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[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding?
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
This night was about Chaska and Ezekiel. Her little sister, getting married to a young man, a sorcerer, as determined by their parents. They were a perfect match in the eyes of the older generation. The ones who decided the faiths of the younger. This time, it would be a true start. Nothing like the false and difficult jump starts the two of them had, as Chaska had told her in the days leading up to their wedding. There was no turning back for them. They were bound to each other now. Marriage, oh how she had struggled with the idea and concept herself. Aniu had always feared the inevitable decisions her brother and sister had to face. The one she would be faced with sooner rather than later if it were up to her parents. If they only knew how their eldest daughter had strayed, making up her own mind and following her own heart. But that wasn't important now. This night was about Chaska.

Aniu had tried to be an absolute rock for her little sister from the moment they woke up that morning. Helping her out with everything. Whatever she needed, she'd be ready to serve. It was almost like a little ceremony for the two of them. At least that was how Aniu felt. It would be the last time that she and her sister would be a unit. After tonight, Chaska would be Ezekiel's first and foremost. Though Aniu would always be there for her. It was so strange to think about. To realize how this was truly the end of an era. Though... that might have started already when Aniu picked a career over family duty. Leaving the small little wolf pack she had formed with the twins. Being back made her face the facts, they were growing up. They were setting off for their new lives. And damn! It made her an emotional wreck. All day she tried to keep her cool. Fix any problem and save any situation for the bride. But even she couldn't keep it dry at the ceremony. Especially when she noticed a tear on her little brother's face. Both knew it wasn't just for the beautiful ceremony but also because they were losing their precious little sister.

Now it was time for the party. The great sendoff, filled with delicious foods and drinks. Exciting music and dancing. Endless small talk with guests and family members who had come from all over Lemuria. People she hadn't seen in years, some of whom she didn't even recognize. Or wouldn't recognize her, no doubt. Those men and women from the older generations who had decided over these weddings. And she was about to bring the man she loved into their midst. During the ceremony, she hadn't been able to stand next to Therion, since she was close kin to the bride. Though she had shared many glances with him, standing in the crowd, people probably didn't realize they were together. Whatever that meant to them. She hardly knew what it meant, since it wasn't something that was seen very often. Especially not in their ranks. And even though she was absolutely sure about Therion and what he meant to her, she was absolutely anxious about this. Walking in with him. With him. Gods, how she hoped nobody would even notice. She had misjudged the emotions of this day. Something that could only be read in her eyes. She had put on her cool, collected persona. A carefully made wall between herself and the people out there in the great hall. Something she had learned at a young age. Something she had become good at over time. This classy young woman, always saying and doing the perfect thing. Being this almost otherworldly thing to them. Beauty and grace. But the man before her, the only one who truly knew her heart and soul, made it hard for her not to just break down for a moment after the whole day. She was tired after all the emotions, but she had to put on a face. Be the perfect elder sister her family expected her to be.

The two were standing in the hallway, just behind the doors to the great hall, where the party was already on its way. As she readjusted Therion's attire to absolute perfection, all she really wanted to do was lay her head on his shoulder and cry for a couple minutes. Not that she could; it would ruin her makeup, and mostly she didn't want to draw any attention away from her sister. She might still need her this evening. Aniu avoided Therion's eyes, though, keeping a soft smile on her face. "Are you ready for this?" She finally locked eyes with him. Feeling an instant warmth in her chest, looking up at the older man. His eyes alone filled her with a new strength. For a moment, she had forgotten she wasn't alone in this, but one look into his deep brown eyes reassured the young Vylasar almost instantly. Remembering his words; "We can get through everything together."

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:38 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
A wedding, he was on a wedding. He hadn't been on a wedding since his brother got wed, all those years ago. And that was a Xailan wedding, which was absolutely different from what he was witnessing right now. He had found a place out of sight, but close enough to be like he was supposed to be here. Technically he was supposed to be here, as the plus one of Ani. Yet it felt weird, because they were still being all kinds of secretive about their relationship. He kept an eye out for her, hoping that everything seemed to be in order. Meanwhile he was making some mental notes, about this all, about what was happening and how it was organized. The moonless night felt weird, as if it wasn't suppose to be this way, but he wasn't one to judge. Within Raveryn, a marriage was completely different. Like, he would have to hunt a dear to ask her to marry him. And by the gods, these kinds of ceremonies made him want to ask her even more.

He had left Ani after the ceremony, she had to do her tasks as the big sister of the bride. Which meant he had some time to freshen up and get a drink to calm his own nerves. It wasn't because of the party, he liked to have a party once in a while, but the fact that the whole Vylasar family would be there. This would be the first time that people would see him and Ani in public, together. Making a public appearance was rough in general, he didn't like the spotlights, but now it was even worse. Still, he knew that together with her they could overcome everything. He chuckled while he though back at the promise that they had made the first time he had found her back in Lemuria. To make a scene on the wedding, just to get a get out of jail free card. To run away with her, not looking back, be free. It was a dream of his ever since he had run away from Xaila, after the family drama over there. So why shouldn't he be taking the woman that he loved with him. He chugged his drink, before starting to get ready for the party later.

Ani was nervous, he could see it with everything that she was doing. But she also seemed tired. Maybe emotions ran high today, it was rough to let your younger sibling go after all. He had lost his bigger brother when Jorgen got married, so he could understand her feeling. He grabbed her hands when she was yet again readjusting his clothing. She was avoiding his gaze, maybe afraid of the emotions that he would find in them. When she finally asked a question, she looked up to him and he smiled back at her. "Honestly? No. But the time for running is long past." He kissed her forehead gently. "We got this." He intertwined his fingers with hers before he took a deep breath and nodded to her. "Let's go." He told her, before pushing open the door and walking through. That was the first step, literally.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:55 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
Maybe she shouldn't have taken those two shots away from Chaska. Well... no, taking them away from her nervous, riddled with wedding jitters, sister was absolutely the right call. But quickly downing them when Chaska wasn't looking might have been a mistake... Especially on an empty stomach. Since it clearly didn't have the effect she wanted. Instead of taking the edge off of her emotions, they had become amplified in her mind. Stressing her out even more. She was thankful for Therion, grabbing her hands as she started to fuss about his clothing again. It made her stop and finally look at him. His smile alone cured her nervousness almost instantly. As a soft giggle, almost sad that they couldn't just run away, left her throat. "Are you sure about that?" She whimpered softly as he kissed her forehead. If he asked, she'd go with him. In a heartbeat. Her world, once big, lonely, and empty, with hundreds of people passing through, had become small but filled with nothing but love. Therion was her world now. He was the only thing that mattered most to her. And that made the parting of her sister from her family a little easier to bear. She didn't even realize she was the one parting from the family, if not officially yet. In her heart and soul, she belonged to him. And now it was up to them to show the world.

