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My fair lady
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
My fair lady EK3xGIZ
My fair lady Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

His carriage was drawing ever closer to the Winter estate. If he looked out of his window. He could see the large structure of the house looming overhead. He never really paid much attention to the Winter house before. But now that he did, it seemed less like a house and more like a- prison. No, that wasn't the right way to describe it. It looked like a golden cage. Very daunting. He wondered if Faolan had felt the same, when he was first summoned to the Winter estate. It was something Alexander would definitely inquire about when he saw the man next. Despite the young lord's feelings of dread. He wouldn't turn around now. He had already come so far after all. And he didn't want to disappoint, Maybel. No, he made her a promise, and he would hold to it. No matter what. Alexander turned his head away from the small window that was built into his carriage and instead focused his gaze on the assortment of gifts he had brought with him. He hoped she would like them, she would have to, right? There was so much on offer, she was bound to like at least one of them, right? 

Suddenly, his carriage came to a stop. And he heard his driver and step down from his seat to open the door for him. Oh, gods, they were here already? That was-fast. Alexander thanked his driver when he helped him down. But when he looked around the inner courtyard, he was amazed. It was beautiful here. The winters seemed to spare no expense. If the outside looked like this, what would the inside be like? It would probably be the best designed house he had ever set foot in. Alexander didn't feel as intimated by the grandeur of the estate like he did before. But it still didn't go away entirely. But then he saw her. Maybel. Looking even more stunning than she did when they first met at the gallery. He gestured for his servant to fetch the prepared gifts from the carriage as he approached the woman. Quickly, he checked his pocket watch to make sure he was on time. And luckily he was. "Miss winter." He bowed to her. Like she was royalty, though in a way he supposed she was. "Its so good to see you again." He said as the straightened himself once more. Alexander smiled at the woman before his attention was snapped to the approaching coachman. Carrying the gifts. "I didn't know what you would like. So you brought you a little of everything!" He laughed as the servant showed the lady the gifts. Chocolates, flowers, and even jewelry. Though, Alexander picked one item from amongst the bunch that he was most proud of. "This is my favorite" It was a music box, not something revolutionary all on its own. But this one was special. "I modified it, so you can change the song it plays anytime you like, in fact you can even make your own melodies with it!"
Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:12 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
My fair lady Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
My fair lady Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.

It was not unlike Maybel to go out with a man. She had done it plenty of times before, but she was rarely so giddy as today. She had the whole day to waste before it was time. She was tramping around the house, thundering up and down the stairs as she had to make all kind of life-changing decisions. She had pulled out plenty of dresses out of her closet, only to discard them again because they “didn’t fit the vibe” or “were inappropriate”. Some were too fancy for the occasion, some too casual. And then there was the delicate matter to tame her long, wavy locks. She had it done up at first, but that felt too formal, so she pulled out all the pins again, only to discover that she had made a mess out of it and that it all had to be redone again. It was exhausting really. But at the end she had decided on a steel blue dress with a large rosy pattern and a bit dramatic rushing. She was just too stubborn to wear some plain, safe choice. Her hair fell loose over her shoulders as she picked out all kinds of glittering jewellery.

And then she had waited as time crawled infuriating slowly. But when she heard the clocks chime, she jumped up quickly. She checked herself in the mirror one last time, before making her way down the courtyard. It was almost the perfect timing, as she heard the hoofbeats of an arriving carriage. She waved at Alexander as he exited his carriage, a bright smile on her face. She didn’t care that people at court might notice. She was allowed to do whatever she wanted. She hadn’t told anyone she would meet up with a man, but the gossip would go through the halls soon enough, she had learned. Secrets were barely kept, so she just embraced it. If they wanted to talk, talk away. Alexander bowed to her and she had to fight against a giggle. ‘‘Lord Preston,’’ she replied, grabbing her skirts and dropping down a inch with bowed head. She did have manners, as maybe Alison would disagree in.  ‘‘Likewise. I was looking forward to this meeting all day.’’

