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I don't like a gold rush
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
I don't like a gold rush E8q58DG
I don't like a gold rush 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
A thoroughly unhappy frown was displayed on the face of the dark-haired girl as the carriage moved on the streets of Alderrath toward the Winter palace. Whyever had her adoptive family decided it was of the upmost importance for her to 'integrate with other girls her age'? She had been doing just fine on her own, better than most would. Vivienne was a creature that thrived in loneliness. She did not need others around, let alone those whose heads were only filled with candy-coated compliments, void of any logic. It would absolutely be torturous for her to spend the day with those Upper Class tarts. Especially if she was there.

Ever since their last meeting, Vivienne had been mindful not to come near Winter again. At first it had been merely because she detested the thought of having to talk to her again. Especially after the blonde had proven herself so utterly incapable of being a good rival. But then, just a few nights ago, what had happened finally dawned on her. As she'd laid in her grand bed she had suddenly felt wide awake at the realisation. Now she knew why Winter hadn't been able to say anything. She knew why the girl had breathed so heavily when Vivienne came closer, when she had touched her. Even though it had been a soft touch, she now understood why the other had made it seem as if the world was crumbling down. Because in a way, it had. Without meaning to do so the Howard girl had managed to shift and reshape the world of Alison Winter. And for the first time she did not know in advance what she would say to her.  

As soon as the carriage stopped in front of the palace, she felt an exhausted sigh escape her lips. She did not want to do this. On her way to the gardens she managed to turn her scowl into a more neutral expression, one that was more known on her. The disturbing chatter of the girls reached her ears first, then she saw them. But more notably she saw Winter. Oh she looked so very darling, she must be very proud of the crisp ensemble she had put on. How vain. Unlike the other girls, Vivienne was dressed in a black gown. It had short puffy sleeves that left her pale arms bare, and a braid graced her hair while the rest fell loose over her shoulders.

It must have been obvious she did not want to come closer because a girl she knew as Penelope Villiers already came her way (Poppy reference). She had a mallet in her hand, one that Vivienne had barely noticed because she had been staring Winter. With a sickening sweet smile on her face Penelope spoke: "Ah Vivienne, how wonderful that you're joining us today." The Howard girl merely nodded as she was pulled away when the other hooked a arm through hers and started walking towards the group of ladies. She had been right: this was torment at its finest.

& Alison Winter

Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:10 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
I don't like a gold rush JS82q3hE_o
I don't like a gold rush 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
These past days had been torment. She wasn't even sure how long it had been now, with the way the days blurred together as she clouded her every thought. It distracted her endlessly, worry and confusion and insecurity taking over. Anxiety kept her up at night and plagued her dreams, causing her to lose sleep and become extra jittery. She wasn't even sure what it was exactly that she had felt that day and continued to feel; only that it was very, very bad news.

A little distraction would be good for her, she thought, and besides: it wasn't like she could just stop showing her face. So she'd agreed to play with Poppy and some of their other friends, a thick layer of white powder put on to try to mask the dark circles under her eyes. It worked, but it could not hide the way she was chewing on her bottom lip or twisting the ends of her long, blonde hair. Usually it was neatly pinned up, but with the large sun hat that she had to wear if she wanted to play outside it was impossible to fit all of her hair underneath. So she was wearing it in two braided pigtails instead, the lengths covering more than half of her back.

She was just picking out her mallet when Poppy's voice sounded. Vivienne? No, surely she couldn't-- Her head shot up at the mention of that name and sure enough, there she was. Dressed in a black dress, the sun reflecting on her exposed arms as if they were made of marble. Her eyes immediately fell back down again, seemingly very occupied with the important task of picking out the right mallet to play with. Her heartbeat was already picking up speed as she started panicking a little. This wasn't supposed to happen, she wasn't supposed to be here. But she was and Alison knew that there was no use in continuing to pretend not to notice her. In fact, Vivienne had probably seen the way she'd responded already.

Alison was a lot of things, but she was not a coward. So while she wanted nothing more than to duck her head and hope that her hat covered her blushed cheeks, she forced herself to look up again for just a moment, forced herself to find her eyes. "Howard." followed by a curt nod was all she could muster, though, and she turned around and in a brisk walk headed towards the first hoop. She ignored the butterflies in her stomach that had fluttered up again at the sight of her grey eyes, cursing at the power she had over her.

This would be a long afternoon.

Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:37 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
I don't like a gold rush E8q58DG
I don't like a gold rush 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
The realisation of what had happened at her last meeting with Winter dawned on her in a place she could not speak about. With her pale eyes stuck on the tall ceiling of her room Vivienne had tried to muster the sleep she needed. Yet her mind had wandered to unspeakable places, the way it usually did at night. But while she usually thought of matters made up of academic significance or verbal dalliances, that night had been different. This was significant in a matter previously unknown to her, a verbal dalliance that had led to something new. Something that she could not speak out loud, but she would not want to anyway. Vivienne found her own train of though to be the only tolerable thing in most situations, this one included.

The young woman had thought about it ever since that night. Her head was filled with thoughts about what this would mean for Winter. To her it did nothing but irritate. She could not bear the thought of the blonde staring at her, let alone wanting to speak to her again. In Vivienne's mind, Alison Winter was still the rival that wasn't meant to be. The woman that had proven herself to be unworthy of her time. Only now the Tart of Ashmoor was also undoubtedly in her feelings about her, which she assumed wouldn't help the situation. It truly was annoying.

When she arrived at the awfully jolly meeting of Winter and her friends she could feel every fibe of her being yelling at her to get out now. This was, without a doubt, her absolute nightmare. She could not think of a worse way to spend time than with little ignorant Winter and her posse of equally annoying friends. Yet when her eyes fell upon the leader of the little band of ladies, she felt something entirely different enter her system: amusement. She had not thought that seeing the blonde so visibly flustered at her sudden appearance would be so... comical. It was as if the lady had been struck by a newfound timidity. Was this what Vivienne had done to her? She wished she could enjoy it more. Because of course, she was still Alison Winter, therefore she was utterly aggravating.

The nod Winter gave her was a courteous greeting if she had ever seen one. But the dark-haired girl had noticed regardless. Underneath that ludicrous sun hat, she had noticed the flush of red that covered the blonde's cheeks. "My lady," she spoke as the other was almost too far away to hear. She sighed as she looked at the mallets, a reminder of the dire time she would have. She grabbed a dark one, and followed her former rival. "What happened Winter? Cat's got your tongue?" She asked as stood next to the other. Previously, she wouldn't have thought it possible for Alison Winter not to know what to say. But nowadays, because of her, that didn't seem such an improbable possibility anymore.

Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:45 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
I don't like a gold rush JS82q3hE_o
I don't like a gold rush 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
There was a small part of her that held on to the false hope that maybe Vivienne would leave her alone. That she had disappointed her so much the other day that she wouldn't want to waste any more words to taunt her. It would be bad enough that she was here, still, but maybe that way she would be able to make it through the afternoon without making an absolute fool of herself.

Of course she wasn't so lucky.

She could hear it in the way her footsteps sounded following the greeting. My lady. She wasn't even sure she had ever heard Howard call her that before. Somehow it felt even more hateful than the distant "Winter", although it did hold potential for something more... caring? No. No. No. She couldn't let her mind go there. Barely had time to, anyway, because despite the pace in which she had walked away, it didn't take long before Vivienne's voice sounded in her ear, a velvety tune that made all hairs on her body stand on end.

Was she aware? Obviously she had noticed her quiet demeanour and she was certain that her hat hadn't been able to hide her blush. But would she have put two and two together? Was she here to taunt her? To tell her that she knew? Would she hold it over her head, threaten to tell anyone? She couldn't ask her, because if she didn't know she would be incriminating herself. So she supposed the only option she had was trying to act as normally as possible, trying to act as if not everything inside her was screaming to be close to her.

She shouldn't be talking to her, then, but that would only make it all the more obvious. "Why are you here?" she therefore asked, her voice low and breathy as she tried to keep it steady for those four little words, her gaze straight ahead as she couldn't bare the thought of looking into her hate-filled eyes again.

Mon Apr 24, 2023 2:03 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
I don't like a gold rush E8q58DG
I don't like a gold rush 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
To Vivienne Howard life was filled with midnight rain and melancholy. So how could it be that she, the gloom of it all, had found a way to awaken something in someone made of pure sunshine? She thought that with a loathing that others wouldn't understand. She hated Alison Winter with her entire being, and she had thought that to be the case for the other too. But somewhere along the line, their two very different worlds had clashed into a deep storm. Rain had met sunshine and for one of them, it had never been the same.

As cynical as she could be, Vivienne had only pondered the realisation of what had happened to Winter. Truthfully, she herself did not feel any different. Of course, any of those revelations had long been a part of her past rather than her present. As far as she knew, she still resented thinking about Winter and her utter incapability in life. Seeing the girl only confirmed those suspicions.

