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The court of dreams
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
The court of dreams 9s9opHd
The court of dreams Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
With the Festival of Frostcrown fast approaching, delegations from all over Odiria would soon arrive in Ravaryn. Both her father and Arianna had been corresponding with royalty and nobility in Xaila and Lemuria, inviting them to the upcoming festivities. After what had happened last year, this year had to go exceptionally. Thankfully, to everyone around them and abroad, last year was a tale the pure bravery that roared through her father's veins. But the King had made it very clear to her that this year was all about renewing and honouring their alliances.

One such alliance was with the southernmost country in Odiria: the striking Xaila. After her visit to their celebration, it could only be expected that the Queen would send her own delegation as a sign of friendship. Arianna had been corresponding with Her Majesty herself, who seemed to have taken something of a liking to her ever since Sunpeak. She had sent her eldest daughter, the son Arianna had not met yet, another daughter and few other family members. It would make quite de delegation, Arianna had been told.

It was only appropriate that she would greet the Xailans personally, along with brother Marius, a cousin or two and a handful council members. They would meet with the King later, at dinner. She was dressed in her finest garments, a true vision of royalty. Her white and gold gown glittered, as did the crown atop her head. The handmaiden who had helped her dress had surprisingly left her neck bare, her smooth skin on display. Just as she folded her hands neatly behind her back, the grand doors to the palace entrance opened. There they were.

& Rashid Daetrys

erg royale outfit rawr
Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:31 am
IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
The court of dreams MBUw8GTG_o
The court of dreams 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
Walk slow through the fire
Like, who gon' try us?
When yet another silence swept through the forest, he nudged his horse toward one of his cousins. He had not been to Ishgard for a couple of years, having been able to dodge these visits for quite some time, but he could still remember some landmarks signaling that they were close. ”What do you say, Yasmin, race you to the city gates?” He asked, clearly a bit bored, and she looked like she could use some warmth from the action, clutching to her coat as if he life depended on this. Ofcourse, she could just use her magic, but it seemed like she was saving energy for something. Her glance, however, showed she was not interested, mumbling something along the lines of not wanting to get lost in the city. ”Lost? Me? Have you forgotten that my navigational skills are exceptional?” He asked her, that smug smile tugging on the corners of his lips while his horse was already picking up on his energy, wanting to pick up the pace.

”You know, wandering aimlessly and calling it ‘exploration’ is not actually a skill.” The woman told him, pulling her coat tighter around her shoulders as her horse impatiently threw her head in the air. He chuckled, raising his hand to stop his black stallion from getting ahead. ”Well, your loss, I would have bought you a necklace of your choosing if you won.” The prince countered, increasing the pressure around the belly of his horse to spur him into a gallop, knowing she would probably follow not long after. And indeed, it did not take long before he heard a couple more hooves following him. Rashid began clicking with his teeth to increase speed, perfectly aware of the fact that Yasmin’s mare was quite fast as well, and able to beat his stallion.

With a lot of noise, the two horses galloped into the city, racing over the cobblestones toward the castle. Many people got startled and jumped aside the moment they heard them coming, but Yasmin could not get past him through the narrow streets he carefully picked for this very reason. That was until he noticed she was not behind him anymore and had chosen a different route, making him frown, kicking his stallion once more to urge him to go faster. His grin widened when he spotted the castle gates with no Yasmin in sight, noticing how the guards hesitated to stop him before they spotted the family crest on his chest. He nodded in response when they allowed him to enter but soon after looked behind to see if his cousin would arrive. However, he could not see anyone, which made him frown. Well, maybe, she had made the wrong turn and got held up by something.

Some stablehands took his horse from him when he neared the castle, allowing him to dismount. The guards seemed surprised, probably having expected a few more from the Xailan delegation, but nonetheless, they still walked him to the grand palace doors, opening them for him. He walked in with that some old sway in his walk, fixing his sleeves while at it and letting his eyes roam over what he supposed would be the crown princess, standing next to one of her brothers, no doubt. ”Good afternoon,” He spoke with a casual smile on his face, hiding the worry he felt about his cousin while he waited for his sisters to arrive, reaching out his hands for the princess to greet her with a kiss on the knuckles. Knowing they had expected to see more of them as well.
Feeling the world go against us
So we put the world on our shoulders

Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:39 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
The court of dreams 9s9opHd
The court of dreams Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
As soon as the grand doors the the main palace hall opened, the princess let her eyes fixate on the figure standing in the middle. The tall stranger began making his way towards them as the sunlight managed to eliminate some of her ability to see him clearly. If she hadn't thought he hailed from Xaila, she'd be sure by now. The prince was the splendor of his country, the way she was supposed to be the magnificence of hers.

