had tried to be useful, but she had shut him down every goddamn time. And he had tried to be caring and soft, but that was only met by harsh, brute force. There was no winning, there was no way he could ever be good enough. He was the textbook example of unwanted and she knew it, he knew it, they all knew it. Yet he still tried. And he had tried and tried and tried. Over and over... Yet nothing more than little brother. Little. Puny. It was all he was in her eyes. In his eyes. That untamed rage that seemed to remain in his head spiked once more when she opened her mouth again. And from that feral instinct came an action he would otherwise never display. Attacking her, his sister, his blood. Not even out of self defence, since he was the one to jump on her. Losing himself and everything he had ever stood for; to not be like them. He was losing himself.

But Rán was on a whole other level than he was and that became apparent all too quickly. As he tried to pull on her hair and... Do something, she simply shot up her elbow at his chin. Her movement hit its target and his head slammed back as he lost balance right away. The pulsating pain that came from his face could be felt all over his head as he finally hit the ground, letting out an almost silent  gasp for air. His mouth wide open as he tried to get any oxygen in his system. His body softly shuddering at the sensation that went through his whole being. He closed his eyes, trying to get himself to focus more on his breathing. But it was almost impossible as his sister quickly, and quite harshly, grabbed his wrists. He looked up at her, a glance of fear in his eyes before that wild untamed rage surged once more. He clenched his jaws as he sucked in some air, quickly and rapidly one after another. He pulled on his arms, trying to come lose, but she responded by slamming them back, above his head. He let out a soft groan when the movement forced his body in more pain. Desperately he tried to move his upper body, his legs. But for someone with no experience on the battlefield or hand to hand combat, it was game over. He tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but nothing seemed to work. As he closed his eyes and tried his best, a force was eventually put on his chest. The sensation first giving him an anxious and tight feeling. But as she built up the pressure he opened his mouth as his breathing clearly became more difficult. He tried to gasp for air as she leaned in. The increased weight on his body forcing him into a light headed state. His body, that was completely burning up in some sort of fever, suddenly shifted from anger, to panic. Fear. It knew that this... This could be the end.

He opened his eyes slowly as his breathing became more noisy and difficult by the second. He tried to look at her, but his fight for oxygen almost forced him to focus himself only on that. A survival instinct almost. His struggling almost faded away completely, first only a little... But increasingly more and more as time went on. A soft sound leaving his throat with every struggle to keep up the simple task of just... Breathing. He pushed his head somewhat back on the hardened, cold ground beneath him. A movement that allowed him to open his mouth a bit more. Almost as if he tried to scream out for more air. But even with that attempt it didn't work. The power he had just had in his weak body faded by the second and the way he moved, took in his breathes, slowly opened and closed his eyes were all evidence of it. And all she did while he struggled was just... Speak. Telling him to shut up. That she would break his face. His eyes rolled upwards as he tried to desperately gasp for air, but it failed. His gaze quickly going to her as he felt himself slip more and more. She laughed and as he laid there, choking due to his weak body, all he could do was try and keep up the struggle. But the increasing pain and weakness that fell over him took grasp on him. This was the end. This was how he was going to die. And no-one was ever going to know how or why... And no-one was going to miss him. He opened his mouth again, but to no avail. He wasn't getting any air in.

He didn't even notice that tears had started to well up, finding a way down from his eyes, his cheeks. The struggle to simply stay alive was all to clear. His last hope just staring at her. But not with big, scared eyes. No. They were just looking at her. No fear... No anger. For a moment he tried once more, but failed again. His struggle completely giving in. As an animal that just gave in to its end, so did he. And that was the one thing that remained in his eyes as he looked at her one more time. Peace. He was at peace. He couldn't hear her when she spoke those final words to him. As dark spots started to fill his vision he could see her fade away, everything was fading away. The world fell silent and so did he.
Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:18 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Water won't clean you Unknown
Water won't clean you F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Her knuckles were bloody, her face was bloody, but yet she did not feel any pain. All the adrenaline filtered such puny feelings out. She could only feel icy rage as she dug her nails in her brother's wrists, twisted her knee deeper in his chest. It had been so easy to overpower him after his surprise attack. He was nothing. She should eridicate him, prune his weak branch of the family tree away, so the tree could flourish once more. Cut out the flesh that was infected. She could. She would. It would be so easy to just... wrap her hands around his throat and squeeze the life out of him. Indefinitely.

But as she noticed his struggles fade away, he did not reply anymore, nor scream. He just went limp. Rán looked at her brother one more time as he drifted away and she immediately let go. She dropped to the ground next to him, panting heavily, her arms trembling slightly as she put them behind her to keep her body upright. The taste of blood was in her mouth, so she furiously wiped her sleeve under her nose. She swallowed hard as she looked back at her brother and took a deep breath.

Only then the realization struck that she had gone way too far. But he deserved it. But still. She only fought back at his... accusations. She did what she had to do to shut him up. He was a little monster. He was- Rán leaned forward and buried her head in her hands. She wanted to scream, but she already risked way, way, way too much in her anger. And she was still angry. She still felt it creeping under her skin, flowing through her veins. She wanted to kick his pathetic body again.

She had to be responsible. She was a governess, for Ranaan's sake. So she forced herself back on her feet and straighten her dress. She needed to fix up her hair, but Ve had messed up the carefully pinned up braids in his rage. The only friend she had at this moment was the dusk settling in. So she needed to quickly drag his body in the carriage, pray the gods the shadows would keep them covered.

So the mage bent down to her brother one last time and with a soft grunt she placed her hands under his arms to lift his upper body of the ground. Luckily, he wasn't that heavy. And miracles be miracles she got him to the carriage.
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:50 pm
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