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Telling me my time is at its end
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Telling me my time is at its end WSN0ewN
Telling me my time is at its end HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

To see the duchess in the lower ring was out of the ordinary, but for the woman; to do actual charity work. Was downright rare. Cassiopeia was the sponsor of a lot of originations who alleviated the pain of the poor, broken, and the mentally ill. But she almost never volunteered for any of them. Really; the closest she ever came to that was visiting wounded soldiers at the hospital. But nothing more. So why the sudden change? Why break tradition? It was for a silly reason really, her son. Her dumb, yet well-meaning son. Clarence. He often frequented at places like these; orphanages. To lend his medical services. Cassiopeia hated it, she hated how far her son went to help them. It was unbecoming of a nobleman. And yet; she loved him. Even if she didn't always show it. And she knew that her presence her would mean a lot for the orphanage, it would give them the exposure they desperately needed. It would surely change the fortunes of this little establishment. And that in turn would help all those little much more than Clarence ever could on his own. Surely he would see that; and be grateful for it. That and; Cassiopeia hoped that if she showed her softer side towards these children, her son would start to think differently of her. Even if it was just a little.

Cassiopeia was talking with a little girl, small, too small for her age. Probably due to malnourishment. She had little pigtails and big green eyes. That looked up at the older woman with awe and adoration. The little child bombarded her with questions, about all sorts of things. And Cassiopeia answered them all the best she could; not all of them were truthful, but-she figured telling the girl what she wanted to hear was no bad feat. However, then a servant came rushing up to her. Holding a letter. The duchess didn't need to see the sigil of the piece of parchment, nor the writing on the back of it, to know that she had to read it urgently. And somewhere away from prying eyes.

And so she quickly stepped outside. In her haste; she hadn't even checked if she was followed by her guards. She stood, totally alone, on the street. In front of the orphanage. Still; it would take a very brave, and perhaps even stupid man. To approach her.

@nick x

Sun Mar 12, 2023 12:07 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Telling me my time is at its end Nick_b12
Telling me my time is at its end A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel

From a distance he had watched her, a woman like her was hard to go unnoticed after all- her regal dressing, jewellery worth more than the average person here made in their whole life... it was quite the eye sore for a pauper man like him. A small grin crept up on the man's face, her royal highness was doing more than blindly throwing 0.1% of her net worth at the poor, who would've thought?

In a way it was quite the strange picture- to see someone u've despised and scolded all your life standing right in front of you- doing something you can't justify your hatred out of. Now of course, she still supported the awful stratification they lived in-  so much kinder of thoughts of her he wasn't getting.  His grin grew wider as he pushed himself away from the wall, approaching her on his trademark light feet. And despite his opportunistic mind going over all the ways he could rip those jewels from her chest- he held his sly hands back. She could offer him something worth so much more than shiny stones first. Though he would embrace the opportunity later on surely. He couldn't justify not doing so. From his pocket the man took a coin holding it up in front of her  " Now- i thought you looked familiar indeed"  he tilted his head and took the sight of the woman in from up close,  "I must say, your faith in us is quite impressive my lady duchess" he smiled as his dog took this time to sniff out the stranger  "Or your just really brave that is- for i don't take you as a fool "

Much thank Nien x
Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:56 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Telling me my time is at its end WSN0ewN
Telling me my time is at its end HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

The woman wasted no time in opening the letter, she slid her long sharp nails across-thus breaking the seal. And scanned the words that were written down. Very troubling information indeed. And yet there was nothing she could do right now. She had no choice but to wait it out, at least for the time being. Cassiopeia sighed as she rolled the parchment up again. Wanting to hide it away in one of the secret pockets, her dress contained. But before she could so, a voice called out to her. It didn't surprise her, though, she had seen the man in the corner of her eye advance on her. He was a young, and clearly belonged here in the lower ring. The patched up clothes he donned made that obvious. And yet it, despite that. He didn't look like he had it the worst, Cassiopeia had certainly seen those who were much worse off than this man. Which suggests he did have access to some money. Which, she guessed, wasn't acquired in the most legal of means. The shiny coin he waved around, that salesman smile he wore. And his quick and clever words. He must be some sort of charlatan. "Why?" She asked, as if she didn't already know the answer. The woman locked eyes with the man, burying her sharp and cold eyes in his. "You don't think anyone here would want to hurt their beloved Duchess, do you?" The woman faked surprise and shock as she ran her hands through the fur of the hound the stranger had with him. The animal seemed friendly enough, as it reacted favorably to her touch. But then again, the duchess did have a certain way with dogs. It was something she always had. Perhaps that's why she owned so many herself."I certainly wouldn't advise it, for whatever would be done to me, the offender will receive back a thousandfold." Her voice was low, and dripping. Her words borderd on a threat. And yet she didn't mean it as one. It was more of a warning than anything.

