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Raelynn Vylasar
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Lemuria Citizen
Raelynn Vylasar
Raelynn Vylasar
Raelynn Vylasar  Hzqs3Ji
Raelynn Vylasar  FyhCTdN

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

Raelynn Vylasar
I know you know
Gender Female
Age 20 years
Species Sorcerer
Magic Summoning
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Apprentice
P.O.B Moonbright
Residence Lythrania
Height 1m61
Build Slim
Hair color Black
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Toned


Raelynn isn't a tall woman; she is quite short, actually. Yet she appears quite tall. That's because of her slender figure, with long limbs. It's due to her history with food scarcity that she remained small. The need to steal food and the need to be creative about it to be able to get away with it forced her to become strong and quite muscular for a woman. She was forced to run a lot, climb a lot, jump and crawl—everything that was needed to get away with stealing food and other necessities to live and survive. Everything to make sure that her mother wouldn't have to work so much.

Yes, you can say that Raelynn is an attractive-looking woman. Especially now that she doesn't have to look filthy and poor anymore. Now that she has the privilege to clean her body daily, take care of her dark hair, and wear pretty clothes, she actually appears to be very beautiful and desirable. Not that she wants to wear those pretty clothes because it feels absolutely wrong. That's why she wears darker colors, with hints of blue because it represents her family name. She tries her best to avoid dresses, which is hard. Anything to hide her feminine features.

She keeps her hair at shoulder length, never really allowing it to grow longer. She likes to hide her face behind her ashy black hair. Her eye color is blue-greyish with dark, long eyelashes. Her eyebrows are subtle yet defined, and her upper lip is significantly smaller than her lower lip. She has pronounced cheekbones, which in turn refers to her past in poverty.

Raelynn carries herself closed-off and defensive, a learned attitude that has helped her avoid having to follow in her mother's footsteps. She always looks a little angry, neutral, grumpy, actually anything but happy, or something that radiates vulnerability. It's also a mask she learned to master to a point that it's really hard to unlearn it. But when her mask does slip, her smile is truly sweet and precious.
Constellation The Twins
Alignment Neutral

Raelynn’s life has been an unrelenting journey through trauma, shaping her personality as a means of self-preservation. The constant struggling has left her uncertain about her true self. She questions the person she was meant to be, feeling lost and unsure. What if she was meant to be spontaneous and outgoing, a social woman who is beautiful and elegant. A woman who is liked and respected by many? Instead, her situation forced her down a entirely different path.

Despite her suffering past, one constant in her personality is her unshakable caring nature. She deeply cares for het mother and brother, to the extent that she has done things she would’ve never imagined. However, this caring side is accompanied by a tumultuous emotional hurricane. Raelynn can be withdrawn, easily angered, or unable to regulate her feelings. Her personality is like a boiling volcano, ready to burst. She struggles to express her emotions. Being placed in a seemingly safe environment, a complete strange environment, doesn’t make her feel secure; she remains a vigilant, watchful person, expecting danger around every corner.

Raelynn’s constant unease and anciety make her appear guarded and defensive. She often avoids eye contact, speaks in a monotone, soft voice, and shies away from social situations. In contrast to her more outgoing brother, she values her privacy.
In an attempt to find a peace of mind, Raelynn often seeks ways to escape her turmoil, which can result in self-destructive, damaging behaviour. The stillness within her room can be stifling, while the strange loudness outside her room makes her feel both small and as if she’s under constant scrutiny, haunted by her past actions.
Family Tree


father Sanford Vylasar
mother Harly Seymour


Twin Brother Raeghan Vylasar
Magic type Sorcery
Expertise Summoning

Raelynn found out about her power because of her brother, Raeghan, who had discovered his power quite recently and wouldn't shut up about it. Raelynn had always felt a certain type of energy within herself. She actively tried the same things as her twin brother. She found a huge branch, spilled her own blood onto it, spoke to it, danced, slammed it against a tree, threw it away—anything really. Nothing happened. Until she was carving the branch for other purposes, talking to herself about all the things that bothered her. She stroked the branch, and a squirrel came into light. A white flying squirrel, a female, to be exact.

