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Breathe in, breathe out
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out VJVDjoD
Breathe in, breathe out 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

It was that time again. Charles had worked days on end to get everything settled since he’d be gone for the next two. He couldn’t leave things unattended, that was the one thing he truly hated. Most of the things he got done, apart from a few minor things but they didn’t really matter. They weren’t of great importance in the next coming days. So that very morning he had spent a bit of time with his niece. Playing around with her until he started feeling weird. Putting down the little girl and giving her a kiss on her head. ’Be good to your daddy.’ He whispered softly against her head. Holding her closely. These were the things he would try and think about when he was down.

Clarence had been busy in his practice today. But from one moment to another, things got quite heavy for Charles. Making him pick at the scars on his wrists. He needed to get out of here, before he’d hurt someone. Something he could never live with that was certain. Swallowing down. Knocking on the door that divided the practice from the house. He wasn’t sure if there was someone else in there anymore. Mainly because his focus was all over the place right about now. Again he knocked, swallowing. ’Clarence? I.. It’s time.’ He spoke loud enough that his brother would hear him, trying to keep his emotions in check. This was already putting him through the ringer in this very instant.

That you wouldn't believe.
Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:24 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out Untitled
Breathe in, breathe out Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
With the coldest season before them, it had been extremely busy for him. With patients coming in unannounced with both stupid and reasonable reasons. SOme things almost made him roll his eyes, but he refrained from it. Only showing them a smile as he nodded and listened on to what they had to tell him. He would write them a prescription, give some even some self medicine and sometimes he would have to plan in some more drastic things, such as a surgery. He wasn't looking forward to preforming in this icy cold weather. It would result in death no matter what... But sometimes he didn't have a choice, as the patient and their family pressed on. It was the curse of being a doctor. Sometimes you had to do thing against your better judgement. Regardless of what the outcome might be, he had to try. For that sliver of hope, that one tiny chance it could be a cure. To try and fail... Or to try and succeed. It was the foundation of modern medicine and he hated it oh so much. They needed more security, they needed more. They still lost so many people to meaningless things, things that healing magic could fix with ease. In some regards it wasn't fair that such means could result in things Ashmoorians couldn't even dream of. So unfair...

Lost in his own thoughts he finished up some of his paperwork, his glasses neatly placed on his nose as he scribbled down some things. Writing what he had used that day and what he was running low on. He still had some patients that were coming in later today. Oh... Renestrae it was so darn busy. A sigh left his lips as he stopped for a moment, taking his glasses off before placing them down on his desk. He carefully placed his hands in his face, rubbing his temples slowly as he tried to regain his focus. He was getting awfully tired, he could feel it. He loved his job and would always get energy by doing it, but the social interactions really left him feeling drained. He couldn't help it, it was who he was. He had always been more of the introverted type, ever since he was a kid. It was perhaps one of the few downsides of his job.

He almost jumped in surprise when the heavy knocking could be heard, almost as if someone was ready to tear his door down. Clarence blinked in surprise as he stared at the place where the sound had came from. The heavy knocking was followed by a somewhat distressed voice, one that belonged to his brother. The doctor narrowed his eyes with a sigh, as he felt relief that it wasn't someone else. For a moment he regained himself, trying to restore his posture, before he stood up. Taking off his work coat as he did, placing it over the back of his seat. As he looked over his notes one more time, he nodded. He had some time now to see what was going on and if he could chain Charles up already. It had been months now, even years, but he still felt uneasy whenever he thought about it. To lock your own brother up every month. To hear his screams at night whenever you would pass the basement. It still made his skin crawl.

He opened the door carefully, first peaking through, before eventually opening it. His eyes looked over the other, noticing the redness on his arms from picking at his scars. A frown appeared on the mans face as he stepped forward, grabbing the others wrist without much warning, observing it so to be sure that it wasn't bleeding or had an infection. "You need to stop picking at it," he said, clearly somewhat annoyed with the other. "I'll wrap them back up if you don't," He would only make the scaring worse and that was the least he wanted. Not to even start about the fact that it could cause an infection if he wasn't careful. And those were pretty hard to get rid off. Sometimes he even had to amputate an arm or leg when infections got too bad. He didn't want any of that with his brother. Saving his life once was enough for him. It was better to prevent then to cure anyway. Clarence continued to observe the others arm, even trying to push his sleeve more back as to make sure he could get a good look. Maybe he should disinfect it at least a little bit. "Stay here," he said, before walking back in his office. He quickly grabbed some disinfectant and clean cloth. As he walked back, his focus went back to the other. "Sit down, I'll treat it first," Always so worried about everything and everyone, he couldn't help himself.
Tue Dec 13, 2022 6:37 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out VJVDjoD
Breathe in, breathe out 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

