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I'm feeling so alive wasting time
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm feeling so alive wasting time Image
I'm feeling so alive wasting time Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The mood immediately changed on board as the Xailan coast was in view. Ezekiel was leaning over the railing of the ship, feeling warm air hit his skin, rather than the chilly sea breeze they had felt when they left Lythrania. The days spend on deck had been freeing, as the people were all excited for what was to come. The change of scenery, the different people, tastes, culture. Everything was nothing like Lemurian customs, and he couldn't wait to take advantage of them.

The last few days had been a bit tougher, as everybody had been tired of the long journey. But now that that journey was at it's end, the cheery chatter started to fill the air once more. Everybody crowded to the upper deck as the sailed into the port. Everybody was eager for solid ground, proper food and wine, and a good night sleep. But the silver haired sorcerer was way too excited to think about sleeping now. So once their boat was safely anchored at it's spot, he took his wife's hand as they set foot on Xailan soil.

Ezekiel did recognize some parts of the land, but it was just as foreign for him as he looked around. They'd agreed to explore the capital together as they were hungry to experience something else than the feeling of the waves. ‘‘What do you want to do first?’’ he asked Chaska, not even looking at her as he had his head craned backwards, taking in the decorated buildings, the gold shimmering in the strong sunlight. This place was really the exact opposite of Lythrania and he already wished their trip here would be longer than it was.
Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:48 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
I'm feeling so alive wasting time 7mKmf4U5_o
I'm feeling so alive wasting time 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The two of them had barely been given any time to get used to their new life as a married couple. Not long after the wedding it was time to set sail to their neighbouring kingdom of Xaila. With Lemuria residing right next to the desert kingdom, there were many Xailan stories documented within their libraries. She'd read about the Infernal Wilds and its dangers, about the beautiful capital and the hardworking citizens inhabiting it. She'd even read things about the royal family, being the largest of bloodlines in all of Odiria. Even though she would've liked the time to settle within her newfound role as a wife, the sorceress couldn't help but to feel excited about the whole trip. At least she was able to finally lay eyes upon the golden kingdom before she wouldn't be able to see it with her own eyes ever again.

Residing on a ship was nothing new to her, but residing on a ship for weeks on end was an experience she couldn't have prepared herself for. The first few days were alright, spending most of her days on deck and looking out over the seemingly endless waves. As time progressed, however, she'd find herself eager to sleep in a real, comfortable bed and take one of her more luxurious baths.

With the never ending journey finally seeming to come on an end, the sorceress was thrilled to get herself off this ship and explore the city. So when the ship finally anchored and her husband took hold of her hand, she couldn't wait to finally set foot on solid ground once more. The city was way more beautiful than she'd ever imagined. She had never seen so much gold in her life, staring at both the buildings and the citizens passing her by as she left the docks behind her. "I don't know," she quietly responded, barely taking in the words of her husband as she didn't know where to look first. "You've visited before, haven't you?" The realization suddenly dawned upon her as she sought out his odd colored gaze. "Why don't you show me around?" Her words came paired with an enthusiastic smile and a faint sqeeze of her hand. "Or buy me a more Xailan-suited wardrobe, perhaps," she continued jokingly, though that did sound like a solid plan. She could already feel the sun deity's unforviving rays burning onto her pale skin. Unlike her husband, she hadn't been gifted with a cute tan like his. Instead, she was more prone to turning into some kind of lobster if she weren't careful enough.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:10 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm feeling so alive wasting time Image
I'm feeling so alive wasting time Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
His wife seemed even more impressed with the city than he was. He'd almost forgotten that she had never been to the capitol before. Growing up close to the ruling Vylasar's maybe had it's perks after all. If not for the power of his aunt, he might never had reason to be here before. But he would have preferred a free live in Moonbright over staying in Lythrania every day in the week, even it was for the rare journeys across the continent.

So as they stood with their necks craned, looking at everything alien around them, it was Chaska that seemed to feel even more lost. He produced a confirming grunt when she asked if he had been here before. But when she asked for him to show her around, he turned his gaze back to her, eyebrows raised. ‘‘It was years ago,’’ he replied shortly. But when he saw her happy expression, he felt slightly guilty of replying curtly. However, when she started about him buying her clothes, he rolled his eyes with a slight chuckle. ‘‘Ah, I see. This is what the married life is all about,’’ he replied in the same jokingly voice. ‘‘My pockets empty.’’ Did she mean it though? If so, this girl really needed some other friends who she could spend the day browsing through colorful fabrics with, because it felt like a really long day.