@nick x

Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:49 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Telling me my time is at its end Nick_b12
Telling me my time is at its end A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
Pretending, it seemed in both of them it was more so a way of living, rather than a fun act. The way she acted shocked made the tall man grin as he tilted his head slightly- it took one to know one. She was as skilled as her dressing fancy. Nick could only speculate as to where she got the experience, but he would place bets on that fancy life of hers. One she's not exactly loved for by the people down here.  Her cold eyes buried their way into his warm gaze as he slightly narrowed his eyes in his smile "Hm, no, it is all rainbows and sunshine around these parts of course, my Beloved duchess"  he mentioned sarcastically as he watched his dog betraying him. Being showered in a love not shown in the woman's words nor the look she gave him. A threat? For him? Flattering. "Oh well in that case, allow me to give you this coin lady duchess" he grinned "I'll be waiting for my thousand coins right here" a chuckle escaped him as he looked back at her cold eyes with a look that could almost be described as a playful challenge. "Or anything of equal value of course" he continued jokingly. He didn't expect anything from it of course, but it was good fun to find comebacks to hers.  

The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:17 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Telling me my time is at its end WSN0ewN
Telling me my time is at its end HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

The man seemed to follow her example, and also played along in this little game named "pretend." And that made the corners of her mouth curl up ever so slightly. "I'm glad to hear it," she noted, her voice sounding just as sarcastically as his. "Since it certainly looks that way." The woman continued to, mirroring his tone. And well, perhaps in a way; he wasn't wrong. Not entirely anyway; there certainly wasn't much sunshine to be found here, but one could almost call this place rainbow-like in a way. Since the place was littered with varying yet muted even dirtied colors, that obviously; didn't go together. But the people here didn't care about holding up some sort of pleasing aesthetic, only caring about practicality. And sometimes not even that; sometimes it was simple, all they had. When she had given him her thinly veiled warning. He quickly responded back with a rather witty quip, the duchess had to admit. Tossing his shiny coin her way - which she caught without much difficulty - and then for that to be returned to him a thousand times. The duchess narrowed her eyes, but her smile only grew. "I suppose you are right, but-giving me a coin; hardly makes you an offender now, does it?" She moved her gaze away from the man, and unto the shiny piece of gold she had in her hand. "Or is giving someone a gift of money somehow seen as a sort of attack in the lower ring?" She was grinning now. Her eyes lightening up a little. "That would be strange, you'd think people here would love to receive that, though I suppose reminding people of that which they don't have; doesn't always go down well." The woman wanted to keep the coin for herself, it was bad manners to refuse a present after all, but. After the statement she just made-Cassiopeia placed the coin on one of her fingers and then flicked it in the air towards the man. "A thousand coins is a lot, though, I think there aren't many things that could compare to it." The woman stepped a little closer now. Closing the distance between them. "But what do you think, hmm mister..?" She allowed to for the man to fill that in himself. "What do you think rivals a thousand coins in value?"

@nick x

Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:22 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Telling me my time is at its end Nick_b12
Telling me my time is at its end A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
His grin seemed unable to be washed off- even if the woman's words had a nasty tinge to them. As for her, commenting on the state of things around them seemed rather unflattering, given where she surrounded herself with at home. Nick wouldn't be weak enough to fall for the temptation to comment on it though. For this far, this conversation seemed to go his way. He proposed to her a witty quip, she directed as quickly as he had done previously, tossing his coin back to him. "Well what is and what isn't an offence is a rather subjective thing lady duchess. If I decide this was an offence towards you, there's no way to tell me it ain't" he brought up calmly, as his salesman smile curled up onto his face once again.