She took a deep breath with him, his warm hand intertwining with her cold fingers. It made her feel safe and gave her the courage to face the family and all the guests. God, she didn't even know who her parents had invited. During the ceremony, she was way too busy focusing on her little baby sister getting married... No.. stop that. You already cried over that. Aniu straightened her back and stuck out her chin in the air, softly squeezing the hand she was holding. Only confidence and grace. Like her mother had taught her. As the somewhat unusual couple walked into the room, there were only a few who even looked their way. For now at least... Most of the guests were busy with the celebration of Chaska and Ezekiel. Thank Lythrana. That was exactly how it was supposed to be. She would hate it if she even took a minute of attention away from her sister and her new husband. Gods, her husband... How strange was that? Ezekiel was now her brother-in-law. She did pretend not to see some of the strange looks coming their way. Aniu wasn't wearing any pearls or other proof of their union, so there were surely some rumors being started. But the people she looked out for the most were her parents and siblings. Which neither seemed to be near the door they just walked into. She glanced over at Therion for a moment. A soft smile on her face, and still a hint of pride to be by his side in her eyes. "How about some liquid courage?" She tried to suggest getting a drink first, before someone rudely interrupted her by calling out Therion's name with the utmost surprise in their voice. Which she completely understood, since she too did not expect anyone here who knew the man at her side other than perhaps some faint familiarity. Yes he was a Rizal. But who knew him on a first name basis?!

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:47 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Had he noticed the very light smell of alcohol on her breath? Yes. But he couldn't really blame him, as he had basically done the same before he came here to be her plus one. So, the small giggle that he heard from her filled him a warm feeling. Yes, they could just run away, turn around and let everything be. She would be the only thing he needed, not his family, not his magic, especially not his drugs. Just having her in his arms was enough, knowing that she would be there for the rest of his life. He noticed that he had sunken in a love stricken stupor when she softly squeezed his hand. He blinked slowly, returning to reality while he turned towards the door. Taking a deep breath, he tried to dumb down his own nerves. Maybe he should have taken a bit more to drink before hand. By Raanan, it was so stupid to be this nerves for a wedding, just because he was insecure about his relationship with the most beautiful woman that he could wish for, standing next to him.

Following her lead, he straightened his back and actually found some of that high born attitude that had been drilled into him as a kid. With this chin held high, trying to find the pride that he should be wearing on his face, he tried to ignore some of the looks that the couple were getting. This was not their day, this day belonged to Chaska and Ezekiel. They never wanted to make a scene, not seriously at least. So, he would do the one thing that his father had always wanted from him: show his pride as a Rizal family member and keep the Raveryn pride high.
Ani's words made him look down, release the breath he didn't even realise he was holding. "That would be lovely," he answered her question. Yes, he needed something to drink, very much so. He hated how he had to act here. He wasn't all that high and mighty, that was more of his brothers thing. And even with that, Jorgen had replaced his Raveryn pride for the Xailan might.
A cold shiver went from down his spine when he heard his name, his first name. Not even someone who knew him as a Rizal, no. This was someone who knew him as Therion. He looked around, noticed someone waving in the back. He shot a look at Ani, not entirely sure what would happen. While he walked towards the man, he noticed that it had been the barman who had called him out. "Syn." He called the man, with a hint of cold in his voice. "You found a job here?" In front of him, with the bar in between them, was a younger man. Midway through his thirties, but with a good head of salt and pepper hair that made him look end forty, easily. It was his snake like green eyes that were the focus point of his face. Eyes that moved from Therion to Ani. "Never thought I would find you at a wedding. Especially not this wedding. You're known with the bride and groom?" With a simple move, he almost forced Ani to stand more behind him, while he noticed how the man in front of him was trying to figure out what was going on between hem. "Something like that. Now tell me, what are you doing here? Did the Vylasar family actually hire someone like you?" He almost spat out the words, clearly not happy with seeing this man here. "The hired the inn, I was the only one able to get everyone here drunk fast enough." Syn's eyes went back to Therion, who for a change locked eyes with the man, but it was a cold gaze that the Diviner had in them. "And who is the lady?"
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu Jun 15, 2023 1:22 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
Aniu had become too in her head about this, and she knew that. Therion managed to help her snap out of it a bit and she realized she just needed to let go. Make the best of it with him. And she was glad he snapped her out of it, because she almost missed seeing that loving look in his eyes as he looked at her. Making her heart jump when she did finally notice. Her mouth curled into a shy but charming smile, and she wondered what he had been thinking that made him look at her like that. There was no time to ask, but she kind of wished he didn't stop looking at her like that. Ever.

From the corners of her eyes, she could see how Therion turned into his high-born posture. A side of him she rarely saw. She loved how he usually carried himself. Laid-back and casual. A certain confidence and dark mystery around him, but he was never smug about who he was or where he came from. The opposite was true more often than not. So to see him put on a face and show how he was raised, compared to how she knew him, was almost uncanny. She sometimes forgot he was raised similarly to her. He was of high birth, and it showed. She couldn't help but smile at the thought that he would pull that out of himself for her, even though it wasn't something he enjoyed.

Her parents and her siblings hadn't noticed the two of them just yet, which was a bit of a relief. Aniu wasn't ready for such a confrontation just yet, not without a drink first. But as she suggested, softly so only Therion would hear, someone had called for the Rizal. Mostly confused but also a little curious, she looked around until she noticed a hand waving. Who in Lythrana's name could it be? What were the odds that someone from Therion's circle was at her sister's wedding? The look that Therion shot her didn't make her feel a whole lot more secure about the situation as she looked up into his apprehensive eyes. With their hands still intertwined, she followed the older Rizal to the bar. She put on a fake smile as she quietly excused herself to some of the relatives they passed, who tried to call her over for a chat as well. But unlike her relatives, the man behind the bar came off as rather disrespectful, somehow. It wasn't in what he said, but in the way he spoke and his shifty green eyes, looking over the couple. She didn't like how he looked at Therion or herself, for that matter. She mostly didn't like how Therion reacted to him. This wasn't a friend, clearly, but who was he then? The young Vylasar kept quiet, her eyes moving across the room, hoping nobody would notice, as the two men exchanged some words. She glanced up at Therion when he, in a smooth motion, almost hid her behind him, making her wonder and almost fear for what this man had done to him to trigger this response. She looked at the barman over Therion's shoulder, with a frown. What was it with them and barmen interfering every time?

