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Lost boy
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Lost boy 3UOvOIY
Lost boy 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
Another day, another sleepless night. As he opened his eyes once more he let out a sigh of relieve. It was day once more, meaning he survived through his nightmares again. He lifted his hand as he slowly pushed it in his face. It had been years since he did his last divination and yet, he still could feel every painfull one like it was his own destiny. His grandfather had told him the nightmares would calm down eventually, it should calm down atleast. But with every new letter of reassurance he just... Felt his hope slip more and more. If he was to get better, then why did he still feel so lost in his own head, in his own familiar room. It was as if he was trapped and... It made him scared. Because he knew all too well that he could perfectly get himself out of this situation if he so dared. But that was the thing, he didn't dare, he couldn't, he was too scared.

He slowly got up and got dressed. The searing heat of the desert leaked from his window and he honestly didn't even know what time it was. He was so up in his own world that he rarely knew what time it was. After he dressed himself in his normal attire, simple dull clothing decorated with some golden jewels and small chains, he left his chambers. The house wasn't even that big, but he still lived with his parents. Because, well, he just couldn't live alone with his condition. If he were to try and live on his own he was sure that his anxiety would eat him whole. He smiled at his mother as he nodded at her. "Goodmorning," She looked up from some papers and chuckled for a moment. "Good afternoon to you too Zu, did you have a good night?" He shrugged for a moment. "The usual," He said as he looked over at some of the fruits that were on the table. He grabbed some and took a seat as he slowly started with breakfast. "I see, so the herbs didn't work?" He shook his head. "Ah, that's a shame. Maybe you can try them again tonight? Perhaps your body just needs time to get used to them," He shrugged again as he went on with breakfast. His mother was always looking for ways for him to get more rest at night. They had not found something yet that actually worked, though.

It remained silent for a moment, before his mother stood up. "Your father and I will be leaving for a trip to Moonbright tonight," He looked up. Oh? "Why's that?" He asked, his voice skipping over for a second in surprise. "The Luna Moth Festival. It''s supposed to be very romantic and your father and I always wanted to attend it and well-" They finally had it financially good enough to actually do it. The man averted his gaze, moving his leg a bit as he felt an uncomfortable feeling creep up on him. "I see, I understand. Do you need my help to pack up with things or-" She shook her head, paused for a moment and sighed. "Well could you pick up the dress that I ordered earlier this week? It's just a couple of blocks away. I'll write down directions, ok?" He kept his gaze on his hands as he started to fidget, feeling the uneasy emotions grow with the second. "Ok," was all he said in an almost silent tone. He didn't want to, he really didn't want to. The thought of leaving the house alone already caused him to feel a tight sensation in his throat. His mouth even felt extremely dry all of a sudden. But he offered his mother to help. He knew that had to offer it up. If he wanted to get better, he should start doing these kind of things. He was almost 30 now, he was an adult. These were normal everyday tasks. Everyone did them, right? So... So he should be able to do them to.

He got properly dressed into something that covered him more. He was pale and easily got sunburnt, so covering as much skin was just a necessity to him. He carefully placed some of his chains better on his face as he glanced over to his mother. She touched his hand, which immeadiately cause him to see her differently. She looked much older than she was, her eyes sunken in as her clothing looked ragged and aged. Her skin looked like old paper, some places it seemed to be bruising and the familiar gaping wound right on her cheek left her teeth exposed. His magic did the job once again; showing him what his mother would look like when she would pass away. But he wasn't too phased by it. Her death wasn't as horrific as others. She would die at an old age, which was still a long time from now. She would fall because of her old age and get bruised, eventually landing on top of something that will end her life. He had seen it all before and today was no different. The image of his deceased mother started to speak to him. "Okay now, I've written everything down, ok? Just follow it step by step and you'll be back in no time," She placed a piece of paper in his hand and let go of him. The twisted future self of his mother shifted back right in front of his eyes. She looked as beautiful as she did before she touched him; being well dressed and propped up stunningly. She was really pretty for her age, that much was for sure. "Ok... Thank you mother," He nodded and looked over the paper, before he left the house.

