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Come in with the rain
Time will tell
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Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Come in with the rain 9s9opHd
Come in with the rain Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
"Perhaps, in the meantime, the Princess would be willing to help with a matter of the kingsguard?" The suggestion crossed the room in a relaxed manner. As soon as it was spoken the entire council was quiet and looked at the direction of her father. Arianna's eyes crossed with his and she noticed his had already been fixated on her. In a matter of seconds she realized that her father wanted her out of this endless meeting. Perhaps he wanted to discuss something private. Yet was what more likely was that he wanted to spare her from another hour of conversation that would lead to nowhere. Whichever one it was, his request would not be challenged today. "As you wish, your Majesty." She spoke with a nod of he head. She briefly straightened her tight-fitting dress and with that, she left the council room.

It was a trivial matter, according to the councilman that walked with her. He was her father's most trusted advisor, a person who had always been in service of the Ylindars to offer his own humble opinion. All for the good of the crown. And as its future, as he now called her, she should even have her hand at small affairs like these. Choosing a new kingsguard was a most honourable thing, of course. Arianna supposed her father had been right in sending her to do this.

Each one of the knights that was presented to her in the courtyard was skilled, noble, and strong, she was assured. Most of them were men above thirty years of age, some even elder. All in all, they were beyond qualified. And every one of them would be disappointed if she didn't pick him. As her eyes crossed the room, inspecting the men, they crossed with a young pair. The man couldn't be much older than herself, yet he was standing here. "What is your name, ser?" She asked him. Of course her royal posture remained entirely the same, even though he had peaked her interest.

& Caspian Elessar

Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:24 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Come in with the rain IzBexY8
Come in with the rain Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Today was the day when the new additions to the Kingsguard would be chosen. By his superiors he had been pushed forward as one of the youngest knights that were currently serving under the elite already. Which was a huge honor. The biggest one a man of his age could get. Part of him being quite sure that it had more to do with his last name than anything else. Though if anything one of the knights had reassured him that it was something else entirely. That it had to do with his skills and nothing more. But he wasn’t entirely sure about it. Yet he pushed those thoughts to the side. If anything, the chances were very slim he’d actually be picked out.

Together with a bunch of other, more older knights they had been sent to the courtyard and were now waiting until the King would appear. Yet the moment someone appeared it wasn’t their King, it was the Princess. The moment their eyes locked, he nodded ever so softly. A respectful nod. Casting his gaze down respectfully. Hands folding in front of him. Taking a deep breath. Surprised when he heard her addressing him. Looking up instantly.

’Caspian Elessar milady.’ Bowing slightly for her. Before looking back up at her. Soft smile lingering around his lips. Maybe this would be in his favor.

It must be made.
Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:05 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Come in with the rain 9s9opHd
Come in with the rain Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The Kingsguard were royal bodyguards of her family. These were the finest knights in the Kindom, sworn to protect their King and the royal family with their own lives. It had always been a given, that these men would sacrifice their lives for her family, yet it was also an inherently unnerving thought. Perhaps it was just poetic, as it certainly made her feel something. And now one of these fine men would be chosen by her and would serve her family as if it was a divine right.

Many of the knights were what she had expected to see. Formidable men, if she had ever seen the definition in real life. Only one of them stood out to her though. As soon as her eyes crossed with his, she wondered what he was doing here. He looked so.. young. He behaved perfectly well, of course. When she heard his name she knew why. An Elessar stood before her. By any means he would be the most noble out of all of them.  "Elessar? Do you happen to know Nerian Elessar?" She asked him, a hint of curiosity shimmering through in her clear voice. Nerian Elessar had been serving as her father's guard for as long as she could imagine. It could only be called poetic that one of his family now stood before her. As if he was destined to do so.

