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Try to fix you
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Try to fix you Untitled
Try to fix you Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
"Two a day should do the trick," He said as he handed her over a veil filled with small pills. The woman nodded as she slowly rose to her feet. "Thank you so much doctor," She said with a sigh. "I really hope these will help.." A silent hum left his lips as he continued to write on the paper, filling in some of the notes he wanted to put down before speaking to her once more. He took a lot of pride in his work and keeping close track of all his patients. He had heard from some doctors that what he was doing was just extra work, but Clarence digressed. To keep track of a patients physical and emotional health was both very important. Someone who was too stressed wouldn't be able to heal properly. The many years of experience in the medical field had showed him that. And where he rarely had the time to actually offer his patients mental help, he did try when possible. He quickly put his pen down and looked up at the woman, smiling as he did. "If you don't feel any change in a week, please return or write me a letter. We will find something that can help you, my lady," She smiled back at him, nodding.

As he said his farewells to her and closed the door behind him, he carefully placed his fingers on his nose bridge, closing his eyes for a moment. A sigh left his lips as he shook his head somewhat. What a chaotic day it had been so far, and he still had to go visit some of his older patients that were halfway across the high ring. He had hoped to spend some time at the orphanage later tonight, but if he still wanted to have dinner with his family tonight he wouldn't be able to make it. As he opened his eyes again he stepped back in his office, walking towards his desk as he took a piece of paper and swiftly wrote a letter. His handwriting had always been quite ugly, but doing it so quickly didn't help his case. He swiftly folded the paper and placed it on his desk, writing the name of his brother on it. If he were to try and find him tonight, he would at least find this and know that he was still out for work; 'Out for work, dropping by the orphanage for a check up. Might be late, don't wait for me,' Was all he wrote in his barely readable writing. He placed it down, turned away and started to grab everything he needed and dropping it in his bag.

It was already getting quite cold outside, something he wasn't all too excited about. A lot of patients came in with respiratory problems around these times and there was little he could do to actually help them beside giving them pain relief. Sickness usually swept through the country when winter came around, but every year the symptoms were always slightly different. It made it hard for him to pinpoint an actual cure. With a broken leg or even a stomach issue he knew exactly what to do. But these winter illnesses always took so much, both in lived as in his patience. Luckily for him he was eager to keep on looking for something to help the people. He had grabbed a long clean coat and dull colored scarf before he bolted out the door. His hands, which were covered in leather gloves gifted to him by his father, held a tight grip on his doctors bag as he held his pace. Glancing over at his watch he silently sighed. He was already running late, wasn't he?
Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:20 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Try to fix you JS82q3hE_o
Try to fix you 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
It all happened so fast. She had tripped, she didn't know how or why, and hit her head on the cobblestone pavement. It was fine, she'd insisted, she'd just go home and rest for a bit until the headache went away. That was until she'd brought up her hand to her forehead, only to find a red, sticky substance clinging to the white satin of her glove. She'd have to be rushed to a doctor, she was told, and the one at home was too far away. Before she could even try to argue, she was already rushed back inside the carriage, with people touching and supporting her weight on all sides. As if one hit to her head somehow meant that she couldn't walk anymore.

Within minutes she was rushed out of the carriage again, as they'd apparently arrived at the doctor's office. The poor man looked like he was just leaving, but he would never get the chance to with all the commotion happening around her. It was a bit embarrassing, if she was being honest. It was even worse when she looked up and saw that the doctor in question was her very own cousin. "Clarence, I am so sorry." she said in an exasperated tone. At this point, the blood had pretty much gotten everywhere as well, so it probably looked a lot worse than it was.

Tue Dec 06, 2022 7:35 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Try to fix you Untitled
Try to fix you Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
He stepped aside when the rumbling of a carriage filled his ears. A frown appearing on his face as he turned his upper body to have a look. The thing was storming down the road in such a hurry... Dear Renestrae did someone die or something? They really should drive more carefully as they could easily hit someone, especially children who sometimes ran on the street with little regard for their surroundings. But to his surprise, the thing actually came to a halt and so did he. Frowning when he saw the man who was steering the thing. He waved at him and for a moment, Clarence looked around, as if to confirm it was actually for him. "Doctor Marlborough thank Renestrae you are here," He tilted his head, before realizing that this might be an emergency. He stepped forward as he saw how the door to the carriage was opened and someone was rushed out. Well... It was his job to deal with matters like these, but he would be lying if he said that he hated emergencies. They usually didn't mean anything good for him or the patient... He took a deep breath, tightened his grip on his doctors bag and straightened his back. He was fine, this was fine. How bad could it bad?

But when his eyes met hers, he froze for a moment. He hadn't seen the Winters in quite some time.... He couldn't even clearly remember the last time he actually had spoken to her. The fact that their relationship was way more complex then she realized, made him uncomfortable. The whole revelation that their 'mother' had laid on them only leaving him emotional and very confused. It had taken him months to actually act normal about it, so that he could keep it from everyone around them. For matters like these he really wished he was more like his brother, calm and collected and so well organized. Even his thoughts and way of speaking were so well thought out. It really was nothing compared to him, a man who had a mind filled with chaos and confusion most of the time. But she spoke and that really brought him back. As he blinked for a moment he observed her. Bloodied and dirty... He frowned, concern growing on his face as he stepped forward. He couldn't really tell where she was bleeding from, as blood was already everywhere. He tilted his head, looked at some of the people that were helping her and... "What happened?" He asked as a first instinct, as to maybe get more information on what the cause of all this might be.