The duchess narrowed the distance between them then, her ice-cold eyes locked onto his. Nicholas raised up his eyebrows as he looked down on her. She smelled of money and reeked of ill-given power. He tilted his head a little whilst burying his prying eyes into hers. "Call me Nick"  Giving a full name was the equivalent of giving your social security number after all. It was a luxury only the rich and mighty had. She continued to answer in questions, Nick continued to answer rather quickly  "I d suppose you don't know the worth of things anymore indeed.  " She could simply nod without looking at any tags.  Buy whatever she wanted with a quick gesture of her dainty hands. " Education for those kids and chances to get climb the ladder as you had, that would be a start" he thought out loud as he looked back onto the orphanage. It would be a way tougher climb for them than she had to endure though.  "As for me personally- well I don't believe in sharing my deepest desires to someone i have just met lady duchess" his eyes darkened slightly as he continued to speak "I'd hate to feel needy. And i'd hate to ask for what i know i am not getting" he nodded "Rather pathetic that would be for me to do"
The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:38 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Telling me my time is at its end WSN0ewN
Telling me my time is at its end HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

Cassiopeia, was amused by the fact that he didn't respond to her comment about the look of this place, though he clearly wanted to; but perhaps he couldn't think of a counter. That was unlikely, though, he looked like a man that could come up with a comeback to almost anything. He mostly likely didn't because he wanted to keep the conversation light. Something which she appreciated, but the Duchess also wondered how long he would try to keep that up. "Well, what is and what isn't an offense is a rather subjective thing, lady duchess. If I decide this was an offense towards you, there's no way to tell me it ain't" The woman hummed as she tilted her head slightly upon seeing that sly smile return back to the man's face. "You are very good at spinning things around." She noted. "You almost had me convinced that it is indeed as you say." Not really; he didn't have that power, he couldn't decide what was an offense to her and what wasn't. "But you are wrong, and I think you know that." The woman narrowed her eyes a little. But kept the corners of her mouth turned upwards. "Since you don't have the authority to decide anything for me, you may try if you want, but it would only be an opinion and nothing more." Cassiopeia once again moved her hand to the fur of his dog, who still seemed to be rather fond of her. And her attention. The animal was clearly well treated. Having a shiny, yet clean coat. Clear eyes, white teeth. "With which I may choose to agree, but if I don't then it would simply be your word against mine." She shot him a challenging look then. Because he could never win it from her, her voice rang louder than his ever could.

When she stepped forward, it seemed like an action he hadn't expected. As he raised his eyebrow almost in surprise. He was able to look down at her, but not by a lot. They were very similar in stature. But that was simply because Cassiopeia was a very tall woman. He looked deep into her eyes, as if he was trying to see down through her soul. He didn't give her his full name, instead prompting her to simply address him as "Nick" A little too informal for her tastes, but it'll do. The conversation went on, he responded to her rather simple question with a full-blown tirade. And yet the woman didn't mind it at all. She quietly and intently listened to everything he had to say. Even when she didn't agree with some of the points he made. Cassiopeia supposed she simply liked to hear him talk, especially about topics like this. Since it gave her a little more of a picture of his mind, of how he thought. Even if he didn't share everything with her. "I wasn't asking for you to share your deepest desires with me, Nick." She said with a playful and friendly voice. "But you are wise to keep them from me." Even if she likely couldn't do much with that information anyway. Since it would surely just be unattainable for him. Useless wishes and dreams. Still; such things should always be kept close to one's chest. For it very well could be used against him. "But if you did tell me, I wouldn't think you are pathetic for it." No, not that; The duchess wasn't completely out of what exactly she would think of him then. Stupid perhaps but-not pitiful.