When this Syn guy asked Therion who she was, it felt a bit like a blow to her ego. She could understand that he didn't know her as a singer, it wasn't like she performed for the likes of him. But she was a known face in Lyhtrania. She was the sister of the bride, for crying out loud! A part of her wanted to tell him he should damn well know who she was and be very careful. She could get him kicked out with one word. But she just promised herself not to take any attention away from her sister, and causing a scene with this man would surely do the trick. So before Therion could say anything, she stepped up from behind her protector. "That's none of your business. How about you go and do what you've been hired for." Her tone was cool but sharp, her expression almost as cold as that of Therion as she looked the man up and down, hoping it would shut him right up.

& Therion

Wedding fitje

Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:48 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Syn’s eyes went from him towards Ani and Theron didn’t like it one bit. An almost primal instinct of protecting his lady overcame him when he pushed her behind his back, keeping his dark eyes on the man in front of him. He didn’t trust the man in front of him and he wondered who in his right mind hired this piece of crap. Maybe he should speak with the head of organisation of the Vylasar family, to make sure that Sun wouldn’t be here on any future events. Therion kept his hand intertwined with Anis, of which he was grateful, otherwise he might have punched the man square in the face. He didn’t want to see him here, but he couldn’t make a scene. This was not his party and he didn’t want to ruin it just because he had a bad experience with the shady man in front of him. The moment that Sun asked who Ani was, Therion had raised his eyebrow. How could he not know the famous opera singer from Lemuria? But it looked like Ani had her own way of dealing with this, as the man got a sharp answer back. The older Rizal chuckled, while Syn visible took a step back. ”You heard the lady, back to your post.” He told the man off, waving with his hand that he had to go. Syn gave him just one dirty look, before disappearing between the food and drinks. Therion sighed and scratched the back of his neck, visibly annoyed by the whole ordeal. ”Thanks.” He spoke softly towards Ani, gently kissing the back of her hand. ”I don’t want to think about what would have happened if you weren’t here.” He looked in her eyes, the anger quickly fading. He knew he had found his perfect match, she could keep him at ease, while he still had to work through some rough patches of his past. ”So, how about that drink?” He laughed gently, while snapping his fingers to another barkeep. ”One beer, one wine please.” He ordered, and within a minute the two drinks stood before them. ”To your sister and her husband.” He rose his glass and smiled lovely towards Ani. In the end, this could be a wonderful evening.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:39 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
Aniu kept her cold stare on the barman, who clearly didn't expect her reaction. Even when she heard Therion chuckle behind her, she did not look away from the man. Especially when he gave Therion a dirty look after his comment, squinting her eyes at him. If he even thought of coming closer to Therion, or her. She could hear Fenrir growl softly in the back of her mind, and was glad she didn't bring her staff tonight. Only when Syn had disappeared completely did she turn around. Her eyes, filled with concern about what just happened, locked onto his. Searching for some kind of answer to her questions in those expressive dark eyes of his. Her face soon lit up with a sweet smile when he kissed her hand, and she had to refrain from kissing him on the lips. His words touched her more deeply than he could know. To think that she was even capable of keeping him grounded and calm. It made her feel like a part of him. His puzzle piece, just like he was hers. Because she realized he was the same thing to her. With just a touch, a look, or even a word, he was able to bring her back to level. Knowing that she could do the same for him was such a great feeling. She was grateful to be that person for him, too. It didn't take away the worry, though, and she had to know. "Are you alright? What happened between you two?" She asked him softly.
Gods, she could use that drink after that. She wasn't sure if her nerves could handle any other blow without one. When he ordered her a glass of wine and a beer for himself. It somehow warmed her heart once more. This simple gesture of knowing her order, something almost insignificant, showed her how much he cared. And perhaps it all felt a little more amplified with the little bit of alcohol already in her system, but the urges to kiss or touch him became a little hard to fight. So she bit her lip and looked away with a small grin. She did step a little closer to him when their drinks arrived. Raising her glass with him, "To my sister and her husband. And you, for being here with me." She flashed him a loving smile back, taking his hand in hers. Hidding them behind the flowy fabrics of her dress, so the prowling eyes of her older relatives, filled with disapproval of their relationship, wouldn't see how she almost playfully stroked and intertwined her fingers with his. Her gaze lingered, almost entranced by his handsome, loving smile, before she took a sip of her wine. She closed her eyes, savoring the taste of the expensive drink on her tongue. "I can't believe she's married." She mused more to herself than to Therion. She had seen it all happen. She prepared her sister all day for the ceremony. She had seen her walk into the temple with Ezekiel. It had all happened right in front of her, and still it felt surreal. She quickly shook her head as if to push the string of thoughts out of her mind. She should focus on more important things. Like spending this night with her love at her side. "Oh, I have to leave you alone for a short while again. I'm singing for my sister. That song I've been practicing? I hope you don't mind?" She flashed him an apologetic grin, as she was sure she had driven him crazy by practicing it so often in the last couple of days. "Though, I believe we can squeeze in a dance before I'm called away." Her lips curled up in a cheeky smirk. The thought of him holding her close as they twirled around the dance floor agreed very much with her current state of mind and mood around the Rizal.