Dressed in what could only be described as the most ludicrous hat and dress combination she had ever seen, the heiress was everything she would never be. The girl was comfortable in this parade of pretend princesses. Or was she? Because she had seen how the blonde had reacted to her being here. Mayhaps the two of them were finally on equal ground: uncomfortable in a society that had treated them so differently.

This could be fun.

What could only be described as a sly smirk appeared on her face upon Winter's question. "I thought I'd take up a new hobby" She said in a slight mocking tone. "It's not by any choice that I'm here." She then continued with a deep sigh as she briefly looked around. Soon enough, her eyes settled on the girl next to her again. Her mouth remained a perfectly composed frown as she studied her slowly. "Aren't you happy to see me?" She asked. "I seem to recall that last time you were quite content to be next to me." She continued to taunt in her velvety voice. They both know it was true. Just as they would now both know that Vivienne knew. She knew it all.

Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:54 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
I don't like a gold rush JS82q3hE_o
I don't like a gold rush 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
She could feel her gaze on her. That icy, derogatory stare of hers. What did she see? The vain, empty-headed heiress? Whose freckles stood out like a sore, along with the poor choice of garments that did all but slim her down? For the first time in her life, she felt extremely uncomfortable with the choices she had made that morning. She wished she could just disappear, blend into the background like some of the meeker girls. Leave quietly without anyone noticing as soon as she took sight of the dark-haired siren that stood next to her.

Her voice sounded, velvety and composed. It made each and every hair on her body stand up straight, like a baby duck that shielded itself from the cold. She had no idea of the power she held over her right now. Alison wasn't even sure what it was exactly that she was feeling. She just wanted, desperately, for her to see her. Appreciate her. Like her, even. She wanted her to be happy to see her. To smile along with everyone else as she entered a room. She wanted her to laugh with her, not at her. Although the latter would also be fine if it meant hearing her laugh. She didn't think she had ever heard that sound before, but she imagined it to be as elegant as the girl herself, like silver clocks softly tinkling together --

But that tone. That mocking, vile, hateful tone. It awakened something other in Alison and had done so for some time. An urge to retort. To bite. A few days ago, she would have told the dark-haired girl that she was free to leave if she so desired. That it would make the afternoon more pleasant for all involved. She was actually ready to do so, be it by way of some sort of muscle memory, had already opened her mouth even.

I seem to recall that last time you were quite content to be next to me.

Too stunned to speak, she closed her mouth. A chill manoeuvred its way over her whole body as the reality of those words sunk in. Despite the strangeness of that afternoon, she remembered every second of it. She could recall the exact moment when it happened. She knew that she hadn't said anything that could give off the idea that she'd enjoyed her company. What she also knew was that, for all of her life, Alison's body language could be read like a book.

She knew.

Her green eyes shot from left to right as she tried to find an explanation in the other's grey gaze. There was none. Nothing but the cold storm of haze that was always there, with just that little bit of fire that she got when she thought she had the upper hand. Nothing but the same of what it always was. She had realised, but the realisation did her nothing. How god-awfully embarrassing. Alison wanted to run home, to bury herself beneath the blankets of her bed. To cry. But she couldn't, because all of her friends were here and she had no logical explanation for doing anything of the sort.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

A feeble try to retain some control and she knew it. What choice did she have, though? She couldn't help but let out an agitated huff, before turning around and walking away towards the rest of the group. She just had to put her mind to something else.

Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:53 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
I don't like a gold rush E8q58DG
I don't like a gold rush 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
What would either of them do if they were in a room together now? If they were a few feet away from one another? Now that Vivienne knew what was on Winter's mind, it had sent her own mind spiralling into could-be and should-be's. A mind like Vivienne's, always so content with playing the sophist, marvelled at the possibilites after the realisation came around. It really was quite interesting what had happened. If only it had been with anyone other than the person she loathed most in the world.

Had it been any other person, Vivienne would have allowed herself just about every thought. But whenever she thought about Alison Winter and her mannerisms, she just felt rather annoyed. Still, there was this hidden part deep inside of her that wanted to see just how far she could push the other. She wanted to know just how far she could go with the 'perfect' heiress, who wasn't so perfect after all. Luckily for her, testing boundaries would undoubtedly bother or even greatly disturb little 'Peach', which was a bonus she felt quite content with.

