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Fool's gold
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Nerissa Emoira
Nerissa Emoira
Nienn Bean
Fool's gold FM5OXFNE_o
Fool's gold Cf14b1402bc618070fea3d11bafcd3a88d873d9c

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Citizen

Ooh, who said it's true
That the growing only happens on your own?

After she had folded all the laundry, she began making the bed while Arianna was away. Softly, and carefully, moving her hands over the sheets to remove all the wrinkles in the fabric, to make it look perfectly neat. A soft smile quickly found its way onto her lips when she took a step back to look at her work. Placing her hands on both sides of her hips, Perdita took a deep breath. Her work in the bedroom was done, and she felt more then content with the final result.

Her smile widened when she turned around to look outside the window. The sun was shining, and as someone who was more used to enjoying the warmth of the sun from the other kingdoms, she always felt like she needed to enjoy those moments even more here. Even though it was summer, the sun in Ravaryn didn’t give off nearly as much heat as it did in Lemuria or Xaila. It was the one thing she truly missed, but she was still certain that she wanted to stay here.

Gentilly she brushed the wrinkles out of her own dress too, before she left the room and began to make her way towards the outside of the castle. Stepping outside she softly closed her eyes, as she tried to enjoy what little warmth came from the sun. Taking a little step further to lean against the wall, placing her hands on it for support. But when she opened her eyes, she suddenly noticed that she wasn’t alone as she had expected to be. It startled her for a moment and she placed a hand on her chest while taking a swift step back. Oh my.. Sorry, you scared me there for a moment.” She said with a quick breath that was trying to recover from the scare. But, Perdita being Perdita, it didn’t take too long before she was able to put a smile on her face as she started to softly laugh about it too.

Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:25 am
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