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:39 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He was happy that this entire ordeal with Syn could be left behind them. However, as expected, Ani wanted to know what had happened between the two. The man sighed, not really wanting to spoil the mood on this special day. ”I caught him trying to force himself upon a younger lady once, a few years back. I beat him, he ran, twisted the story and almost got me arrested. Later, I found him working in an inn, that’s probably how he figured out my identity. He tried to pickpocket me there, but I had actually seen it in a vision that day. Got lucky, caught him in the act. Don’t think he ever got arrested for it or something.” He scoffed, thinking back at that time. He never liked the man, there was something very shady about them. He wouldn’t be surprised if he would run with all the money from this wedding. However, not his party, not his business.
He ordered two drinks from another barkeep, a wine for Ani and a beer for himself, so they could toast on the wedding. He smiled and felt his heart jump when she wanted to toast on them as well. ”To us.” He spoke, a bit shy, while taking a sip from his beer. It was lukewarm and a bit watered down, but he could deal with it. He intertwined his fingers with hers, holding his beer in the other one. He did feel a bit of pride of being here with someone from the Vylasar family. Especially since none of his family were here. Well, he had seen his cousin, Fauna, somewhere. But he couldn’t really say that he knew her very much. When Ani said that she couldn’t believe that Chaka was married, he laughed softly. ”Wishing it was you?” He spoke teasingly, winking at her before drinking from his beer again. This whole thing had given him ideas, but he wanted it to be special and he wasn’t sure if she would even want to. She was young, young enough still to be married. He, however, was a completely different story.
When she said that she would have to leave him in a short time because it was her turn to sing a song to the newly weds, he smiled only. ”Does that mean that you’re finally going to stop singing that song after today?” He teased her a bit. He had loved the moments she was singing, he loved listening to her in general. And he had a little plan in mind for when she was on stage. ”But a dance sounds lovely.” He placed his almost empty mug on a table, before gesturing her to take his hand. ”If you’d like this dance with me, m’lady.”
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:54 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
Her jaw dropped a bit in shock at what Therion told her about Syn. Quickly followed by anger flaring up in her eyes. Perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe it was because it was her sister's wedding—it was most definitely because that man had tried to wrong Therion, and maybe a combination of it all, but when he finished his explanation, Ani turned towards the bar and leaned over it. Snapping her fingers to get the attention of a man who seemed to oversee everything behind the bar. "That man." She pointed at the criminal, who somehow had found his slippery way into the castle. "I want him off the castle ground. Now. Take care of it, or I'll have the guards do it for you." For a second, the man looked a bit confused and probably a bit flabbergasted by the seriousness and almost threatening way the pretty lady spoke before he nodded and, without question, did what she told him. She was a Vylasar; that much was clear to the man, and he wasn't going to risk his job for that asshole anyway.

Luckily, the whole ordeal was quickly forgotten when they toasted the happy couple and themselves. Her smile widened to see his shy reaction as her fingers played with his. It was all she could do right now, even though her eyes kept lingering on his lips. She took a big sip of the wine, almost choking on it, when he asked her if she'd wish to have been the one to get married today. A notion that used to make her scoff or laugh out loud. Marriage had always been a sore point for her. Struggling with the idea of binding herself to someone. Especially in the way it happened with her siblings. A stranger—or even worse, a distant relative—pushed upon by her family. All for the sake of duty and the preservation of the Vylasar name and magic. But now, even though he had teased her with his comment, deep down she knew her answer was a resounding yes. She did wish it was them. She wanted to bind herself to Therion, officially and forever. And that realization alone was so surprising that it made her blush. She wiped her wine-stained lips while she avoided his eyes. She had no idea what he thought about the matter. If that was even something he wanted, let alone with her. She hoped he did, she thought he did, with the love they shared, but they never truly spoke on the matter, so his comment more than surprised her.

She gasped, acting as if she were insulted, as he teased her once again. She slapped him softly on the chest. "Excuse me! That song was specially written for my sister by my brother and I! Show some respect!" She couldn't keep up the act for long, though, as a soft giggle rolled off her tongue. Smiling when he agreed on a dance. Finally giving her a good excuse to get closer to him and feel his hands on her again. Gods, why was it such a struggle to keep her hand to herself. She downed the last bit of her wine and placed it next to his empty beer mug on the table, before delicately placing her hand in his. "I very much do." She grinned, letting him lead her to the dance floor. The bride and groom had already opened it up with their own dance, so they weren't the only ones joining in. Once again, there were many eyes on them, but this time Aniu didn't notice. She had only eyes for the Rizal, so much so that she had to look away again as her tipsy mind started to wonder about his hand and fingers in their dancing embrace. "You're going to make me blush if you keep looking at me like that," She whispered in his ear before he twirled her away for a moment, flashing him a meaningful look.

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:09 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It was this fire in Ani that he loved so much about her. She took immediate action once he told her what he had seen Syn done. He smiled when he noticed the fear in the mans eyes, when Ani spoke to him and ordered him to get Syn out of the castle. That would be taken care of, he was quite sure. Nothing to worry about. Maybe now, Syn would get what he deserved. "Love, you're scaring the people." He said softly, kissing her forehead with a smile. It was all jokes and fun, but he knew that if she wanted, she could scare even the biggest man he had ever seen. There was this kind of fire and fury with her that he loved, but was also secretly afraid of. Once she would focus that fury on him, he was a dead man walking.

Once they were looking at the bride and groom and he asked her if she was wishing that it was them, she fell quiet. Yet, while drinking his beer and watching her drink her wine, he was observing everything she did. The small gestures, the looking away, seeing how her brain was working, wrapping around what he had just asked of her. It made him smile, happy that he could still surprise her even within a formal setting like this. Yet, there was something troubling her, and if he had to guess, it was her obligation to her family. He himself had cut himself off a long time ago. But she was young, she still had her whole life in front of her. He couldn't blame her if she didn't want this, not just yet at least, because of the feeling of duty that she still had. She was well known with her singing, her sister was just married and the Vylasar family had a reputation to uphold. No, he couldn't blame her, but it was a sad for sight.
He smiled once he saw her look away and blush, wondering what she was thinking, but he could make a good guess. He wanted to make another remark about it, but decided to keep it like this. Maybe later, they could speak about it. It was not a thing you should discuss on someone else's wedding.