Hanging around with his family always did wonders for the man. It simply cheered him up. And while he had noticed that today was quite busy for his brother, a part of him had wished that he could join them in the fun. Though he understood that he couldn’t, and well maybe he enjoyed the time he spend with the smallest member of the family a bit too much. She simply was the cutest little thing, honestly to her he could never say no. The same counted for his own son, but that was something else entirely. That was simply the fatherly bond he felt for him. Didn’t mean they couldn’t bicker though, which was starting to happen more and more as of late. Not something he particularly liked, but he assumed that it was probably the age for it.

Yet, all good things came to an end. The moment he started that his emotions were getting the better of him, that his senses seemed to take over had been the moment to stop playing with his niece and turn to his brother instead. The only man that could help him with this, the only one that knew about his secret. About the curse that had fallen on him on the day of Ella’s birth. Something he still felt rather bad about if he thought about it too much. Clarence had missed the birth of his daughter due to him. Something he would never forgive himself for.

As the door finally opened up he swallowed. Ready to actually go down already. But Clarence had other plans, he grabbed his wrist and he instantly broke free of his hold again. Narrowing his eyes. Annoyance creeping up on him. With narrowed eyes he stared at the other, taking a deep breath to keep himself under control. ’Leave it alone, we have no time.’ He warned him as soon as the other tried pushing his sleeve back. But his brother was his brother, and while he loved him, right now he was putting himself and their family in danger by having him upstairs. ’Clarence, do it later when I’m back. I need to go downstairs, now.’

That you wouldn't believe.
Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:05 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out Untitled
Breathe in, breathe out Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
Charles was clearly agitated, as he pulled his hand away from him. It almost hurt his own wrist, as he didn't do it very carefully. The doctor looked over the others face for a moment, a concerned frown growing on his face as he held his breath. He was just... Worried. It was one of the things that had always been present with him, ever since he was just a little boy. He would often run to get help whenever someone fell... Or he would run to people who needed help. Everywhere he went, he always was prepared to lend a helping hand. Gentle in everything he did, it wasn't weird that he had responded like this... Right? His eyes went to the others gaze as he saw how annoyed he was. He rapidly blinked, averting his eyes for a moment. He looked back at his arms, feeling worry once more as he saw the redness. He just wanted to make sure he was fine... That was all.

Charles spoke up and the smaller man looked back up at him. It was a warning, one for their own safety. He knew all too well that tonight was a full moon. His brother would become a monster once more... But... Did that mean that he had to lack in regards of care? Monster or not, he would always be his brother. Through every hardship, through every fight and through every shocking new revelation in their life. He slowly nodded as the man went on, saying he could do it later. Yea... he could. His eyes went over the others arm again, biting his lip as he did. He had to go downstairs... "I-" he held himself from continuing on, forcing his body to stay put, as he wanted to reach out one more time. He wanted to tell him there was time and that he could do it. Just take a deep breath and relax. He wanted to hush his brother, tell him it would all be fine. But even the gentleness that Clarence within him wasn't enough to soothe the other when those nights were near. "Sure, let's go," He said with a nod, putting everything down on the table next to him.

He stepped away, walking to a cabinet in the corner of the room. As he opened it he let his finger go over a collection of keys, carefully selecting a number of them, before closing it again. He looked at Charles for a moment, a worried look on his face, yet trying to show him a soft smile. Something that would hopefully tell the other he would be fine. Because he would be, he would make sure he was. He turned around, walking out the room, down the hall, turning at another hall and walking down it. At the end was a single door to be found. As Clarence put one of the keys in the keyhole, he quickly opened it up. The familiar creaking sound of the wood echoed through the hall and he slowly tilted his head. As he took a step back and grabbed an oil lamp that was standing on top of a small closet next to the entrance of the basement. The man put the thing on and checked if there was enough oil in it, before going down the stairs.