She instantly knew what it might mean for her and her brother. It was common knowledge that summoning celestial familiars came from the sorcerer bloodline of the Vylasars. Her mother was a common whore, which meant that someone from that bloodline was probably their father. Yet she felt warmth inside of her, looking at the tiny creature.

The squirrel is an animal of resourcefulness and preparation. She felt an instant connection with her flying squirrel, and it made her feel stronger. But she knew that she had to keep it a secret. So that's exactly what she did. She kept her branch, which had become her staff. It was only when Raelynn was certain that she was alone that she would call upon her celestial familiar, which would go by the name Acorn. By keeping this part secret and inside herself, she never truly learned what it meant and how to control it. Acorn would react to her emotions, help her flee from situations, and cheer her up.

It seemed that her familiar was the complete opposite of her brother's familiar. Her familiar fits her personality, hidden deep inside her. Thus far, Acorn has helped her to find quick routes to flee dangerous situations, to remain hidden, and to stalk people without being discovered. Acorn has also helped to find food for her family.

And now, she is learning what else she and Acorn can mean to each other.
A set of twins were brought into this world during a harvest moon and under the gaze of The Twins. How ironic. Their baby blue eyes are big and filled with pure innocence. That’s what being a newborn baby means. Innocence is a chance to break cycles. But they never stood a chance. The world they were born into was cruel and unfair. Their mother was a common whore, not by choice, but forced so she could provide herself with a roof above her head, food, and clothing. Nothing is fair about that. The set of twins consisted of a little boy and a little girl. She was a girl. She was given the name Raelynn with her mother’s surname; Seymour. A name of nothing. There was no chance for her to have a life that would bring her happiness. No, with her being a girl, it was clear what the future would hold for her. And that was something her mother realized from the moment she laid her happy, yet sad eyes on her.

Now, with two babies to provide for, their mother was hardly present to take care of them. Her mother was working double, simply so she could provide for herself and her babies. Friends of their mother took care of them every moment their mother was away. From the moment she and her brother were able to walk and talk, they belonged to the streets. Her brother thrived on the streets and learned to steal, plunder, and rob people. He brought food and money to the house. Raelynn tried this as well, but she was only good at stealing food, especially the fleeing part. She also mastered begging. She was a little girl, she was cute, and people couldn’t help but give her bits of food or some coins. She didn’t thrive as her twin brother did. And her brother didn’t want her to, and neither did her mother because it was too dangerous. Those were also the lessons her mother taught her. Her mother warned her about bad people, especially bad men. So, Raelynn helped with little tasks in the brothel, or she practiced to be invisible, climbing, spying, and every now and then when there was an opportunity, she would steal and run.

Raelynn was quick, good at climbing, very quiet, and stealthy. Raelynn was growing up slowly. She used to be mistaken for a little boy every now and then, but that hardly happened anymore. It was obvious that she was a little girl. Again, she was out, begging for food and coins, and there was this man. He laid his eyes on her, kneeled in front of her, and started to ask questions. Who was she? What was a pretty little girl doing out here on the streets? Where were her parents? It felt wrong because he was asking a lot of questions. Raelynn felt uncomfortable. She wasn’t like her brother. She didn’t kick and fight when she felt uncomfortable. She went quiet. The man reached and grabbed her by the arm. He was saying things like, ‘come now. I can give you a better life. You won’t need to beg anymore and will wear pretty clothes…’ no this was wrong. She didn’t want to leave her mother and brother. She pulled back, but the man’s grip was firm and she was small and thin. There was one way out of this. She had to pretend. So she stopped trying to free herself. She waited patiently as she started to walk beside him willingly until she felt his grip loosen. Again she pulled and started to run immediately. The man was angry and yelled, but as soon as other people started to get curious, he stopped trying to get her back. Raelynn had already climbed on top of a roof, where she remained hidden for most of the day.

