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Labyrinth [FOP]
Time will tell
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Xaila Royal Family
Briseis Daetrys
Briseis Daetrys
Labyrinth [FOP] GWQE4XG
Labyrinth [FOP] 9BqD9cN

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Spymaster for Xaila
She was chaos and beauty
intertwined, a tornado of roses from divine
Her keen elf eyes had not betrayed her yesterday. Briseis had known from the moment she had laid eyes on the tall male. Those brown eyes of her had spotted him in the crowd and they had instantly known who he was. She had not forgotten the male that her aunt hated so. The man that had left her cousin at the altar, although the cousin hadn't been there either. What her cousin had done mattered not, it was the absence of the man that was seen as treachery. And now he had to face justice, whatever that would be. Briseis knew better than to concern her with those decisions.

Like a panther she crept through the city, following her pray. Briseis was dressed fairly simple, in attire that would make no Xailan turn around. Yet while she acted the part, she felt her mind trail off. Since yesterday her world was turning and spinning, and she felt like she could harldy keep her footing. But she could not fail today. She could not ever fail with all those burning eyes always looking down upon her. She would prove she was better. It was a mistake to think about this, she now realised. Without paying attention the sun elf had followed the male into a desolated allyway. There was little to do now but confront him, how foolish of her. But perhaps she could twist this to her advantage once again.

& Rhysand Zinyra

[FOP - day 2]

Hete outfit
Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:07 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
Labyrinth [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
Labyrinth [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
He might've been hungover, still drunk on the vague memories of last night, but even then he wasn't foolish enough to fall right into whatever trap was being set up for him. Throughout his lifetime in Al-Qahil he'd found himself within more than enough shady situations and coming across those of ill nature. Once the back alleys of the capital became your hideout it would take a damned professional to fool him. And whatever this figure was planning, they might have to reconsider their skill in stealth and wariness before ever trying to sneak up on him again.

By the gods, he simply craved a breath of fresh air to ease his pounding headache, not to fall victim to a strange figure's failed pursuit. So, instead of making a scene and facing the mysterious figure head on, he decided to take the scenic route home, leading the two of them into an abandoned alley, away from the few people walking these streets on the city's day of resting.

As expected, the sorcerer was met with a dead end, forcing him to finally turn around and meet the gaze of this mysterious figure which, to his surprise, turned out to be a frail and fragile looking woman dressed in robes of plain colored fabric. He couldn't refrain an eyebrow from raising as he looked at her. Truly, this woman would be the person determined to overpower him and rat him out to the royals? He almost scoffed at the thought. "Did nobody ever teach you not to follow strange men into dark and deslolate alleys, dear?" Even his delicate sorcerer friend would've stood better chance against him than this.. woman.  
@ Briseis Daetrys
Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:34 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Royal Family
Briseis Daetrys
Briseis Daetrys
Labyrinth [FOP] GWQE4XG
Labyrinth [FOP] 9BqD9cN

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Spymaster for Xaila
She was chaos and beauty
intertwined, a tornado of roses from divine
An outcast like her would never be treated with the same grace as the rest of her family. The flame that burned within her was meant to be hidden, not showcased. She and her 'pale' complexion —compared to the rest of the Daetrys line— were not worthy of the pointy ears she bore. She was meant to stay in the shadows. And as she dwelled amongst them, never being the centerpiece, her aunt had recognized the potential within her. She would not shine, but she would see.

Usually when Briseis observed and reported, she did her job well. Her endless need for perfection made sure she never made foolish mistakes. But since yesterday, she had let her emotions take charge. Because of it she was now as trapped as the man she needed to find. He turned around, and the look on his face was one she recognized from everyone around her: distaste and disappointment. "Not when I need something of them." She said slowly as she took a step toward him. In a fight, he'd eventually overpower her. She was far more agile, more than he'd recognize, but he was undoubtedly stronger. One thing remained hidden though: her elven heritage. By no means should he suspect she belonged to the ruling species. "Or rather, I need you." She then decided to say. This was no time to appear frail, not against a predator like him. What he didn't know was that she'd turn out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Hete outfit
Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:51 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
Labyrinth [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
Labyrinth [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
Why hadn't he simply spent the day in between his sheets like the majority of the city today. Taunted by vague memories of the night before as the scent of the silver haired sorcerer lingered in between his sheets. The headache would've faded eventually, but now another headache presented itself in the shape of a woman foolish enough to think she'd even stand a chance facing him. Quite ironic, how desperate commoners were, putting their own life on the line when promised some coin in return. Well, sadly for her, she would be leaving this alley empty handed.

The sorcerer tilted his head to the side as she spoke, the look in his eyes as unimpressed as ever. Just as he assumed, she was there for him. Of course she was, he could imagine the Daetrys family being petty enough to promise plenty of coin as long as they'd be able to see him pay the price for disrespecting their daughter, whatever price they had in mind. Knowing them, they would've loved to throw him into the sun ring once more, putting his shame on display for the sake of the people's entertainment by making him duel against some undefeatable opponent or something.   

"That's one way of courting me," he dryly commented, rolling his shoulders back as he prepared himself for whatever move she'd planned. Worst case scenario, there would be a dagger hidden beneath those rags wrapped around her body. Even then the advantage would be his. As long as he would be able to disarm her, she would be in no state to harm him in any way. By the gods, he truly didn't want to have to do this. He could use all the petty words he wanted and dispose of his many lovers with ease, but getting violent towards a woman was a new kind of dishonor, one even he wasn't quite comfortable with.

