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You're buying stars to shut out the light
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light SRiYB3K
You're buying stars to shut out the light 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

love My love for you reaches time that doesn't exist

The woman paced around, lost in deep thought. The hour was late, she knew. Even if she couldn't exactly tell how deep in the night they currently were. Darkness filled her room, her new room. It wasn't as spacious as she had expected. Like her rooms back home usually were-Still it was very beautifully decorated, and the view she had wasn't bad either. Despite this, Fauna just couldn't shake this strange feeling that she had. Down in the pit of her stomach. It was something she had never felt before. It made her feel uneasy. Perhaps that's why she couldn't sleep, why she was just stalking about like this. The sorceress managed to find her way to the little side table she had standing next to her bed. On it was a candle and some matches. Grabbing a hold of the two items was easy, but actually using them to effect was the difficult part. The brunette then moved her body towards the large window, that would lead one to the balcony. But that wasn't where she was going now. With her one free hand, she pushed one of the heavy curtains away. Thus allowing a little light from outside to seep into the room. With the little illumination she now had. Fauna successfully lit her candle. A small flame flickered back and forth as she one again began moving. This time to the door. 

The hallway was deadly silent, but not as dark as her room had been. It made it a little easier to see, though she still definitely needed the candlelight to guide her. Fauna tightened the straps of her robe, as she made her way to Zuhayr's room. It wasn't far from hers, for which she was grateful. But even if he had been housed all the way on the far side of the castle, she would have still made the trip. For, she just-had to see him. No distance seemed too far. When she stood before, what she was sure-was his door. The woman placed her hand on the wooden barrier first. Gathering all her courage. "Zu?" She said softly, as she knocked slowly. "Are you awake?"

Hair I Attire 

Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:09 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light 3UOvOIY
You're buying stars to shut out the light 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
After everything that happened recently, he was finally alone in his room. Well. It wasn't technically his room, but it would be his safe space for the time being. The chamber he could return to whenever the world was too overwhelming. When everything felt like too much and he simply couldn't process it all. He had slowly gotten his things unpacked, which wasn't much. All he really was carrying with him were some books, which included some things he was working on as well. He also had his pens with him, a wide array of different things he could use to write with. That was the biggest bulk of what he had. And then he had some clothing. Not much, but it was enough for him. He wasn't really a fashion person anyway. His entire wardrobe was just different clothes in black. Some had some more pristine things while others were just his daily wear. Yea, he didn't have much. But he came from a humble little family, which never had a lot to begin with. All this luxury and space and... Items... That these high standing sorcerers had... It wasn't something he was familiar with, and it still perplexed him whenever he saw it.

He had taken his gloves and shoes off, while swapping his tight working clothes for something looser. A simple white shirt that was a bit too big for him and some shorts he usually wore at home. He had already lit some of the candles around the room, which made his chambers a bit cozier despite its size. Zuhayr wasn't used to this kind of space, at all. It felt a bit weird to just have this to himself. This entire room could fit his entire house from Xaila in it. And that was with the small yard they had attached to it. It was so strange in what kind of world he had gotten himself into and in some ways, it did scare him. Because now he was in the unknown. He had no sight of where he was going and where he was going to end. What would happen with his family? With Fauna? What kind of future would unfold. In situations like these he wished he had a more useful way of divining... Instead of just seeing doom filled vision he wished he could see something good, for once. Why had the universe cursed him with such fate.

And of course, he couldn't sleep. Well. He did sleep, for half an hour, before his magic woke him up again. Zu usually didn't sleep well thanks to the aftermath of his magic. He hadn't had a nightmare in a bit, but he knew they would always return. The nightmares were so vivid and real and every time he could see and feel the things that he seen in his divination. It was horrible and he hated it. Perhaps it wasn't truly backlash since he hadn't triggered his magic in quite some time now. Perhaps it was just a normal bad dream due to all his worries and fears. Yea... Most likely. As he took a glass of water from his nightstand, he stood up, walking to his desk, where he had already put everything up properly for doing his work. He hummed softly, a smile curling on his face as he took a seat. He took a small sip of his drink, before placing down the glass and pulling in some of the papers he had been working on earlier tonight.

He had adjusted some of the light so he could get a better view in the dim room. His head hovering over his work as he had placed one hand on his forward, the other hastily scribbling away words. When he came to the end of the page, he placed it neatly on the stack next to him... And then continued the process. He was writing down some ideas he had been thinking about while they were travelling. Some prompts that had popped up in his head and would make great plot points for a bigger story. Yet, he wasn't quite sure what the main story would be about. Although, he was thinking about writing another adventure book leaning into some romance for some reason. He already knew such story would do great in Lemuria. So maybe it was a good thing... Since he was here after all. Not that he anticipated it to be finished before he left. He just... Liked the idea of a story meant for these people, to have found its roots here too. It had something poetic about it.

When he heard a voice, he lifted his gaze. A knock on his door followed, which was accompanied by the same voice. Fauna's voice. He blinked in surprise, jumping to his feet in an instance as he hastily went to the door. His hair was a mess, he was a mess all over from sleeping in earlier. He looked tired and just... Not as formal as he was normally. With an attire like this, that wasn't so hard to achieve. The sorcerer opened the door, lifting his brows a bit when he saw her. It caught him a bit off guard to see her like this. He swore that he had never seen her in her night gown. But it was quite pretty to say the least. Then again, when was she not pretty? He looked over her, taking a deep breath as he steadied himself. "Fauna hey- Is something wrong? Are you okay?" His soft voice didn't remain calm for long as he was clearly concerned for her wellbeing. He looked up from her, gazing around the hall for a moment to see if someone was in pursuit, or if something else was the matter. But alas, he was met by nothing but darkness.