While the prince neared, she was all too aware of his eyes on her. But she was the exact same. She noticed the swagger in his stride, while he couldn't miss the way her gown glittered in the sunlight from outside. He came to a halt, which made her gaze drifted upward slowly to meet his. Without breaking eye contact she carefully put her hand in his, waiting for the kiss he would undoubtedly place on it. "Your Higness," she greeted him with a slight nod. No matter how much she wanted to she did not bow or curtsy, after all, she outranked him in status. And the Crown Princess of Ravaryn would not show weakness now. She waited before her brother had greeted him, briefly looking aside to Marius with an approving look on her face. "We were expecting more guests to arrive, are their highnesses on their way?" She mused as she looked back to him. Once more, her face became a mask of coridal neutrality. Until she knew who exactly she was dealing with, that mask would not falter.

erg royale outfit rawr
Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:46 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
The court of dreams MBUw8GTG_o
The court of dreams 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
Walk slow through the fire
Like, who gon' try us?
Rashid felt no difficulty hiding his worries from his facial expression, partially because the crown princess managed to distract him well enough with her sparkling dress. Now, he could always enjoy the vision of a beautiful woman, but she was truly exquisite. So much so that his gaze stayed on her for far longer than what was usually considered proper. When she placed her hand in his, his smirk grew before he softly bowed and placed his lips against the soft skin on her knuckled, tenderly. ”Your Highness,” He greeted her back after she said the same thing to him, raising back to his straight posture and catching her eyes again. That feline smile still tugging on his lips. She did not return the little bow to him, nor had he expected this from her, as she outranked him in status on many levels. His mother, the queen of Xaila, did not even like him, and most of the time, she struggled to even acknowledge him as her son, whereas this woman was the crown jewel of her kingdom.

For only a short moment, he now diverted his attention to the brother standing next to her, nodding at him, and stepped aside to formally greet him. However, when the Crown princess spoke again, his gaze slowly drifted back to her eyes with intrigue. Maybe now, he finally understood why his mother wanted him to go to Ravaryn with his sisters. This might have been her plan for him all along. ”They will arrive shortly.” He spoke, keeping his eyes fixed on her while he heard the palace doors open again. Then, he looked back behind him to see his two cousins. Ah, well, at least it seemed like Briseis had already found Yasmin. His grin widened when the younger one strode him with an annoyed glance, having missed the opportunity to get a free necklace from him. But he was glad that she was found, and when his eyes moved to look at Briseis, he showed her a bit of appreciation for the fact that she found her, as no doubt, she knew what had happened.
Feeling the world go against us
So we put the world on our shoulders

Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:38 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
The court of dreams 9s9opHd
The court of dreams Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
Anyone, be it man or woman, would find it hard to keep their posture when a prince as divine as him was standing in front of them. But Arianna wasn't any regular woman. She was an extension of the Crown first, and the Crown did not falter for anyone. It only recognised its equals. When he showed her a smile rippling with ferociousness, she noticed that it also showed his unwavering control. In response, her lips tugged upward into a smile made of pure frost and deadly precision.  

