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Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
Restless Banner10
Restless Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman
She was Chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine

The nightmares were the worst. Being thrown right back into his clutches, just as the arrow hit his temple and she could see the life leave his body over and over. Filling her with a deep regret, guilt and pain. Some nights it wasn't him, but one of her sisters or her mother. Some nights she was the one dying by the arrow. Some nights he did not die at all and had his way with her in unspeakable ways. She had tried every remedy she could come up with, even going so far as to not sleep at all, just to avoid the thought provoking dreams. Which only called them on with such a vengeance that, when she eventually passed out from pure exhaustion, she woke up screaming and crying and bathing in cold sweats. It now not only ruined her nights, but also started to effect her days. If she wasn't dreaming about it, she was thinking about the nightmares and the actual events that caused them. She saw his face in the corner of her eyes, making her jump. She was stuck in a tired restlessness that was slowly taking pieces of her. Pieces she couldn't afford to lose. As the medicine woman of her tribe she couldn't be the one with a sickness of the mind. Because that's what it was, truly. A sickness, that consumed her, and she did not have the knowledge to cure herself. Not with this.

She had heard of him before. He helped the people of the lower ring, and helped them good. He was the first person she thought of when she realized this was above her know-how to fix. But it took her weeks before she could convince herself to give him a try, because she didn't even know if he would help someone like her. Soon enough her reservations towards the idea was clouded with her overly tired and restless tormented mind. And so, one early winter morning, she stood behind a tree near his house... or office? She could barely think after two sleepless nights. Her vision was shaky and her legs struggled to carry her across the muddy streets without slipping, but somehow she managed. Raising her hand in a fist, she knocked on the door. Not noticing how she slightly swayed from side to side as she waited. She could feel it come on, though. She had to fight it off, like she had done countless times. It felt like an hour had passed when the door finally opened. But just as she opened her mouth to speak it happened. Unable to fight it off anymore her vision turned black. Dropping straight towards the floor as she lost her consciousness to that beast in her mind.

&Damian Lunetta
Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:06 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Damian Lunetta
Damian Lunetta
Restless 5GPsqhT
Restless FWMBmFh

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Damian Lunetta
His morning had been an easy one. His had his coffee, his morning practice and only a handful of patients today. If he was lucky, he could be done by sundown and maybe take a walk through the lower ring. Tomorrow, he had to go back to his parents for tea and he wasn't really in the mood to be talking about pleasantries. He had enough work to do the days after and even wanted to go back to practice a bit more, because of his illusions had been lacking lately. Maybe it was because he was tired, maybe it was because it had been that time again where he got reminded about how much of an asshole he had been. Damian rubbed his temples with his fingers, letting out a sight, before he drank some of his coffee. His eyes glanced over the window, he still had some time before his first appointment of the day would be here. Maybe he could do some reading, to distract himself from the growing cold outside. He just stood up to take out one of the scrolls, when a loud banging on his door made him turn on his heels. With a confused look on his face, he walked towards the door. He had no appointments yet, so who was coming in this early? Today were no walk in hours, because he wanted his morning off.
Damian opened the door, only to find a younger woman standing in front of him. Well, standing was maybe too big of a word, as she was swaying from left to right. The sounds she made, he believed she was trying to talk but words were incoherent. He opened his mouth, asking what she was doing here, but he noticed her eyes rolling back and was just in time to catch her. With his heart beating fast in his chest, he picked up the woman and placed her on the bed that he had within in his office. Carefully, he placed her down, while he turned around to make some tea, just in case she would wake up on her own.

- Tag: Lorraine Doe
Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:32 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
Restless Banner10
Restless Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman
She was Chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine

Like always, Lorraine stayed unconscious. You couldn't call it sleep as nothing would wake her for at least a couple hours. But sooner or later the nightmares would come again. Once her body found only the slightest of rest, they would appear again. Making her toss and turn in her sleep while she muttered and moaned. And eventually she would wake up screaming in a pool of her own cold sweat. Just as she did now. Gasping for air as she jolted up right, as if she had run miles up hill. She wasn't sure if it was the nightmare that had woken her or if it was something else this time. Disoriented, she looked at the sheets of the strange bed she was sitting in and then around the strange room, not remembering where she was. A figure came into view from the corner of her eye, making her jump. Her mind was still plagued by the image of Gavin which fooled her for a moment into thinking it was him.

&Damian Lunetta
Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:00 pm
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