His brown eyes went back to her as he felt himself get a bit more uncomfortable. Not because it was her, but because she was wearing such scarce clothing. Not that it was much, it was just more than he was used to from her. So, out of respect, he quickly averted his eyes again. It wasn't his to look at anyway. She was promised to another. It felt wrong to just... Look... Because he knew his mind liked it. He liked how she looked; he loved the way the clothing was gently wrapped around her. It made him feel wrong in so many ways. Because he was wrong to feel like that. After a few seconds of deafening silence, he finally spoke up again. "You should come in, it's a bit cold in the halls. Only if you want- Of course," He blinked slowly, closing his eyes for a second as he held back a sigh. "If you want, I can get you something. Would you like some tea? I made sure the servants packed your favorites from home so I can go grab that for you. Or if there's something else, that's also fine- I... Just- Just tell me," It was just a Zu thing, to keep on speaking when he was nervous. He either completely froze or just kept on talking. There was no in between.
Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:49 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light SRiYB3K
You're buying stars to shut out the light 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

In the few fleeting seconds, between her calling out. And him making his way to the door. There was nothing but silence, the only thing the woman heard was her own-rather ragged breathing. Fauna could feel the knot in her stomach tighten. While she stood in the dark hallway. The thought of, just, leaving. Running back to her room, locking her door and hiding under the sheets of her bed was a very prevalent one. And with every moment that flew by, she wanted to actually act on it. But she didn't; her desire to see him was too strong. She couldn't just go back to bed, and pretend like nothing had ever happened. But she couldn't do that, because she knew that Zuhayr wasn't asleep. And so, she couldn't just play off the fact she stood in front of his door-in the middle of the night. Well; maybe she could. Zuhayr would probably be too polite to mention the whole thing. But that, just didn't seem right to her. It would feel like lying. Making him feel like something that definitely did happen-suddenly didn't- all because she was too embarrassed to talk about it. Fauna sighed. Her gaze slowly drifting downwards. To the floor. Just then, she heard some noise coming from inside Zu's room. And soon enough, the door opened. To reveal him. Fauna's large doe-like eyes quickly flicked up. She studied his face; it seemed like he had been awake for some time. Just like she had been. When he spoke to her, his voice was soft. Just like his words. As, he immediately asked her about her wellbeing. Like it was the first thing on his mind. Which it probably was. The sorceress followed his gaze when he looked further into the hallway. But there was no one there, they were the only two people here. They were perfectly alone, together. Eventually, she could feel his brown eyes settle on her again. But when she tried to meet his eyes. He quickly looked away. Causing the brunette to furrow her brow a little. Why would he not look at her? When she so wanted him too. When a silence fell between them, Fauna knew she should break it. It was her turn to speak after all. But yet she couldn't, it was as if she suddenly lost her voice. So she just stood there, like a little mouse. Something which was so unlike her. "You should come in, it's a bit cold in the halls. Only if you want- Of course," Inside; yes. That sounded like a good idea. The woman smiled weakly and nodded. As she walked past him into the room. She looked around for a few moments, before finding a place to sit down in. A small, yet comfortable chair. Fauna noticed that he had been doing some writing before she came to call on him. His pen and paper were still laying on the desk. The woman wanted to read whatever he had written, but refrained from asking if he wanted to show it to her. She was already intruding enough by just being here. Zu spoke again, this time about tea. And if she would like some. He went on saying that he personally made sure that her servant had packed her favorite flavors from home. That-it was a small thing,. Just a detail. And yet it made her heartbeat speed up, and her body temperature rise. "Tea," She finally managed to say. "Would be lovely, thank you."

Hair I Attire 

Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:34 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light 3UOvOIY
You're buying stars to shut out the light 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
Something in him had longed to see her again after what had happened. But he had noticed how he longed for her whenever they were apart. Not even in a way of talking or interacting with her directly. Just being with her eased his minds in ways that he couldn't quite explain. It just felt right to be in her presence, by there for her and help her where need be. He could observe her, look at her for hours on end and he would never get tired of seeing her do the simplest things. How she would carefully do simple things that he never really thought about. It was strange, because he had never really thought of someone like this before. So, in a way, it also terrified him. Because the more and more time he spent with her, the more she felt like a flower. Fragile, yet beautiful, in a garden full of weeds. It was hard to bloom between such harsh condition, but it did. But that was the thing about it's environment; it was filled with enemies in every corner... And perhaps also from places that couldn't be expected. What if someone trampled her divinity. What if... Someone picked her from between the pavement, only to let her wither away slowly. Such tenderness couldn't be handled by human hands. It would only tamper with it. And it scared him, angered him, saddened him. Someone already stood in wait with a pair of scissors for her anyway. That was what Rizal magic had told them.

He invited her in as his mind wandered to so many places caused by his worry. He wanted to care for her, cradle every problem she had until she no longer had to have any worry on her mind. The fact that such things were impossible, filled him with a feeling of powerlessness. Never had he experienced such terrifying feelings tugging at him. He wasn't too sure how to properly process them. So... He just did what he always did when he couldn't get his mind clear, when nerves were getting the better of him; speak... A lot. It was either that or completely freezing up. And he was glad it was the first one, because he kept going on, which seemed to loosen things up a bit between them. She agreed, stating that that would be lovely. A smile curled on his face as he perked up, happy that he could do something to help her. "I'll get it right away," he said softly as he bowed his head a bit. His dark eyes slowly raising back up to meet hers. "If you get cold, please, take a blanket or some of my jackets..." he said quickly, stepping towards his bed where he had some blankets all over. He was a bit messy, but it wasn't that bad. "Oh uhm, I'm also working on some new ideas for a new book," he said quickly as he nodded towards his desk. "Feel free to give it a read, it's supposed to be a romance adventure thing... I don't know," He shrugged as he spoke, averting his eyes. He actually had never spoken like that about his work. He usually just let a handful of people proofread his work... And that was about it. No real exchange about what it was or even his ideas would meet their eyes. It would seem that he really had put his trust in her. "I'll get that tea for you now,"

He quickly stepped outside the room, his pace hasty as he made a way down the corridor. As he went down the stairs, going straight for the kitchen, where some maids had showed him some thing earlier today. He quickly found his way around, prepping some water as he put them atop of some fire. As he squinted his eyes a bit and took a step back, he spun back around. They had placed the goods he had prepared on top of some higher planks. Luckily for Zuhayr, he was a tall, so it wasn't a very hard task to grab the jars he needed. A teapot was prepped for use as well as a teacup. As he put them on a plate he took another smaller plate, putting some sweet on top of them as well as, of course, her favourite crystal candy. After arranging everything neatly he looked over the jars of tea he had taken with him. There were a handful, because he hadn't be sure which one she would prefer over the other. And just like when he prepping all of this back in Ishgard, he also couldn't make a decision right here. So... After what felt like an eternity, he came up with the genius idea of simply taking a bit of everything with him. As he looked around for some containers, he quickly found some glass ones. Carefully he scooped a good portion of tea in each and every one, labelling them soon after so that he wouldn't mix them up. When he was done and took a step back, he was happy with his work, which was a good thing too, because his water had hit boiling point and was ready to be poured in the pot. Perfect.