Therion laughed when she slapped him softly on his chest, after he had been teasing her about the song. "I know, and you know I love that song. And they will to." He reassured her with a smile. He watched her down her wine, before taking his hand in the dance that he had promised her. Placing his other hand on her back, he moved her close to him, looking down on her with a smile on his face. Remembering all those years ago, where he had to take dancing lessons, he moved her over the floor. "That's exactly what I want to do." He answered softly, before twirling her away from him and catching her again. He was happy to be able to show others that he was happy with the woman in his arms. Just for once, he felt free enough. Yet, with his movement, he moved her to the side of the room, keeping her close to his own body. Pressing a kiss on her forehead, both his arms around her waist. "I love you, you know." He told her lovingly, while looking in her grey eyes.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:25 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
His comment about her scaring the people quickly made her serious expression light up with a chuckle, as a hint of pride reflected in her eyes, before she closed them, enjoying his intimate gesture as he pressed his lips on her forehead. Giving her the opportunity to take in his scent and calm her nerves once again. His close presence was like magic. And she couldn't get enough of it right now. Maybe not ever. "As they should. I'm very scary." She joked back before she playfully let out a very specific and almost uncanny-accurate wolf growl. A sound she hadn't shared with Therion yet. The one she used to call up Fenrir, which didn't do much without her staff, of course. But it was still a rather intimidating sound that she was able to produce. People's reactions always entertained her; even now, a couple guests in their vicinity looked around in surprise, as if they expected to see a wolf. One of them even stared at Therion with a suspicious eye, as if he had been the culprit. The whole ordeal made her laugh, and she looked up lovingly at Therion.

Therion managed to poke right through her acting, giving her words of encouragement about the song she was singing this evening. She smiled at their teasing, but his word made her bite her bottom lip in a nervous tick. Even though singing was her passion and her livelihood, this was going to be a bit different. This wasn't an act or performance in front of an audience of people she didn't know. This was an intimate song written for her sister. Deimos and Ani had put their love into it to show their sister they'd always be there for her. It was more personal than anything she ever sang on stage, and it would show a real side of her. Which was a new thing. It rattled her nerves more than she would like to admit, so his words of comfort touched her more deeply than Therion could ever know. Flashing him a grateful smile. He quickly distracted her with a dance. And though it wasn't the first dance they shared since their reconnection, it was just as heavenly as their first night, dancing in the moonlight. She felt safe in his arms. As if she knew he would catch her if she fell. His handsome smile paired with his deep, dark brown eyes overflowing with emotions for her and her alone made her weak in the knees, and she had to remind herself they were not alone this time. People were watching. Important people. And perhaps their skills and chemistry on the dance floor would impress those people enough to leave them be. But at the same time, she couldn't care less if they were impressed by the Divination sorcerer. She was already beaming with pride to be his.

Her whisper in his ear had been mostly a tease, but his response somehow made her actually blush as he twirled her around and caught her back into his arms. Making her misstep and bump into his chest a little more uncoordinated than she planned. Making her skin tingle at the thought of what he might've meant with that. She smiled up at him with a puzzled expression, trying to figure out if he was actually giving her the look that always made her heart flutter. Because her heart was fluttering alright! He led her around the room, enjoying his closeness as she was entranced by the elegant movements of their bodies. As a pair, but at the same time, as one. She didn't even realize how he had moved her to the side of the room. She had been positively lost in a loving stupor. Eager to drown in the deepness of his dark eyes. His loving words made her gasp ever so slightly, still rather overwhelmed by the feelings he conjured up inside her. She answered his loving smile with a shy one, though she couldn't get enough of him saying those words to her. "I... didn't catch that.. Could you repeat it? Maybe a couple more times?" She tilted her head a bit with a cheeky smile, trying to make him say it again, and again. Even though she had heard him very well. Something they probably both knew. Her arms rested calmly around his shoulders while her fingers gently stroked the back of his neck, back and forth and back and forth. Allowing her eyes to feast upon his beautiful and handsome features. Features she had memorized a thousand times before, but still needed to look upon them as if it were the first time. By Lythrana, how she loved him.

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:55 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
That he was surprised was an understatement. He though he had heard every sound this woman could produce, yet she just growled like a real wolf was standing in front of him. He had heard that sound before, of course. Wolves were pretty common in Raveryn, but he had never hear someone make a sound so similar to the reality. He blinked a few times, almost afraid that Ani would change into a wolf here herself. This woman, she still surprised him. A smile came over his face. She was amazing.

He knew that she had been working on that song, he had heard her perform it more times than he could count and he had loved it every single time. He had to reassure her that it was good enough, which he did. And he could feel that it calmed her nerves a bit. This and the fact that he could distract her with a dance. Together, as one, they swirled over the dance floor. He enjoyed the feeling of being here as one, as if their bodies melted together while others were just watching. Did he care about what others were thinking? No, not anymore. He had the most important person in his arms and that was enough for him.
Making her follow him towards the edge of the room, Therion kept her close, never wanting to let her go alone again. Her cheeks flared up when he told her that he was actively trying to make her blush and he smiled once he noticed that his plan was working. He could look at her for an eternity and still find new things to love about her. While he felt his heart flutter, he smiled when he told her that he loved her. Her reaction was predicted, wanting to hear it more from him. He felt her hands around his neck, with her nails playfully over his skin. A smirk came over his face, while he let her go and grabbed her hands from his neck. Therion was lucky that Aniu was a small woman and that he could hold both her wrists in one hand. With one smooth move, he pushed her against the wall, holding her hands above her head. "I love you." He told her, with a soft growl in his voice. The last few times she had tried to take control over him, but right now he was taking back every inch of control he wanted over her.  
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Wed Jun 28, 2023 8:31 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
Aniu was entranced by every shade and facet of brown in his irises. She could dream up the color of his eyes with ease, or the way his facial hair complimented him uniquely, or the shape of is nose and lips, or how the smile lines in his face formed when those lips curled up into his handsome loving smile. Yes, she was absolutely entranced. The urge to touch every detail of that face grew and grew more. Tingling on her fingertips. Making her heart flutter like a hummingbird in her chest and her lips hungry for his. All she allowed herself was the soft strokes on the back of his neck and her eyes taking in every detail, however, knowing that any form of deeper intimacy wouldn't be very much appreciated by anyone around them. But it was so very hard not to. She wondered if there would ever come a day where she didn't feel this burning want for him. It was hard to imagine.