The man sighed, bracing himself for her possible attempt at attacking as he decided to give her one shot at accepting his mercy. "Pick your battles wisely, dear," he spoke, looking her up and down once more. With those rags wrapped around her, she almost looked like a beggar of some sort. No wonder she so desperately needed the coin. "Turn around and go celebrate this day with your family. Xeion wouldn't spare me if I were to bring harm upon a woman under his gaze."
@ Briseis Daetrys
Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:46 am
IC Posts
Xaila Royal Family
Briseis Daetrys
Briseis Daetrys
Labyrinth [FOP] GWQE4XG
Labyrinth [FOP] 9BqD9cN

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Spymaster for Xaila
She was chaos and beauty
intertwined, a tornado of roses from divine
Rhysand Zinyra had built up quite the name in the palace halls. Now, the queen wished to see him before her, or rather, in the dungeons. When Radhja wanted something, it would be done. So if she wanted her niece to chase down a traitor like Rhysand Zinyra, she did. And she had to do this correctly, there could be no losing him today.

The man in front of her did not think of her as a threat, she could read that easily from the way he looked at her. She must seem like a fragile being to him. Part of her wanted to immediately show him she wasn't, but she knew better than to lay out all her cards in the open. "Believe me, I would not want to court you." She simply said. A warning came from him, a call for her to turn home. But there was no turning around for Briseis, she had to dot his. Perhaps that way, she could finally gain her aunt's respect. "You speak of women as if they are lesser, in a country that is ruled by them." She spat at him, clearly irritated by his misoginy. A sigh left her lips and she looked him straight in the eye. There was no time to play games today.

"Rhysand Zinyra, I will ask you once to come with me. You are wanted by the Queen." She told him slowly. "Come with me willingly and perhaps I won't need to hurt you." She went on. One last chance, one he would be wise to take for both their sakes.

Hete outfit
Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:36 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
Labyrinth [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
Labyrinth [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
No matter the occasion, trouble always seemed to find him, even when he wasn't actively looking for it. All he'd wanted to do was to ease his headache with an afternoon stroll, hoping to figure out the strange and unfamiliar feelings his friend left him with while quietly reminiscing about the events of last night. Instead, however, he found himself within a murky alley, stuck with a beggar desperate to sell him out to the royal family. By the gods, he should've just stayed inside his room today.

The necromancer raised his eyebrow as she spoke, clearly unimpressed by both her dainty appearance and the so called threat she seemingly imagined herself to be. "You'd be the first," he responded, an unapologetic smirk smeared across his face. Perhaps his careless and cocky attitude managed to hide the fact that he was pretty bummed out by the whole encounter. Not because she succeeded in intimidating him. "Are you trying to put words in my mouth, darling?" the man continued, looking her up and down once more in hopes of getting a better view of what she could possibly be hiding under those rags. "Man or woman, you either fail to impress me or you don't." There were quite some women he'd estimate to make a fair opponent against him. Some of the Sun Sisters were a breathing example of that. The dark haired sorcerer took a step forward, but didn't close the distance between them quite yet. "You wouldn't believe me if I'd tell you I'm no stranger to the power Xailan women hold," he continued, a faint scoff following his words. "Which is why, with all due respect, I am giving you a final warning."

Alas, no matter how he'd sugarcoat his words or defend himself against her accusations of misogyny, this young lady didn't plan on backing down from whatever stupid mission she'd set her mind to. The royals should've known better than to send this innocent commoner out on their little fetch quest, all so that he could be framed as the bad guy once more weren't she able to succeed. "Oh, you bet I am," he sighed, briefly cracking his neck to relieve himself from its tension. "My apologies, love," he stated moments before swiftly moving forward, bridging the little distance left between them before forcing her against one of the stone walls of the alley, attempting to pin her wrists above her head in hopes of preventing her from pulling out any kind of weapon from beneath the rags. "I wish we could've met under different circumstances."
@ Briseis Daetrys
Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:50 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Royal Family
Briseis Daetrys
Briseis Daetrys
Labyrinth [FOP] GWQE4XG
Labyrinth [FOP] 9BqD9cN

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Spymaster for Xaila
She was chaos and beauty
intertwined, a tornado of roses from divine
It would be her great pleasure to round him up, she soon realised. From the moment he opened his filthy mouth she was met with unwavering misogyny and a sense of being 'better than'. Moreover, this man was just an absolute egomaniac.

The more he spoke, the more she wished for him to burst into flames. Would her aunt forgive her if he would? Miracles happened every day.. No, she no choice but to follow her orders. "I won't be the last." She simply assured him. As expected, he continued to annoy her. "I would not want to come close to the mouth of a traitor like you." She spoke with a vigor that was a little uncommon for someone dressed like her. But she doubted he would think much of her regardless. A silent sigh slipped her mouth when he continued his prideful charade. "It is not me who should be warned." She managed, before it all escalated.

It was a thousand different factors that made her fail momentarily. She had let herself slip and now she faced the consequences as he pressed her against the wall. To make matters worse, he continued talking. He was undoubtedly stronger than her and she only managed to wiggle free one of her wrists. But that, together with her growing anger, was enough. In a split-second a flame appeared in her palm as she enclosed it around one of his arms. The pain he must be feeling now served as a distraction to pull her other hand free. "I think these circumstances are quite perfect." She mused as the corners of her mouth pulled up slightly. "Are you ready to come with me yet?" She asked him as she struggled to hold onto his arm for as long as possible. The Queen had said little about him getting hurt, in fact, she didn't think the woman would mind a few burn marks.

Hete outfit
Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:08 am
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