He wasn't a total jerk, as his gaze softened a bit as he turned his head to the streets again, guiding her forward as he picked a random direction. ‘‘Let just walk around for a bit and see what we find,’’ he suggested. They really were out of place, foreigners with their light skin and hints of Lemurian silver in their jewelry. But it was festival season, so he supposed the locals were prepared for some lost tourists. ‘‘I just remember that everything is different here,’’ he told her when he scanned the surroundings. The smells, the food, and most of all, the people. Except for maybe people that found themselves important. Those were jerks in every country. ‘‘But in a good way. People just seem to enjoy life more.’’
Fri Jun 30, 2023 1:15 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
I'm feeling so alive wasting time 7mKmf4U5_o
I'm feeling so alive wasting time 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
It was quite impressive, finally being able to lay eyes upon the neighbouring kingdom. Shooting her husband a brief glance in between, she could tell he had a similar reaction, even when it wasn't even his first time taking in the city's beauty. She'd never really asked him during their trip to the desert kingdom, but as she laid eyes upon the city herself for the first time, she was starting to grow fairly curious about his previous adventures in the capital, especially when he'd cut her off about it so swiftly.

"So?" she responded as she rolled her eyes, though still tightly keeping her fingers intertwined with his. "You never told me about that trip." But alas, even when they hadn't fought or had any big fallouts with one another ever since their marriage, their overall communication remained as stiff as ever, the only time when they truly seemed to be on the same page being in between the sheets. Perhaps they simply needed some time. The fact that he was holding her hand as of now was something she hadn't even dared to imagine before their wedding. "They shouldn't have granted you the pleasures of marrying a woman when you wouldn't be able to afford her," the sorceress continued to answer, though she was clearly just teasing him as her lips were curled into a smile.

Luckily, it seemed as if he still had some manners drilled into him as boy, promising her to 'see what they could find'. Giving him a brief, agreeing shrug in return she couldn't help but widening her smile as he continued. She wouldn't admit it to him, probably, but she quite enjoyed hearing him talk about the desert kingdom. Sure, she'd read a lot about it already, but he had actually been there and experienced the riches of their culture for himself. "They could use some of that attitude back in Lemuria," she joked in response, encouraging him to finally get going with a gentle tug at his arm. "But how do you know? Did they allow you to go venture off on your own back then?" Suddenly, she was very intrigued by the stories about his previous travel, wondering why she hadn't asked him as much before. Well, maybe she just didn't want him to feel all high and mighty about being able to travel towards other kingdoms. It wasn't as if his ego wasn't big enough as it was as of now.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:02 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm feeling so alive wasting time Image
I'm feeling so alive wasting time Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Xaila felt like a happy place he had forgotten all about. The memories came trickling back at every glance he took. Every sense opened a door to a memory he had no idea he still harboured. The way how dense the air felt, or the smells of spices, or the way the people spoke and dressed. He knew it was different, but he only knew how different, when he experienced it again first hand.

The sorcerer chuckled as Chaska didn't take no for an answer. In the past he might be annoyed by her comment, and scold her for being so nosy. But well, it was all in good faith now. ‘‘A lot can change in a few years, that's what I meant,’’ he said when he glanced back at her for a moment. ‘‘I was barely of age back then. I was just messing around the whole time when I was here.’’ He remembered the long nights, and how he would sleep away during the day to do it all over again the next night. The angry glares of his family when he turned up at breakfast, still a bit tipsy and his hair messy and cheeks puffy from not having enough sleep, but they couldn't say anything about it in company of the Zinyra's. It was marvelous.

Ezekiel looked back at her when she continued the tease him with that smile on her lips. He couldn't help but grin a bit. ‘‘Ah, the pleasures of marriage,’’ ge replied sarcastically. ‘‘Why don't we do it the Xailan way and you buy something for me?’’ he continued with his eyebrows raised for a second, before licking his lips as he held back a smile and looking towards the busy port again.

When he got the memo that they should start exploring, he lead her towards the crowd of sailors and dockworkers to move towards one of the busy looking streets that resembled a main road, shops with brightly colored entrances everywhere.  ‘‘Hm-m,’’ he agreed with her comment they could use some carpe diem energy in Lemuria. Chaska kept being curious about him, or the country, or both. He shrugged slightly. ‘‘I suppose I wasn't allowed, but I just did,’’ he said with a small, cheeky smile. ‘‘We stayed at the Zinyra's then as well. They have kids around my age. We started to hang out and they showed me around.’’ Well, he said "they", but it had mainly been one man. But he wouldn't be a problem right now. ‘‘I suppose we'll meet them again,’’ he said when he looked back at her.  
Tue Jul 11, 2023 4:40 pm
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