Sat Oct 08, 2022 1:10 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Come in with the rain IzBexY8
Come in with the rain Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Never had he expected that the Crown Princess would address him. Mainly because of the people that stood beside him. All men he knew, people who had seen a lot of things. He wasn’t sure what to make of her addressing him. But maybe this was his opportunity to follow into his father’s footsteps. Receiving the greatest honor one could receive. But he wasn’t going to run ahead with anything. If anything maybe she had something else in mind for him. Or this was something else entirely. But he couldn’t really state what. In the end it was just a waiting game. Because no, he could not read the mind of people. He could never guess what went on in the brilliant mind of the woman that stood before him.

’Well yes milady, he is my father.’ Shortly lowering his head again before looking up. A smile lingering on his lips. Being an Elessar meant something in Ravaryn. They were a renowned family, one that that was known in the kingdom for the knights they trained and their courage. Eyes moving back up to the princess. Wondering what was going through her mind. ’I stand here before you as my father once stood before our great King. In the hopes of receiving that same honor that was once granted him.’ Determination shining through on his face.

It must be made.
Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:46 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Come in with the rain 9s9opHd
Come in with the rain Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The fact that Arianna had never had the responsibility of choosing a guard before hit her as soon as she stood in front of the possible men. Thusfar, she hadn't even come close to making a decision. All that had happened was her attention being sparked by one of the men. Just because he was younger than the rest. It must mean that he was either a talented warrior or that.. ah, there it was. He was an Elessar. Of course the family would send one of their men, as they were usually the most capable of being a royal guard. They were the best of the best, usually. Would he be too?

When the man, Caspian, spoke again it was everything she had expected since he had revealed his last name to her. He sounded noble, valiant and endlessly loyal. His words were that which one would expect of a storybook knight, and perhaps he was just that. "Your words are very cordial, Ser Caspian." She told him calmly. "Would you think you are more qualified than they are because of the training you have received?" She then asked him, a hint of curiosity showing in her voice. These men must have seen more battles than he had, so why was he standing here? Because it was his birthright? Or was he a knight who could defend her in her hour of need?

Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:17 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Come in with the rain IzBexY8
Come in with the rain Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

There were so many factors to why he was here. To follow in his father’s footsteps was only one of them. It would be the greatest honor if he was chosen to protect either her family or her. But that didn’t mean that he took this for granted. In the end it would be her choice and the fact that a handful of more experienced knights were surrounding him could speak into his disadvantage. Yet it could also benefit him. Some of them were old, very old. The chances of them perishing quicker, were higher.

Briefly he lowered his head as a sign of respect to her. ’I am not going to speak about how qualified these men are. Because I can say this with the greatest respect, the lot of them have seen more battles than me. They have the kind experience where one would write tales about.’ He calmly stated. Looking at each and every one of the guards, showing his respect for them in that way. Dark eyes finding hers again. ’In the end milady, the choice is yours to make and I will accept it either way. But I can bring you a lifelong of honor and loyalty. Pledging my life to you and your family.’ He smiled ever so softly. Taking a deep breath. As his hand rested on the heft of his sword. Back straightened.

It must be made.
Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:54 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Come in with the rain 9s9opHd
Come in with the rain Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
 What would these knights say if they knew it was her who they needed to defend? As Luthor, her father's loyal advisor, had explained, it was important that she chose who she saw fit. Because the knight would be assigned to her personal detail, she had been told. She had quickly understood why exactly her father wanted her to choose, but that didn't make the choice any easier.

Only one of the knights stood out to her. Not because he was more qualified than the rest, he said so himself, but because he was so effortlessly candid about the truth of the matter. All of these knights had seen more fight than him, all of them seemed more qualified. But  Ser Elessar must have been brought here for a reason. He might not be the most experienced but he was undoubtedly faster, with a more agile physique but perhaps aso in mind. And mayhaps that would fit her best. "Your words have been the most genuine of all, Ser Caspian." She said. Briefly, her eyes glanced over to Luthor, who was still standing next to her to reside over her decision. Maybe the Elessar would fit best because he was the only one that wanted her to decide on this matter. "Which is precisely why I choose you to fill the position and be assigned to my personal detail." She announced. Finally, her lips curled up into a slight smile. None had known they would be assigned to her personally, until now.

Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:11 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Come in with the rain IzBexY8
Come in with the rain Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

He was being singled out by the woman. Not that he minded. He knew why he was here and while he was young and the others had quite a resume when it came down to knowledge about fighting in wars and plenty more. Caspian had his words, words that were spoken truthfully. Coming straight from his heart. And well his witt, his father had cursed him for it in the past. But he believed that it was coming in handy. Though he never spoke disrespectfully about his peers, because he looked up to each and every one of them. But for once, he was pushing himself forward a bit more.

The man looked up to her when she spoke, a nod following slightly bowing his head. Wanting to take a step back since he was quite sure she’d address another now. But no. When she spoke again he tilted his head slightly. Keeping his mouth from falling open, since that wouldn’t be the sight she wanted to see. Briefly letting her words sink in. Before he looked up at her again. ’It will be my greatest honor to protect you milady.’ Lowering his head again. Unsure what would happen next. The men surrounding him, all bowing in respect for her. Before they took their leave.

It must be made.

Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:46 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Come in with the rain 9s9opHd
Come in with the rain Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
There were enough arguments not to choose Ser Caspian Elessar as her new guard. The most prominent one was without a doubt his age and experience. All the other men were older and had seen actual battles. Yet their old age was precisely what made Ser Caspian stand out from them. There were enough guards who were wise and experienced, some on her personal detail as well. But they weren't as agile as Ser Caspian. Aside from the fact that she wouldn't mind having someone to talk to that was her own age. After all, they'd be spending a lot of time together.

As soon as she announced that it would be Ser Caspian who'd be assigned to her detail she noticed his brief surprise, as well as the disappointments of the others. It wasn't a comfortable feeling for her, but she'd be making much harder decisions if she'd ever rule Ravaryn. As the other knights left the courtyard she approached her new guard with a smile on her face. "As it will be mine to be under your protection, Ser." She said respectfully. "Do you want to accompany me for a walk perhaps? I would like to get to know you better." She suggested. It was a wonderful day and she truly did not mind spending more time with him. Especially when he looked the way he did, foei Ari.

Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:51 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Come in with the rain IzBexY8
Come in with the rain Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

He stood out. He was blatantly aware of it. And the man had already accepted his faith of not being chosen. Which would only make him train harder and hone his skills even more until the next moment came. But apparently that wasn’t needed. There were some of the older knights muttering some things silently when his name fell. But honestly, he paid them no mind. Too surprised about what was actually happening to him. Yet he quickly regained himself. Lowering his gaze, to wait for an order or something else that would follow.

Yet as he heard her approach. His throat started feeling very dry. Dark eyes finding hers, something he didn’t do on purpose. Yet he was happy to do so. Finally being graced with her flawless appearance from closeby. Stunned again for a moment. Just captivated really. But the mention of a walk made him blink. A soft smile gracing his lips. ’Off course your grace.’ He spoke kindly. Unsure what to do, he offered her his arm. Maybe a step too far, but he was certain she’d correct him if it was too much.

It must be made.
Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:57 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Come in with the rain 9s9opHd
Come in with the rain Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
If the King of Ravaryn expected her to make her own decisions, he would not contradict her in those. Arianna had quickly come to understand why her father had allowed her to choose the new kingsguard, as the man in question would be on her personal detail. He knew just how important it was for her to connect with someone that would be following her around all the time. The Princess didn't quite know if she could call her new guard 'lucky', but if she could the lucky man would be Caspian Elessar.