The rest of his party, foremost his elder sister, the other princess —the wild one— and his cousins, would arrive shortly. She raised her brows briefly, had he not travelled with them? But she simply nodded as she spoke: "Very well." Indeed, it did not take long. Just as she had silently agreed to wait for them, the doors opened once more. Two women walked in; one she recognised from passing, one she did not. These must be his cousins. "My ladies," she greeted them with a formal nod of her head. "While we wait for the rest of your company, I would like to say that you are most welcome here." She spoke to them, kinder than she had been to the prince. But these women were not the ones that acquired her to show a glimmer of the strength that Ravaryn was known for. One of them might be a danger in disguise, as she noted the woman furthest from them held back from making any form of conversation. But it was the Prince and his suave that prompted her to keep her posture one of cold beauty. "How were your travels?" She asked, directed at no one in particular.

erg royale outfit rawr
Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:43 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
The court of dreams MBUw8GTG_o
The court of dreams 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
Walk slow through the fire
Like, who gon' try us?
It became very much obvious, to probably everyone in the room, that he had difficulty letting his eyes stray from the woman, clearly intrigued by her physique and demeanor. Rashid did not care much for her brother standing next to her, partially because he had always been shameless with his flirtations. He did not hide them from anyone, purely because he did not care what they thought of him. In his own kingdom, he had already grown used to the fact that he was an outcast, where most people called him a whore behind his back for bedding a devious woman who controlled a lot of men, including himself. He was being shamed while he tried to save his family’s reputation, but more importantly, the reputation of one of his best friends.

And now he was worried that she might have gotten lost on her way to the castle, but luckily for him, that did not last very long, as the cousin who had helped him defend her against the woman who tried to take away her life from her, walked in with Yasmin as her side. As usual, he was very grateful for the fact that she kept an eye on everything and anyone. Undoubtedly, she knew that he had not been careful enough and that it was his fault that their other cousin got separated. If he had not tried to race her to the city, this would not have happened. They would have all arrived together.

He watched the Crown Princess as she greeted his cousins, wishing them welcome into her home. Rash merely smiled, looking at Briseis before letting his eyes go to Yasmin, who tried her best to hide any annoyance on her face. But he had no doubts that she would be able to get along rather easily with the princess, knowing how kind and accepting she was. They both were, she and Briseis, which was why he enjoyed their company so much, as they were one of the few who were actually able to lift his mood. Even now, they had that effect on him, as he was smiling more dearly now that they were in his presence. ”Rather well I suppose. A bit cold, but nothing we could not handle.” He told her when nobody else responded quickly enough, directing a smirk at Yasmin who had been complaining the entire time. Luckily though, they all had their deity, protecting them and keeping them warm, to some degree. ”Though I am famished. What is keeping my sisters so long?” He asked, looking back at the door.
Feeling the world go against us
So we put the world on our shoulders

Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:40 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
The court of dreams 9s9opHd
The court of dreams Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
Every single word her father had spoken about the Xailan family was repeating in her head as the conversation started. She could not yield before him, the King had told her, she could not show him anything that would make him doubt her worth. Ravaryn and Xaila might be on friendly terms, but they oughtn't think either of them was more powerful. Her eyes, a key to all the mystery in the country, were kept on the prince in front of her.  

The only thing that broke their quiet competition was the arrival of his two cousins. She noticed his stance shift and the air became less stiff with anticipation. After her greeting toward the two ladies, she kept quiet to allow her brothers to say their good wishes. The only one who did not speak was her cousin Minerva, whose gaze cut like ice through the Xailan royals. After Arianna shifted her gaze directly toward her cousin, however, the young woman offered the guests a cordial nod. That was all they would get, she supposed.

Her attention shifted back to the prince, who took it upon himself to continue the small talk she had laid out for them. "You will have your patron to protect you from the temperatures. As well as ours, Raanan will be watching over you." She spoke in a manner that was too eloquent for the conversation they were trying to have. The prince asked about his sisters, and for the first time, his mysterious cousin spoke. "They'll arrive soon," the woman said as she looked to the tall man. Arianna briefly raised her brows, did she somehow know when her family would arrive?

