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Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Amyra Warth
Amyra Warth
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday 53zL75vk_o
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Healer
Amyra took in a deep breath as she saw the guards guarding the entrance of Lythrania. One of the good things about her job was that she had an excuse to take a break from the reign of her father once in a while. A letter had reached her which had asked for her help in this city and Amyra was more than glad to leave her father behind. She didn’t want to talk about the arranged marriage or anything else that was bothering him about her. He had always treated her with an iron fist and had never accepted her for who she was. He pretended that he didn’t know that she was shy around others and always got impatient with her whenever she had to adjust herself to something. But even now, as she was forced to marry someone she didn’t want, she couldn’t say no. She let others walk all over her and there wasn’t anything she could do about it because she just wasn’t assertive enough.
Even after riding on a horse for quite some hours she still looked presentable. She was scared to death that someone would recognize her and report to her father how she looked. It was an irrational fear, but after living with this man for so long, Amyra couldn’t feel comfortable, even when he wasn’t around. She couldn’t let herself go completely, which was why she was dressed in a tight dress that was not making it comfortable at all to ride her horse. The only thing she could seek comfort from was from the fact that she had her little kitten Daisy with her. She had found the kitten only a few weeks ago and while her father was against it, her mother allowed her to have the animal because she saw how comforting Amyra found her presence. She named it Daisy because she liked flowers. It was as simple as that.
It didn’t take Amyra too much effort to get passed the guards. She took her horse to a nearby inn, where she left him behind with the promise that she would be back soon and with a bucket full of water and food. Amyra felt slightly out of place with the tight dress she was wearing. She looked rich and she knew it, which made her feel uncomfortable. She quickly unfolded the letter so she could see what was written there. She was pretty sure that she was close to the correct address, but as she was paying attention to the latter, she wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings. A collision couldn’t be avoided and Amyra took a few steps back, looking up in shock at the man she had stumbled upon.
”I-I’m really s-sorry, sir!” she exclaimed, immediately bowing her head right after. This was the one thing she wanted to avoid, but of course she was clumsy enough to let it happen. 

@Ezekiel Vylasar
Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:56 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday Image
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Well, it was four o'clock somewhere wasn't it? Ezekiel had been beckoned over to the inn by the happy innkeeper, who wore a bushy mustache on his round face and he had those rosy apple cheeks which came with old age and lukewarm ale. He knew most of the folk in Lythrania because of his habits of hanging around in the more shabby parts of the city. The man had known about his travels to the capitol and wanted to know all about it. So Ezekiel had happily obliged and sat down at his table, being served that same shitty ale and told with grand colors all about the Lunar Festival he remembered little about.

After a while they had been joined by a few other's and before they knew it the spirits started to lift, as did the loudness as which they spoke. But the innkeeper had to draw back because he had a customer coming over. The sorcerer looked over to the woman that came in. A moon elf. Well look at that. Ezekiel rubbed a hand over his chin. He did not recognize her at all, and some dull ringing in the back of his skull told him that he should take notice. Because well, his responsibilities to this city or... something? The drink had made him a bit drowsy. But when she exited the establishment again, he immediately heard the people at the table talk about the woman in question, commenting on her attire and the way she had screamed "money". Ezekiel scoffed at his company and sat up from the table. He had to correct his stance as he was a little bit more unsteady on his legs than he had expected. He strapped the sword back at his hip and saluted the men, who were complaining why he was leaving so early. ‘‘Good day, fellers,’’ he just replied and made his way out of the inn.

When the fresh air - well, how fresh it could get in a fishbowl under the sea - he felt a bit more awake. He pushed a hand through his hair and looked from his left to his right. Where in Lythrana did she go? But he did not have to look for an answer long, because somehow she stumbled straight into him. Ezekiel already not as steadfast as he usually was, needed a few paces to regain his balance. ‘‘No worries,’’ he told her when she apologized. Sir. Pft. He furrowed his brows and looked back at the lady in question. ‘‘I have not seen you before. First time here?’’

Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:51 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Amyra Warth
Amyra Warth
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday 53zL75vk_o
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Healer
Amyra felt her heart thudding loudly in her chest as she stumbled upon the man. He seemed to be around her age, maybe a little bit younger, but that wasn’t an excuse for Amyra to justify her behavior. She had to pay attention to her surroundings at all times! Her father would’ve been so mad if he had been with her right now. To him, she was always clumsy and never did anything well. She was glad that she was in Lythrana so she could get away from him. She was creeped out by how he always had his eyes on her like a hawk, as if he was watching her every move. And he probably was. Going on an errand to practice her occupation was a perfect excuse to get away from him. She could already hear in her head how her father would yell at her, saying something along the lines like she was ruining their reputation by being so clumsy. Or something like that.
The man had stumbled back a bit, but it seemed to be no reason for him to get mad at her, which she was glad for. She wouldn’t have been able to take it if he would have yelled at her in the middle of the street. The encounter was already embarrassing enough already for her. Instead of yelling, he asked her if it was her first time that she was here. Amyra shook her head. ”I’ve been here a few times, but it always had been for a short while,” she told him honestly, regaining her composure now that she knew he wasn’t mad at her. Although she wore clothes that practically screamed that she had money, her attitude wasn’t in line with the way she was dressed. She found it hard to look him in the eyes, but she also found it impolite if she would look away. So she carefully gazed up at him. ”I’m a healer and for my occupation I practically travel through the whole of Lemuria to take care of my patients, but my residence is in Moonbright,” she spoke softly.
Now that she was actually looking at him, she noticed how handsome he was with his almost silver like hair and different colored eyes. ”W-What about you?” she asked politely, her voice only stumbling because of her stupid thoughts. She shouldn’t think like that about another man, especially not because her father had arranged a marriage with someone else. If she thought rationally she knew she could keep those thoughts to herself and her father would never find out, but it always seemed like that man knew what she was thinking, even when she wasn’t home. It made it hard to be her true self, that was for sure. 
Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:13 pm
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