As she approached him, she noticed Ser Elessar remained quiet for a moment. Did he not appreciate her decision to choose him? Or was it something else? The tables turned on her soon enough, as the man offered her his arm when she proposed a walk. It wasn't something any of the guards did ⁠—except for Octavian, of course⁠. They had only just met and she knew virtually nothing about him. In other words, it was too soon. With a kind smile on her face Arianna placed her hand on his arm, offering him the slightest of head shakes. She didn't want him to be embarrassed about it, naturally. "Have you lived in Ishgard your entire life, Ser?" She asked as they started walking. She folded her hands together behind her back, her posture remaining ever so flawless.

Sun Dec 11, 2022 10:41 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Come in with the rain IzBexY8
Come in with the rain Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

The highest honor among guards. This was something he greatly appreciated and he would forever appreciate this. If she hadn’t chosen him, then maybe it would be the year after or somewhere further down the line. But this was one of the things he had been trained for since he was just a young boy. He’d call himself lucky. Even though the task at hand would prove to be more difficult at some points. But if anything, he was ready for whatever was to come and he’d protect her with his life. If anything this was something that would change both of their lives, since he would become busier than ever. And he would be in her presence whenever she needed him to be.

Maybe his next move had been to forward. Though he did have to admit that it stung a little bit when she kindly thanked him for it. Was he embarrassed? Maybe just a little bit. Would he lie awake at night and think about this moment? Chances were slim. The smile stayed present on his face as he walked with her. Hands folded behind his back. ’For my particular training, I have spent some years in other cities or simply in the wild with my fellow squires. But Ishgard has always remained home to me.’ The man smiled warmly at her. Dark eyes briefly moving to her, a soft smile lingering on his lips. ’My family is bound to this city due to the academy and because we have our roots here.’

It must be made.
Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:15 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Come in with the rain 9s9opHd
Come in with the rain Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The security of the royal palace had tightened and doubled in the moons after the disappearance of Regulus Ylindar. It was only natural that her father had given the order to give the royal family more security detail too. For Arianna, it still felt unnatural to have not one but two guards walking with her, and to see more guards around the palace halls. But there was little she could do about it other than accept it.

Once she had chosen Caspian Elessar as her new personal guard, the Princess was given some time alone with him. She truly hoped that they would get along well, for an unpleasant relationship with her guard was the last thing she needed. When she asked him about life, she listened intently to the story he told. "The wild? Where would that be?" She asked him curiously. Had he spent time near the Frozen Heights? "Ah yes, the academy. Your family is bound to this city, as is mine." She said with a knowing smile. It was no secret that the academy had provided many of the royal guards over the years. "Don't you ever wish to go to another country? Lemuria perhaps, or Xaila even?" She asked him. He was free to go where he wanted, but she could very well understand the desire to stay at home. She had it too.

Fri Dec 30, 2022 6:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Come in with the rain IzBexY8
Come in with the rain Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Her question made him smile. Her curiosity was rather endearing if he said so himself. His father had always made himself clear, that knights of the Elessar, should be used to spending long nights in the Frozen Heights as even longer nights in ancient mountains at the border. If one couldn’t do that, one wasn’t deemed fit to be a knight of the highest order.

’My father has always been very persistent on those that joined the academy, should spend both time in the Frozen Heights and at the border in the mountains. Separating the best knights from the decent ones.’ He explained calmly, a soft smile curling around his lips yet again. Nodding at her following words. Yes, bound to the city. In another way as her, but still bound. ’And upon this very day, we are still proud to serve the Ylindar family.’ A short nod followed. More than proud even. Her next question made him think a bit. Travelling. Maybe as a very young child he had dreamt of it. But now? ’Maybe when I was younger. Both countries sound very interesting I must say and if I ever get the chance of going there, while working for you. Then it would be one of my greatest joys. But my heart lies with my work I must say. I’d rather be here, defending the city and your family than go to another country for the sake of fun.’ He admitted. Dutiful as always. But every word sounded more than genuine.

’How about you? Do you ever wish to travel? Maybe not in the role as Crown Princess, but just as a young woman? Forgive me if I shouldn’t have asked the question.’

It must be made.
Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:21 pm
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