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Something in the night is dangerous
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Amora Chandyll
Amora Chandyll
Something in the night is dangerous 53zL75vk_o
Something in the night is dangerous TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Mage
Occupation: Traveller
A smile was appearing around the corners of her mouth as she handed over the weapon she had created a short while ago. It was a dagger, made from the life force of a squirrel. Luckily it was only a small weapon that was requested; Amora had used too many of her power and she desperately needed some rest. But word spread around that she was able to craft weapons and the requests came with a large amount, too much for Amora to keep up. And she also had to be careful with how much she would give. Her weapons would evaporate after a while and although she had only given weapons to travelers so far, they still could come back to Ishgard to find her. With her three colored eyes, black hair and the way she dressed she wasn’t that hard to find. Amora knew she could rely on her combat skills if a customer would ever try to make trouble or she could just pass it on to someone else by using her charm, but she still needed to be careful.

After the deal, Amora felt lightheaded. She knew she needed a drink desperately to get back her strength. Or she could return to the inn she was staying in with Castellan so she could get some rest there, but she didn’t want him to see her so weak. Castellan had seen her vulnerable more than she would like to admit and Amora wanted to prevent that he would see her again like that this time. So she forced herself to basically drag herself to the nearest inn, settling down on a chair as soon as she got the chance. With a snap of her fingers she ordered some alcohol, downing it in one go. It probably wasn’t smart to down too much alcohol, so she held herself back when she wanted to order some more.

The legs of the chair across from her scratched loudly over the wooden floor as someone sat himself down across from her. Amora was in no mood to engage in a conversation with anyone and she just kept her eyes closed, rubbing her eyebrows as she felt an annoying headache coming up. ”If you want a good talk, sit somewhere else, sweetheart,” she informed the person sitting across from her, not even bothering to check whether it was a man or a woman. She had her eyes still closed and her head bowed forward, massaging between her eyebrows with her thumbs.

@Caspian Elessar
Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:25 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Something in the night is dangerous IzBexY8
Something in the night is dangerous Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

There had been rumors about a mage traveling around, handing out weapons. A special kind of weapon to begin with, something to do with magic. If anything it wasn’t prohibited and not against the law for that matter. The moment Caspian had heard about it, he had gotten intrigued about the matter. Looking into it on a daily base, trying to pinpoint a route. Which was only due to some information his fellow knights had gathered from other travelers. From what they knew, he had gathered the person in question was now in Ishgard. Something to look into for sure. But if anything, maybe not today since it was his free day. Or well, the Princess had granted him a moment off since she was busy with something else. If anything he didn’t mind being around her, but he appreciated the fact that she gave him some time for himself as well.

Finding himself in a tavern right now. Just ordered himself a drink, kicking back a little. It was a rather busy night and while he did enjoy himself, making some simple conversation with someone who sat closeby him. He couldn’t help but look up when a totally random guy sat down at a table that was already taken by a woman. Making him frown briefly. The stranger in question started to raise his voice after the woman had spoken. Clearly drunk, but for some reason he didn’t know, the stranger did seem to know the woman at the table. Taking another sip of his own drink he just listened to what was going on behind him. Wondering if he should step in.

The moment the other raised his voice even more. Standing up even, which causes that screeching sound of wood sliding on wood again, Caspian stood up as well. Turning around. Catching the man’s lower arm that he had just raised. ’Come now, let’s keep it civil okay?’

It must be made.

Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:47 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Amora Chandyll
Amora Chandyll
Something in the night is dangerous 53zL75vk_o
Something in the night is dangerous TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Mage
Occupation: Traveller
Amora knew the man who was sitting in front of him. He had asked her to make a certain weapon and she had refused. The man had requested from her to create an axe, but those kinds of weapons were hard to make and would surely drain a lot of energy from Amora. And he was tired as she was already. And here he was, being drunk and making a fool out of himself. Amora felt that her headache was increasing and she glared at the man with her three colored eyes. Oh, how she wished she could just shut him up. Her eyes narrowed when he stood up and raised his hand, as if he could hit Amora in the middle of a pub. Fool. A pleased smirk appeared around the corners of her mouth when a man felt the immediate need to intervene; he stopped the man from hitting her by grabbing his arm. Surely she could deal with this fool herself, but it was even better when someone did the job for her. Men and their stupid ego. It never ceased to amuse her.

But the man was having none of it. His shouting increased and he tried to get his arm out of the grip the other man had on him. Amora could see that the man who was trying to rescue her was fairly handsome, with half long hair and from what she could see dark colored eyes. Dark hair, dark eyes and tall. Her type alright. But Amora didn’t like to play the damsel in distress. While she did like to let others do her dirty work for her, she just wanted the man to shut the hell up. She was tired from carrying out her duties and she was tired of being surrounded by foolish men.

”Can you shut up already?” she hissed with venom in her voice at the man. ”I already told you that your request is impossible for me to carry out. Now if you’ll excuse me, I don’t like to waste my time with the likes of you.” The man’s face got even redder and he raised his fist, aiming it at the man who was currently holding him back. As he did that, his body turned in Amora’s direction and the woman braced herself, already reaching out towards a bottle of beer which she could use to slam it in his face if the man behind him wasn’t able to hold the violent douchebag back.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:47 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Something in the night is dangerous IzBexY8
Something in the night is dangerous Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Caspian wasn’t quite entertained by the fact that this man was raising a hand to a woman. With the idea to actually smack her around. He couldn’t care less what he was on about. He simply wouldn’t have it. Not while he was enjoying some time off. The drunk could take his anger elsewhere for all he cared. But no way in hell that he would let a woman be struck when he was close. While the other was wiggling himself out of the grip or trying to, Caspian strengthened his own grip around the other man's arm. Shoving him higher against his back, which would cause a whole other pain if he kept working against him. Perks of knowing what he did.

