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Like a Meteorite
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Sarya Elaris
Sarya Elaris
Nienn Bean
Like a Meteorite SD0Rn2iW_o
Like a Meteorite B4e1f588747e9d0a0d70def267c8f3778a408681

Character sheet
Age: 30 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Fugitive
You don't believe in one divine, but can you tell me you believe in mine?
After spending a long day walking through the city of Al-Qahil, keeping an eye out for suspicious activities, the sisters decided to meet with each other again at a local bathhouse. To spend the rest of the day relaxing in the warm waters. Sarya had also made her way over to that place, but she was, as usual, a little overdressed for the occasion. She wore a little black silk dress, one that was to knee length with a slit on her left leg. But it perfectly shaped her slightly rounded body.

There were many rooms within the bathhouse, but not all of them had baths in them. Some were simply for relaxing. And, while most of the sisters scattered towards the rooms with water in them, Sarya chose the room where music was being played. Somehow, she had always been more attracted to music. Not a lot of people were dancing to it, which meant that she wasn’t going to either. If anything, she never liked to draw too much attention to herself. She grabbed herself a drink from one of the tables before heading towards the little corner where she could usually enjoy the evening without being too much out in the open. Yet, then, she suddenly noticed at the last moment that someone had been occupying her usual spot. Her brown eyes shot up to look at him as she stopped herself. But he had already seen her, so she couldn’t let anything show. ”Good evening.” She said, not realizing that casually standing there wasn’t helping her case either. Quickly she looked back at the few dancing people before eventually letting her eyes go back to the darker skinned elf. Showing a rare slight hint of insecurity in that moment, before lifting the cup towards her mouth to take a sip.

Sun Nov 06, 2022 9:53 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Altaïr Faez
Altaïr Faez
Like a Meteorite Grayscale-photo-mountains-valle-d-aosta-wallpaper
Like a Meteorite Unknown

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: General of the Crimson Dawn
everything I've ever let go has claw marks on it
Altaïr had rarely a moment of time for himself to spend away from his duties. He had just returned from a shift from a few weeks at the oasis, and in the few blissful hours of switching locations, he had an opportunity to relax. It felt like an actual reward to get away from it all, to wear simple satin robes and feel a bit like a normal person again.

So the sun elf had made his way to a local bathhouse. It was nothing too fancy, but it was people enjoying themselves in steaming, hot rooms, letting their weary muscles rest. Altaïr did not feel like boiling himself in a hot bath after he had been boiling out by the oasis for weeks, so he took a turn to the room where the sound of music was luring him in. He pushed past some people talking around the corners of the room, and his eyes darted over the people who were dancing. He narrowed his eyes for a while and in a force of habit he scanned the room, looking for possible escape routes and shady figures. But it was just tipsy people having some harmless fun, but it was hard to ignore habits.

He took place in a corner after he had grabbed a way too sweet drink, but he drank it anyway. He just absently wiped his bottom lip when a woman approached him. A quick look was enough that this was a gorgeous woman and she knew it. He quickly looked up at her eyes as she greeted him and somehow spotted some... was it nerves? ‘‘Good evening,’’ he responded. He tilted his head to the side for a bit as nothing followed, as he almost had expected as she had greeted him in the first place. He gave a weak smile and made room at the small table where he was sitting. ‘‘Care to join me? Or do you plan standing there all night?’’ A small hint of a smile was shimmering in his eyes. And why should he not enjoy himself for one evening. To royal family would expect him in the morning. The rest of the guards that had traveled with him were probably also scattered in the city.
I never had the chance to be soft. I was always bloody knuckles and shards of glass. I wanted people to be afraid of hurting me.

Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:48 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sarya Elaris
Sarya Elaris
Nienn Bean
Like a Meteorite SD0Rn2iW_o
Like a Meteorite B4e1f588747e9d0a0d70def267c8f3778a408681

Character sheet
Age: 30 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Fugitive
You don't believe in one divine, but can you tell me you believe in mine?
Sarya didn’t all too often join the sisters when they made their way into the capital city of Al-Quahil, but she had joined them enough times to remember this bathhouse. It was a common space for them to relax after a long day of scouting the city. And she knew most of the daily visitors here well enough, even if she had never talked to a lot of them. Because well, most of the sisters were, at heart, observers.

This dark skinned elf, however, was one she had never seen here before, and maybe because of that very reason, she was thrown off her horse for a moment, or well, metaphorically speaking of course. Only giving him a simple ‘good evening’, before letting her eyes go towards the dancefloor. Yet, it had been clear from the very beginning that she had intended to sit at the place he was sitting, and she was now trying not to let that show. When he started talking again, he looked back at him. For a moment showing that rare notion of shyness in her actions. Not that Sarya was a shy person, maybe deep down, but once she warmed up to someone she was far less shy then people often believed her to be. And she was definitely not a saint.

During her glance, she had already noticed the strong posture of the man, because how could she not? It wasn’t something someone could easily overlook, and well, she could certainly appreciate it. After a short moment of silence, and consideration, she moved away from her spot and silently took place at the table. Moving with such feminine grace that it was quite hard not to notice her rounded curves and the flexibility of her hips. ”I haven’t seen you here before?” She softly asked, not showing any slight bit of hostility towards him. And well, she made it seem like a question, but she knew for a fact that she had seen him here before. Yet, something inside of her told her she had seen his face somewhere. She just couldn’t place it. Maybe he was an important figure?

Sat Nov 26, 2022 10:14 am
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