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I’ll take a hit of whatever you got
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Malcolm Morris
Malcolm Morris
I’ll take a hit of whatever you got DN6yB78
I’ll take a hit of whatever you got 7bfdfe980368613395abf4ab26619fea

Character sheet
Age: 21 Y/O
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Thief
PEACE IS OVERRATED, IT'S THE FIGHTERS WHO SURVIVE @Billy Farrington Malcolm wandered through the streets of the middle ring. The cap of jacket covered his head and his face. He was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. The clouds that soared through the sky were looking angry and seemed to be stocked with rain. He had to get out of here as fast as possible. Or get inside some merchants shop or house or god knows what. As long as he could find shelter from the threatening weather. Normally he would just run of and hide inside his own place or the safest place of all: the sea. However, there was nothing here. As a simple lower class he couldn't just hang around a random shop for hours without catching anyones attention or raising suspicion. The only thing that was left for him to do was get out of this shit hole as quick as possible and find safe shelter. Easier said than done...
Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:32 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Billy Farrington
Billy Farrington
I’ll take a hit of whatever you got Naamloos
I’ll take a hit of whatever you got Ezgif-1-9c1437ceca

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Engineer, inventor & scientist

❝ I like to keep all my options on the table ❞
Sometimes it was quite annoying that she had to travel this far to get her supplies. She wasn't feeling in her normal energetic self. And from the moment she woke up this morning all she wanted to do was just really hang out lazily in her workshop. But then she got to tinkering and working and of course her stupid brain had to go work overtime. She missed some components of the material she needed... And because almost all the shops were found in the middle ring, she had to travel down from her family's home in the upper ring. Oh well. Just in and out of the store, it wouldn't take long.

She went to her usual store, bought her stuff and packed everything neatly in her backpack, before she put the thing back on. As she adjusted some of the straps to get more stability, she walked out of the store. Her two colored eyes gazed up as she noticed that some clouds were starting to gather. Oh... Well great, she was gonna get stuck in a rainstorm... Maybe. She sighed as she adjusted her tinted glasses and started to walk.

Her pace was quick as she weaved a way through the people that were gathered on the streets. It seemed more people were in a hurry to go home or find some shelter before it started to rain. Billy didn't mind the rain at all, it was just that she wasn't in the mood to get completely soaked... And to an extend also ruin the material she had just picked up. Maybe she should ask her father if they could open up a small shop in the middle ring. It would be easier for her to spread out her work. And when she felt like working remotely, she could just go to that place.

As she was lost in thought, she didn't quite notice the man... And just straight up bumped into him. She looked up as she started to observe the other. He was only a bit taller than her, had brown hair, blue eyes. Looked kind of skinny. "Sorry mate," she smiled at him as she set a step back, hoping that she didn't cause too much trouble to the other.
Fri Jul 22, 2022 6:11 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Malcolm Morris
Malcolm Morris
I’ll take a hit of whatever you got DN6yB78
I’ll take a hit of whatever you got 7bfdfe980368613395abf4ab26619fea

Character sheet
Age: 21 Y/O
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Thief
“Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things.” @Billy Farrington Fear started to take over his emotions when he noticed how the clouds got darker by the minute. Malcolm was almost running through the streets. It was another hectic day in Ashgard, and it appeared that everyone was trying to get home at the same goddamn moment. Malcolm waved through the herds of people. The inside of his cheek was buried between his teeth. He could already feel the moist in the atmosphere. And for a split second he had the feeling that was going to make him transform already. But everything stayed the same. He kept pacing through the crowds. Not caring a single bit about all the people he pushed aside. Nothing mattered now. He just had to get away from this place. He didn't know where to go. Shore was too far away. The library was most likely his best option, but even that was still a couple of minutes away. Fuck. This was gonna be a close call.
Just as the familiar building of the library was in sight he bumped into a woman with blonde hair, causing him to almost trip. Malcolm gave her a short bitter gaze as he quickly regained his balance. She was clearly from the upper class. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Watch it," he spat at her with a hostile attitude by taking a couple of steps forward towards her. His stress outed itself in anger, making him totally forget about his rush to find cover from the rain.

Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:05 pm
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