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mn emo komt alexander ff intellectueel in elkaar meppen - ro
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Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
mn emo komt alexander ff intellectueel in elkaar meppen - ro EK3xGIZ
mn emo komt alexander ff intellectueel in elkaar meppen - ro Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander was in the library today. A place he frequented quite a lot, actually. Because well, he is an inventor after all, And thus he often needed lots of information about all kinds of things. Though, he would be lying if he didn't always read the most instructive books. He did like to read novels from time to time-okay, perhaps most of the time. But he really couldn't help himself! Especially the ones with the romance. Alexander wasn't really looking for love. But he did like to read about it. He even imagines himself as the woman sometimes. Because by golly-some of them were just so well written. Alexander felt that he knew some of heroines in the books he read better than himself. The young lord chuckled to himself. Perhaps if his love for inventing wasn't so great. He would aspire to be a writer. Writing the same sort of novels he loved to read. With the female leads he fantasied about being.

The young man scanned the bookcase he was standing in front of. He was looking for a very particular sort of book. Not a novel. No, but a collection filled with poems. One that were quite old. That was what made them so interesting. Alexander didn't normally read poems. He didn't quite fancy them as much. But perhaps he should look into them more. Because, well, writing a novel would be too much work. Something he couldn't really combine with his main hobby. But poems-they were short. Very short usually. And yet they were able to awake emotion in the reader (if done right) So perhaps that was just too the for him! It was worth further inspection at the very least. Though it seemed that Alexander wasn't the only one in want of that particular edition. For right when he wanted to wrap his long slender fingers around the cover frame. He noticed another hand reaching for the book as well. Quickly, Alexander moved his hand back. Especially after he noticed that the other party was a woman. "First edition of Stream of Thought by the esteemed author Antonette Hilll, you have good taste, my lady." He said with a friendly smile. But he did take a step back. So give her some more space. "So please have it, I'll rent it another time." Or maybe he would look at similar books like it. He really only wanted this one because he had heard good things about it before. A reason the young lady before him probably didn't have. The Preston couldn't put his finger on it. But the woman looked like the intellectual type. One that would actually enjoy the book on a far deeper level than he ever could.
Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:17 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
mn emo komt alexander ff intellectueel in elkaar meppen - ro E8q58DG
mn emo komt alexander ff intellectueel in elkaar meppen - ro 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
The Great Library was one of the only places were Vivienne could find what she truly wanted: silence and books. She adored the quiet atmosphere that the library offered, the air littered with intellect of her peers. The girl spent hours there, it was no secret. If she wasn't to be found at the Aphelion estate this was the next place one would check. Not that Vivienne preferred it, she'd much rather be left unbothered by societal obligations.

Today she had ventured into a section full of poetry. It wasn't something she enjoyed on the daily, yet sometimes she wished to read something non-philosophical. Poetry consisted of clever metaphors, anitheses and observations that were mostly left discovered. What wasn't to love? As she reached for a particular favourite of hers, she noticed another hand doing the same. She quickly withdrew, turning around to see who the other person was. The tall man was quick to compliment her and seemed to have lordly manners too. "It's quite all right." Vivienne said with a sigh as she looked at him. "I've read it countless of times already." She admitted as she reached for the book again. "You should rent it instead." She offered as she held out the book to him. He looked like he was just as well-off as her, but she had never seen him before. Then again, she usually didn't bother to integrate at lively social events, so not knowing him wasn't a complete surprise.

Mon Dec 12, 2022 3:19 pm
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