With the tray in hand he left the kitchen. His eyes darting from his work to the floor in front of him, keeping track of where he was going as well as making sure that nothing would fall over or ruin the thing he had made. It wasn't even that particularly great, but for him it kind of was. Carefully, he moved himself back up the stairs, keeping himself steady as he moved back to his room. As soon as he was back at his door, he let out a sigh of relief. No sweets on the floor or hot water over him. A small victory to say the least.

He opened the door somewhat clumsily, but was able to do so by squatting a bit and using his elbow. He entered the room at an easy pace, placing the tray down on a smaller table, before running back to the door and closing it. As soon as he was done with that he spun back around, walking to his work and lifting it, before walking towards her once more. "I wasn't too sure which one you would have preferred so I just put the water and tea separate for now," he said with a gentle smile, placing the tray on his desk as he carefully pushed some of his work to the side. "Look, I labelled them," he said as he pushed them back in their original spot, arranging them in the process. His eyes settled on the tea set, something in him really wanted to look at her. Yet, he couldn't. Keeping his eyes fixated on the teapot for now. "But it's okay if you want something else, I can get something else," He said with a slight laugh, nerves most likely.
Fri Mar 24, 2023 2:30 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light SRiYB3K
You're buying stars to shut out the light 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

When Fauna had expressed her desire for tea, the man was quick to tell her that he would fetch some for her right away. He seemed happy about it, too, doing such a- menial task for her. If that smile-that suited him so well, was any indication. He bowed his head towards her, yet raised his eyes thus that he could meet hers. She had her gaze fixed on him for a short moment, she seemed totally lost in those dark orbs of his. She was able to break out of her trance, however, when she heard his voice ringing in her ears again. "If you get cold, please, take a blanket or some of my jackets..." He said swiftly, as he stepped towards his bed. Instinctively, Fauna stood up, and followed him. Her eyes flicked from this bed, to which she was now in an extreme proximity of-  back to Zuhayr. There were some blankets on his bed, yet there were clearly used. So had been able to get some sleeping done, unlike her. Fauna positioned herself so that she was standing close to the man, to her companion. Perhaps she was even a little too close. Yet she had been able to tear her eyes away from him, and focus her attention on something else entirely. Her hands hovered above the blankets he so graciously allowed her to use. She didn't really know which one to pick, they all looked like good options. Then again, Fauna furrowed her brow a little as she moved her hand back to the side of her body. Maybe she should just take one of his jackets instead, they were certainly big enough to cover her just as much as one of these blankets would. Not to mention, she would be able to move around in one much better. Fauna mulled it over in her head. But Zu then moved the conversation topic to something which had drawn her attention before. He explained that he had some new ideas for a book, and had been working some of them out. Interested, the sorceress tilted her head as he went on. He told her that she could read it if she wished, which did make her smile. For now, she had been really curious. Especially when it was supposed to be a romance adventure kind story, especially the roman aspect intrigued her. Since she never read something like that from him, and she did wonder how he was going to portray something like that. Fauna stepped towards his desk then, and picked up the papers on which he had written. The ink had barely dried. Her eyes were eager to flow over the pages, yet she refrained from doing so. She instead moved them towards Zu again. At just the right moment, it seemed, because he just announced that he would get that tea he promised her. "Zu," She uttered softly, just before he was about to leave the room. She tried to meet his gaze as she gently smiled. "Thanks again."

When he left, she did read his work. It was amazingly good, as always. But she hadn't expected anything else from the man. He was such a skilled writer, after all, Much more so than she was. Yet, seeing his work, it did inspire her to pick up the pen again. Maybe even finish that book she had once been so enthusiastic about. Fauna analyzed the work before her a couple more times, before putting it down. Some of the dialog, some of the text-she couldn't help but read it over and over again. First in her mind, and then a loud. It was whenever the main character thought, or spoke about his beloved to someone else. The way he framed his love for her, seemed so- much like Zuhayr. It was very tender and sweet and-she should stop now. Because this-all this was merely fiction. She shouldn't pretend that it was more than it was. So the woman put down the papers. And moved back to his bed. She still had to decide on if she wanted to take one of his bed covers or a jacket. Hmm- the brunette tapped the side of her face with her index finger for a few moments. Until she, ultimately, decided to just take both. And so she did.

When she fell back in the chair again, she had Zuhayr's black coat hugging her, as well as one of his blankets. She had never felt so cozy, it was a little warm like this. But not terribly so. When she looked at one side, though, she could catch her reflection in one of the standing mirrors he had in his room. It did make her look a bit silly, she had to admit. Fauna giggled at the sight of herself. To the neck, wrapped up in fabric. Just then, the door opened. And Zuhayr entered the room once more. He had a tray in his hand. Gosh, he really did go all out for her, huh? Having each tea flavor label in little containers like this. "I couldn't choose between a blanket or a jacket," Fauna said first, a playful smile adorning her lips. "So I thought-why not both!" She chuckled a little as she shook her head. "I hope you don't mind." Though she doubted he did. Fauna followed him with her eyes back to his desk. As it was, there he decided to put the tray on. "I wasn't too sure which one you would have preferred so I just put the water and tea separate for now," He explained, as she rose out of her chair once more. Fauna moved the blanket around to such a degree that it was almost a scarf, around her neck and chest. Yet a large portion of it was handing from her back. His coat and her nightgown underneath it all. It almost looked like she was wearing some sort of exotic dress.  She stepped closer and nodded when he added that he had labeled everything. Though he didn't need to, since it was very clear that he had. What a work that must have been, and he still wasn't done, it seemed. Since, he started to arrange some things on his desk. Fauna watched him carefully. She noticed how he seemed to look at everything - except her. Almost on purpose, as if he was avoiding her. Zuhayr then proposed that he could get her something else if she wished. Fauna quickly shook her head. "There's no need for that, Zu, this is really all I want." She said with a  gentle voice as her eyes want over the many options. She honestly didn't know which flavor she should go for. Ah! It seemed like she couldn't decide on anything right now. "I don't know which one I should get." She said with a laugh, before a lightbulb went on in her head. Grinning, the woman closed her eyes. "So why not let fate decide for me, hmm?" Fauna pointed to each container as she muttered "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" to herself. As the last word left her mouth, she opened her eyes and followed her finger to the tea she had picked out. But disappointment quickly followed. Out of all the ones present, her finger just had to land on the one she liked the least. "Oww shucks!." She said, a little bitter- but still with a smile on her face. "I hate this one," She opened the container and used its contents to make a cup for herself. "But it was meant to be right?" She joked.

