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[FOF] You know you'll always know me
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Morgana Celaenor
Morgana Celaenor
Niet Ro
[FOF] You know you'll always know me 3V20Pd0
[FOF] You know you'll always know me GDKgUmN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Librarian
The ties were black
the lies were white, in shades of gray in candlelight
Ravaryn was everything she had imagined it to be; it was everything she had read about. It was majestic and mysterious, a kingdom that was like no other. It was a country of myth, the last great mythical kingdom of old, if you asked her. Of course, there was Xaila, but that had never been as intruiging as Ravaryn had been to her. But most of all, it was incredibly...

"It's too cold Ana." She complained to her friend. Perfectly perched upon a bench in one of the castle libraries, the moon elf did not want to listen to the ideas of her friend. Mostly because they all contained the phrase 'going out'. Why would anyone venture in the cold, while there was a fire burning right beside them? Of course, her friend's soul was rooted in ice and snow due to her magic, so maybe that was why she felt so keen to brave the harsh temperatures. "Can't we just stay inside and read?" She suggested with a hopeful smile, knowing full well her companion would not go for that any longer than she already had.

Winter Fitje x
Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:22 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Anaïre Aerendyl
Anaïre Aerendyl
[FOF] You know you'll always know me BUmvagW
[FOF] You know you'll always know me AnaIcon

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Moon Elf
You must have your;
heart on fire

They had come here to enjoy the Frostcrown Festival. It wasn’t here first time in Ishgard, nor would it be the last of that she was certain. The young woman liked it here, the cold was somewhat of a negative but she enjoyed it still. Mainly because it laid rather close with her magic. So yes, one could say that she could adored being here. The Ravaryan court was something she enjoyed as well. Over the years she had made some friends here and it was always nice to see them whenever she returned. Yet this year she had brought a guest along. No one other than her dearest Morgana. They would certainly have a blast here!

As she heard her speak Ana looked up from her book. Tilting her head softly. ’You are aware that we are in Ravaryn right? The coldest place in the kingdom?’ Silly goose, what did she expect? This wasn’t Xaila. ’Don’t you want to go on an adventure with me?’ The silver-haired woman pouted. Looking at her friend in a playful manner. Before her focus went to her glass of water that stood in front of her. While snow wasn’t her forte, she could try right. Wanting to flip the page but almost deliberately tapping against her glass which fell on the wooden table, water spilling down of the edge of the table. Making her groan. ’Oh boy.’ She blushed. An act. Cause with a bit of focus she had managed to make something alike of snow. Sending the snowball flying straight in the face of her friend.


And your brain on ice.

Sat Jan 06, 2024 5:20 pm
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