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"My good opinion once lost is lost forever"
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The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" WSN0ewN
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

It wasn't often, that she found herself taking a leisurely stroll through the garden of the winter estate. There were usually so many things that required her attention. That she, very seldom had time left for herself. But today she did. Though, Cassiopeia was sure the tranquility wouldn't last long. The duchess could already hear the footsteps of a servant drawing near, disrupting the quiet ambiance. The matter would be so urgent. That Cassiopeia had to respond immediately, she had to not only leave these grounds. But also the thought of relaxation. Since that was impossible when she was performing her duties. Not because they were inherently difficult all on themselves. But more, the people who were supposed to assist her - they were lacking to say the least. Seemingly not only in the skills they claimed to possess. But in character as well. It was clear to her that these individuals didn't even try to reach the level of excellence that she expected of them. And that annoyed her. In her mind, everyone should strive to be the best person that they could possibly be. One shouldn't settle for less then perfection. It was a lesson Cassiopeia tried to teach to everyone, not just those she had to work with. Though sadly that sentiment was not shared by everyone. Not yet, since she would change their minds if she was given more time. As duchess she learned well the ways of swaying even the most stubborn.

Cassiopeia smiled as she gently tugged at the leashes of her beloved hounds, as she walked the pathway that led her along some magnificent looking flowers. Ones she had never seen before. Perhaps they were new? She wouldn't be surprised if they were. The woman had eyes and ears every where, but her long reach didn't extend to the Winter grounds. Simply because it would be a very unwise location to ever discuss anything of importance. But that also meant she had no real idea but its upkeep. Quite ironic, perhaps. That she didn't even know what was growing in her own gardens. 

The duchess of Ashmoore sighed when she recognized the sound of what could only be someones footfall. It was getting closer by the second. The mature looking woman moved her body away from the sound however and instead focused her attention on her dogs. Stroking their heads with a steady hand. Only when the sound of footsteps stopped did she reluctantly move away from her pets. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't ignore the situation at hand forever. But when she did turn around. She was quite alarmed-since the person that she had imagined to be a servant bearing important news. Was actually Matthew winter. Her husband's brother. Perhaps, the last person on this earth she would want to lay her eyes on. Cassiopeia hardened her gaze and looked at the man as if he was nothing more than a worker straight from the lower ring. Someone who wasn't worth her time. She stayed like that for a time, before she without a word walked away from the scoundrel.

Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:49 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" X
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He had heard that she was out and about with her mutts. Disgusting creatures if you asked him. Both her and the animals she called pets. He didn't like her, like, at all. One pretentious lady who had slithered her way through the ranks, now thinking that she was worth more than his birth right. She was an honorary Winter at best. Never having the blood of one. Simply being tied by marriage, which was something that was expected of all the Winter brothers back in the day. To find yourself a wife and continue the bloodline. Have at least one heir to your name was usually enough to satisfy their late fathers wishes. Not that he ever cared much for children. He doubted they did too. The duke and duchess of Ashmoor. Oh how he had despised his dear brother for simply being born first. But those were days long past. As he grew older he knew he was in the more ideal situation. The old man had been tied to this nation. But hey, he'll at least have a page in a history book. Good for dear old Edward. But Matthew didn't live for that matter. He lived to truly live. He was no puppet, no slave to his own destiny. He had craved it with his own hands, had made his own future with hands that could just as easily destroy it. A fragile dance that brought passion and fire into his life.

And then there was her. Cassiopeia was one of those people that did things to achieve certain goals in her own mind. Much like himself, really, but not quite. Where he found joy and unfolding bigger things, making a grand display of it.... She was rather cold, seemingly always seeking perfection. Which was funny, really, because in his eyes perfection was actually quite easily attained. He had always had great grades, had been extraordinary when it came to his physical capabilities and on top of that he had also secured more then just being another Winter brother. He had his own money, new money. And he knew how much power came with those privileges. Having both his hands on old and new money was just something oh so enjoyable. He knew that one day he could leave his legacy behind to his daughter, who would surely also make something of herself.... While having some fun of course. Because what was a life if you did not even enjoy it.

His hazel eyes went over the flowers, late bloomers. Dhalia's, black ones. He had just recently purchased them and had them installed. It came to a surprise to him that they were still in the prime of their life. As he kneeled down, he carefully picked one of the flowers. A flawless looking one. Now, this one suited her just perfectly, didn't it? A charming smile curled on his lip as he slowly headed towards the lady. The disgusting creatures that she kept on a leash made his skin crawl. He much more preferred cats anyway. Didn't smell bad, also could care for themselves. Well, at least she had something in common with her pets. "My, my. How great to see you, duchess," His voice sounding smooth as he came to a halt. "And here I thought we could have a nice little conversation. But I assume you are as busy as ever," His eyes averted to the single flower in his hand as he twirled it around between his fingers. He actually had things he had to talk to her about. But he wasn't gonna act like a desperate pup. "Be sure to ask Edward about the details on the matter then when you have some spare time. If it fits in your schedule, of course," He shrugged, smiling as he took a step back. Have it your way, bitch.
Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:30 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" WSN0ewN
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