And now that burning want for him betrayed her. Too distracted to realize in time what he was planning. She saw his smirk, but it was already too late. Grabbing her wrists as he pushed her against the wall. She couldn't help but let out a soft gasp and a surprised moan slipped from her slightly parted lips, when she softly but firmly was pinned down between Therion and the wall. The wave of sudden mixed emotions, clearly reflexed in her widened eyes. Warm tingles spread through her body, making her instantly hot and her cheeks flustered even more. She looked up at his face, only inches away from hers. She could feel his warm breath as he told her he loved her once more. She wanted to reply, tell him that she loved him too, but he had taken every word out of her mouth the moment her back hit the wall. She bit her bottom lip without noticing it, surprisingly overwhelmed by the feelings that he stirred up with this simple move. Total loss of control for a brief moment. She pushed the back of her head into the wall, her eyes hazy with desire, forcing herself not to give in. Though his lips were so incredibly inviting, hovering so close to her in that teasing smirk. All she needed to do was lean forward a little and they would be hers for the taking. But the way he was holding her didn't give her the feeling he would give them up that easily. Only making her want him more.

For several seconds she had been at a loss for words, not expecting this sudden shift that scrambled her mind in a way that wasn't very proper for a wedding. No matter how much she enjoyed it. They both knew how incredibly risky and naughty this was. Which again, made it so horribly enticing and titillating that she almost didn't care if anyone would look their way. Perhaps it was a good thing that most of the guests were on the dance floor or watching the bride and groom. She dearly hoped nobody would pay attention to the two people, far away from everyone, tangled up in a rather peculiar position against the wall.  

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:46 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
We can be heroes
He had a plan, somewhat. He knew what he wanted to do, but executing the plan was a whole different story. While dancing, he was carefully moving her towards the edge of the dancefloor. Not wanting to place too much attention on them, he wanted to get her off this place as soon as possible. He knew, he very much knew, that she still had things to do on this wedding. But that didn't mean that he couldn't steal her for a moment, or maybe two. Looking around, knowing that the other guests were occupied with the bride and groom, to notice the sister of the bride slip away with another sorcerer.
Therion grabbed her by the wrists, placing her hands above her head and pinning her against the wall. There was a smile on his face when he told her again that he loved her. this time with a bit more force behind it. He was teasing her maybe a bit too much, seeing her eyes linger on his lips and noticing the hunger in her eyes. It made his plan backfire just the slightest amount. Licking his lips, he sneaked in a little peck on her lips, just long enough for her to make no sound when he let her wrists go and throw her over his shoulder. Time to go.
He had planned this out, in the short time that they had been in the room. Did he know where this door was leading? Absolutely not. Did it make it more fun to do this? Yes. Therion wasn't actively looking for some privacy, maybe if he had remembered how they sneaked in the first time she had brough him to this castle he would have brought her to those vine covered walls. But for now, this seemingly empty corridor was enough. Gently placing her on the ground, he quickly pressed his lips on hers. Knowing that he only had a limited time.
< aniu vylasar>
Tue Jul 04, 2023 12:27 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
She hadn't noticed how she was holding her breath in anticipation, until he pressed his lips on hers and she let out a soft gasp. Almost sad that he let her wrist go, she regained some control, letting her arms fall around his neck and shoulders. But not for long. No, he wasn't done teasing her. Nor did she get any control back. He had only successfully distracted her with those tender lips she longed for. She was barely able to cover the soft yelp she let out when he threw her over her shoulder. "Therion!" She hissed in a whisper at him, pressing her lips together to not let out the scream of laughter that was trying to escape. Totally helpless over his shoulder, all she could do was let him take her away. A pair of eyes met hers in confusion, just before they disappeared into a door, and she had to cover her mouth with her hand to not burst into laughter. That poor servant. Once they were out of sight, she started a playful attempt to smack him on the buttocks since she had such a perfect view of that fine ass from her current position. Giggling as she tried.
When he put her back on the ground, she didn't even have time to catch her breath or ask him what he was thinking, pushing her buttons like that in such a public setting. His lips were already on hers in an almost impatient kiss. She welcomed him gladly, kissing him back without hesitation. She quickly realized she was missing that forcefulness he had shown only a moment ago. She wanted him to push her against the wall like that again and make her his without asking for permission. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away, more roughly for once. A defiant twinkle showed in her eyes, looking up at him as she caught her breath.

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:46 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
We can be heroes
Her hiss made him smile, he loved surprising her like this, as if she could do anything against it. The confused pair of eyes, however, went past him without noticing. The servant looked at them almost in terror, but Therion ignored the good man and disappeared in the door. He kissed her the moment her toes touched the ground, uncannily impatient for her affection. As she deepened the kiss, his brain was working overtime. The feeling of love and longing trying to suppress the anxious feeling of getting caught, his heart racing for both things. His breathing was shallow, filled with a rational fear of getting caught. He felt hands on his chest and suddenly he was separated from Ani, who looked at him as if she had her sight locked on prey. Not that he was letting her, not this time. Last time he had given her control and although he liked it, it was time to take some of it back. "Not a chance." He said with a smirk appearing on his face, quickly stepping forward, pushing her back against the wall. With one hand just above her head, he leaned in to kiss her once more. Meanwhile his other hand playfully made its way down over the fabric of her dress, trying to reach her soft porcelain skin underneath. His fingers gently tickling her thighs, before grabbing her upper leg and forcefully pulling her leg up. If she wanted him to be rough, he will show her how rough he could be.
< aniu vylasar>
Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:22 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
Her actions had the desired outcome, and he quickly pushed her back against the wall, causing her breath to escape in a puff with the slight force. The grin on her face matched his as he pinned her between himself and the wall, causing those feelings to stir up in her once more. Arousing her in new ways, with the added excitement of potentially getting caught. It made her heart race, and her hungry hands grab for his collar when he kissed her again. Tasting the beer he had earlier, when she allowed him access, deepening the kiss as she licked and playfully bit his lips. Her quickened breath was quickly paired with a soft gasp and whimper against his lips when she felt his tickling fingers. "Therion," she said softly with a heavy voice, "This is not the place." Torn between her desire and her duty once more, she attempted to stop. But only with words. Her body clearly thought otherwise, pressing against him when he lifted her leg. She didn't want to want it, but gods, how she wanted him. She could be called away at any moment, and she wasn't even aware of which corridor he had taken her to. Who knew what kind of people they could encounter here. At the same time, she couldn't look away from his lustful and loving eyes. Almost begging him to continue with her hypnotic, salacious gaze.

