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[FOF] a court of thorns and roses
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Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses 9s9opHd
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
Every sound in the ballroom had died when the princess had arrived. As she had walked down the stairs, her gown had twinkled in the many lights, as if she was a star from the heavens above that came down to their world. Perhaps her handmaidens had known she would have that effect, as they had placed a crown made of stars atop her head. Her hair cascaded freely over her shoulders. Instead of a princess, Arianna looked much like an otherworldy being tonight.

The many pairs of eyes that were on her had not left when she moved through the crowd. By all means it made her feel more on edge, but none of that was reflected in the calm look that was displayed on her face. She had greeted her father with a bow, as well as the impressive elf that stood next to him. When the governor had looked at her and she noted a look that lingered on approval, she had felt a chill run down her spine. It was, perhaps, the grandest compliment she would receive tonight.

Her path had continued and she had now approached a tall-looking man, who she knew to be the governor's son. He was standing by himself, curiously, and she could not help but notice his ethereal beauty. He really did look like his father, she told herself. "My Lord," she greeted him politely. She offered him a nod of her head out of respect, the latter of which would be the root of this very careful conversation. It would appease her father, she told herself, like it would appease his.

& Anteros Aerendyl

Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:20 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Anteros Aerendyl
Anteros Aerendyl
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses HCRTOef
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses What-did-you-say-coriolanus-snow

Character sheet
Age: 28 y/o
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Arrogant piece of shit

snow lands on top


tag: Arianna Ylindar | notes: Outfit

 He didn't like these festivities. He had better things to do back home, but in stead he was stuck at this ball. The only good thing, the wine, was something that poured generously and he had planned on making good use of that. A glass filled with the red liquid in his hand, while he looked around the crowd. There was nobody who actually piqued his interest, every single one looked boring. He had noticed that most of the people went straight to the king and his father next to him, exchanging all kinds of pleasantries that did not interest him in the slightest. Feeling constricted in the almost black looking dark blue suit filled with a silver tread that made it look like stars and constellations. The darkness of the suit made his white hair stand out even more, like a beacon within a storm. His warm blue eyes went over the crowd once more, before they noticed someone coming up to him.

And not just someone. Part of his studies had been knowing the elite of the other regions, knowing who he had and shouldn't please. The woman walking up to her, floating almost, did indeed get his full attention. When she stopped  in front of him, greeting and nodding her head in respect, he returned the greeting in a respectful manner. "Your Royal Highness." He spoke, his voice a mix of respect and soft sweetness. "May I compliment you on your attire, you look absolute stunning. As if the gods plucked a star out of the night sky and placed her in front of me." He held up his glass, before taking a sip of the deep red wine. Doing good in this conversation might please his father, giving him a leeway to get out of the other royal pleasantries. He just had to survive this conversation with the Crown Princess of Raveryn, no big deal. 
Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:03 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses 9s9opHd
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
The most difficult family to please would be the noble and ancient Aerendyl family. Though they were not of a royal status, they might as well be. Arianna had only ever heard great things about them —if you were able to look past their curious marital practices. Yet even that could be explained by taking one look at them and the magical prowess that seemed to surround them as they moved through the crowd. If she had that kind of power... She could only think what it would do to her.

Striking up a conversation with one of the governor's sons was more of a necessity than it was a pleasure. But both the son and her, the daughter, seemed to know the real reason behind sending out all those invitations to noble families. They were here to make alliances. So Arianna showed the tall elf a kind smile as he praised her with words that sounded like a poem. "You are too kind, my lord." She told him as she tilted her head slightly, just so she could take in his appearance. "The stars adorn us both tonight, it seems." She went on. "Though you are the one that knows what it truly feels like to hone a bit of that ethereal power of the moon and her stars." After all, he was a moon elf, and only those blessed by Lythrania knew the celestial power. She was but a mere human next to him.

Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Anteros Aerendyl
Anteros Aerendyl
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses HCRTOef
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses What-did-you-say-coriolanus-snow

Character sheet
Age: 28 y/o
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Arrogant piece of shit

snow lands on top


tag: Arianna Ylindar | notes: Outfit

All this was political nonsense, all the guests were here for a reason, and all of them had their own agenda. He would bet his roses on it that no one here had a sincere objective being here. His father most of all, looking to smooth out relationships and bond his children to another big family. He hated it, but like all his siblings he knew that one day he as well will have to get married. The only good thing about that was that he could use his own flowers for a wedding. A small light in an endless tunnel of darkness.  

His words strike true, resulting in a slight head tilt and a return of the compliment. One he took with a smile and a solemn nod. Her words spoke truth. He, and his family, were the one that were blessed by the moon and her stars. Yet, here within this region of cold, he felt his power waning. He wasn't as strong as his father or his brother, who could wield even this far away from the source. He, on the other hand, could barely freeze the glass that he was holding. Anteros smiled softly. "Trust me, Your Royal Highness, I might be just a commoner next to someone as dazzling as you. If one would take a good moment to look at you, really look at you, they might see an almost ethereal woman, a goddess in a human form." Thankfully he could hide the poison in his voice, speaking the way that he had been taught. Giving compliments to keep the conversation flowing. Placing  himself below her, as one of her rank suits.  
Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:22 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses 9s9opHd
[FOF] a court of thorns and roses Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
In her lifetime Arianna had spoken to very few moon elves. They seemed even more illustrious than the Xailan sun elves, some of whom she even had a personal connection with. Moon elves on the other hand, especially the Aerendyl family, were creatures of pure magic and mystery. They moved with a grace that felt a little familiar to her, but it was also entirely otherworldly.

The young lord in front of her was no exception. He spoke in beautiful prose about the way she looked, which made her ponder on what books he had read to make him speak so eloquently. "You flatter me, my lord." She said, briefly averting her eyes so she could escape his gaze. "I would not think myself as glittering as you make me seem in your gallant words." In an expert manner she remained humble under his flattery. "I must say that one might believe you to be truly royal; you carry yourself with a manner of dignity and grace that is absent even in those that carry royal titles." She said it so effortlessly that it would make one think she was born to speak in such an elegant manner, which in fact, she was.

Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:17 pm
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