She had hoped he would get the hint, though she was sure he probably did. But approached her anyway, just out of spite. Since that sort of antagonism seemed to be just a part of his rotten personality. Cassiopeia didn't want him to follow her all around her garden. So she stopped dead in her tracks when he started talking. She did keep her distance, though, but she really did that more for her dogs than anything else. They had a certain dislike for the man, that was much was apparent. Since whenever he came in her vicinity they started to become unruly. Something that only worsened the closer he got. However, Cassiopeia didn't fault them for it. They were good creatures, only acting on instinct. And really it did just perpetuate the idea that Matthew really was a threat, otherwise her dogs. Who were trained to guard her, wouldn't act up every time they saw him. "My, my. How great to see you, duchess," She hated his smooth voice, since it was just part of this whole persona. The charming gentleman. To cover up his true self; the debauched gangster. Oh yes, she knew about his business practices, about his wild parties. All of it. She had eyes and ears everywhere, after all, even in places one wouldn't expect. She just waited for him to step out of line, to get some real evidence against him. And she was sure she would get it sooner or later. No matter how long she had to wait, she was a very patient person. Days, months, years. It meant nothing to her.  "And here I thought we could have a nice little conversation. But I assume you are as busy as ever," The mature looking woman, still didn't stay anything. She merely stared at him. Not at all interested in the "conversation" he wanted to have with her. Since she doubted it would be really something of note. The duchess moved her handed gloves over one another when she watched him wrap a flower around his fingers. The mere sight of it disgusted her. One had no idea what happened to that plant, what bugs had crawled all over it. And here he was holding it like that thought hadn't even crossed his mind. Though she supposed even if it had, Matthew wouldn't care. It was clear he didnt mind getting dirty. "Be sure to ask Edward about the details on the matter then when you have some spare time. If it fits in your schedule, of course," The man, shrugged, had a vile grin around his face. And took a step back. But Cassiopeia was still unimpressed. "Oh, Matthew, how terribly misinformed you are." She began with a sigh. Like she was talking to anyyoing child. Though in a way; she was. "Edward tells me everything, so if this "matter" of which you speak really is that imporant I will know about it soon enough." Now it was her turn to smile.


Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:28 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" X
"My good opinion once lost is lost forever" Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He actually wondered if that woman realized what those mutts truly were capable of? And not in ways of damage or attacking or anything else. No. The damage they did to silk and other precious materials. Their fur could be found anywhere. The foul smell always notable wherever you went. They barked too loudly and they were way too excited. Their nails could damage any good polished floor as well as the fact that they lost so much hair from time to time that it would be a miracle if you could even see past that to spot the damage. In a way he thought that it suited her judgmental nature. Dogs rolled up in faeces and dead animals in an attempt to get profit out of it. They did gruesome things just to benefit from it. And yet she had taken a liking to them. Perhaps because she saw herself in them. Laughable to say the least. Simple minded nature. You see a bone, you charge. Any meat left was a price to them anyway.

Matthew was a very clean man. People even said he seemed obsessed with keeping things clean and fresh. His love for flowers sprouted forth for his love for Cecilia. He had learned to appreciate them through her. The man always took time out of his day to clean himself. HIs study was something admirable. He would rarely let anyone else clean it. He enjoyed the process quite a lot, actually. Arranging all the things he had and making sure everything looked pristine. He found high value in keeping everything polished. It's why he hated animals so much. They didn't have a place in a home, let alone a palace. They were for outside. He owned some horses for travels, but he wouldn't put them inside. The same should be done with any pet people had.

She spoke and he almost had to hold back a chuckle. Stupid woman. Did she not realize that by saying that she was making a fool of herself? How could she, who acted in such ways that things had to be perfect, then forget one of the most important things one from high standing could do. She really was more stupid then he gave her credit for. Impressive to say the least, as she seemed so confident in everything she did. So simple minded. She belittled things that didn't seem important to her. In those ways it blinded her and soon it would catch up to her. He looked forward to that day. "Of course," he said with a nod. "I'm sure of that," A broad smile appeared on his face as he moved the flower between his fingers, keeping eye contact with the woman. "It must seem that some things are no longer... Part of a duchess duties then, my oh my... My dearest apologies... That must have been a mistake on my end then," He bowed his head a bit as the smile remained on his face.

She forget about an occasion oh so important, not even making note to it to the person in question. Oh if word got out he was sure that someone wasn't gonna be pleased. It was like putting up a middle finger to everything the Winters were. He had to hold back a laugh as he realized that. He wasn't gonna mention it, of course. Let her wander that thought some longer.
Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:57 pm
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