She never expected what happened next, as a servant rushed towards her, his arms laden with gift. ‘‘Oh, you shouldn’t have! I haven’t gotten you anything,’’ she said with a surprised smile. She ran her fingers over the packages, while she looked at him with glittering eyes. She was a bit of a magpie, loving glitters and gold. ‘‘I-I don’t know what to-’’ But she was soon interrupted by Alexander’s infinite enthusiasm. He showed her a special little trinket, and when he explained what it was, her eyes widened a bit. He made her something. She placed a hand on her chest and leaned closer to take it over from him as he gave it to her. She turned it over in her hands a few times, studying the tiny parts. It reminded her of the inside of a watch. She eventually turned the little wheel that powered the box. It pattered in her hands for a few seconds, after which it sprung open and the most cheerful, plingy tune started to play. It was high and soft and sweet, and Maybel smiled broadly, making happy sounds of glee. ‘‘No way,’’ she breathed. ‘‘It’s the most wonderful… it’s- it’s beautiful!’’ She let the box play in her hands for a few moments, her eyes filled with joy and wonder, feeling like a little child. Then she hugged the box close to her chest when it was done playing. ‘‘I love it. Thank you so, so, much. You are way too kind.’’
@alex <3 / gown

Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:38 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
My fair lady EK3xGIZ
My fair lady Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander chuckled when Maybel told him she had been waiting for their "meeting" all day. She was probably just saying it to be polite. Just like when she dropped to a curtsy. Or when she used the appropriate style to address him. But still, it did cause his heart to skip a beat. "Please," he said with a playful tone. "Just call me Alex, all my friends do." Well, most of them did, anyway. Some also called him Prinny, but he didn't really like that one as much. Since it was the one nickname his parents used to call him when he was younger. And while he had come to terms with the death of both his mother and father. It still rubbed him the wrong way that people used that form of endearment. Perhaps he really should say something about it- but setting clear boundaries and actually reprimanding others when they crossed them was something that he had trouble with.

Alexander shook his head, he shouldn't think about his failings at this time. For the gifts he had brought were about to be presented to Maybel. And when they were, she seemed to like them very much. She stated that he shouldn't have gotten her anything, since she had nothing for him. To which the nobleman could only shake his head. "That's okay, I didn't get you all this just because I expected something back." Well, that wasn't entirely true. He did want something from her in the end. But nothing like clothing, money, or whatever else. He really just wanted to please her, make her happy. See the wondrous smile she had. Really, that was enough. "I just, wanted to spoil you a little." He joked. Though really, he was no "sugar daddy" In fact he was quite sure that Maybel money than he would ever have. But he supposed you didn't always have to spoil someone with expensive gifts, well-thought-out ones could work too, right? Well if that was the case then perhaps he could pass for a Sugar daddy after all. "But if you don't like that, then next time my presence will be your only gift." 

Maybel really seemed to like the musical box, and he was glad of it. Tinkering with it was actually time-consuming. It took him at least three days to get the damned thing to do what he wanted. But really, even if it took him months to complete. It would have all been well worth it. Especially since she seemed to happy with it. The lady even said it was wonderful-no, beautiful. Alexander laughed but waved his hand in the air dismissively. "It was nothing really." The man responded when the blond woman started to thank him for the gift. But before he could say more, a servant approached him. They had to set off if they wanted to reach their destination in time. Oh, shoot! The dinner, he almost forgot! He wouldn't mind coming late himself, really he could stay here in this exact spot. Chatting with miss winter all night. But he had promised her a dinner, and he would never go back on a promise. Besides, it was rather difficult to book the renovation for the restaurant he there were going to, so it would be a shame to let that go to waste. "I believe we must be going now." Alexander gestured to his carriage. "Will you be riding with me, or would that be too inappropriate?" He tried his best to play it off as a joke. But he really had no idea. He wasn't really well versed in the art of "picking up girls" especially not girls like Maybel winter.
Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:01 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
My fair lady Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
My fair lady Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel like the sound of his laugh. It was all so innocent still. Some people their age were already married and had children, it was a faith Luca probably had to endure soon enough. But she was lucky, and she supposed him as well. Maybe he could afford being a bachelor, but then, he could not be that old. She realized she barely knew the boy, and that she had just rushed into things. But that was what made it so exciting. And anyway, she had all night to get to know him. But things started well, as Alexander appealed to her to call him Alex, as friends. A playful look went up. ‘‘Well then you should have called me Maybel,’’ she teased him. ‘‘But I like the idea of us being friends, Alex.’’ Was that all he wanted? She could not believe that yet. Men always wanted something from her. And that was totally fine, she knew it, and if they wanted something, they had to deliver her something. Usually she settled for a good time, but Alexander was kind enough to at least laden her with gifts.