It already looked pretty busy up in the streets and for a moment Zu stood frozen. He had taken the way towards the center of the city... BUt the more he moved towards his destination, the more people appeared. His breathing started to hasten as he shot out of the way of someone who almost ran into him. Oh dear Xeion that was close. He blinked rapidly, taking a few steps back as he went into the shade of a building at the side of the road, reading over the paper once again. He- Oh no. At what step was he again?
Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:05 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Xahena Daetrys
Xahena Daetrys
Lost boy Doja_h10
Lost boy X12

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess, advisor

You're all gonna watch me
disappear into the sun
It had been a while since the princess had sneaked out within the early hours of the day. Lately, she had been busy with her newly found task as the advisor of the Crimson Dawn, which meant less time for her beloved raids through the desert. While being appointed such an important job excited her, she sure missed the thrill of racing through the Infernal Wilds in search of treasure. Meetings with the Crimson Dawn had become a routine, and the youngest Xailan princess was known for not being a fan of routines. A free spirit like hers needed adventure, something new to experience each day. Sadly, it didn't seem like fate had such plans for her. Instead of being gifted to her by Xeion, the youngest princess had to be the writer of her own destiny, such as she had done this morning. Today, she would arrive home with new treasure once more.

While quite early in the morning, the ever-living city of Al-Qahil was blossoming with life already. Market stands were rapidly set up, displaying their wears accompanied by loud salesmen and merchants trying to catch people's attention. Dressed within white veils, the princess made her way through the streets fast and unrecognisable. Her first stop would be the stables where the horses were kept. While many prefered camels, a horse would be able to flee from the possible dangers of the desert much faster. Camels were nice for carrying found wares, however.

Her thought process was disrupted as she almost collided into a strange man. While she was mostly vigilant of her surroundings, she had not seen this obstacle coming. Why was he standing still within the middle of the streets? Especially at this time of day, where everyone was exceptionally busy getting to their destinations. As sharp spoken words were about to leave her lips, she saw the man stepping back into a shadow beside the main street. Seeming confused, the tall man stared at a piece of paper. While giving the intriguing man a closer look, she guessed that he probably wasn't from around here. The busy streets of Al-Qahil could be hard to navigate for those who were unfamiliar with them. "I'm not sure where you need to be, but I am quite sure it isn't the middle of a busy street." Her voice still sounded sharp, but it was her way of offering help.
@ Persephone Daetrys
Wed Sep 28, 2022 7:34 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Lost boy 3UOvOIY
Lost boy 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He felt the tension rise to his throat as he felt his hands shake in response. Oh dear Xeion. Why now? He shook his head slowly as he leaned back, lettings his shoulders touch the surprisingly cold wall behind him. His eyes shifted towards the flawlessly perfect sky. Not a cloud in sight. His eyes slowly started to trace around some of the roofs, before something got his attention at the corner of his eye. He quickly averted his gaze, took a step aside and felt his throat get tighter; his mouth getting even dryer. Dear lord. He felt so uncomfortable and scared being just here. His dark eyes going over some figures as his mind slowly started to speak him; making him believe that people were watching him. But they weren't, he knew they weren't. But those weren't the words his mind spoke to him. Rather, it remained focused on the fact that so much could go wrong. The piercing gazes of men far out of reach for his own vision to see. Why must his mind trick him in matters like these? He knew all too well that nothing was going to happen... Right?

As he felt himself get more anxious by the second over his over racing mind, a sudden voice got his attention. He almost jumped, looking startled at the lady that had approached him. His breathing hastened as he looked over her. She spoke with a sharp tongue, giving him quite the mouthful as he lowered his shoulders a bit, making his posture less intimidating then it was by nature. "My apologies," He said in a quiet voice as he nodded, not even daring to look her in the eye. His voice soft spoken as it usually was. She must have been the person he had almost run into, right? Why else would she be giving him that look and those words...? His eyes shifted back towards the piece of paper in his hands as he felt his shaky breathe get faster once more. He was simply lost to put it simple. The instructions on the paper wouldn't help him anymore. The best he could do was ask the other for instructions, ask where this tailor was. That was if he even was able to get it over his lips.

He opened his mouth slowly as he tried to think his words over, but he felt... Lost. Forgetting everything he was about to say in an instance he got tongue tied right away. He felt himself get flustered, his pale face getting a bit of a red hue to it. He shook his head slowly as his dark eyes shot from one side to another, as if he... Tried to look for something that wasn't there. Well yea, he was looking for his brain. Where had it gone? Where had his thoughts gone? His tongue? Everything? He closed his mouth, letting out an almost quiet 'uhm' sound in the process. His eyes went back to the paper as a sigh left his lips. He read over the lines once more, but it seemed the tailor... Or shop had a name, or his mother had forgotten. He could feel himself tense up even more when he realized she forgot that detail. It was a very important step. How did he not notice that she did not provide it? Had he been blind? And idiot? Oh Xeion...

He sighed and shook his head once more. "I... I'm lost..." He said in an almost whispering way as he averted his gaze to the ground. He felt so embarrassed, he really just wanted to disappear. From here, from his life. Just please take him away.  
Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:38 pm
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