A second door was found at the end of the stair and he opened that one too. Although this one had many more locks and was enforced, it was clear that it could keep something in... Or perhaps keep something out of the house. As he carefully removed every lock, he sighed. He didn't like doing this. These hands that were meant to heal, weren't created to put someone through such things. Yet, as his only guardian, he couldn't do nothing. After some time he opened the door, stepping inside the basement as he slowly put down the oil lamp on a wooden table. The room was scarcely decorated, but it had essentials. Clarence looked over some of the furniture, checking it for damage to make sure his brother wouldn't get hurt, before checking if the water was still running. It was... Good. He nodded and started to lit up some of the lamps in the room, awaiting for Charles to join him. The chains at the furthest side of the room would be his prison for the next few hours to come. And even though he didn't need to go through all that, it still pained him to think about it. So he didn't look at it. He just kept doing his work, making sure that he would be as comfortable through at all, as he always did.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:48 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out VJVDjoD
Breathe in, breathe out 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

He’d regret how he had acted later, that much he knew. But right now, he simply couldn’t help it. He needed to go downstairs, before accidents would happen. There was no time to mend the little wounds on his arms, shooting his brother a look that consisted of mixed emotions. Apologetic, annoyed. He hated this. Why did it have to happen to him of all people? What had he done to have this happen to him? It made life so much more difficult, for him, for those around him. It simply wasn’t fair, it didn’t make sense. When Clarence seemed convinced enough, they started moving. Soon enough, following the other into the dungeon of hell. He knew that Clarence didn’t like this. No sane person would like this. And of course he was grateful for everything his brother did for him, something he could never repay him for.

That creaking sound. One of the sounds he hated most of all. Making a shiver shoot over his spine. He still got scared. Not because of the fact that he was locked in, but the pain, the loneliness. It was something that weighed down on him each and every day. Certainly when the day approached that he was forced to go down. Shortly he rubbed his cheeks. Swallowing again, as they went further down. Darkness now surrounding them. Something he had grown fond of during these times.

Once his brother started with unlocking all the different locks, he leaned back. The cold of the wall against his back, it felt soothing in a way. It lasted for a little bit, but he was used to it. Just the confinement of the basement already, brought some ease weirdly. As the door opened up, he followed the other inside. Watching him check everything. Which caused a faint smile to appear. Another deep breath followed. ’Everything works fine Clarence.’ He whispered ever so softly, staring at the ground. Maybe this was the part that he hated most. Being chained up, seeing that door fall shut. Being closed off from everything he held dear.

That you wouldn't believe.
Wed Dec 28, 2022 2:51 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out Untitled
Breathe in, breathe out Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
It wasn't that he was a perfectionist. No... By far even. He just wanted everything to be safe for them and comfortable for his brother. His hands carefully went over the light sources, checking that there was enough oil so that he wouldn't spend the entire night in the dark. He also checked if they were still tightly adjusted to the wall. The last thing he wanted was for a fire to start in the basement while his brother was down here. As he carefully worked, a sombre expression fell over him. He did not want this, but he didn't have much of a choice. Neither of them had. It was the best possible scenario they had at the moment. Charles was alive and Clarence was here to help him, protect him. When he looked up from his work he could see the other. He forced himself to show him a smile, but it still had a sort of saddened tone to it. He couldn't help himself, he had always been a very emotional kind of person. One could always read his face as an open book.

Charles spoke and the smaller man nodded carefully, before pulling his hands away from the last lamp he checked. "Let me just-" He stepped away as he turned to the wall where his brother would be chained up against. Clarence had always made sure there were pillows and sheets nearby so that at least he could be comfortable. It was no prison, after all... He never wanted it to be. He knew this place was like hell to the other, so in his own way, he tried to make it better. But every time when he cleaned up the room after one of his brother rampages, the fabrics seemed to get the worst of it. As the young man went through his knees to arrange some of the blankets he had already prepared, he tilted his head. "Be sure to keep yourself warm after you..." He held his breath for a moment, blinking rapidly as his hands carefully arranged some of the things so that Charles could reach them while he was chained. He shook his head. "I've had a lot of flu cases recently, so keep yourself warm, please," That wasn't the real reason. He just didn't want his brother to be cold, especially now that it was winter. Here down in the stone cold basement, it wasn't pleasant to spend a night. But Clarence knew he couldn't speak for the other. Perhaps being a monster prevented you from getting cold...

He slowly rose to his feet, making sure that some other things were in reach for the other. Especially water. It was one of the most essential things to a human, vital even. Perhaps he wouldn't need it at night, but he always made sure that he was able to drink... For after... Or before. After Clarence made sure everything was safe and neatly adjusted he nodded. "Okay..." He said, trying to sound energetic but failing horribly. He stepped to the chains, carefully opening each of them up with one of the keys he had. "Ready?"
Wed Dec 28, 2022 8:44 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out VJVDjoD
Breathe in, breathe out 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

Those little things that his brother took care of down here in the basement. It was what he was most grateful for each time he had to come down here. Clarence tried to make this place more liveable even if it was for two days a month. But it was appreciated. Mainly because he had to come down here each time, when it was dark, cold and wet. Then he’d be even more uncomfortable to begin with. Not that he was very comfortable right now. But, in the end it could be a hell of a lot worse. And it wasn’t. Thanks to his brother.

