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When everything was beautiful
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
When everything was beautiful  Untitled
When everything was beautiful  Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ Guide me through the storm ❞
As days had turned into weeks, and weeks into months... It had now at all turned in a year. With spring around it meant new lives, the promise of warmth... Soon the third birthday of his little Ella. But another anniversary was also around the corner. Something that called for something special and precious... So he had gotten a beautiful, full bouquet of stunning scarlet roses. As he looked over his purchase he heard the woman behind the counter him, something the man swiftly responded by, by looking up. "It's just what I needed, thank you," the doctor said, his kind dark eyes focussing on the lady who had done her work in such an outstanding way. She smiled at him, turning towards some plants she had been tending to before he had entered the shop. "I hope the lucky lady will love them just as much," Clarence noticed her quick glance at his ring and he smiled at her. "Yes, she will," he said with a nod. "She loves roses," The woman chuckled. "What lady doesn't?" The brown haired man tilted his head as his smile widened. "You're right... But I guess we just adore that cliché," a little fairy-tale magic had always been part of his life anyway. It made this cruel world just a bit better, despite everything.

He had walked this path a hundred times by now. Up and down the road he had gone. Mostly alone, sometimes with his daughter and sometimes with his brother. But... Despite their company it had always been a long, difficult and lonesome path. He knew that his family, the people that loved him, had tried to help him through those dark times. But as that darkness slowly seemed to fade for them, he was still stuck somewhere in dusk. Not quite in the light, but he also couldn't seem to blur out the night too. It was a passive sadness that lingered, always there, not always visible, but just enough to see its effects on his mental well being, his health... Everything. He had tried to keep it all under wraps, however. Only really letting it all out when he was alone or when he was certain no-one would notice or hear him. Which was... Hard when you lived in the upper ring... And the fact that he lived with his brother and child also didn't help his case. He barely had any privacy... And he had told himself many times that that was a good thing. As long as he was drowned out by his work and the people around him, he wouldn't have any time to be sad.

But as he set foot on that graveyard once more his smile slowly faded away. The air suddenly felt like water, weighing down on him slowly as his pace came to a halt. He blinked, staring out onto the many graves that were the final resting place of many people who had come before him. For just a moment, Clarence bit his lip, feeling a rush of stress roll over him as memories of that day slowly came back to him, one at a time... It never became any easy. Never... To feel those things again, to see this place once more. Grief worked differently for many people. Some could function again in a matter of days, some had years before they could go back into society. And some others pushed all that away, hoping it would never come around to claim its overdue payment. Unlucky him, because he was the last option on that list.

His feet had started to move on their own eventually as he had stared off. He had walked this road many times before and so, his body carried him to her almost as if it were a habit. Passing by graves that were either neatly cleaned or others that were already being taken over by nature. His movement slowed and so did his breathing as he turned himself slowly to the beautifully carved stone. Her name still held his, indicating that even beyond the grave they were bound. And the titles they had bestowed her were all too fitting of her as well. Loving wife and mother. His eyes squinted a bit as he read over those familiar words. A clear struggle written all over his face, he slowly went through his knees, eventually pushing himself forward as to sit in front of her on them, like he had done so many times when she still walked along them.

Carefully he placed the flowers atop of her grave, his hand slowly moving away from his gift as his fingers traced the stone once more. "Hello my love," he hummed softly, a bittersweet tone in his voice. "I brought you your favorite," a sad smile curled on his lips as he slowly lowered his head, looking down at his own legs in the process. He held back a sigh, a gesture that didn't have a place here. Yet, it felt so heavy to just be here, on this day... But he couldn't miss it. It had been a year since her passing, after all. It would be wrong to not visit her on such a special day. "Yes... The shopkeeper told me it was cliché as well but I know you love them so I...." He looked up at the grave once more, his smile slowly widening for a fraction, before swiftly fading away once more. "I just... I- It reminded me of our first date as well," He shrugged, chuckling a bit... Mostly as to get rid of the tension that he felt in his chest. But once more it died down and the man slowly closed his eyes, tilting his head downwards as he closed his eyes. It didn't matter how many picture perfect memories he would pull up on such a day. Even him couldn't stay optimistic about it...
Thu Apr 06, 2023 1:04 am
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