Hair I Attire 

Sat Mar 25, 2023 8:43 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light 3UOvOIY
You're buying stars to shut out the light 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He hadn't really looked at her, not directly. But from the glances in the window and the slight corner of his eyes he could see it. His jacket drapping over her frail body. It was way too big for her, almost completely consuming her. And yet, it suited her so well. He couldn't help but feel his face warm up when his eyes slowly moved to her, trying to get a better glimpse of her. Where people could say a dress made a girl prettier, he could only note how this jacket was stunning because she was wearing it. He felt his cheeks flush more rapidly, which caught him off guard and made him avert his gaze again. Tension rising to his head, he felt the need to just... Get some distraction from it all, before he did things he would regret. He didn't want to ruin this. He didn't want to mess up with the one person that made him feel so safe that he wouldn't freeze up, but rather open up in her presence. She was such a fragile thing in so many ways and it terrified him each and every time. It felt like he would mess up. Either as her friend, her guard or her family. It were doubts that clouded his mind shortly after. He didn't have the right to do anything, anyway. He was but a mere man anyway, just a passing though her life as a relative. And that would be everything they ever would be... RIght?

He couldn't help but smile when she started to speak of the blankets and the jackets. "It's fine, it's fine," he said quickly after as he chuckled softly. "You could take all my blankets and jackets if you wanted to, I wouldn't mind," He really wouldn't. "As long as you're warm an cosy, that's all that's important to me," A glimpse into his mind, about how much he cared about her well being. Not only physically, but also mentally. He smiled softly, turning his head a bit as to hide his blush that hadn't yet faded away. It felt somewhat uncomfortable, as he wasn't too sure what he should do in this situation. He felt so out of place.

So he offered her to get something else and Fauna went on to state that it was fine, he nodded, taking a step back as to sit down on the edge of his bed. Despite the fact that he was only sitting there in a short and a shirt, he felt like he was burning up. In all honesty, he wanted to get rid of his shirt and just go somewhere to blow off some steam while training. But he had company, so he couldn't do that. Maybe after she had told him what was wrong, he would head out to the training grounds and practice a bit on his moves. In the middle of the night there would be no-one to judge him or make note of the fact that he was doing all of that half naked. It was just something he did at home as well when it was all too much. With the heat of the dessert, it wasn't a strange thing anyway.

He looked at her when she spoke again. He smiled at her when she decided to make a game out of her choice and he tilted his head as he looked at her. Her movements, her way of speaking, it was all so delicate. So carefully thought out. He smiled at her once more at the mentioning of fate. Fate hm? It was really something she settled on a lot. Was it because she was so intrigued with her magic and visions? He honestly couldn't relate, as his own way of glimpsing to fate was one covered in dead and despair. And if he had a say in it, he would swear it all off. No-one should know how it all ended for them. Because then it was all about the destination, not the journey towards it. Or well, as they called it; life. He had seen men throw it all away because of the predications he had made. And he had felt each and every death that they faced. He didn't wish it upon anyone. Fate... She was brutal mistress after all.

It was her voice that pulled him out of his thoughts and he frowned... Oh, it would seem she didn't like her choice. He rose to his feet as he approached her, looking over her shoulder to see what she had picked out. Oh... She didn't like that one. He should have known. He made a small note of it, before stepping beside her. Before he could do anything, she was already making herself a cup of the thing. She made a quick joke about it and his eyes went to hers, a bittersweet feeling tugging at his heart when she said those words. "Is it really?" he asked her softly as he looked at her. In the moment he, perhaps, stared at her a tad to long. And he caught himself rather quickly after. Averting his eyes as a smile curled on his lips. "You shouldn't drink it if you don't like it," he said. "It would be stupid to force yourself to drink tea you don't like when you have other options right there, right?" he smiled for a moment. Luckily, there was still water left in the teapot. "Tell you what, why don't I drink this cup and I'll pick one that you drink hm?" The cup had already been poured, so it would be a shame to throw it out. He just hoped that he didn't come across as too much or too demanding, because that wasn't what he was trying to do. He just wanted her to enjoy her tea... And her time here. Things were already difficult enough as they were. "Just tell little old fate fuck you for once," because they were both shackled by her, bound by magic that allowed them to glance at her work. Prisoners of their own destiny. So, let them be free, even if was only for this one time.
Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:46 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light SRiYB3K
You're buying stars to shut out the light 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

See! He totally didn't mind, just like she expected. He went on saying that she could even take all these jackets and blankets if she so wished. And he still wouldn't mind. Fauna giggled a little mischievously as a plan formed in her mind. If he really didn't mind, then perhaps she should do it. Just to mess with him a little; have the servants take them all away when he was out. What a surprise that would be. She wouldn't keep them, no matter how much she might want too. Of course, she would give them back in the end.  "Don't mind if I do." She said with a wink. As she thought, the prank out in her head a little more. But her attention was diverted when he told her that all he wanted was for he to be warm and cozy. As- that was all that was important to him. Fauna looked at him, the little flame of devilry completely extinguished. She suddenly started to feel bad, bad that she even thought about doing such a thing to him. How innocent it may have been. So she quickly pushed the thought of her trick out of her mind entirely. 'You're too kind." He really was, he was too good and kind to her. What did she ever do to deserve-him. She watched as he turned away from her. And she immediately felt the loss of his eyes on her. She couldn't describe it; but it felt like something was missing. "I want the same for you too, Zu." Her voice sounded, as her glaze slowly moved downwards. "So if there ever is anything I can do for you to- make you feel more comfortable. You only need to ask." Though she doubted there was much she could do for him to achieve that. But she at least wanted him to know that his wellbeing, was just as important to her. As was hers to him.