His brother fell still and he swallowed. Keeping silent a bit longer, letting the other do what he had set out to do. A soft smile even curling around his lips in a moment of pure clarity it seemed. ’I can keep myself pretty warm when I change.. But I will keep it in mind. No flu will take me down, I promise.’ Trying to reassure the other, briefly squeezing his shoulder. He was almost never cold during his shift, anything but really. Though he had no clue if it had something to do with the actual shift or the mere pain it caused him each and every time. In his mind it was the first.

He stepped forward when his brother did. Looking him in the eyes. ’Never. But it has to happen. For your safety and that of the kids.’ He reassured the other again. Stretching out one arm first, looking at the chains and swallowing. Another night full of pain. He hated this. Why him of all people? A soft sigh slipped his lips. ’I’ll be okay. And in two days you can check out my arms okay?’

That you wouldn't believe.
Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:40 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out Untitled
Breathe in, breathe out Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
Some would say that he was a softie, too weak to even function in this world. And perhaps they were right, because sometimes he really felt like he couldn't do it. Getting up in the morning to only come face to face with such horrid things while trying to keep a smile on his face. To be that one good thing they would see in a day... Or a week. He just tried to be as good as he could be, treat others as he wanted to be treated. With kindness and a gentle hand. It was the whole reason why the man put so much time in everything he did. He never did things half assed, because he wasn't the type of person to let someone down. He wasn't the type of person to let someone suffer. If he could just help, he would, always. And for the people he cared so much for it was a given that he did so. The basement that was meant as a prison for his brother didn't look like one at first sight. Because... Clarence couldn't bear the thought of actually putting him in such a room. But he knew the necessity of the situation. He was no idiot... And sometimes he wished he was one. Because if he was born stupid, then perhaps he could live in such blissful unawareness. Just living the day as it came. But with him the thoughts and worry never stopped. For every situation had a wrong turn and happy endings... Well, they never lasted...

He looked at his brother for a moment, holding the chains somewhat up as he did. He tried to smile, but the action looked fake on his expressive face. He was never good at being... Fake. People could see right through him, he was an open book after all. Things like lying, acting or anything that required him to hold up a mask didn't work for him. For he simply was just... Clarence. A man who wore his heart on his sleeve. And even though he tried... He really did... It just didn't sell. A promise was made to him and the doctor averted his gaze for a moment. All he could do was give him advice... Professional advice. What the other did was up to him. After all, he couldn't enter the basement for two days until the curse wore off. The soft squeeze made him look up at the other. He slowly blinked at him, nodding carefully so. "Ok..." he said softly, trying to hold back his emotions in the tone of his voice. He took a deep breath, swallowing some of those... Wild thoughts that pestered his mind. He had to keep them at bay for now. Once he was out he could cry. He didn't want to, not in front of Charles at least. Not on an evening like this. He already had enough on his mind, he was sure of that. And even though he would never know what it would be like to be a lycantrope, he could only imagine the pain the other went through. Mentally and physically. And it... Pained him in return, for he didn't want him to suffer like that. But he was powerless... All he could do was put the chains on and lock the doors... It was the only cure he could prescribe for the others troubles.

It was admirable how the other could find the right words even though he was going through this. Clarence nodded once again, listening to him as he took his arm in his hand and pulled it somewhat closer, locking the chain in place with a motion that shouldn't be this familiar to him. Yet, after all those months... Years... He did it just as smoothly as the rest of the routine. The man slowly moved the other arm somewhat to check the stability of the lock and the pressure it had on his wrists, before stepping to the other side. He looked at him for a moment, but averted his gaze as quickly as he did. He grabbed the next chain and unlocked it. His hands fiddled at the shackles, before he finally held out his hand as to invite the others arm in to its prison. "As if I wasn't going to do that already," He said with a small smile, looking up at his twin for a moment. He tilted his head somewhat as that smile faded rather swiftly. "You know..." he whispered as his eyes trailed back to the others arm. "I wouldn't mind keeping you company if you think that would sooth the pain a bit..." He was locked up, so technically speaking he would be safe if he was down here... Right? They could get some extra chains, just for safety... But maybe the sight of a loved one could bring some ease to the mind once he was... A monster. If he couldn't cure, he could treat the symptoms... Right...? It was stupid to think such things, he knew that. He wasn't dealing with a common cold or a belly ache. This was a curse, something that laid deeper then just some infected blood. But that was who he was. A fool who just wanted to make the world a bit better, even if it meant sacrificing himself in the process. Beside... He would only have to face a beast once a month... It wasn't that bad... Right?
Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:47 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out VJVDjoD
Breathe in, breathe out 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