Ever the master of her own emotions, the dark-haired girl knew exactly how to keep herself composed as she confronted the blonde. A spark could be seen in her eyes as she saw the girl open her mouth, as if she would tell her one of her horrid niceties, and then everything just stopped. She could see everything on Winter's face, she could hear every single thought in that moment. What would be next? Apologies? Excuses? Pretty words with little meaning to them? But no, once again she felt disappointed by Winter's entire being when the girl just left.

For a moment, she simply watched the other walk away. Then, a smirk appeared on her face. This was only the beginning. She had indeed awakened something in the other. How incredibly inconvenient for anyone who was too in touch with their emotions. Someone like Alison Winter.

It didn't take long for her to join the other girls, her face back in it's perfect porcelain neutrality. She listened to the others chatter about who should begin. The auburn-haired girl she knew as Poppy then decided for all of them: "It is only fair that we let our invited guest strike first". She spoke with such vigor that even Vivienne felt moderately impressed. "Thank you, Penelope." She simply said as she grabbed the black ball, the one matching her mallet. With a sigh she put it on the ground and turned toward the first hoop. Briefly, her eyes crossed with Winter's and she sent her a smile that was too polite. Then, she struck.

The ball flew forward, right through the first hoop. A most confident look appeared on her face, before she turned toward the surprised girls. Who said Vivienne had never played before? "I think Alison should go next, perhaps that will make her more eager to play today." She said, pronouncing the name with an empty smile on her face. To the field of combat.

Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:31 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
I don't like a gold rush JS82q3hE_o
I don't like a gold rush 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Sometimes her emotions overtook her. Like the first time she was told she was laughing too loudly and she could just feel the anxiety creeping up into her throat to shut her up. Or that time she dropped her doll from the carriage window and she felt so guilty about how dirty it had come back to her. In those instances she could not think straight, barely see clearly. It was like her whole mind and soul was clouded by a thunderstorm, electricity pulsing through her veins as she tried her best not to throw up. Sometimes when it happened she was alone and she could cry and hyperventilate until she felt better. Sometimes she was in public and she could do none of those things. And sometimes she was right in front of the one person she could show no weakness to.

She tried singing a song in her head as she walked away. Tried smiling along to the chatter of her friends. But she didn't go away and so neither did her anxiety. It only got worse when Poppy, ever the hostess, invited her to go first, to which she gladly accepted. Of course she did. She might act like she belonged in the shadows, but it was clear what a narcissist she was. It dripped like venom from her tongue as she spoke. It appeared as a grimace on her face as the ball flew right through the first mall. It shot right through the blonde girl's heart as she said her name, her first name, and for the first time in a while her green eyes shot up to look her in the eyes again, flaring as if a whole forest was set on fire.

"Of course." she answered, because there was no other answer possible. She had practiced this game millions of times before, knew exactly the curve the mall in her garden took and how sticky the soil would be depending on when it had last rained. But she was trembling still and her gaze was still cloudy and her limbs were still electrocuted and her shot was way, way too hard. It missed the mall, barely, and then continued on its merry way into the bushes and trees until it was out of sight. For a moment she watched it go, but she couldn't bear the thought of having to turn around after such an utter embarrassment. Not ever, but especially not now. In a split second decision, she did one of her more un-ladylike commands as her servants were already making their way over into the bushes: "No. I will get it." she said as she stomped away, dropping her mall on the ground behind her.

Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:36 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
I don't like a gold rush E8q58DG
I don't like a gold rush 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
Life was a game of chess for Vivienne, one which she won almost every single time. Of course, there had been some rather unfortunate instances where she lost greatly. Like when she lost the parents she had not seen in years, now utterly alone in a world that was never hers to begin with. Or when she was forced back to the wretched hellhole that was Alderrath because the pompous vultures wanted to sink their claws in the last Howard. Those losses had been rather tough to face, but she had done so by herself and came out all the stronger for it.

It was with those wins and losses in mind, all of which she could still recall, that people like Alison Winter bothered her so. Those were people who had never had to think about losing something. Or at least, losing something other than their puffy hats or frilly gloves. And in the case of Winter, mental battles with Vivienne. Perhaps that was why she enjoyed this so. One day she would give out the final blow, but for now she would just make her suffer a little more.

When the girl with porcelain skin shot her nemesis –not that she could truly still call her that, but it was better than nothing– a smile, she felt the other wither like a dying tree. And when she pronounced the name ‘Alison’ so flawlessly, she could see the other burn with the brightest fury. Ah, there was the spark that had been lacking. Maybe if she continued like this she could have the other screaming and fuming, all because Vivienne pronounced her name.