As the woman spoke, Caspian listened. Keeping a hold of the other man. Interesting to say the least. He did wonder what kind of services she offered to that pig of a man. But well, he could only wonder indeed. When the idiot raised his fist Caspian had more than enough of it. Placing his foot in front of that of the drunk and working him to the ground easily. Planting his knee on the other guy’s back keeping him down. Briefly glancing around. Motioning over a broad looking guy that probably worked in the tavern as some kind of security measure. Together they carried the man outside, and tossed him on the ground. Caspian gave him a fair warning, that if he’d see his face tonight. He’d have his ass in the dungeons before he could even blink. With that, he walked back inside and took his rightful place by the bar back.

It must be made.
Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:14 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Amora Chandyll
Amora Chandyll
Something in the night is dangerous 53zL75vk_o
Something in the night is dangerous TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Mage
Occupation: Traveller

While she spoke, she saw a flicker of interest spark up in the eyes of the man who was holding her assailant down in a tight grip. He was probably wandering what kind of services she offered. Maybe he was thinking that she was some kind of whore. She guessed that he would never think that she dealt in weapons. Most men didn’t. It was purely based on the way she looked; she was slender, not that tall and well… basically dressed as a whore most of the times. So she could understood what his mind was aiming for it that were the case. She didn’t consider herself to be a whore, though. She just grabbed the opportunity whenever it arose to gain something more out of her services she already offered. No need for calling names.

The man was handling the idiot very well, which was why Amora didn’t feel the need to intervene. The man was soon brought outside and her “hero” took place at the bar again. Amora contemplated whether she should say something to him or not, but she guess a thank you wasn’t that much of an effort she had to make. She could’ve dealt with the situation herself if the need arose, but he had made it far easier for her, so she should at least thank him. The legs of the stool she was sitting on scraped on the ground as she stood up and she slowly approached the man, giving him a smile. ”My, my, handsome and strong. Some men have all the luck in the world, don’t you think?” she teasingly spoke, sliding on the stool that was stationed next to him at the bar. ”And does my hero also have a name?” She was feeling fairly tired and drained, but at least she could have some fun out of this.

She made a gesture towards the man standing behind the bar. She had visited this bar multiple times, so he already knew what kind of drink she wanted. She thanked him with a smile as she grabbed her drink and slowly averted her three colored eyes back towards the man in front of her. Yes, this should be good.

Tue Nov 01, 2022 12:11 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Something in the night is dangerous IzBexY8
Something in the night is dangerous Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Soon as the twat was out and about he came back to his seat. Ordering some bourbon. For now all he needed was some peace and quiet, so he sincerely hoped that no one else was going to make some drama here. But well, if anything always expect the worst right? As he swirled the brownish liquid in his glass to inspect it, he hummed. If anything, it seemed one of presteeemed quality. Briefly pulling a hand through his dark hair while glancing up at the bartender who slid his coin right back. A thank you most likely, for solving the unfolding drama already. Which briefly made him nod.

Apparently someone found the need to take the seat next to him. Making him look up. It was the woman. It would probably make for some interesting conversation. If he was right about who she was after all. Though for now playing dumb seemed like the best path for him to go. Maybe it would loosen her tongue more, or it wouldn’t. If anything he didn’t really care that much.

’What can I say? Good genes run in the family.’ He chuckled briefly, a joke off course. If anything the man wasn’t vain at all. ’Caspian, and who might you be?’ Fair was fair right, a name for a name. And well, in the end a name didn’t tell much. So she could at least grant him that favor.

It must be made.

Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:39 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Amora Chandyll
Amora Chandyll
Something in the night is dangerous 53zL75vk_o
Something in the night is dangerous TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Mage
Occupation: Traveller

”I see,” Amora spoke with a smile. ”Lucky you.” She could guess from the answer he had given that he wasn’t really the arrogant type of guy. There were multiple men who walked around like they owned the place and while this specimen surely seemed to have some confidence, he wasn’t the boasting type of guy. Amora wasn’t sure if she found that to be boring or not. She didn’t really care about the kinds of people she engaged in a conversation with on her journey through the different kingdoms. All she cared about was making money, doing some good deals and getting some fun in the process. As long as nobody would get attached to her, she was quite the open minded person if she did say so herself. Especially when it came to men.

”Amora,” she answered. Caspian. The name suited him in a strange kind of way. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but it seemed like a name she could expect from him. It was also clear to her that he had saved her because he wanted to do something right, not because he wanted something from her. The kind of guy who could be loyal if he were to find a lover. Maybe. He was interesting, that was all she could say for now. ”Is guarding the damsels in distress around this place your occupation or do you do something else for a living?” she asked, looking at him with her three colored eyes. She knew that it could be seen as in invitation about her occupation as well, but she didn’t mind. She could answer that question truthfully, with a few alterations of course.

She wasn’t planning on being handed over by the royal guard for now, was she?

Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:43 pm
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