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Caelum Vylasar
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Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar KjadvhJ
Caelum Vylasar D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand

Caelum Vylasar
I know, you know, lee know
Gender Male
Age25 years old
Species Sorcerer
Magic Summoning
Religion The Odirian Deities
OccupationMyrddins Righthand
P.O.B Lythrania
Residence Lythrania
Height 1,77 m
Build Muscular
Hair color Black/Brown
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Brown
Skin TonePale


Caelum Vylasar is an attractive man. He has an above average height and his muscular build is sign of years of training. He has a sharp nose and his jawline is defined. His brown eyes have a hard look in them, scanning the world around him in seeming calmth, his full eyebrows furrowed in a stern look. He doesn't smile often, but when he smiles it's mostly a sarcastic one. When you have the luck to get one of his genuine smiles out of him though, it's a most radiant smile.

Constellation The Serpent
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Caelum seems distant and cold at first sight. You rather not mess with him, because he will find a way to get you back and won't hesitate to take measures into his own hands. You don't want to be on his bad side. It takes a lot to get his trust, but once you have it, it will be worthwhile. Caelum does have a soft spot for some people, but he won't let that be known to anyone. Beneath his cold exteriour he actually likes to crack a joke every now and then, but only in the company of people who he trusts. He strives to be a good example for his younger cousins, carrying a proper sense of responsiblity around.

Other than that he's a simple man. He likes to relax, take naps in the sun and go out for walks. He does what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. He likes to take care of things efficiently and clean, no matter what it is. He has his family name high and doesn't want it to be stained by any rumours or other scandals. Even if that might clash with some of his other morals. But at the end of the day he just wants to relax in the sun with his familiar Cat on his lap.

Family Tree


father Valerio Vylasar
mother Muriel Vylasar


Brother None
Sister Oriana Vylasar


Uncle Elyon Vylasar †
Aunt Aurelia Vylasar
Uncle Abaris Vylasar
Cousin Alyssia Rizal
Cousin Ezekiel Vylasar
Cousin Myrddin Vylasar
Magic type Sorcery
Expertise Summoning

Caelum is a sorcerer, at his own relief, since his father isn't. He learned it early on and has mastered his summoning now hes an adult. He can summon a cat, to no surprise to himself and probably the people around him aswell. The cat is named Cat, and he summons it by the word ''cat''. The staff he uses is simple and black, with some silver details on it. Caelum and Cat go a long way and they have a good bond together. They understand eachother with just one look. It helps that they both like to relax, nap in the sun and go on walks.


Caelum Vylasar was born on an autumn night. He was a healthy young boy who grew up loved by his father and mother. He grew up without much hurdles in his life, summoning a cat at the young age of four, who he accordingly named Cat. As soon as he was of age he started training to be a guard. He grew up to be quite the capable swordsman. He wanted to be the best of his class, showing his parents how hard he would work. His sister Oriana was a constant presence in his life since the day she was born. He loved his sister, but growing up he often felt undermined by her presence and the love and praise she received from their parents.

When his sister left Lythrania to study abroad he felt some sense of peace return to his life. Yet the quiet was quickly replaced by the havoc his cousins caused. Being the oldest of everyone he felt responsible for them. Once his cousin Myrddin came back from his training to become a guard, his mother appointed him Captian of the Guard. Knowing he needed a lot of guidance, Caelum was appointed to be his righthand, since he was the oldest and most experienced out of the cousins. Caelum feels proud to fullfil this important role, yet he's feeling the pressure of doing well. He doesn't want to dissapoint his aunt, nor his parents. Yet these are troubles he keeps only to himself, so now he is living his seemingly best life in the middle of the drama all of his cousins are causing.

- Caelum loves cats and you can often see him pet random cats on the streets.
- Even though Caelum is a muscular mand and quite the experienced swordsman, you barely see him working out.
Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:11 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Caelum Vylasar XuTWurPc_o
Caelum Vylasar MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Mar 23, 2023 4:37 pm
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