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[FOP] We float before the sea at dusk
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
[FOP] We float before the sea at dusk YgnN2uK
[FOP] We float before the sea at dusk 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
☼ Festival of the Phoenix. Day Ⅰ. 9:00 PM OT.

Though burdened by the great heat bestowed onto them, Rhydian hadn't given it much thought whilst passing through the day's more formal traditions. As he was not only distracted by the fast array of beautiful colours surrounding him and the fascinating new cultures around- no, there was more to be seen by him, something way more pretty important than the burning of his shoulders in the ruthless Xailan sun.

The both of them had ventured the ever-reaching seas together, or as she'd no doubt put it, the two of them had found another way for her to run away from everything, a grand southern feast for the both of them to enjoy. And one Rhydian hadn't attended in quite some time, so for it all to be lived through again by him was quite the trip down memory lane. Yet, alongside her, he didn't mind it all. Nor did he mind putting his newly created scars on show.

As they ran clear down his legs and arms, split through his torso, deeply engraving the now untreatable skin. Forever scarring him like a tattoo created with more pain and suffering. But, whilst standing there, in fabrics worn not to cover, he found pride in them where he had seen shame before. Because somehow the ex-princess had a way to turn everything around her into a straight-up work of art. Soothing the pain, mellowing the burning sensation of his shoulders. He smiled whilst walking up to her once more, a glass of burning spirit within his hands- he did not intend to stay sober for the night. It was a feast after all.

He found her at the edge at of it all, where she stood, resembling a beautiful painting on the wall, the kind where artists made their subjects even more beautiful than they truly were. Yet with her, she wasn't crafted by the hand of a skilled painter, no, she did not need touching up like that. She looked like it every day, just as she did now, no doubt gossiping with the women around her, judging the others by the way they dressed. He could only hope he'd meet the standards of her beautifully calculated and cold stares with the way he had chosen to attend tonight's festivities. Unbeknownst to her, it was her he had thought of whilst browsing for it.

"Hey!" he greeted her, his eyes sparkling upon being blessed by the sight of her, a grand smile painted across his face. "I know you must have heard it tons today, but you look stunning, I'd say tonight but really you always do" he winked shortly caressing the skin of her shoulder with the soft touch of his hand [b]"I brought you something"[/b he continued enthusiastically.]

Much thank Nien x
Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:38 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina ElaƩydar
Lumina ElaƩydar
[FOP] We float before the sea at dusk ILBfO3u
[FOP] We float before the sea at dusk DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
The southerners surely knew how to party. Lumina had been to her fair share of festivals thrown by the royal family of Xaila, and they never disappointed. During her time as princess, she'd adored visiting their neighbours during the festivities. Though her cold exterior would not tell anyone as much now, young Lumina had been greatly entertained by the sun elves. They knew how to live their life.

It was the first time in three years that she'd gathered up enough courage and care to drag herself on a ship to Xaila. Actually, that had been Rhydian. After she had told him that she did not know how she would be received these days, he had told her that 'nobody could possibly dislike her'. His advice had not helped, at all, but she had listened to him. So here she was: a different Lumina than the one these people had seen years ago, standing on the edge of the party, unknowing what to do.

Her cold gaze watched the people dance and feast under the rising sun like there would be no tomorrow. She wondered if she could still do the same and actually have it mean something. Perhaps the meaning in her life had returned in the form of Rhydian, as he suddenly appeared in front of her. She managed to smile at the words he spoke, chuckling softly at his enthousiasm. "I must say you look quite handsome yourself." She told him as her eyes trailed down his chest. It took no longer than a second for her finger to do the same, trailing down the scars she could spot. When he spoke again it was as if she woke up from a trance of his physique. "I'm sorry, what?" She asked, not having heard much of what he had been telling her. It was quite easy to get distracted by him.

Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:40 pm
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