@nick x

Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:18 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Telling me my time is at its end Nick_b12
Telling me my time is at its end A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
Oh the rich and their ease- Nick hummed softly as the lady infront of him stated that whatever he said- it would never compete with her words. The thief shrugged, however, lifting his gaze back upon hers once again. "Aaa man! he shook his head "How disappointing it is for you to cheat your way out of an even battle of wits with me lady duchess, good of you to show once again the unfairness of the birth lottery around these parts." he mentioned not so lightheartedly as his grin in still didn't seem to falter "And here i was hoping for an actual fun game" the charlatan shook his head and sighed, in a faked disappointment.

The conversation went on, the distances between them closed in on them and their eyes seemed unable to shift away from one and other-Nick held his stance despite her many attempts of trying to pull him down to his place. Her jabs at him didn't get a peep out of the man, for nothing she could say, he hadn't heard before. The guards that had torn apart his home that one awful winter day had even worse words for him in store as they threw his stuff around. As they tried ripping him off every little bit of pride he had left after losing his father. He clenged his jaw slightly at the thought of his old man, yet found distraction and hope within the following words of his 'aUthOrity'.[klik]The conman laughed warmly at her words "Bold of you to assume i care about your thoughts on me like that Mrs Winter" He shook his head as his deep voice sounded like the rumbling of a summer storm.  "But i appreciate you calling me wise, i am not one to put down a truthful compliment" Nick went on with a hint of pride in his voice as he dusted of his patched-up blue coat. It was the warmest he could find around, and by the looks of it, it had been keeping him warm in many winters before this one. "But now you got me asking the questions lady, how come you don't see it as pathetic? Is it because you are used to getting whatever you want perhaps?"
The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:12 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Telling me my time is at its end WSN0ewN
Telling me my time is at its end HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

Cassiopeia chuckled at his reaction, it was dramatic and childish, and yet she liked it. "You accuse me of something I did not do," It was true she didn't explicitly mention their rank, but her choice of words had heavily implied it. "I didn't mention our difference in rank at all now, did I? If I was a simple ordinary woman; she same rules would still apply" The duchess flashed a toothy grin at the stranger. The woman turned her head back towards the orphanage. It amazed her that no one had come outside yet to come looking for her. Though she was sure that they will very soon. Thereby cutting her little exchange with Nick short; something that would be a shame. Since he was a pretty amusing conversation partner. A far cry from the dull people she usually had to endure.

When she had honestly told him; that she wouldn't think him pethic for sharing his deepest wants and wishes, he simply laughed at her. Yet not in a mocking way; no, his voice was warm. Something it always seemed to be, no matter how he changed it. That hint of warmth never truly left. It reminded her a little of the feeling one would get when huddled up in front of a hot fire. Or when one was walking the gardens back at the winter palace on a summers' day. The peasant man told her that he didn't care about what she thought of him. Cassiopeia scoffed a little at that remark; yet she wasn't offended. If anything, she expected it. Many people here probably didn't think that highly of her to begin with. So, whether or not she had a good opinion of them, surely left many people cold. "No, but it's it nice to have? It's rather rare, you know; for a person like you." The woman smiled, somewhat mockingly this time, though not overly so. He did take rather kindly to her calling him wise, however; stating that he would never put such a truthful compliment down. "Ow, how nice, I'll keep that in mind next time." The duchess said. "Though, it rather surprises me that you don't also take fake compliments as well, my friend, since you do look like the type who dishes them out regularly." One had to when they were a salesman, no? A quip there, a compliment there; all to make their unfortunate costumer feel more at ease. And hopefully more willing to make a sorry investment.  "But now you got me asking the question's lady, how come you don't see it as pathetic? Is it because you are used to getting whatever you want, perhaps?" Cassiopeia pretended to ponder deeply on those words. Like they were some mathematical question. Though in truth, she already knew the answer. "I don't see how - me not thinking any less of you than I currently already do - if you had decided to tell me your deepest and desire has anything to do with me being used to getting what I want." She did; in a way, but still the correlation was a little shaky. "What is more likely, I think; is that I am really not that bad of a person that the people of the lower ring make me out to be."

