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[FOF] The Night Is Dark
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ether Rizal
Ether Rizal
[FOF] The Night Is Dark I4pgPY7
[FOF] The Night Is Dark UeZYXVC

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Diviner
champagne, cocaine, gasoline & most things inbetween
Just a few hours prior he had arrived at the grand ball, sober. Right now, Ether had drank roughly six cups of wine, and was still counting. To say he was tipsy would be an understatement. He had been socializing quite a lot, met quite a few people, and was actually having quite a good time. Somehow he hadn't expected this outcome, the outcome where the ball would actually be pleasant and nice. In the back of his mind, he was still guarded, waiting for something bad to happen. Not that any of the people he was talking to would notice that.

After a little while of more chating, he felt the wine somewhat rising to his mind. And so he decided to step outside for a little bit. Inside it was warm, light, fun. As soon as he set foot outside of the palace, Ether felt the hairs of his neck stand up again, feeling uneasy. He was cold, and couldn't appreciate the beauty of the land that laid before him as he detested the memories that came with seeing it. He sighed, folded his hands into each other after which he lifted them to his mouth and breathed hot air into them. With one last look at the landscape he turned around to head back in, much preferring the fun atmosphere inside. But just as he wanted to go back in, someone else came through the doors, halting him in his movement.

This shirt with a white cloak hanging from one shoulder, a v-shaped corset that manages to snag the waist but still show of the shirt's design, wine red pants and gay boots
@Nerys Trygg
© yuno
Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:02 am
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