It felt rather rewarding when she hit her first shot so perfectly, and Winter failed to do so. A smile that could be called vile appeared on her cold face, but others would just call it ‘spirited’. She watched the tart spit out a command that had even ‘Poppy’ watching her with surprise on her face. Of course, the auburn-haired beauty quickly corrected herself. "It was a good effort Alison! You must have just slipped," she stated with grace. It just made Vivienne chuckle softly, even more so when she watched the blonde stomp away in anger.

"I’ll just go after her, so the bushes won’t be on the receiving end of her passion for the game." Vivienne spoke as she shrugged. Maybe a moment alone with Winter was just what she needed to make the other more furious.

"It is rather comical, the way you completely flopped that turn." She said, announcing herself to the blonde rummaging through the bushes. She still had her mallet in hand, leaning on it softly with crossed hands. "Do I make you nervous?" She then asked in a slow manner as she raised one of her brows. "I wish I could say you didn’t strike me as someone that got nervous, but alas." Oh Vivienne, her voice always dripping with insult. Perhaps she should dial it down, but why would she? She was enjoying this far too much.

Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:09 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
I don't like a gold rush JS82q3hE_o
I don't like a gold rush 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
If she were a man and if this were a different game, the shot might have been impressive in some sort of way. A show of strength, a sign of masculinity. But if she were a man maybe she wouldn't have become so flustered in the first place. Maybe she would've been more confident in the role that her own decisions played in her life and maybe she wouldn't be pushed down so easily by the words of one person. At the very least, she probably would have had more experience in the department that caused her to feel all these feelings, and that would have helped.

But she wasn't a man. She was the heiress, the one person who was supposed to be prim and proper and perfectly prepared to take over her father's role when the time came. The one with the sun hat and the white dress and the braided pigtails. She was never supposed to let merely this game get to her this much, let alone her, but there was no turning back now, not before she had calmed down a little. So she continued deeper into the woods, trying to focus on the ball as her thoughts were racing elsewhere.

That wretched voice.

She spun around only to see her standing there, leaning on her mallet in the most casual of ways. The long lines of her limbs and the sheer reflection of light on her skin made her look like a goddess carved out of marble. Alison could just feel her heartbeat pick up again and she turned back around to avert her gaze. Intently focused on the ball, of course. But she spoke again in that tingling voice and her stomach dropped -- or fluttered? -- at the question. The colour of her cheeks flaring up again meant that she was lucky that she had her back turned towards the tall brunette. "Why are you following me?" she asked, the agitation clear in her voice. She wanted to slap her but she couldn't do that because they were both ladies and a slap would certainly be visible on her perfectly porcelain cheek and so she just continued rummaging through the bushes. If she wanted to continue insulting her, she could follow along.

Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:23 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
I don't like a gold rush E8q58DG
I don't like a gold rush 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
Sometimes Vivienne wondered what life would be like on the other side. The one that was greener, and less cynical. But in those moments she reminded herself of what living without her sweet suspicion and piercing wit would be like. Without it, how would she get through anything in life? By laughing and seeing the brighter side of things? That didn't sound like her.

It did sound like Winter and what most of her life must be made up of. In other words: absolutely dreadful. Thus, like the kind soul Vivienne truly wasn't, she often tried her hardest to make the other girl's life just a little less shiny and a little more miserable. Due to recent 'developments', she had found a whole new way to do so. If getting under somebody's skin was a game, Vivienne Howard would surely be the most decorated person in Alderrath.

The way the blonde turned around and looked at her was enough to make wicked grin appear on her face. Just for a second though, it was gone as quickly as it had arrived, as if she didn't want to share her inner pleasure with the other. Winter didn't answer her question, a matter that was considered quite rude for girls of their standing. She didn't expect anything else from the little tart. "I thought you might need some help fetching the ball," she spoke calmly, though she didn't make a single effort to help look for it. "You don't look like someone who does a lot of things herself." She went on as if she was talking about something as lighthearted as the weather, instead of insulting a rival. It did bother her that she didn't get to see the look on the blonde's face, which she thought to be quite priceless.

When Winter moved further into the bushes, Vivienne silently followed her, making sure not to brush up against any plants. "You did not answer my question." She pointed out as she took a few steps in her direction. "I suppose that adds 'rude' to the long list of things I dislike about you." That list was endless by this point. Just about everything about Alison Winter managed to irritate her. "I'll ask you another." Perhaps that would help the situation, but knowing Vivienne, it definitely wouldn't. She easily passed the other, stopping right in front of her. "How did you sleep that night after the gallery? Well? Or not at all?"

Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:08 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
I don't like a gold rush JS82q3hE_o
I don't like a gold rush 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
As she continued rummaging through the bush, Vivienne did indeed follow along. And with that, her insults. Alison wasn't sure why she still spent any energy on coming up with insults. Her presence was enough to make her feel absolutely miserable, let alone her voice. She could be talking about something as mundane as taxes and it would still make all the hairs on her body stand right on end. Knowing the power she held over her just made it that much worse.

She thrusted on through the bushes, not as careful as she should have been but in too much a rush to care. The sooner she found that wretched ball, the sooner she could return to the group and stop listening to her verbal attacks. Or maybe she could come up with some excuse and just go home. She longed to do so, but it would surely be a temporary solution. She could not keep running away forever. For now, though, the lost ball gave her the opportunity to do exactly that at least for a little bit.

"I thought you did not care to hear me speak." she responded, the only thing coming out of her mouth during the girl's short rant. It did not seem to help, though, as she continued on with another question for her.

How did she sleep that night?

The truth was that she had slept. It took a while, but in the end she did. But that did not mean that the thoughts that had been plaguing her mind at that moment stopped. Instead, she dreamt. Vividly enough for her to remember every minute. It started out innocently enough, the sight of her pale grey eyes and the sound of her silver bell-like voice seemingly matching. It had seemed quite real; her words had been no kinder than they were now, nor had her gaze held any more warmth. But she came closer and closer, until she could feel her warm breath in her neck, followed by her lips. They had felt soft on her skin as they slowly traveled downwards, all the way until --

She had woken up at that point, flustered in a way that she had never felt before. It made her feel guilty in a way that she had also never felt before. Not only was it wrong, but shouldn't she feel that way about Faolan, and only him?

She had looked up in surprise as Vivienne suddenly stood before her, and so she had no time to avert her gaze before the plethora of emotions that was going through her mind was fully visible in it. "I--" She instinctively took a step back and in doing so her heel got caught on the root of a tree. Before she could fully register it, she was down on the ground, right in a muddy little area. Her white dress forever stained.

Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:21 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
I don't like a gold rush E8q58DG
I don't like a gold rush 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
When Vivienne looked at Alison Winter —which was something she did not often do, as to save her delicate eyes from the saturated colour palette the other wore—, she only saw a source of her misery. A perfect embodiment of the Winter family, who had effectively ruined her life. Was it truly fair to see the girl as a spawn of Ashmoor's society dressed in layers of lace? Probably not. Yet it was, when the girl truly did not seem to mind to conform to that very image. When all the hardship the other had ever known was what dress to wear, or what ribbon to have woven into her golden hair.

So here they were: a girl who had never cared to know how the world turned, and the girl who had made the other's turn upside down. Vivienne thought she'd like to see Winter more shaken up than she already was —which wasn't a lot, frankly, Winter did not seem able to handle anything. So she pressed on in her verbal pursuit. She would until she saw the other fall, she wasn't even very demanding in whichever manner came first: literally of figuratively.

"I do not, even talking to you now is absolute torture for me." She defiantly said. And just as she thought she might need to end her pursuit, for it wasn't proving to be very fruitful, she hit a nerve.

What she saw unravel on the other girl's face could only be described as a beautiful undoing. Finally, she had made the girl feel as tragic as she had felt. Winter's emotions were written on her face as the clouds in the sky: clear as day. But there was not just agony, there was something else too. Something she recognized from their last conversation, a want that had awakened in the blonde. That very longing was a weakness when someone like Vivienne held all the cards in a situation.

The words of victory hung on her lips, wanting to come out, when she was interrupted. Another unexpected display occurred when Winter backed off, and fell. For a moment, even Vivienne was surprised. Then, as she noticed her rival's perfect dress beyond ruined, a loud laugh escaped her lips. She forgot to hold back as pure wicked joy fell from her lips. "Look at you now Winter," she spoke once she'd calmed down. She took a step closer and while leaning on her mallet, she bent down a little so she could tower over the muddy display. "Ashmoor's precious heiress, no longer the epitome of virtue." Each word came out so perfectly, well done Vivienne. How comical it was that those thoughts that Alison had been thinking were a crime against the very society she had to lead one day.

Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:57 pm
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