His brother was a worrier. They both were. The brothers were so alike, yet so different at the same time. It was something that everyone noticed. But it was what made them stronger together as well. Where his brother always wanted to help out no matter what cost, Charles was the one to hold him back. Often making the other rethink the situation. Though most of the time they did whatever they wanted, which was normal as well. But in the end, the two were as thick as thieves. One holding the other back if things started to become too dicey. In either their line of work. Charles might deal with their family and the burden of that secret of the Duchess more, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t as heavy on his brother too. He just simply had a more realistic perspective on everything, while his brother tended to think of things more positively. Too positive one could say. But he loved him for it.

A nod followed, and Charles smiled at him. A bit wryly. Which had more to do with how he was feeling in general right about now. But he tried, he tried his best for his brother in the hope he could put his mind to ease. Would it work? No. Would he keep trying? Always. As Clarence was done with the first chain he softly hummed, shortly pulling at it with the chained arm. It was locked tight. Which was good. Very good even. When the second chain was presented he put his arm in it. Reluctantly. But he did. This was routine for them. Not the nice kind, but it had to happen. For the sake of the other people in the house.

Shortly he chuckled at his words. Of course, he was. He always did something like that after his two days down here. But as his next words resounded he raised a brow. Jaw tensing up. ’Why would you risk that? Who's going to take care of Ella and Isaac?’ He started rattling. He wasn’t sure if it would help, but he doubted that it would do much good. ’What if I get free? You wouldn’t be able to escape. Not in time..’ His breathing grew more shallow again. A panic settled in his chest. ’I love you Clarence.. But I don’t think that would be smart. For your own sake.’ No, Charles was deadly afraid of hurting the other if he stayed down there with him. He couldn’t let something like that happen.

That you wouldn't believe.

Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:51 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
Breathe in, breathe out Untitled
Breathe in, breathe out Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
Clarence had always been the positive one. The emotional one as well. A dreamer, a bit of a soft boy as his father would tell him over and over. He had always been more for the happy ever after, the fairytale endings and a true loves kiss. He believed in the best of people, despite every red flag that would appear in front of him. And he cared. He cared so deeply for each and every person that it almost became problematic sometime. If he could just make the world a better place for someone, even by the tiniest bit, he would grab that with both hands. It was the whole reason why had chosen to become a doctor. He wanted to help others as much as he could. It was also why he worked tirelessly in other places as well, such as the orphanage. If only he had infinite time and energy, he could try to fix the world for everyone. Cause everyone deserved a better chance in life.

So his offer... The words he had spoken, they came from a place of genuine care and concern. He knew how this affected the other, how painful his curse was. If only he could take away a sliver of that pain by simply being here with him, he would do it. Once again proving that he took the wellbeing of another above himself. Charles spoke up about it and the smaller man averted his eyes, slowly working at the chain to adjust it to his remaining hand. Ella and Isaac... Right. His brother went on to state that he wouldn't be able to get out in time. Being smart and all that. He kept his focus on the chain as he slowly locked it up. Hearing those words from the other hurt him more than he had anticipated, because it showed that the other had such a pure heart as well, just... slightly different than his own. "I just don't want you to suffer," he mumbled softly as to justify the wreck less offer he had made.

He pulled at the final lock, checking if everything was locked properly, before taking a step back. "I wish there was more to find about your condition," he said softly, sighing slightly as he looked up at the ceiling. He had looked for books, over and over again. Yet, he hadn't found anything on it. All he could find was that the curse was incurable and highly dangerous. An encounter with a lycan was usually met by either death or infection. "If you don't want me to stay then-" he paused for a moment as he slowly looked back at his twin. "Is there anything else I can do?" He would already prepare the others favorite meal for when he got back, make sure he had a warm bath and a clean bath to return to after the torture. But if there were anything to make this hell a bit more bearable for him, he would go to the end of the world to get it for him.
Thu Apr 06, 2023 11:22 am
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