@nick x

Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:19 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Telling me my time is at its end Nick_b12
Telling me my time is at its end A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
Nick huffed a little at her comeback. As she acted as though she hadn't used the word authoritiy in her words. But reminding her would only further her point, as no matter what he said or did, her word would always way more than his. It left a foul taste in the man's mouth as he stood her ground against her. He oelud have to stay on her good side, had he any hopes of getting what he actually wanted of her. And thus he smiled, and thus he continued to hold his tongue. It was funny how only now, he listened to the lessons his father had tried to teach him all those years back. He was but an impatient loud-mouthed brat back then-

The conversation pressed further yet again, and to his surprise, she hadn't commented on him calling her simply lady. It was but a small change in their dance for power, but a welcome one surely. He chuckled softly as she made clear how special he was for getting such a wonderful remark from her, as the oh-so-special woman she was according to herself. The tall man shrugged "I've learned long ago not to falter nor count on others to ensure a good vision of myself ma'am, but I can't deny it is nicer to be liked rather than hated indeed" he gave her with a hint of joy on his collected face. "But your just another person liking me" he added playfully- it was scary how naturally their conversation seemed to flow. How much he was enjoying it beyond it's natural purpose. Leading him to twist things around, asking her things instead of vice versa- perhaps it made him the desperate one, despite it was too much of a dare to do so, but she seemed to take it well as her answer didn't include another jab of her power over him. Besides, he wasn't known for his habit to choose the safest option.

She took her chance to weaken his words rather quickly however, something he had of course expected from his lady duchess. "Hmm it could make you ignorant I suppose" he corrected his stance "It's not pathetic for you to share your desires because well- yours would be rather short-lived wouldn't they?" But it seemed she didn't want to continue the topic, for she in return gave him rather unexpected information. Nicholas blinked as a small laugh managed to escape him. He tilted his head, and took a step forward. "Is that so? " he hummed, deepening his warm voice as he looked up at her through his eyelashes. "Hm- i suppose i haven't been dragged off yet- and i still have my tongue!, So you have that in your favor, Cassiopia" he smiled as he locked his eyes onto hers yet again. They were cold as ice- and that said something for Nick knew cold. When he was younger he had almost frozen to death following his father's arrest. Yet her coldness had a different vibe to it- it was dangerous yet alluring, an adventure, a challenge and anything that made his eyes not want to look away from them. He grinned at them as his eyes sparked in opportunity, in wanderlust.  

The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:46 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Telling me my time is at its end WSN0ewN
Telling me my time is at its end HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

She was testing the waters with him a bit, seeing how far she could push him. Play with him. It seemed rather far, since while he clearly didn't agree with her words. As he scoffed quite loudly. However, he kept his mouth shut otherwise. The man simply smiled at her, in a manner that had become quite familiar. Cassiopeia did consider going further in on the subject. Explain exactly why he had no authority of her, no matter what. They were strangers, after all, if he had been her father, husband, or even brother. Then things would have been different; But he was of no relation and thus couldn't declare anything for her. But she also didn't want to push him too far. And so decided to follow his example and drop the issue entirely. There were other things to talk about, after all; like the wise lesson his father had taught him. One he was relaying to her right now. It wasn't bad advice, but definitely not something the woman would apply to those in the upper ring; there, reputation was everything. And this ensuring others had a positive view of you, and your family, was vital. It was funny really, how one piece of advice could helpful to one, and useless to another. The joy in the man's expression didn't go unnoticed by the woman. And so when he told her that she was just "another person" to him, it was her turn to scoff. "You must forgive me, but I do not believe you." She mused. "I think you like the fact that I'm fond of you much more than you'd like to admit." She was being deliberately contradictory. Especially in regard to her earlier statement, where she  alluded to the fact that she didn't think very highly of him. By stating she couldn't possibly think any lower of him than she already did, even if he had shared his desires with her. It was another way for her to play with him, keep him guessing to what she really thought of him. But, it also hadn't been entirely deceiving. For despite his social class, and undoubtedly profession; she did favor him. For he was witty, and entertaining, handsome. And those were rare qualities. So she had to give him some credit for that, at least.

