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[FOF] Greedy
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FOF] Greedy Image
[FOF] Greedy Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Rhysand Zinyra
The festival had gone by pretty smoothly. It wasn't half as bad as Ezekiel had expected as soon as he had slipped away from the prying looks, spending some time with his wife in their private little bubble. However, the tension in his jaw had returned as soon as he had spotted the necromancer in the ballroom. And he hadn't been alone. It had been a matter of seconds. The summoner could have easily missed it: Him, her, them. But he didn't. He saw them and it was enough to turn his night upside down.

It had turned him sour, a little more distant as he had trouble to hide his anger. Chaska must have noticed because she decided Caelum's company was preferable over his. He did feel guilty about that, because as soon as they seemed to grow towards each other, to bury the hatched because of his past mistakes, his currents sins spoiled that all. If there was a way he could keep them both happy. No, a way he could keep Chaska happy while he could keep Rhysand close. But time after time it seemed he was too greedy for wanting both.

All these unfamiliar emotions clouded his judgement. It all circled down to one thing: betrayal. He didn't want to admit to himself that he was hurt. But being angry was very easy. He should stay away from him, ignore him for tonight. Maybe for the rest of their stay in Ishgard and think about it for a month at sea. But once he spotted him alone, trying to avoid the crowd when he went to collect some drinks, Ezekiel couldn't help but intervene.

Their eyes didn't meet as he found his spot beside him. He didn't even look at him, or aknowledge he was there. For the rest of the world, they would seem strangers, both happen to grab a drink at the same time. ‘‘Seems like you can take a man out of Xaila, but can't take Xaila out of the man.’’ He still refused to look him in the eye. By Lythrana, Ezekiel should have known.
Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:45 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FOF] Greedy XgiVb5h8_o
[FOF] Greedy 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
By the gods, they were supposed to lay low for the night. Judging from the state of his ruffled up attire, however, he certainly didn’t succeed in doing so. Making love to his beloved companion in the chilly evening breeze wasn’t exactly how he’d imagined spending his time at the ball. Though he couldn’t exactly complain. Blame it on being caught up in the heat of the moment – which seemed to be a common theme concerning most of his impulsive decisions.

Well, at least they’ve managed to somewhat live up to their intention to lay low, seeing how presumablynobody had seen them disappear behind the bushes in the garden, let alone caught them in the act. Dangerously enough, the thought only fueled his self proclaimed state of being untouchable – dare he even say divinely protected.

Yet it wouldn’t hurt to remain cautious, so when he had offered to have one final drink before they’d trade the castle for the comfort of their inn room, he decided that is was best for him to go on that little fetch-quest alone. He’d be quick after all, especially when navigating through the crowd by himself. Perhaps some part of him wished to bump into a certain someone, being able to spend but a brief moment by his side before returning to the mage.

It didn’t take long for him to collect their drinks, having maneuvered himself through the crowded ballroom with ease. Now, with two drinks in hand and ready to make his way back into the castles gardens, an all too familiar voice spoke words which took him a moment to comprehend. Shooting a brief glance at the summoner beside him, he was quick to avert his gaze back to the crowd after slowly putting the drinks down at the table behind them. It was obvious that the man didn’t want to be seen chatting him up.

”Certainly. Don’t you think she’s beautiful?” Perhaps he should refrain from provoking the summoner like that, but he had to admit to be quite taken aback by this sudden hostility. He had been the one unwilling to be introduced to her back in Lemuria. ”Without her, chances are I wouldn’t have lived to see that lovely new tattoo of yours.” He reminded his lover as he leaned back against the table behind them, his eyes still fixated on the crowd. ”Let alone pressing my lips against it.” Having lowered his voice, he’d been cunningly closing the distance between them enough for him to briefly brush his fingertips along the fabric of the summoner’s sleeve. ”Now, let us drop this act of hostility so I can get a brief look at that pretty face before I take my leave.” 
Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:10 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FOF] Greedy Image
[FOF] Greedy Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Rhysand Zinyra
There was space left in the summoner's mind to stay reasonable. Wasn't this the man who crossed the continent for him? Who spoke in love confessions and challenged deities for them to be together? It wasn't the same man whom he had spent time with not mere days ago. Who he had wasted time missing on.

The necromancer's aloof demeanour angered him even more. But it was his words that broke the camel's back. He shot a quick glance at him, shooting daggers with his odd eyes. The summoner's knuckles turned white as he balled his hands in fists. He had to refrain his everything not hitting him straight in the face, or screaming profanities at him. He was lucky they were in public. That was probably why he had to nerve to speak like this. Coward.