Zuhayr had taken a seat on the edge of her bed as she decided as the next couple of events unfolded. She wasn't able to choose a flavor on her own, there were simply too many good options. So she decided to make a game out of it. Fauna didn't actually think it was fate for her finger to land on the flavor that it did. She did believe in it to a certain extent- but sometimes things weren't preordained. Especially not small things like this. Still, the woman went along with it. Something which Zuhayr didn't agree with. While Fauna was busy with preparing the tea. The man had come up to her. He questioned her earlier words, and- and went on, something that she would almost describe as tangid. She listened to his words with great care, and yet - she couldn't shake this feeling. This feeling that suddenly they weren't simply talking about tea anymore. But something else, something much bigger. Maybe she was crazy, but she just couldn't help but lay certain links to his words, and her current situation. Shouldn't she force herself to drink the tea, just because she didn't like it. Or shouldn't she force herself to marry someone she didn't know. And what did he really mean with other options- he didn't mean what she thought he did, right? He didn't mean - himself. Fauna suddenly took a few steps back. Away from the desk. The quickness of it all almost made her drop the freshly prepared cup all over his desk. She stared at the man before her. "Zu," Her eyes shifted from left to right as she thought about the right words to say. "Sometimes, when you make a decision- you have to stick by it. Even if you don't like it." Right? That was what she had been taught. "Because if you always choose the easy way, then-" Then what, what would happen? She wasn't even sure now anymore. "No, never mind."  The brunette shook her head as she stepped forward once again. So that she was standing next to Zuhayr.  "Tell you what, why don't I drink this cup and I'll pick one that you drink hm?" She looked at him with her doe-like eyes. But furrowed her brow a little, she didn't want to choose again. She would drink the one she had already made. Even if she didn't like it. More over, she didn't want him to pick one for her. That-no she wanted it to be her decision. "It's okay," she said with a faint smile. "I'll drink this one, but you must pick one you like." She gestured to the array of available options. "Just tell little old fate fuck you for once," Those words echoed in her mind, they lingered. Probably longer than they should have. She didn't comment on it, but it also did no sit  quite right with her. The woman moved the cup to her lips, the pungent smell filled her nostrils. Which made her scrunch up her nose. Yet, she forced herself to take a sip of it. The taste was salty and strong, yet that wasn't the worst of it. The water was still boiling hot. "Fucking hell!" She blurted out as she almost spit the tea out. Quickly, the woman covered her mouth with her hand. Her lips and tongue were slightly burned. Agh, why didn't she just wait a little more. Why was she so adamant about making a point?
Hair I Attire 

Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:47 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light 3UOvOIY
You're buying stars to shut out the light 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He smiled at her when she seemed excited about the whole jacket and blanket thing. Ah well... He had plenty to spare, because most of them were just all the same. Simple plane... Black. It was what he liked. Simplicity. To actually see him dressed in anything else was a true rarity. He had worn a suit on the ball, one that had been made just for him. But he had felt so... Out of place in the expensive clothing. And despite the fact that he would most likely never wear it again, he had taken it with him to Lythrania. It sat in the back of his closet, most likely never to be seen by the light of day again... Or well, until they... Or him... Had to move on again. Fauna commented on the fact that he was too kind and he let out a soft laugh, shrugging ever so slightly as he looked at the ground. He really didn't think he was. It was just human decency to treat others the way you wanted to be treated. It was... Something he always strived for. But his anxiety would often get in his way. But with her, it seemed like everything just went the way it was supposed to go. It were her next words that he didn't really expect. He tilted his head, looking back up at her when she told him she wanted be the same to him. And that... Made his mind only more confused. The southern man had been perfectly satisfied with his life up until now. Sure, he was trapped in his own circle... And soon enough his parents would die, a very crucial part of that inner circle... But if there was one thing he knew, it was that this trip had made him more independent. If he would return back home and he were to face a lonely existence, he would be fine. Or that's what he liked to believed. "Thank you," he said softly to the woman as he smiled at her. For now, however, he was fine. He didn't feel pressured or anxious or bad in any way. It was all just the right amount of peace and chaos in its own right... For now...

When Fauna had picked out tea she didn't liked, Zuhayr let his opinion be heard. He wasn't afraid to share it with her. He had always been genuine with her. But then again, he had always been a man who wears his heart on his sleeve. It was just tea anyway. Just some leaves and water. Yet, it seemed like she had, perhaps, guided him somewhere else. It was only when his eyes met hers, that he realized what he was saying could have a double meaning. The volume of his voice perhaps dying down a little. As he looked into her greyish gaze he almost fell completely silent. His throat tightened up as he felt... Guilt wash over him. Had he said something wrong? Oh... Xeion... He had said something wrong hadn't he? When she took a few steps back from him, his eyes darted to the cup. His hand had already shot towards her in an instinct as to try and help her. But he froze, looked at her for a moment and taking a step back. His eyes averted to the teapot that remained on the plate.

Sometimes... You had to stick by your decisions. Even if you didn't like them. The easy way out... He kept his eyes focused on the things on the desk, his gaze going each and every piece that was just barely organised atop of it. He remained silent as those words slowly seeped through. Stick by your decisions. He knew all too well what she meant by that. She had made up her mind already and he wouldn't be able to get her out of it. He wanted to open his mouth and ask her out loud what had been on his mind for weeks now. Ever since she had gotten the vision. Becaiuse- He couldn't help but feel like everything was just some sick messed up self fulfilling prophecy. If they had never travelled to this city, she wouldn't even have known of that mans existence. If he hadn't brought all the tea with him, she would have only had one thing to worry about... His gaze fixated on one little container as he withheld a sigh. Rizal blood really was no good.