Bad men. Dealing with bad men had become a habit. It was the kind of man her mother kept warning her about. It wasn’t safe for Raelynn to play outside with friends. She hated the feeling of being prey, never being safe. Yes, she was still a child, a young one at that, but men didn’t care about that. That’s why Raelynn wanted to grow stronger. Her brother was strong. Her brother fought a lot and returned home filled with bruises. She never really knew what he did. Well, she knew he brought back food, money, other things of value, and even a little toy for his sister. In her world, her brother was the only male figure she could trust. It was clear that her brother got into a lot of trouble, fights, and whatnot. Raelynn was worried, but he would always tell her not to be worried. But she was worried. Worried about him, her mother, and her own life. She needed to grow stronger. She needed to be able to defend herself in some ways.

But she couldn’t fight. What she could do was climb. So that’s exactly what she did. She climbed. The higher, the better. It did make her stronger. Now she would climb places simply to observe other people. She started to follow her brother. He could fight, so she wanted to see what he did. She also followed other kids who went to the streets to steal and fight. She saw how people fought, blood being spilled, and she saw her brother inflicting the bleeding wounds. Raelynn didn’t know what to think or feel. She didn’t know her brother like that. But it seemed like a necessity to fight like that. Raelynn practiced for herself. She practiced moves she’d seen, she hit trees and walls, softly at first, only to learn to hit harder. She practiced kicks. She ran. Jumped. Did anything to feel like she would be able to maybe defend herself.

It was one day when she and her brother had come to the ripe age of twelve. For him, it meant becoming a man. For her, it meant becoming a woman. A desirable woman. She knew how people looked at her. The way her mother had started to talk to her also made her well aware of what was inevitable. She’d fled the brothel to hide outside. She was afraid, crying, and wishing for another life. Then she noticed some violent noises coming from a street corner. She moved closer to the scene. She was on a rooftop, looking down and watching her brother being kicked. He was on the ground and Raelynn wanted to intervene. Something unthinkable happened. Everything happened so fast, and she didn't know how, but a creature emerged. The creature held the form of a crocodile, glowing with stars. Raelynn couldn’t believe her eyes. The kids fled the scene, and Raelynn wanted to climb down to help her brother. But she didn’t. There was something about her brother, the creature, that kept her hidden. She felt ashamed.

She started to think about what this might mean. She knew what her brother was doing, trying to summon the creature again. Raelynn, on the other hand, started to spy on other people, higher people. She knew the stories about sorcery and other types of magic. And through conversations held between people, she learned about the Vylasar family, a family of sorcery and especially summoning celestial familiars. She knew what it would mean, and she didn’t want anyone to know. That wouldn’t happen, for her brother wasn’t even trying to keep it hidden. He told her and her mother like it was something fantastic. Raelynn didn’t trust it for one bit. But she wondered what it would mean for her. Her brother learned to summon his crocodile, and Raelynn tried to do exactly the same. She found a branch and moved it around. She danced, used it as a sword, and threw it in the sky to catch it again, which went wrong a couple of times. She kept trying. Eventually, it did happen. She summoned it by stroking the branch miserably like she’d given up. It was those feelings she felt while she was stroking the branch and the words she spoke with energy-filled emotions. She was talking to the branch, literally begging for something to happen, and that’s when Acorn appeared. A flying squirrel, glowing with stars and a silver glow. This reminded her of a full moon brightening up the streets. She was taken aback. And because of that, the squirrel disappeared again.

So that was the feeling she’d felt for all those years without understanding its meaning. She and her brother were Vylasar Sorcerers. Over time they grew, and so did their celestial familiars. Especially her twin brother's familiar grew. His crocodile was terrifyingly huge. She wasn’t afraid, but their mother was. Raelynn still kept her part in this secret. Acorn, her flying squirrel, was her little secret. Her twin brother used his familiar to gain control. He got into all sorts of problems. Raelynn prayed for her brother to be safe. She worked inside the brothel where her mother worked too. She cleaned the beds, did room service, and helped in the kitchen. Sometimes men would ask for someone as young as she was. This started to happen more often, and it became more difficult to avoid this kind of work. She wasn’t a whore, but she seemed to be the only one to truly believe this. She would become a whore. It was inevitable. Yet her brother didn’t want her to set foot on this path. So, together they got into crime. He would distract people, and Raelynn would get anything she could get her hands on and flee with her lootings. This way of living prevented her from having to do the same work their mother did.