Apparently, she did. The doors swung open, hopefully for the last time, and the two princesses walked in. Arianna felt relief rush through her body, though her posture did not change. "Your highnesses, it is an honour to have you here." She spoke. She turned toward the Crown Princess of Xaila, and for the first time since the royal arrival, she curtsied. Nymeria Daetrys was the only one who would receive that gesture from her today. "I am sure you would like nothing more than to rest after such a long journey. My family members and household will show you where you'll be staying. If there is anything you require, do not hesitate to address one of the staff. They will be pleased to aid you as you are our honoured guests." She explained. Immediately, both her brothers and servants fell into line to escort the royals. "Is there anything else I can do for you in this moment?" She asked, hoping fully that no one would take her up on the offer. She wanted some time alone to think about the members of this particular delegation.

erg royale outfit rawr
Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:06 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
The court of dreams MBUw8GTG_o
The court of dreams 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
Walk slow through the fire
Like, who gon' try us?
Rashid had only briefly glanced over the other Ylindar family members, combined with the members of their court. But his eyes remained focused on the Crown Princess, suddenly feeling like she was the main reason for his visit here. So, his mother finally found some kind of use for him. She had never forced him to go anywhere until now, which meant she might have had something planned. Had he expected something like this? Oh, absolutely. Did he mind this? Well, now that he saw her, maybe not so much anymore. Though, he still wanted to know how she felt about all of this, about him. Because he was not your regular cup of tea, and he was well aware of this. Yet, who knew, maybe she would be pleasantly surprised once she got to see what was underneath. Either way, he was at least willing to leave an impression, as always.

The attempt at some small talk she threw back at them made him grin, shortly glancing at Yasmin to see if she had caught the meaning, knowing she had been the one complaining about the cold while he had been perfectly unbothered. But, ofcourse, she often found a way to complain about everything. The angry glare she threw back at him had been enough to make him chuckle before landing his eyes back on the dark-haired beauty that was the crown jewel of her kingdom. ”Indeed. We should have nothing to complain about.” He shamelessly aimed back at his cousin while continuing his small talk with the princess. However, his words were laced with a double meaning as he looked into her dark brown eyes, not having anything to complain about while he kept staring into their depths. Not at all hiding these silent attempts at flirting with her.

His attention only got diverted when his sisters arrived, taking a step sideways as he smoothly positioned himself beside the Crown Princess, a place his mother probably intended him to take after this visit. And, as expected, the woman curtsied for his oldest sister. Then, she formally welcomed all of them, his entire family, before allowing them to be shown to their chambers to rest after a long journey. He watched as most of them followed her brothers and the servants to their rooms, but he remained standing where he was. ”There is.” He said, showing her one of his feline grins, balancing on playfulness as he moved himself to stand in front of her again. ”It has been a very long time since I last set foot in this place, and I might need someone to show me around once more.” His eyes showed her he was not tired, so he had no need for rest. Gracefully, he moved up his arm in a silent invitation to hook herself in so she could show him around. ”I figured you might know all the best places.” He added, his eyes showing that hint of slyness in his nature.
Feeling the world go against us
So we put the world on our shoulders

Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:29 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
The court of dreams 9s9opHd
The court of dreams Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
Before her stood a predator, sly in his deadly manner and unafraid to let his strength shimmer through his sweet-laced words. It did not take a mastermind to realise why he might be here, especially when she had been in talks over the subject with her father all moon. The reason why Queen Radhja had sent her son here was the same reason she wished for her brother to meet with his cousin. But there was one difference: her brother did not hold the future keys to Ravaryn, she did. Under no circumstance would she forfeit them.

No matter how distrusting she was of the man in front  of her, no manners were lost in their conversation. Contrary to her display of cool politeness, Rashid Daetrys chose a different route all-together. In response to his shameless flirtation she just straightened her back a little. "And Ravaryn will do its best to ensure your satisfaction." Her sweet-laced words were little in comparison to his, but it showed him that she would win whatever game he wanted to play with her. She was not some ultimate trophy to be own by him.

Finally, the rest of the Xailan company arrived. Arianna instantly felt more at ease as the radiant sun that was Nymeria Daetrys strided in, and she showed the woman a kind smile. Their meeting did not last soon, however, as the princess knew better than to keep tired royals hanging around the grand hall of the palace. All of them went with their Ylindar escorts, except for one. She could feel herself wanting to sigh at the prince's request, wanting nothing more than to be rid of him, but she kept herself composed. "If that is what you wish it will be my honour to show you "all the best places"." She told him with a nod of her head. "Where would you like to go first? If you wish to learn more about the history of Ravaryn I suggest one of our galleries, though the gardens are lovely year-round." Many places were available to him, but she assumed a panther like him would want to see those hidden from even their own citizens.

