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Nicholas Gallagher
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Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher Nick_b12
Nicholas Gallagher A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal

Nicholas Gallagher
Don't wish for bricks when you can build with stone.
Gender Male
Species Human
Alliaces Nick
Religion None
Occupation Outlaw
P.O.B Alderrath [Lower ring]
ResidenceAlderrath  [Lower ring]
Height 1.80 cm
Build Lean
Hair color Dirty blond
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color A deep blue
Skin Tone Fair
Nick is a tall man with a lean yet fit build. His face can often be compared to that of a fox as his features are rather sharp and pointy and his eyes tend to always be observant and calculating. Furthermore, he has a trademark grin, as any trickster ought to have of course.
Nicholas often comes across as a charming young man. He knows his way around the city and the psychology of others, which tends to reflect in a certain pride and self-assuredness, he carries in his way of going through life in the lower rings of Alderrath. He's a natural actor, who knows exactly which strings to pull to get his way. Worry rarely tends to cross his face as he often regards himself as the smarter outlaw in the room.
Living in the midst of the lower ring denied the young man access to finer pieces of brand-new clothing. Instead, he wears old fixed-up clothes, which he however wears with absolute pride. His trademark blue coat makes him recognisable within the mids of the slums. And the old hat he got from his father never leaves his side.
Constellation The Vixen
Alignment Chaotic good

+ Clever,  Sociable, Charismatic, Open-minded,  Recoursefull, Charming, Approachable, Independent, Humorous, Opportunistic, empathetic, idealistic, rebellious, loyal, fun-loving, adventurous.

-  Emotionally closed off, Full of himself, Stubborn, easily bored, Assumes he is the smartest in the room, sly, breaker of rules, Risk-taker, irresponsible, lack and distaste for authority, cocky.

Nick is as a clever fox in the shadows of the Ashmorian shadows. Witty,  resourceful and Charming- it makes him the perfect thief and the perfect conman. He does as he needs to among the slums of the lower ring, and has made quite the life for himself by doing what he must to survive. He's known for his tricks and his antics- known for his jokester personality. And though his surroundings seem gray and down- his bright and extroverted personality shines through in the way he approaches life there.  He is an approachable character, one with many friends everywhere, a flirt and one with  a great light hearted sense of humor. Nick, though very distant in showing his true feelings, is a true people's man, the man people talk of either greatly or with great frustration. Loved by the underdog, hated by those deemed higher by society and those who hold onto the rules made by the people nick dislikes greatly.

Nick has a lack of respect for authority and sees rules as a challenge rather than something to uphold. He loves to be free in his movement and seems to always be up to something. He's a high-energy person who moves through life with haste and independent steps and gets bored rather quick.Nick's curious, adventurous and loves to travel and explore when he gets the chance. He's also known as someone with a bad capability for responsibility as he feels as though it ties him down too much. He hates it.

Talents Trickery, Theft,  Charm, Playing the guitar, Singing, Deception, Character analysing, plotting.  

Dislikes High class folk, unrightioness, shallow folk, closed off spaces, restraint.
Family Tree
father Christopher Gallagher
mother Marie Gallagher
Brother None
Sister None
Name Scout
Spieces Dog [Border Collie]

Nick is born in the midst of Alderaths lower ring, and grew up in a world where survival was fit for those who knew how to navigate a challenging life there. Though, he had it slightly better than the common beggar, as his father, Christopher, a well-known outlaw and idealist,  had managed to open up a pub in the busier streets of the ring. Where he raised his only son all on his own as Nicks's mother had chosen to leave them behind in search of a better life. Nick's role models in life consisted of the many outlaws, drunks and merchants that visited the pub regularly. Close friends of his father who found a safe haven within the walls of the house and a place to drink the cheapest of beers there were. People from all walks of life came in, and all of them formed a tight-knit community together in which Nick never got too little attention. His father and comrades would plan their heists from there and they kept track of the secret trades that went around within the safety of the backrooms. Nick would listen, Nick would learn as he played with the other kids around, all equally excited to take up their parent's legacy and kick the authority's asses.

However, all goes to hell when one of his father's heists goes south. Nick was 15 at the time,  he had said goodbye to his father, that morning not knowing it would be the last time he'd see the old man. Christopher had planned to take over and rob one of the trading ships bringing in luxury products for the upper circle. However, it did not go as planned resulting the arrest of Nick's father and his crew. The young teen would never see the man again and was left to his own devices from then on. The pub closed down, as he was only 15 and in mourning, though Nick managed to upkeep it as his base and home. Later he picked up where his father left, made a life for himself and his friends by conning and thieving his way through life. However, he never reopened the bar, it was not him, and it reminded him too much of his father. Years went by,  but the determination to do anything in his power to get his father and his crew out from prison, hasn't burned out just yet.

Tue Sep 20, 2022 7:17 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Nicholas Gallagher XuTWurPc_o
Nicholas Gallagher MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:16 pm
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