"Hmm it could make you ignorant I suppose" He said, when they moved on to their latest subject of conversation. Cassiopeia moved her eyes away from him when he said that. She didn't like that line, mostly because it reminded her of something Matthew would say. And that, just instantly, brought a bad taste into her mouth. "It's not pathetic for you to share your desires because well-yours would be rather short-lived wouldn't they?" Ah, he was pulling out all the stops this time around. In response to her own rather aggressive words, no doubt. "I'd like to have you know, that not all my desires are short-lived. Quite the contrary, most of the things I want I have to work incredibly hard for." When one is rich, many things that would be a want for another person. It was simply a call away. But that didn't mean every dream, or aspiration, was easy to achieve. They were often different from those in the lower rings. But just as unattainable.

Things did seem to turn up, though. When she told the man, that she really wasn't as bad as many made her out to be. Which was more true than he probably believed. If that laugh that escaped his lips was any indication. The blond man held his head at an angle and stepped forward. Making the already short distance almost non-existent. Yet the duchess didn't back down. If anything, she was very intrigued. He questioned her words, in a humming kind of way. His voice deep and warm.  "Hm- i suppose i haven't been dragged off yet- and i still have my tongue!, So you have that in your favor, Cassiopia" The woman smiled back at him, much more genuine now. Her eyes weren't narrowed like they were before. Be relaxed. This was the kindest her facial expression could appear. His eyes were focused on hers. And the woman didn't dare to look away. It was almost as if something, some sort of force. Made her keep looking. "You see?" She said while she gestured slowly with her arms. "I'm nicer than you expected, hmm?"

@nick x

Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:50 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Telling me my time is at its end Nick_b12
Telling me my time is at its end A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
She thought high of herself, undoubtedly so. Nicholas once again tilted his head slightly as the woman spoke of fondness, her regal voice bold and assured. As if she was able to read his thoughts aloud, "Hm as i said before Cass," he smiled "It's always nicer to be liked, makes for good conversation don't it?" But if it fed into his pride? Her approval? That it wouldn't, never, especially not from ap person such as herself. There really was only one person whose opinion could make or break him- and that person wasn't around anymore, not here at least. Not yet.

She went on to speak with great wealth belittling every word she spoke. Speaking of her own desires, hard work- maybe it was just because of the perspective difference Nick wouldn't be able to fully see how hard her work had to be. Afterall- if he didn't work hard, he'd freeze to death in Winter, he'd starve on some dirty corner- if she didn't work hard- then what? How could she speak of working hard, when the absence of it wouldn't take her life? Perhaps he didn't know her well enough to fully make accusations or form opinions on her- but for now he couldn't, he wouldn't agree. Not as long as there were starving people on the streets of her city.

Luckily, however, they didn't let this difference between them rule their conversations- no they both seemed keen on keeping it light, on testing each other without losing their damn eye contact. Nick laughed warmly as she told him she wasn't all too bad, and a shake of his head ensued whilst he lifted his chin a little "Oooh, yehh, you are amazing for doing the bare minimum cass, bravo" he chuckled. As he naturally nudged he slightly, it hadn't meant anything..but yet he thought of it shortly. And he hated that, how he had to be careful around her. "Truely the signs of a great character my lady duchess"

Much thank Nien x
Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:43 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Telling me my time is at its end WSN0ewN
Telling me my time is at its end HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor
And then she was all like "You know mister gallagher" with eyebrows raised and her voice low. "I like you- you have a certian air about you" Not really, he was just hot. "So im gonna make you on offer, one that you cant refuse" en toen uhh had de milf zoiets van haha kom werken voor me als night want dat is gewoon een goed idee, kan niet backfiren. En toen pakte ze niks by de hand en liepen ze samen de sunset in.
Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:05 pm
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Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Telling me my time is at its end Nick_b12
Telling me my time is at its end A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
HO ho an offer he could not pass up on. Niks greens toen ze hem bij de hand pakte en samen they rode off into the sunset. Life was great. Together they would rob many banks and save up to buy their own island that they called nick and cass island. Where they lived in a castle guarded by many dogs.
Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:01 pm
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