erg royale outfit rawr
Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:34 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
The court of dreams MBUw8GTG_o
The court of dreams 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
Walk slow through the fire
Like, who gon' try us?
In truth, his extremely well-organized display of lethal mannerisms was merely an act he showed to everyone he barely knew, as the man tried very hard to hide every part of him that felt utterly useless. It outed itself in showing arrogance, which was simply a way of trying to protect whatever was lurking underneath. Only the people within his inner circle could see him for what he really was since they were the only ones he actually trusted. But, while he certainly felt some distaste for the fact that his mother had not told him anything, he realized that he could most definitely benefit from this arrangement. This woman could very well be his ticket out of a bad situation.

Her response to his attempt at flirting with her was met with a crooked smile as only one of the corners of his mouth was lifted. ”Oh, I have no doubt about that.” He told her, continuing this display of manners with a gaze that possibly did the opposite, as his dark brown eyes stared deeply into hers. Once again, his words were laced with a double meaning, but she would surely catch onto that. And she would not be the only one, as he could feel Yasmin’s warning glare. ”Oh, please, if my cousin annoys you, you should come and find me. I will try to speak some sense into him.” The woman said, her voice sounding as sweet as ever, giving the Crown princess a casual wink to let her know she was on her side. ”Oh, you wound me, dear cousin.” He responded while he placed his hand over his heart as he pretended to feel hurt by her comment. But, in a way, this showed how deep his bond with his cousin ran, meaning that if she wanted to find out anything about him, she would be her person, along with Briseis.

When the rest of his family arrived, his attention got more divided until they all began following the servants to their rooms. Then his eyes moved back to the Crown princess. He could tell from the look on her face that she was not happy about him staying, but she kept herself composed, as would be expected of her. And he had no trouble making use of those expectations. His smile widened once again as she spoke. ”Oh, I do love history.” He told her - sarcastically - after she asked him what he wanted to see. While Rashid knew his own fair share of history about his kingdom, only because he was, in fact, well-read, it was not his favorite subject. Either way, after he said that, he repositioned himself again, looking back into her eyes with that charming smile. ”But, while I would love to see those art galleries, as well as the garden, I am actually more interested in getting to know your favorite places.” He admitted, for a moment, allowing his smile to show more genuine curiosity. After all, one's favorite places could tell a lot about a person.
Feeling the world go against us
So we put the world on our shoulders

Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:55 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
The court of dreams 9s9opHd
The court of dreams Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
The princes of Ravaryn had not been the only subjects discussed when it came to marriage. She had felt as if she was selling them out, even if it was one of her many duties as future of the crown. But when it came to proposals for herself, she was even more reluctant to even consider any. Never would she gamble away her country to someone who could take its power to himself, and ruin it. She would burn before anyone would take her country from her.

Her doubt regarding the Prince of Xaila was kept well hidden as their small talk continued. There was an intensity in the stare with which he looked at her, one that made her own gaze far more frosty than it usually was. There was not a crevice she kept open for him to look into. "Then our alliance will be as strong as it has always been." She told him. Before any of their remarks could continue, his cousin chimed in. For a moment, surprise was written all over her face. Then, her face thawed a little as she looked at the woman who had so casually threatened the prince. Her lips formed into a slight smile and she offered the young woman a nod. She would remember that.

Once everyone was gone, it was just the two of them once more. As she offered to formally show him around, she could see it was not the answer he wished to hear. Briefly she raised a brow at his remark. "You should, a country's history is essential to its future." She said politely, completely ignoring his sarcasm. Arianna guessed what he was about to ask her as he smiled at her again, and it was precisely what she did not want to show him. Though, his posture did seem to change to something more authentic. Was the beast inside him retreating? For the sliver of genuineness, she did not wish to punish him. "Someone's favourite places can reveal quite a lot about them. Do you wish to learn more about me, your highness?" She asked him. Her gaze had become a little darker, a little more dangerous. Would he truly want to know her, or was it all a ploy? "I will agree to it, as long as you promise to tell me about yourself in return." She then said as she turned toward one of the many hallways, ready to go.

erg royale outfit rawr
Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:22 pm
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