Her brother was gaining more power on the streets. He was becoming someone to be respected and feared. This affected their lives for the better. But for how long could this go well? She was worried, and so was their mother. They were growing more mature by the day, and Raeghan got into trouble with authorities more and more. Eventually, her gut feeling was confirmed. They were 18 years now. Raelynn blamed herself. Her twin brother had been caught and was slammed behind bars. He was a criminal, and she didn’t know when she would ever see him again. Twin bonding was the thing that existed, and she’d felt like he was the reason she’d been safe for so long. Well, she was a true woman now, and she couldn’t do the stealing on her own. There was no income whatsoever anymore. It was time for Raelynn to be what she was supposed to be. She couldn’t look in the mirror. She couldn’t say the words out loud.

The brothel felt different now. She wasn’t a little girl anymore, and there were other girls who’d taken her position in the kitchen, cleaning beds, and doing room service. She was disgusted by the revealing clothes she had to wear. Thin layers of cheap lace covered her body. Her mother was less desirable now. For Raelynn was young and pretty, her mother was seen as old and expired. Those filthy men her mother had warned her about wanted her now. Her mother helped her through it by giving her certain herbs and oils that would make her feel… well, less. But she felt everything. She felt every single touch, sting, and force. The days passed as a blur. There was no more fleeing, no more hiding. She would seek a safe place inside her own head now. Imagine herself climbing with her celestial familiar. Acorn kept inside her as well. She’d hidden her branch and, well, accepted her fate.

Surprisingly, her brother was released within a year. The news of her brother's release hit her with hope and sadness. It would break his heart if he knew what she’d become. But his release wasn’t because of good behavior or anything. No. Raeghan was released because he was a sorcerer, a Vylasar. Another inevitable thing had happened. With the intense fear of losing her brother once more, Raelynn revealed her own magic, calling upon Acorn with her branch. She hadn’t touched it since the moment her brother had been imprisoned. Tears flooded her cheeks as Acorn landed on her shoulder. Valerio Vylasar accepted her as a sorcerer apprentice as well, even though he seemed less enthusiastic with her. Of course, it was clear what her current occupation was. She felt intense guilt towards her mother. But they were promised that she would be provided for as well, but she couldn’t come with them.

With a promise of a wealthy life and a purpose, they were prepared to leave their hometown. They got new clothes and fancy clothes and got a quick lesson in the kind of behavior that was expected from them. She was told to never talk about her previous work. She clenched her jaws at those words. Their life was going to change forever, and there was no going back. Raelynn didn’t want to go back, obviously, but this new life felt wrong too. She had hated her life, but she’d loved her mother, and well, she had eventually managed to make some friends. Within her previous occupation, it was only a matter of time until she bonded with the other ladies who were forced to do this type of work. She wasn’t the Raelynn she used to be anymore. The Raelynn before her brother was imprisoned. And now she didn’t know who she was supposed to be anymore. She’d accepted her fate, and now her fate changed. It should be good, right? Her brother convinced her that it would be good. She didn’t know if she believed him.

- She was given the name Raelynn Seymour until her twentieth, from that moment on she would be known as Raelynn Vylasar.
- She is super protective of her brother and history.
- She is quiet and hardly talks, she doesn't want to reveal her identity
- She loved climbing and hiding in small spaces
- She is illiterate but learning to read and write
- Intense emotions are equal to the energy needed to cast a spell to summon her familiar
- She usually introduces herself as Rae and hardly uses her whole name, Raelynn
- She hates the rich
- Addicted to narcotics
Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:54 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Raelynn Vylasar  XuTWurPc_o
Raelynn Vylasar  MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:01 pm
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