He was truly a lovely boy, and Maybel was not sure if anyone could fake that. He was somehow also clueless, but in an endearing way. She giggled when he told her that he did not expect something back, but he only wanted to spoil her a little. Maybel bit her lip as she tried to force a blush creeping up her cheeks down. She had to admit, he was good. Most of the times, comments like that made her cringe or roll her eyes. He joked that next time only his presence would be his gift. ‘‘Oh, already talking about a next time?’’ She was quick to tease him back. She did not reply to the rest, it was obvious she liked him and his little presents. If he could make her twirl hair around her fingers like a smitten girl, then she was allowed to make him a bit nervous. If that made him nervous.

Maybel played with the music box for a while longer, while he said it was nothing. ‘‘Oh it was more than something,’’ she retorted quickly. He had put his thought and skill into it to make it to her liking. It was not like he bought it in a store. She smiled happily. She could kiss him right now, almost. But as she was not the only person here, news would travel so quickly, that by the time she would arrive home, Lottie would be waiting in her chambers, ready to scream her head off. Maybel would be happy to chat here again, but Alexander was attended that they should continue. ‘‘Of course,’’ she replied. She beckoned a servant over and the pile of gifts was handed over to him. She carefully placed the music box among them and ordered them to be taken to her room. She turned back to Alexander who was pointing to his carriage. She chuckled softly when he asked if it would be inappropiate. ‘‘HIghly inappropiate,’’ she responded with a wink. But she did not hesitate to take his arm and walk towards the carriage. The servant opened the door for them, but Alexander held his hand out for her to get in the carriage. She flattened her dress when she sat down, and not soon after they took off.

It was the first moment in a long time she had some privacy with a stranger. It was weird to just get in a carriage with someone you did not know, basically placing all your trust in the man. But she didn't feel scared for a single second. Maybel was rarely scared. ‘‘So, can you tell me about your secret project now?’’ Her eyes lit up when she turned her body a bit towards him, hands on her lap. ‘‘You now, the "strictly confidential" one? I've been breaking my head about what it could be. I bet it's something really special.’’
tag / notes

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:40 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
My fair lady EK3xGIZ
My fair lady Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

‘Well then you should have called me Maybel,’ Perhaps he should have, it suited her so well after all. Much more so than "lady winter." Not that she didn't deserve a title, but-She was just so down to earth and friendly. Not at all what a winter ought to be. At least not in his mind. They were always such distant people. ‘‘But I like the idea of us being friends, Alex.’’ She then said. With a playful look and a teasing tone. See? That was what he meant. Were all winters secretly like this? Or was she just a special case? In a way, Alexander wanted to find out. It had piqued his interest. But curiosity wasn't the only sensation he felt wash over him. "I like it too," She said, softly. Giving her a tender look. "And perhaps one day we can be something more-close friends perhaps?" He smiled at the idea. He really would like that. But he would also like to be even more than that. But he was getting a head of things. They had only met twice so far and, well. He didn't want to get his hopes up. For he was quite sure that a man like him was not good enough for a woman like Maybel.

Seeing the woman smile surely was a sight to behold. But seeing her bite her lip and trying to stop a blush from painting her cheeks red. Was even better. It was just so adorable. He couldn't really describe it. But he was glad she was reacting this way. And didn't- laugh at him. Because while his words were genuine, they were also kinda cheesy. The blond girl asked if he was already thinking about a second time. Which he did allude to in his earlier comment. Without even thinking about it. Just another testament on how quick-witted Maybel was. Alexander thought for a moment and then shook his head, smiling. "Well, of course I am." He wasn't lying. He really would like to see her again. Many times, in fact, if she allowed it. "You can't expect me to have enough of the most brilliant lady Winter after just one meeting." The lord teased back playfully. Though with a certain truth to his words.

Her attention shifted to the music box one again. Playing with it. And Alexander watched her. It was a sight that he could look at forever. The girl of his dreams enjoying the gift he especially made for her. The other presents didn't even seem to matter at this point. But he did not mind that. As along as Maybel was happy with one thing he had brought for her. Alexander was more than satisfied. ‘‘Oh it was more than something,’’ she countered when he tried to be modest about the hole thing. Something that made him blush even more than she did before. He moved his hand over his face in an attempt to wipe the red tint of his face. But naturally, that didn't really work. He started to get nervous now. Something that he had under control before, but. It was starting to get just as bad when they were at the exhibition.