He didn't hesitate any longer and stepped back. She still seemed relatively fine, but he wanted to prevent any falls from happening due to her blood loss. "Let's go inside, you have to sit down," He said, his voice soft and with clear concern. He was surprised by how calm he remained, as he felt his panic grow inside of him. Oh dear Renestrae he messed this up people were literally going to kill him. Not only that but what would that mean for the family? Oh dear... As his mind raced on, filling him with doubts and more panic, he approached his house, opening the front door again as to hold it open for Alison and, quite literally, throwing his bag inside before he returned back to her. "How are you feeling? Dizzy? Please let me help you get inside," He said as he reached out his hand to give her some support. He didn't want all of these people with her inside, they didn't have any business for something like that. "Do you feel weak? Would you prefer if I carried you inside?" A frown appeared on his face as he spoke. "I don't want you to fall, so if you feel really unwell please just tell me ok?" He tried to give her reassurance as much as possible, as some people did tend to hide away their issues... Until it was too late.
Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:02 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Try to fix you JS82q3hE_o
Try to fix you 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Oh no, the poor man was just leaving. She could only hope that he hadn't been on his way to something important, as that would most certainly have to wait now. Something he seemed to understand, but even if he wanted to argue there would be no room to do so with all the commotion happening around them. Alison realised all too well that she could be getting in the way of him tending to an actual emergency, but there was not much that she could do about it. She didn't blame the servants, really. Their jobs could very well be on the line if they gave her the benefit of the doubt and turned out wrong.

"I--" she started when he asked what had happened, but was interrupted by someone talking over her before she could finish her sentence. That some awfully careless child had let their ball roll onto the street, that she hadn't noticed it and tripped over it, hit her head and lost a lot of blood. She wasn't too sure she agreed with that last part, although she didn't really remember tripping over a ball either so maybe her opinion wasn't the most accurate one right now.

Thankfully they went inside, leaving the horde of people behind them. She took his hand as she stepped over the threshold, but did not feel the need to be carried in at all. "No, no, I'm fine, really." she insisted. The moment the words left her mouth, however, black spots started appearing in front of her eyes, clouding her gaze. She stumbled forward before she found her balance again, her eyes blinking heavily to try and clear her vision.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:35 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Try to fix you Untitled
Try to fix you Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
Clarence felt an anxious feeling creep up on him, something that came from deep inside his chest and took hold of his throat. Yet, despite those dreadful emotions, he kept on talking, kept on moving. Perhaps it was for the fact that he was used to working in high pressure situations, or maybe it was the rush of sudden adrenaline that kept him going. It wasn't that he was scared or that he was even nervous about the situation itself. All his feelings sprouted forth from one reason only; and that was for who the patient in this scenario was. It was not that he hated her, not at all. He was the type of person that could most likely never hate someone. It was that she made him uncomfortable, for reasons she wasn't even aware of. It wasn't every day that your unknown half-sister was bleeding out at your doorstep and all that. Oh well... So be life...

When he asked what happened, a servant responded for her. They stated that she fell due to a ball from a careless child. He blinked in surprise, as that was quite the careless move of everyone in this situation. However, he did hold his tongue. It wouldn't be wise to ask more questions about it than need be. He wasn't one to question others, especially in a scenario like this. Although he did keep it in the back of his mind, a critical way of looking it over one more time. Oh... Well... How she fell didn't really matter. How she had landed and what things she had hurt was more important. The essence of the statement was all he needed; she had fallen and was bleeding now. He nodded at the people with a deep frown of concern on his face.

He helped her inside, supporting her as much as possible when she took his hand. The frown only grew when she stated that she was fine. Well... She wasn't. He didn't need to be a doctor to make that conclusion. But Clarence kept his mouth shut about it. Some people were just like that, more than you would suspect. And as soon as she had finished what she said, he could feel her weight shift. Clarence shot forward as to properly catch her, wrapping his hands carefully along her shoulders as to keep her stable. "I got you," he said in a soft tune as he helped her to steady herself again. He waited for some seconds, until she seemed a bit clearer again, before carefully taking one hand from her. "We'll get you cleaned up and feeling better, ok?" He said calmly as he turned his head around.

He carefully guided her in his office. As he quickly looked around the room, he decided that perhaps a bad would be better. If she was already getting unstable, laying down might be the better thing. "We're heading for that bed, ok?" He said with a nod towards the thing. It was small and usually used more for observations than anything else, but it was something. He knew it wasn't all too comfortable, but he wouldn't allow her to take any more steps than necessary. As he kept his gaze carefully on her legs, sometimes glancing over at her face to see if her eyes were fine, he kept on guiding her. Still being rather close to her, as he was ready to catch her at any time, held her back. If she fell again, it wouldn't end well.
Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:54 pm
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