Should he be thankful for that woman? Rhysand spoke as if she was some messiah. How long had she been in the picture? For every time he had risked his reputation? And that of the woman carrying his child? He ruined his relationship with his wife already because of him. And all this time there had been some other woman? Had he been unable to smell her on him, because they had become one and the same? Ezekiel didn't recognize this part of himself, that was so badly hurt because of something like this. Perhaps he never had been truly in love before, that the thought alone of sharing him made his blood boil.

Ezekiel pulled his arm away from the other as he came closer. One more step and hands would be thrown. The summoner exhaled loudly through his nose as the other "wanted to see his pretty face" before he left. So that was his big plan for his goodbye? Forced apart for yet another month at sea, while he got cozy with his beautiful lad-friend. So that's that then. He really had been naive. He shouldn't have trusted a Xailan, who just lusted after whoever he found pretty. ‘‘You're unbelievable,’’ he only managed to say in a strained voice, having difficulty keeping it down.

It felt like he was fighting with Chaska all over again. They used to fight about every little small thing. But that was usually because he protected himself from her getting too close. And now that he allowed somebody to get under his skin, it felt even worse. But he wouldn't allow to let the other see how badly it got to him. So no, he could not drop the hostility. ‘‘Get lost, Rhysand,’’ he hissed through his teeth and turned away, refusing to look at him. It was a mistake even trying to speak to him. He should have never walked up to him, as if he expected some excuse. Or an apology. Now he could think it over his warm trip back home. Not that the bastard would lose sleep over it.
Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:45 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FOF] Greedy XgiVb5h8_o
[FOF] Greedy 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
His usual, cheeky smirk gradually faded as their gazes crossed. He’d always enjoyed the looks given by the summoner as they bickered in their flirty ways, but this was a different kind of look. Dare he even say different from the one back at the Lemurian festival, where a similar look then escalated in the man’s fist against his face.

The necromancer couldn’t help the slight confusion in his eyes as he looked back at him. Did the sight of him and the mage merely enjoying the celebrations truly upset him to this extend? Or did he manage to have a peek at them just moments ago, when they had swiftly acted upon their desires within the heat of the moment. Even then, the summoner had known, right? He had never disguised the fact that he’d been traveling with a companion. He’d seen them within the arena. By Xeion, he had even offered to introduce her to him back in Lemuria. If this was the reason behind his sudden temper tantrum, then why did it bother him now all of a sudden?

“Excuse me?” the necromancer replied, a light chuckle of disbelief following his words. He could sense the resentment in his voice, noticing how the summoner struggled to keep it down. He would’ve lied if he pretended that the man’s sudden hostility towards didn’t bother him. All he’d wanted was a brief taste of his lips at the ball, before both of them would have to part ways and dutifully spend it with their wife and companion. Which, unlike Ezekiel, the necromancer would enjoy. He did not mind dividing his time between the both of them, though, in a perfect world, he wouldn’t have to.

“Where do you think you’re going?” the necromancer replied blatantly, swiftly but firmly reaching out to take hold off the other’s wrist, preventing him from walking away even further as the man turned his back towards him. The former playfulness had vanished from his voice completely, making place for a mixture of worry and vexation. ”We’re going to have a talk,” he continued, unconsciously tightening his grip on the summoner’s wrist as he pulled him in closer. ”Privately.”

Perhaps he could’ve handled it better, but dragging the summoner off to a desolate hallway had been the best solution he could come up with on the spot. “What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” he hissed as he finally freed the man from his grip, keeping his voice down for the occasional guards patrolling the castle’s hallways. “Don’t tell me this is about Sarya.” Despite the urgency dripping from his voice and demeanor, his dark eyes were fixated on the summoner with a look of genuine worry. Because despite his repeating temper tantrum’s, he did truly love this man.
Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:21 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FOF] Greedy Image
[FOF] Greedy Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Rhysand Zinyra
It was Rhysand's cluelessness that angered him even more. Well, he was Xailan after all. The summoner was never really bothered by the other's free-spirited customs. He even envied them most of the time. How he was allowed to enjoy earthly pleasures as much as he wanted, while he was supposed to grovel in prudery while his wife was handpicked for him. Ezekiel got even dragged along with him, happily as he explored foreign lands. Memories that lost their glimmer with every passing second.

The tension in his jaw rose as the necromancer continued to act like he didn't know what he was doing. But Ezekiel had some of his pride left. He refused to let his anger or hurt get the better of him. He was notoriously quick to anger. He really had to contain himself to not start to raise his voice, curse him out. So removing himself from the situation was his best bet, leaving Rhysand some food for thought.

Unfortunately, the necromancer had other ideas. Ezekiel pulled on his arm as soon as his fingers latched onto his wrist. ‘‘Don't touch me,’’ he hissed as softly as he could. Was he crazy? How many eyes could be on them right now? Not to mention his wife. He clearly didn't care about his lady friend. She was probably used to sharing. Or was she a victim of the necromancer's pretty words as well?