It was okay. She was going to drink this one and she was going to drink her own. He slowly lifted his gaze when she said this, his dark brown eyes shifting towards her. He looked at her, a new smile curling back on his lips. He hadn't even noticed how it had faded when she had spoken. But it came back as easily as it had done before when he just... Laid his gaze on her. He nodded carefully at her. "Right," He didn't really want any tea, but now he had to. He looked back at the jars that was still available, but none of them spoke to him. One seemed too sweet, the other too bitter. They were all not to his liking... Maybe it was because he was more of a coffee person anyway.

He opened his mouth ever so slightly, gathering his courage to say something back to her. To steer this situation away from this awkward tension. When he heard her swear he turned to her in an instant. Seeing that she held her hand over her mouth he moved towards her. Grabbing the cup from her hand so that she wouldn't hurt herself by spilling some of the boiling water over her hand. Their fingers brushing every so slightly against each other, he held his breath as he felt the energy surge. The sensation catching him off guard as he closed his eyes. His muscles tensed up as he quickly, and perhaps even quite brutally, ripped the cup out of her hand. Their skin only meeting for a mere second, he didn't want to give his magic the chance to show him how and when it would all end for her. He took a deep breath, putting the cup down on the desk with quite some force before looking around the room. "I'll get you a glass of cold water, wait here," Although, still being the same man he had been just a moment ago, his mind was racing from the million options that were already being fabricated. His tone had been upset, because he was upset. And it had been demanding, because that small thing had made him oh so upset. And with that, he was gone.

When he was just outside the room he felt himself slowly break down. Not because he had seen a vision of loss, but because it felt like he had gained one regardless. His breath was shaky as he started to speed up towards the kitchen once more.
Sun Mar 26, 2023 1:01 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light SRiYB3K
You're buying stars to shut out the light 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

She was a little crestfallen that there was nothing she could do for him right now, because she really wanted too. Anything. He had done so much for her already, and Fauna felt like she had done very little in return. It made her feel a bit guilty, actually. Yet, she also didn't want to push the issue. So she simply nodded when he thanked her. Her eyes lingering on him for a while, taking in each inch of him. She had always known he was tall, especially compared to her, but - now the height difference felt even worse. In her eyes, it was like he was; towering over her in every way. This small feeling, she had, only worsened when the conversation shifted to a place she - actually didn't really want it to go. It was strange because in a way she did create it herself, but then again the sorceress felt like she had too. Because she really thought he was trying to convince her of something. As if he was subtly trying to change her mind, not just about the tea; but about something much bigger. The whole tea thing was just an analogy. Fauna wasn't exactly sure that it had been indeed his meaning, or if her brain was really just messing with her. But it almost didn't matter anymore, because she could take back how she had reacted. Especially since that would only detract from her statement even more. She had said what she did, and she had to stand by that. Otherwise, her argument held no water. And he would have won - by the stars. Why was she thinking this, why? Like it was some sort of competition. There was no winning and losing in this, just- a difference of opinion. The brunette didn't really know what she expected out of the man, but his totally silence did not surprise her. She didn't even dare to look at him now, her eyes were totally fixated on her dainty little hands. Which she had unknowingly balled into fists. They were even shaking slightly. Fauna sighed as she closed her eyes for a moment. Took a deep breath, and slowly opened her hands again. After which she broke the silence. First by stating that it was "okay" and then announcing her intention to drink out of the cup she had already prepared. But that he should do as he liked, and choose a flavor she wanted. Fauna hadn't even really considered if he wanted tea or not. But she - really wanted him to take some. Just because then he wouldn't have gone through all that trouble of labeling them, and taking a whole tray up to her room, just for her alone. It felt like she didn't deserve that, so she hoped that he would take some too. Even if it was just for her own peace of mind. She sighed a sigh of relief when it looked like he was indeed about to try some of the tea as well. Though, despite the change of subject, the air around them was still heavy. It clouded her thoughts, so much so that without thinking, she took a sip of the boiling hot beverage in her hand. When the hot liquid met her sensitive skin. She had a quick reaction. The noblewoman swore in pain and almost let the cup scatter to the ground. Fauna had moved her hand over her burned tissue. Partly in a vain effort to protect it, but also out of shock. She really couldn't believe she said those words just now. Those weren't words a lady should say. Zuhary was quick to react. He rather rough ripped the cup out of her hands. Which did take her back a bit. But then she realized, that he had, by doing that. Touched her; for the first time since they had been together. She knew why he couldn't do it, there was a very big chance it would trigger is magic. His awful curse of a magic. But precisely because of that, it made the fact that their skin had indeed now touched. Feel even more special. Intimate. If she had been warm before, she was now outright sweating. And so, in an attempt to release some of this heat that had been building inside her. She threw off the blanket she still had wrapped around her. It helped; only by a little. She wanted to look at him, meet his gaze. Lock eyes. But he seemed to be in a hurry to get away from her. He said he was going to get a glass of water for her, but before she could respond to that statement in any way. He left the room. Fauna just stood there, a little baffled about what had just happened. She tried to process everything, but it just seemed like her brain had stopped. Tears swelled up in her eyes, she wasn't even really sure why. Perhaps it was a combination of the stress she had bottled up all these days while being her, the fact that she was tired beyond belief and yet couldn't sleep. And-these emotions that she could quite place. These emotions she only seemed to have around him. But she probably ruined everything now. She and her big mouth. She had stuck by her guns, and looked what that brought her? Fauna sighed as she moved away from his desk. And through the door. She was back in the hallway again. And for a moment, when she didn't immediately see Zuhayr anywhere. She considered just going back to her room. Lock the door and forget about this whole encounter. Like should have perhaps done right at the start.

And yet, just like at the beginning. She couldn't bring herself to do it. To hide away like this. She had wanted to see him, and she still did. Even if he was angry with her. Fauna forced her body forward, where in the direction she thought he had gone. She was still in pain from the burns, but, didn't let that stop her. "Zuhayr!" She softly yelled out, loud enough for hopefully him to her; yet not for anyone sleeping dogs to awake. "Please wait."

