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Breathe (2AM)
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Isabella Rizal
Isabella Rizal
Breathe (2AM) O2i8rW
Breathe (2AM) ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F21e4e47e393118203a86b460f0af1d28%2Ftenor

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Herbalist / Diviner
Isabella looked at the sky with wistful eyes. It was already starting to get dark, even though it wasn't yet that late. The days were getting shorter and shorter each day. Fall was not her favorite season. Many plants retreated in their shell, although there were also unique plants that showed up now. She enjoyed the orange and red colors of the trees, but always got a little sad when seeing withering flowers. At least in her greenhouse at home everything was still lush and green. If those plants withered, bad things were about to happen. Isabella sat on a bench in the middle of the public royal gardens, a white flowery scarf wrapped around her shoulders. It was turning colder, but she did not yet want to go home. It was peaceful here. She knew these plants very well - she came here very often, after all - but they were not linked to anyone and as such, they did not have the same weight as the plants in her greenhouse. She did not feel guilty if they didn't look perfect, and she didn't have to analyze every part of their being so closely. She loved her magic, she truly did, but it could be exhausting sometimes.
@ Adaliah Ylindar
Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:15 pm
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