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:32 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
We can be heroes
A burning desire washed over him, when he pushed her against the wall and felt how the air got pushed out of her. He wanted her, here and now, with every fibre of his being. Was it the alcohol speaking? Maybe a bit. But who could blame him, everyone with eyes could see why he had fallen head over heels for this sorcerer. Her eyes, her lips, her body, her dress for this occasion. He wanted to rip it to pieces, he wanted to get his hands all over her porcelain skin. Feel everything, touch everything. And he was doing somewhat of a good job with that, by pushing her against the wall and taking back the control that he had given her last time. He heard his name, making him look in her grey eyes again. She was right, this wasn't the place, and there was still a fear hammering against his consciousness. However, both his longing for her and the alcohol made him not wanting to give in to the anxiety that he was feeling. He had to push through. "Who cares." He told her with a deep, husky voice, before kissing her neck. A though popped up in his mind, wondering what people would say when Ani would get onto the stage with a hickey in her neck. He chuckled softly, before letting her go. He would not mark her, just this once. He did move the hand that was placed against wall, making quick work of the fabric around his waist, before pushing Ani higher up the wall. If she wanted him, she could get him.  
< aniu vylasar>
Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:51 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
She watched how his lips formed the words of his response, leaving her rather astonished. This was a new side of him that she hadn't seen before. And she didn't have the power to argue with him on it either. Not now, pinned between the cold wall and his forceful body, looming over her and rendering her brain cells almost useless. She couldn't help but grin before biting her lip, rolling her head back, and closing her eyes, all in an attempt to keep her usual moans and sounds of pleasure to a minimum once he started with the devouring of the sensitive parts of her neck. Making her light in her head and weak in her knees once more. And there it was, decided. He would have her, right there in this corridor. She didn't want to argue it anyway, because it was her mind that tried to be the wiser against her body, which longed for him and him alone. And well, if her mind was numbed and occupied with a deep burning desire for the man between her legs, the choice was easy.
She wanted him, she always wanted him. And the fact that he wanted her so much that he didn't care anymore if they were caught, fueled her passion and love for this man tenfold. Feeling a sudden impatience for him, her hands helped with the fabrics around his waist and the fabric of her own dress, letting him know her state of mind. Guiding him as he pushed her higher up against the wall. She wanted him now.

Nothing to see here, just a Quicky in the corridor, so skiperooo

She wasn't entirely sure if she had managed to stay fully quiet. What she did know was that he had left her more weak in the knees than before. He was still holding her up, and she had her head pressed against the wall. Her lips slightly parted as she looked down on him, holding tight onto his shoulders, when she whispered. "I love you," She took a sharp inhale as she slid down the wall once they untangled themselves, realizing that she actually didn't want to be done yet. "You'll be the end of me, you know that."

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:52 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
We can be heroes
He felt as if a lion was roaring in his chest, the need to protect this woman, to claim her as his own, to make her his. And the fact that she wanted him just as much made this decision easier by a whole lot. She was rocking her head back when he kissed her neck, yet he had to stop with just a teasing nibble, not wanting to ruin her night by marking her just yet. Maybe later, although he had different plans for the ending of today. Ani said nothing, but her body reacted to him, wanting him. Therion wasn't thinking, nothing rational at last, anymore. He wanted this woman, that was the only thing on the agenda right now. It was uncharacteristic for him to be this impatient, but there was this hint of excitement by doing this in a small corridor while a party was going on in the room next door. Her hands all over him, helping him with the fabrics of her dress, while he pushed her up against the wall. She wanted him just as much as he did and he would show her how much he loved her. How badly he needed her.

"Bye." "Bye." "Toedeloe." Skip~ 

He took a step back, leaning with one hand against the wall. His back was aching, his knees felt weak and he had to catch his breath. A smile on his face, while he looked up to the woman he loved so much. Placing her back on the ground, but holding her close to him, just in case they would both fall to the ground. "I love you too." He told her, with a shortness of breath clearly audible. He kissed her forehead softly before chuckling when he heard her following words. "You're telling me." He responded jokingly, before placing a hand on his chest. He had to calm down first, before he would collapse of a heart attack right here and now. Therion looked up to Ani. "How about a drink? Calm those nerves before your big moment." He teased her a moment, while some of the strength returned to his legs.
< aniu vylasar>
Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:54 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
The air in the dark little corridor was still thick, warm, and heavy from their risqué ride against the wall behind her back. Her skin glistened slightly as she looked at him, her breath still shaky and her heart still racing. She felt light in her head from the heart-pumping high and slightly leaned against him when he kissed her forehead. The soft, loving smile on her lips grew into a soft giggle at the sound of his infectious chuckle. A sound she could never get enough of. She placed her hand over his hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat through it. She found his dark eyes again when he spoke. "Ha, big moment. That's going to be a piece of cake after..." She bit her lips before finishing that sentence, smiling sweetly, while her eyes lingered down to their hands on his chest. Staring at her hand moving towards the buttons of his shirt "I'm less worried about my nerves now than I am about whatever you ignited in me." She continued more softly, as if it were a secret only he was allowed to hear. Her eyes moved up to his, revealing the lust that burned in them. Leaning closer until her lips almost touched his again. His hands, lips, and every other part of him in their passionate and fiery but swift coming together hadn't exactly doused that desire in her; in fact, it had lit it up even higher. No, Aniu wasn't done with Therion yet. Not in the slightest. She leaned closer to him, her lips barely touching his, warming them with her breath as she continued in a whisper. "It's rather worrisome. This.. lust you've unearthed in me. This urge to drag you up to my room and rip off every piece of clothing... I'm not done with you, my love." Her fingers found their way into his shirt, slowly unbuttoning the first couple buttons, pulling on them almost desperately to underline her words spoken in a hot breath. Everything surrounding them felt like a prison. The wedding and it's guests, only one door away. The song she had prepared to sing at a moment's notice. This hallway. His suit. Her dress... In this very moment, she wanted to get rid of it all. Take his hand and go wherever and do whatever she wanted to him. Guided by that lustful creature that secretly lived inside her, freed by the hunger he showed for her, minutes ago.