Hair I Attire 

Sun Mar 26, 2023 11:35 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light 3UOvOIY
You're buying stars to shut out the light 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
His mind was racing over a million situations at once. Each and every one a slightly bit different than the last. Each and every one a little bit more messed up than the beginning when it had all started. He couldn't stand the sight of those scenario's. Playing over and over in his head as a broken record. He couldn't get the sounds out of his head, nor the nasty twisted imagery that his mind put together. All from previous encounters, previous incidents, previous failures. One wrong swing, one wrong turn... And it could all end. He had seen it so many times before. And it was kind of insane how his mind held on to these memories. How easily they flooded back into his brain as soon as he wsa triggered. He already knew that the nights to come would be restless. His nightmares would haunt him once more. It would all happen again, over and over. There was no end to it. Why couldn't he just catch a break for just... This once? It wasn't fair.

When he walked into the kitchen he looked around quite rapidly. His eyes finding the water in an instant. It was still out from when he was heating some up for the tea. He stared at it for a moment, before shaking his head. He turned his broad body towards the cabinet, which he opened and grabbed a glass from. Yet, his motions were rough and somewhat violent as he moved. Too impulsive for the fragility of the items stored here, at least. As he grabbed one, it slipped his hand and fell to the floor. His motion triggering more to fall down. He took a step back, letting out a frustrated sigh as he looked onto the floor littered with broken glass. Two more lost their balance and fell down to join their broken brothers. He just squinted, clenching his hands into fists as he waited for gravity to have done its work. To just get it over with. He wasn't planning on cleaning this up anyway. He was barefoot. If he wanted to do something right now he would be covered in wounds. He was pissed off, but not stupid. He wouldn't do anything stupid.

He walked around the other way, which allowed him to find a cup. He grabbed onto the thing and turned towards the water, which he filled up. He didn't even clean the water off as he took it out, or grabbed a carafe or bottle that he could give to her so she could have more cooling water. His mind was occupied right now and it was showing. She just needed some cold water to ease the pain, but not too cold as that wouldn't do her well either. He sighed, narrowing his eyes a bit as he let one of his hands go through his hair. This was such a pain. And it frustrated him to no end. He was... Upset at her for not being more careful with the drink. The one thing he hadn't warned her about. It made him upset he didn't say anything. What was she thinking drinking boiling hot water? Idiot..

When he walked back the way he had come, he held his gaze on the floor beneath him. A rapid pace with pulled up shoulders; a posture he rarely took on. A vast contrast to how he normally moved around. He was slouched over. His eyes didn't look around as if scared of even the walls around him. No... They were stern, lost in thought, but somewhat aggressively stern. He couldn't help the thoughts that kept passing by him. And it made him angry, sad... Even more upset. But well... Were it just those memories that were really triggering him so much? Or was that just the fuse that had set him off to explode over something else. He wouldn't admit to it, but in a lot of ways it perhaps was. Anger came in many forms. And for such a calm person like Zuhayr, it normally never came close to this. It came as sadness. Rarely finding a way beyond that. He was scared to admit that he was indeed, angry. Because he knew how he could get once he had lost his temper.

When he heard her voice, he squinted. Had he not told her to wait? He clenched his jaw a bit as he looked up, why was she yelling like that? She would wake everyone in the castle and hurt herself even more. It didn't take long to be near her as he heard her call out once more. He took a deep breath as he approached her. His hand shot to her arm as he grabbed her wrist, still covered by his jacket she was wearing. He had tried to be gentle, but the way he was tensed up didn't allow him too. And perhaps he was rough in the way he grabbed her, not really knowing his own strength most of the time. He pulled her in such a rough fashion with him as well, placing her between him and the wall as he looked down at her.

Now looming over her he looked down at her with his dark eyes. One hand holding her somewhat in place as the other held onto the cup. "You'll wake everyone," he whispered softly. It surprised him how fragile his own voice sounded. It caused him to avert his eyes as he placed his forehead somewhat against the wall. They were so close, but Zuhayr tried to force her in that place so that no more incidents would happen. Or... Whatever else could happen. "Here," He said, holding up the water to her face as he tilted it somewhat to her lips. "You should have stayed in my room..." he said softly to her as he sighed. What if anyone found them like this? Or even worse, what if Deimos found her like this? In his clothes, shouting his name. He could only imagine what the man would think. "We don't want people thinking... We are..." He cut off his own voice as he finally let go off her, no longer being able to hold onto his anger as he looked at her. Speaking those words... Actually hearing them leave his lips. A soft blush crept on his lips as he closed his eyes. Just take the water.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:23 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light SRiYB3K
You're buying stars to shut out the light 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

She felt like she was chasing a shadow, something that was definitely there-always around her. Always having her back, and yet it was also something she could never touch. Never really have. No, not in the way she truly wanted. It frustrated her, yet she also knew deep down. That it was of her own making, though never - not in her wildest dreams could she ever have predicted that things would ever turn out like this. If she did then, perhaps she would have made difference choices. Fauna slowed her step, as she frantically looked around. She had no idea where she was now. The woman could barely make out her surroundings like this, it was so dimly lit. There were no candles here at all, just some light that shone through the large windows. Fauna walked closer to one. She wondered where this light even came from, since it couldn't be from the moon, right? Surely the luminescence of that rocky body couldn't reach so far into the depths of the sea. Perhaps it was light from the city, or maybe even from the many sea creatures that swam past the dome - Fauna had read somewhere that some had the ability to creature light; all by themselves. If only she could do such a thing, perhaps then she could find a way out of this dark maze she was trapped in. Perhaps out of the literal one, but she knew that the real labyrinth, the one she had created for herself in her mind - would be much harder to escape. Fauna slid her hands past one of the silk curtains, feeling the fabric against her hand. The action, caused her to suddenly feel very melancholy. Sighed as she stepped back. She wasn't really sure what to do now, should she just - press on? Zu had to be somewhere, right. If she looked hard enough, she would be able to find him, right? He was only supposed to fetch some water for her. The kitchen sounded like a logical place for one with that goal to go- but Fauna had no idea where the kitchen even was. Which was because of her rank surely, someone of her station needed to know of where to find the music room; or where the governess held her audiences. But not where their food was prepared, or in which room their clothes were laundered. Fauna sighed, maybe coming out here had been a bad idea after all. Maybe she should just go back to Zuhayr's room. He had ordered her to wait there, after all. But then again - which way was his room?

