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[FOF] Longest night
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Charlie Elaéydar
Charlie Elaéydar
Blub blub
[FOF]  Longest night Charbb10
[FOF]  Longest night Eb33365ad8ca68ed4df1de3f843948d6

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Druid
Occupation: Assistant, Otter, Mascot
It's such a perfect day to be washed away
I went and set by the shore  and i counted the waves.

[FOF]  Longest night Dbzwfby-6f92e29f-a50b-43d4-b1c2-cae7a77a5a63_copy

His eyes shimmered as the fell upon the many lights spread across the venue. As stars, they spread out above him, beside him and beyond him making it feel as though he was lost in space if he thought about it for too long. if anything- the thought was way more calming than the many people cheering around him that was for sure. Had he not been dancing previously he'd join them again. But for now, his energy had plummeted beyond manageable, calling for a desperate quick snack to keep him going. throughout the rest of the night. As he had no interest in missing half the party just because he partied too hard the first part. Afterall- all the funny really started when all the boring adults left for their early bedtimes. Then none of them would ask him things he had no way of answering or worse, compare him to his dead father.

Charlie clenched his jaws on top of each other when he heard the bruteness in which his thoughts ran through his head. It felt as though they were trying to escape from his grasp, just to avoid being altered by reason or any way of emotion and sensibility. Burdening him daily and even now as he walked among stars on his way to stock up on food. It seemed he would never be able to control them, they'd just continue on going and going until he went to sleep and all went blank, or- well bumping into her seemed to do the trick. Even if it was only briefly.


A shocked sound escaped him a little later than would be expected after you collide with someone unexpectedly. His eyes shot upward, meeting those of the woman he had met before on the night markets. The not vendor and the secret royalty. Charlie blinked and chuckled away his slight embarrassment, " Oh! Sorry- did not see you there" the druid smiled, glad his body did not escape into another upon getting jumpscared.

I counted a hundred and eight reasons i want to escape.
But then the reasons they'd crash upon the shore.
And they'd break

Much thank Nien x
Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:18 pm
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