Before she could do anything about it, though, they were-in her opinion-rudely interrupted by that same servant she'd seen before Therion took her into this corridor. Like a cold shower, she was forced to push away all her intense feelings and wants before she quickly distanced herself from the Rizal, facing away a little as she pressed her back against the wall again. "Miss Aniu.. You are expected at the stage. They are ready for you." the young man said red-faced and nervous, looking at the two sorcerers with a sheepish expression. What Therion and Aniu hadn't been aware of was the fact that a couple of the servants had been standing and listening in at the door the two of them had disappeared in. Overhearing Lythrana knows what as they giggled behind their hands. And it took only one quick glance for Aniu to realize this fact. "Tell them I'll be right there." She replied shortly and coolly, waiting for the servant to leave with a small nod. She couldn't look Therion in the eye anymore, afraid of what lurked inside of her for him. So, when she was certain they were alone again, she quickly pressed her lips on his, still filled with that fire for him. She had to put her own fingers between their lips to make herself stop but was unable to stop herself from whimpering like a sad pup when she had to let him go again. She turned away from the source of her love and desire without saying another word as she walked to the door. Making sure she was presentable before she stepped through, leaving him alone in the corridor.  

& Therion

Wedding fitje
Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:46 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? PfErOMx
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
We can be heroes
Still trying to catch his breath, he leaned back against the wall and took a good look at the woman in front of him. One who was still bathing in the afterglow of their lovemaking. It made her beautiful, it made him wonder if they just couldn't run away together. Forget the wedding, forget her performance, just pick her up and go to her room. He loved the dress she was wearing, but he'd like to see it on the ground by now, he wanted to see her in the moonlight. The light that would perfectly reflect on her porcelain skin. He bit his lips and took a few deep breaths. This was going to far, especially for the occasion. He had to calm down, cool off a bit. She wasn't making it easy on him, especially while her fingers were working on the buttons of his shirt and he inhaled sharply through his nose. She was so close to him, her lips hovering over his, her breath tickling as she spoke. "At least we were thinking the same thing." He spoke breathless, wanting to kiss the lips before him. The passion, the love, the lust, their bond was build on many things. These feelings mutual, and he loved exploring more with her. Getting to know what she wanted and what he couldn't do. And he wanted to continue that, right here and now. Her lustful eyes met his own, he wanted to pick her up and drag her to her room and forget the rest of the night. He would make her scream, he would make her beg, he would make her his over and over again. "Round two?" He asked sly while he looked at what she was doing with his shirt.

They got rather rudely interrupted by a servant and he growled softly. She stepped away from him, which wouldn't be a problem most of the times. But where Ani could easily slip back in her noble role, he could not in this situation. And he was not for letting the servants have more of this sight than what was necessary. Thank Raanan she sent the servant away with a cold stare and a command, still he could feel the eyes of the servant linger on him for a moment longer. When Ani pressed her lips on his for a quick kiss, he playfully chomped at her as she left. "Break a leg." He wished her, squeezing her behind just before she left his reach. "I'll be there shortly." He promised her, but first he had to cool down this thick air of lust and longing around him. And fix his shirt again.
< aniu vylasar>
Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? XwC2DZk
[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
Oh, gods, how much she wanted to give in and delf into a night of pure connected ecstasy. Over and over. Make him shiver, whimper, and howl at her feet. Love each other positively unconscious. Nobody would miss them. Nobody would even notice; she was sure of that. She was pleasantly surprised that Therion was even open to the idea of another round so shortly after this unexpected and highly improper merging in the shadows. If her parents knew what had taken place here while their daughter's wedding was being celebrated—which, in fact, almost continued if it weren't for the rude interruption—they would have some problems for sure. But like Aniu had said to Therion before, this wasn't the place—definitely not for round two at least—and, sadly, not the time either. She had to be wiser before they actually risked ruining her sister's wedding party. No matter how much of a struggle it clearly was on her. This man and the feelings he stirred in her were otherworldly.

The soft growl that came from Therion when the pair was interrupted almost matched the soft growl that sounded in Aniu's head. The servant wasn't really to blame, of course, it was just the way things were. Still, she felt robbed of something in that moment, making a mental promise that they would get back to this when the time was right. For now, she had to return to her role, return to the party, and focus on her sister again. That all-too-familiar torn feeling of family and duty versus her love and the man she felt was her home crept up again, causing her to feel a moment of guilt toward both. Thank Lythrana, she had found a man in Therion who had an actual understanding of the high born aspects of her life. Softly giggling at his playful bite, she felt relieved that he seemed to understand for now. She smiled at him one last time before moving away. But not without a little surprised yelp when he squeezed her buttocks, shooting him a look and a grin, leaving him to his own leisure.

Stepping through the door was like stepping into another world. A world that was incredibly familiar to her, yet she felt herself wanting to distance herself more and more. The guilt flared up even more with that realization, her gray eyes scouting through the crowd as if to look for an anchor that would ground her again. She knew that her true anchor was back in the corridor she just left. Another one she had left in Xaila many months ago, making her wish that Koda was at this wedding party right now. But eventually her eyes locked with those that would give her exactly the right amount of courage and love to face their world; her sister, and soon after, her brother. She only smiled at them, since they were both too far from her to exchange anything else but a look, but it was all she needed. Not long after, she found herself on stage next to the orchestra, getting ready. Her belly filled with a healthy amount of nerves. This was more personal than anything she had ever performed in front of an audience. Her siblings meant the world to her, they always had. From the moment they opened their eyes, she felt a deep, protective love for them that was unlike any other. And this song was her ode to her sister. A promise and, in some ways, a farewell. They were no longer the children they once were, woven together by ties of blood and family. Life would inevitably pull them apart, but that was okay. They will all be okay.

The music started with a small nod from the sorceress before she turned her gaze back to the bride. Sentiment and pride reflected in her eyes for Chaska, who was truly the most beautiful creature under the moonless sky that night. With her eyes locked on her sister, it suddenly became a lot easier to sing her heart out for her. She didn't notice how the crowd turned silent or how the dancing couples stopped to listen. All she saw was Chaska as she sang the intimate song for her. Everything else faded into the background. Except for Deimos and, of course, Therion. But most of all, Chaska. As the last notes of the song died down, there was a moment of silence, followed by applause. Aniu bowed, smiling widely as she gestured to her sister and her groom, and the applause quickly turned toward the pair of the night. As it was supposed to be. She clapped with them, taking the opportunity to quickly wipe away a tear that had escaped her during the emotional performance. She thanked the orchestra, before they continued with their set for the evening, and she slipped off stage to look for her one and only plus one. It was time to get that drink he had promised.

& Therion

[M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? 2728 The song for Chaska [M] Am I the asshole for bringing a Rizal to my sisters wedding? 1f496
Wedding fitje
Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:36 am
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