But then he was snapped out of it. It felt like a bubble he was trapped in popped, and he was freed from his own self-imposed prison. But really it was a servant. Reporting on the time. It was something so simple. But if presented, the man with an opportunity. For he could move things along now. And by doing that, find his confidence again. Alexander told Maybel they should be heading off now. Something to which she responded with a simple  ‘‘Of course,’’ A servant belong to the Winters came forward. Who was tasked with handling the gifts. For a brief moment Alexander wondered if these presents would have betaken to Maybels apartments or if they would be simply thrown out. The young lord shook his head. No, she wouldn't do such a thing. She liked him and his gifts. She would surely keep them. Alexander asked if she would be riding with him. Questioning whether or not it was the proper thing to do. ‘‘HIghly inappropiate,’ She said that. But that wink, and the fact she took his arm. Made it clear it wasn't. He laughed and places his hand over hers when their arms locked. She was so warm. Like a burning oven. But it didn't make him feel hot at all. No more like- comfortable. 

Alexander helped the girl into his carriage, because of course he did. He was a true gentleman, after all. Besides, it felt proper to do so, Maybel deserved all the attention in the world. No matter how small. When they were both seated. The woman brought up a subject he hoped she would have forgotten about. The secret project. Alexander started to feel himself become all fidgety again. "Now now." He said, trying to rack his brain for a suitable answer. He had come prepared. For this senarior. And so he would have an answer for her if she pressed on. But if he could avoid the matter all together, then he would. "I can't tell you that now, so early in the evening." The lord tried to come across as suave as possible. "I'l tell you at the end of our little adventure- It'll be a good way to close it, no?"
Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:26 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
My fair lady Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
My fair lady Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel had not thought Alex may be playing a game with her as well. She had thought she had all the reins in her hands, playing the lovely man as a fiddle. It was her idea to meet. It had been her to talk to him first. But suddenly she was laden with gifts and the remark that maybe they could be more then friends. Was he courting her? Had she given him that much false hope already? She didn't feel bad about that, it was what she always did. She was way out of his league anyway. And who cared? She was having fun. She glanced up at him and gave him a teasing look. ‘‘Perhaps,’’ she replied with an amorous smile, cocking her head to the side a bit, which made her hair fall from her face a bit. Maybe they could become more, but knowing herself she would soon grow bored of him. Which would be all but his fault. Yet, he might surprise her still.

And yet he could still make her cheeks glow with the most cheesy replies. He called her "lady Winter" again, but she would let it slide because he called her the best. She hardly was, with the great heir Alison looming over her, and the perfect Charlotte to compare her against. She was all but marriage material. Maybel liked it that way, because she was the exotic one of the three cousins. She gave him a teasing smile. ‘‘Well, I might be done with you after one night,’’ she replied starkly. After all, she could do whatever she wanted. ‘‘So no pressure.’’ She raised her eyebrows cheekily.

She had to admit, Alexander was doing marvelous. The gift was wonderful, and she noticed a bit of a blush on his face when she expressed how pleased she was. She was tempted to wind it up one more time, but time was of the essence, it seemed. And before darkness would fall completely, they would have to ride uptown. She had a hard time parting with her precious music box, but she knew it would be waiting for her on her nightstand when she would return home later tonight. The more nervous he got, the more confident she became. She looked at him with big, grateful eyes, as if she wanted to decide what was the most appropriate way to thank him. But everything that popped in her mind was as she had said before, highly inappropriate.

So she let him help her in the carriage. He felt a bit brisk to the touch, but she blamed it on the ride he had to take over here, while she had been in the comfort of thick, castle walls. She never stopped to think that it might be stupid and naive to get in a carriage with a strange man. But Maybel felt untouchable, perfectly save to all danger possible. Her father would never let anything bad happen to her. And everybody knew what happened if you angered Matthew Winter. She wore an invisible shield, which made anything possible. However, as soon as she pressed on the matter of Alex' secret project, he started to get all nervous again. She hid a smirk behind a hand, and he then avoided the project all together. ‘‘Aww, come on!’’ She let the spoiled child in her come towards the surface for a moment. She was never told no. But this was a challenge she would accept. And he came with a good compromise: he promised her an adventure first. ‘‘Oh, alright,’’ she gave in at the end. ‘‘It must be some adventure you are planning then, aren't you?’’ She turned towards him a bit more, collecting her skirts quickly. ‘‘I love some adventure. I bet there is so much in the world I haven't seen yet. Have you ever left Alderrath?’’
tag / notes

Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:58 pm
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