His warning didn't help him release him. No, quite the opposite. He finally turned his head around to the bronze-skinned man. His two-coloured eyes do all the cursing for him. Who was he trying to demand him into something there was so little to talk about? He dug his heels tightly into place, giving another pull on his arms. But when the other didn't let go and started to drag him off to Lythrana knows where he knew he couldn't punch him in the face just yet. The necromancer should consider himself as lucky that there were so many people around.

Ezekiel was ready to immediately throw hands as soon as they were out of sight. As soon as the other finally kept his hands to himself, the summoner pondered two options: walk away or grab the other by the shoulders and shake some sense in him. He only scoffed at the question of what had gotten into him. Perhaps he was acting up too high in emotions. But he just couldn't help it. He hated seeing someone else's hands on him. But what was perhaps even worse was his pleased expression with it. ‘‘Oh, so that's her name,’’ he spat back in a sarcastic voice. He didn't want to know. He still couldn't believe that he just did that. Not even trying to deny it. ‘‘Does she know mine, I wonder?’’

Before he knew it, he pushed his lover straight in his chest, advancing at him, knowing it wouldn't get him anywhere, but he was too mad to care. ‘‘What's gotten into me?’’ he echoed his question with a dark tone. ‘‘Are you mad? What's gotten into you?’’ he snarled back. He didn't believe any of his innocent looks.
Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:42 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[FOF] Greedy XgiVb5h8_o
[FOF] Greedy 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

The Sun
a waning ember in twilight's lament
Cascades into obsidian, where shadows are sent.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
He had always held onto the many similarities between them, which, perhaps, greatly contributed to his strange and intense obsession with this man. The two of them were alike in many aspects, but certainly not all. The necromancer was pretty sure that their differing cultures were the root cause of these difference in morals, especially when it came to matters of the heart.

Not too long ago he had convinced himself that ‘love’ didn’t exist in his – often emotionally limited vocabulary. Not in the way that was often spoken about, at least. It was quite ironic now that he had found himself entangled in such strange attachment to not one, but two people, which wasn’t uncommon where he came from, yet surprisingly unforeseen. In all honesty, he hadn’t even quite figured out how to navigate through these feelings all together, let alone dealing with whatever complications and friction his unusual affairs might cause.

A futile attempt to prevent the summoner from walking away only resulted in the type of glare he hadn’t received before, causing his stomach to turn in an unpleasant and unfamiliar feeling of guilt. Yet his grip on the man’s wrist remained, eventually turning into a firm tug as he dragged the summoner through the hallways of the Ylindar castle. Turning a corner, the two of them found themselves in a position where they could quietly solve this without prying eyes. Though, ‘quietly’ seemed to have been too high of an expectation.

”Quiet,” the necromancer hissed in between the summoner’s words, urging him to lower his volume before some patrolling guard would stumble upon two suspicious looking figures arguing in some desolate hallway of the castle. A situation he would rather avoid, judging from his former experience with the royal guard of his homeland, which had been far from pleasant.

Though the summoner’s accusing tone of voice didn’t sit quite right with him, he tried his best to remain a straight face as he spoke, slowly comprehending the consequences of their cultural differences as it only became clearer what his sudden strange and distant behavior was about. Only when the man’s words came paired with a shove against his chest did he manage to lose his composure.

”I told you to lower your voice!” the necromancer hissed with clenched jaw as he firmly clasped his hands around his lover’s delicate wrists, pulling him in closer so that he wouldn’t have to raise his voice as much, hoping to set the example.

”Calm down, Ezekiel,” he continued, his voice just above a whisper, yet dripping with frustration. His eyes were glued to that of the summoner, attempting to find a glance of vulnerability in his stone cold glare. ”No, she does not know your name, which is why I wanted to introduce you to her back in Lemuria. An offer you so kindly refused.” Even though his lover’s sudden – and unfair hostility didn’t fail to annoy him, he tried his best to keep his voice low and neutral. The last thing he wanted was to push him even further away now that he had finally found his way back to him.

The grip on his wrists loosened, yet remained firm enough to keep him close. Perhaps because of convenience regarding the volume of their voices, or maybe just because he wanted to keep the summoner close to him, both physically and emotionally. ”I assumed you knew I was traveling with a companion. I’ve never even attempted to hide that from you, which is why I didn’t hesitate to bring her here.” Torn between wanting to reassure him and to remind him of the expecting wife of his own sleeping beside him each night, he simply awaited his response, testing the waters now that he reminded him of his own, ignorant role in this
Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:20 am
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