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[DMB] Your imagination is the only limit.
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Damian Lunetta
Damian Lunetta
[DMB] Your imagination is the only limit. 5GPsqhT
[DMB] Your imagination is the only limit. FWMBmFh

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Damian Lunetta
The Duke's Masked ball, it was that time of the year again. And while he was standing in front of the mirror, he was wondering if it was the correct plan to actually go to the festivities. The past few years he hadn't shown his face there, mostly because he had been to busy with taking care of his girlfriend. He also felt like it wasn't his place to be, as he was very much a black sheep within Ashmoor. Not that anyone would know, he wasn't going to take his spellbook with him, he was smart enough to do that. Still, he felt naked without it, as if he was only half himself. He sighed, while he looked over his own body in the mirror. This suit, it felt both over and under dressed for the occasion. The dress code was high formal, so he actually picked out his best suit for it. His mother had leant him a mask, one that was from his grandparents. It all felt to much, but he was happy that they wanted to help. They had seen what his relationship had costs him and even thought he didn't want to accept their help, they did their best. He picked up the mask, bound it behind his head and looked in the mirror. A weird superiority feeling overcame him. Maybe he could do this, nobody would recognize him, he was a nobody. He could be a ghost.

Looking up at the palace, Damian shuddered. It was busy, a lot of people were trying to get in, even without the appropriate passport. It had been a good thing that his mother was from the Upper Ring, as that was his way in. He walked up to the people in front of the door, who stopped him and asked for his papers. Damian got his passport from out of his suit and showed that he was, indeed, from the Upper Ring. Unable to smile, he only nodded and walked through.
It wasn't the first time he had been in the Duke's palace, this was also not his first Masked Ball. But somethings had changed from the last time he had been here. And there were a lot of people, all in gorgeous outfits and masks that made them unrecognizable. He felt a little more at ease, knowing that there was no way anyone would know who he was. Just as that he had no idea who all these people were. He decided to go for a drink first, getting those nerves under control.
With a glass of wine in his hand, he looked around. He knew that a lot of people here were looking for a future, for someone else or themselves. He finished his wine, maybe it was time for a dance. His greenish brown eyes looking for someone who looked willing. Or maybe willing was too big of a word. He reached his hand out to a woman who looked like she could use a dance. "Sorry, m'lady. Can I steal this dance from you?" He asked with a smile.

- Suit
- Mask
- Tag: Jane Winter
Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:06 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
[DMB] Your imagination is the only limit. EmesTWTJanebanner
[DMB] Your imagination is the only limit. EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

Jane felt like an absolute princess, straight out of one of her favorite storybooks. Her dress, picked out by her exquisite fashionable sister, of course, fitted the young Winter perfectly. Flowing around her like a cloud as she walked down the stairs of the Winter Palace. The orchestra was already playing the most fantastical tunes, and she could hear the buzz coming from excited guests in the hall and ballroom, lifting her spirits straight to Renestrae. She would lie if she said she looked forward to this evening. Sure, she was happy to celebrate her uncle's birthday, but the last time she was here, her arm was wrapped around that of her late fiancé, two years ago. Beaming at his side, so proud to be his future bride. The year after that, she didn't even come to the ball, too distraught by the painful memories. Today was her first time after the tragic loss, and well... it was quite the hurdle to cross for the young woman. But the dress definitely gave her more confidence. She felt divine, which was clear to see in her lovely smile and her kind brown eyes behind her matching mask.

The excitement helped for a short while. Seeing all of her family in their best attire, hidden behind their masques. The music, the decorations, and the atmosphere positively crackled with electricity, it filled her heart with warmth and pride that she was a part of the family who made all of this possible for the people of Alderrath. And she quickly remembered the added mystery of everyone wearing a mask. She didn't recognize anyone but her family. Which was the first crack in her happiness this night. She could see them in the crowd, and soon all her siblings and cousins—even her parents—took the hands of their partners and danced the night away, while Jane stood on the side. Alone. Horribly confronted with that fact. She held a smile on her face, but her sight blurred with tears as she watched her sister dance with her fiancé and his way too familiar face. Jane turned away, wondering why she tortured herself with that image once again. Perhaps it was a mistake to come. Perhaps she should just excuse herself and hide away upstairs, like she had done the previous year. Or perhaps she should go look for the champagne and drink the night into oblivion. Before she could make a decision on any of that, though, someone put his hand out in front of her. She looked up to see a pair of gentle brown eyes underneath a golden mask.

The man before her was dressed in an elegant white suit, which, in a strange way, both made him fit in and stand out. He almost seemed like some kind of phantom, appearing from nowhere. His smile was kind, however, and she couldn't help but smile an honest and kind smile back at him. The stranger had taken Jane by such surprise that she almost forgot to answer his question. "I'd love to." Her voice was soft but just loud enough to be heard above the music.  "But you do not have to steal it, good sir. I gladly give it for free." She continued with a sweet grin, before placing her hand in his.

@Damian Lunetta.
(C) Ross
Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:42 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Damian Lunetta
Damian Lunetta
[DMB] Your imagination is the only limit. 5GPsqhT
[DMB] Your imagination is the only limit. FWMBmFh

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Damian Lunetta
Maybe he should've drank more wine before he start his mingle between all the dancing guests. Maybe that would have calmed then nerves shooting through his veins right now. Glad that he was anonymous right now, so that he would not get any difficult questions nor people who recognize him. He wanted to just disappear with this drink after the night was done. Maybe a dance, left or right, but nothing serious. He wasn't looking for a relationship, for a marriage. He knew his parents would approve if he would get married. If he would just forget her and continue on. But he couldn't. He couldn't just forget the love of his life. Damian sighed softly, before adjusting his posture and looking around the dancing people. His gaze fell on a lonely woman, who looked just as miserable as him, desperate to get out of these festivities. Slowly walking up to her, he asked if he could steal a dance from her.
She told him that she would gladly give it for free, which made him smile underneath his mask. "Good to hear." He reacted softly, slowly pulling her in closer, placing a hand over her waist while keeping the other entangled with hers. Damian was told that the man had to lead, but knowing that some traditions were changing, he actually hesitated. Maybe a bit to long, which let him miss the beat on which he was suppose to start the dance. Smiling sheepishly, he just lead the dance. "This anonymisation, gift of curse?" He asked genuinely while he twirled her over the dance floor. Curious to hear what she had to say about the ball.  

- Suit
- Mask
- Tag: Jane Winter
Thu Oct 12, 2023 11:07 pm
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