Fauna started moved again. Fauna called out once more, much quieter this time. But then suddenly she felt someone take a tight hold of her wrist. Panic rushed through her. The sorceress had to restrain from screaming, but that was only because she recognized the person in time. It was Zuhayr. Yet he didn't seem like the same man as before, he looked angry. With her, no doubt. Fauna didn't feel much pain in from the burn anymore, it wasn't nearly as serious as she made it seem. Her scream was an overreaction. Yet one pain seemed to be traded for another. Since the way the man had grabbed her, the way he held on to her. Hurt her. He cornered her against a wall. And if Fauna ever felt small in his presence before, now she felt  minuscule compared to him. And yet, there was also this excitement coursing through her veins. One that made her want for more, more of this side of him that she had never seen before. He told her that she would wake everyone up. Which made her frown, somewhat angrily. Like a child would. She averted her eyes from under his dark gaze. For she wouldn't wake anyone up at all! She had been so quiet when calling out. If anyone was to hear her, especially from within their rooms, than they had to have some sort of - supersonic hearing! And even if they could-maybe they should just mind their own business. Fauna closed her eyes for a moment, as she relaxed her angry gaze. She shouldn't act like that - so bratty like. For he was right, deep down she knew he was right. "Here," He said, and the brunette opened her eyes once more. He held the cup of water, he promised he would get for her, near her lips. The woman was shaking ever so slightly, drinking like this - felt so strange. It was awkward and messy. And thanks to her shaking, she smiled some water on the clothing she was wearing. "Oh..." She simply said, not knowing what else to say. She tried to wipe the of the water away, yet it was difficult with the way Zu had her pinned against the wall. And with the way he was looking at her. It almost made her lose control of her limbs entirely. "You should have stayed in my room..." Maybe she should have. Then they wouldn't be here... like this. "I'm sorry." Her voice faltered when she spoke, yet her eyes were watering again. Like before, and just like then. It was not so much because of the fact that she was sad, but because of a whole overload of different emotions she honestly felt overwhelm by. "We don't want people thinking... We are..." He didn't finish his sentence, but then again, he didn't have to. The implication was clear. Zuhayr let her go then. But Fauna didn't move, not a muscle. "Don't be angry with me, Zu." Fauna said, then as she watched him close his eyes, she noticed the red color on his face. One that she surely shared by now. She couldn't see it, of course, but she felt it. It felt like her cheeks were on fire. "Please." Her doe like eyes moved down, to the floor.

Hair I Attire 

Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:40 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
You're buying stars to shut out the light 3UOvOIY
You're buying stars to shut out the light 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
It was as if all pent up frustration had washed over him in that moment. Not only regarding the matter they were discussing, but also his life and just... His future and his past. But also her future. Because how hard he tried to picture the vision she had told him about, he just couldn't see it. How was fate such a cruel mistress each and every time when he came face to face with her. And how did people actually come to like her...? How did she have peace with such future? She was of royal blood for crying out loud, the least she deserved was a prince. And from what he had seen, her promised man was nowhere near one. This whole thing was a joke and it was stirring up all sort of emotions inside of him. But most of all, it just brought back that frustration. First it had been barely noticeable, but now on the edge of an outburst it was all that was written over him. Something that made him loose control over himself, his emotions and his way of handling her. He would hate himself as soon as those anger filled thoughts left his head, he already knew that much. Then why couldn't he stop himself if he knew? Because it wasn't fair. And for once he wanted to be straight forward. He always let his head hang and nod at everything that was asked of him. But for this he- he simply couldn't do it.

And she looked so small below him, trapped between him and the wall. Fragile and delicate. And it drove him crazy. Those eyes staring up at him, it drove him crazy. First clearly upset, but as he pressed on something seemed to shift. But as it went on he couldn't help but feel his heartrate hasten at the sight of it. That demanding look she had thrown at him to those innocent doe like eyes. One of them pushing him further to simply keep on going, the other to return back to a gentle and simpler way, like they had been before. And it was astounding to him that even in the shadow of his own body, wrapped within her own storm of emotions, she looked beautiful. It made him sad, hushed that upset side of him into more submission as he just... Couldn't keep this kind of posture with her. As her words reached his ears and they just. By Xeion what was she doing with him. From her pleading apology, to her soft words asking him not to be angry. The tone that one would uphold from earlier went on and on... And it almost made him do things he didn't want to do. So he just closed his eyes, and held his breath. What was he doing. What were they doing...?

"Fauna..." he spoke softly, his voice still filled with all those emotions that were clearly still inside of him. Yet they had watered down, he had cooled down. Or more so, her pleads had worked, perhaps a bit too effectively. "I'm not angry with you," He hushed her in a quiet tone, finally opening his eyes again, but not meeting her gaze. He stared down at the floor between them. A small distance they had yet to break apart... And he contemplated on it for a moment. And he wanted to. He wanted to pull her in for a hug, tell her it was okay and he would take care of her. That she had done nothing wrong and it was all on him. But as his one hand free hand was pushing against the wall before him, he... Couldn't. His fears keeping him at bay as that cowardly man remained motionless. He would never learn, or change... And that was the whole reason why he could never do this. "You don't have to apologize, I acted out," his voice found more stability as he slowly moved away from her, taking a step back.

The few rays of moonlight filtered through the window, revealing to him the scene he had caused. The water he pushed on her had made her clothing wet, leaving clear marks on where they were spilled. He blinked slowly, letting out an almost silent sigh. Luckily, it was his hoodie and just some water, so it wasn't anything of her wardrobe... Nor would it stain. "Oh... Let's get you another one, don't want you catching a cold," he whispered to her as he slowly turned away towards his room. And for a moment he hesitated, his lips parting ways ever so slightly as to speak once more... But he halted himself as he started to walk, but his hands around the cup he was still holding onto. Because if he was being really honest, it would be for the better if they didn't talk about it. Nor talk about the little incident. He already had some issues with it regarding it. But sadly enough for him he was all to familiar with them. And as soon as he would be alone again, he would surely be able to deal with them. Well, wasn't he lucky man that he had to live his life mostly in solitude. How... Lucky...
Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:44 pm
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